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Fifth Call from those in Solitude

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Oh, just be quiet and accept your honorary position as my Concubine of Solitude. <_<

Just because you know that you can get away with saying this sort of thing because I love you so much doesn't mean you should say it. <_<

What moral stance is that? Defending GDI and standing up for the wanton stupidity that GDI represents?

Bird is friends with Rebel Virginia and desires to support his friend in defending his ally, GDI. Nothing wrong with that.

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Friends over Infra. . .

Anyway if VE surrenders will they have to change their flag to that ugly bird thing?

No. Those who surrender will need to use this as their avatar:


The trees hunger, says I.

Edited by Bird of Passage
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No such thing; although there is humor, I see the moral stance here, and I support the idea that a man should stand by his convictions, regardless.

We'll see how this develops.

Oh comon, no you dont lol

There are much, much, much better causes.

You and him are doing this because Jofna asked you too, and Jofna is friends with RyanGDI. Yes I talked to him (really fun conversation), yes he told me "this" would happen if GDI didn't get peace in 24 hours, and no it didn't work.

Margrave, your thread was at least cool about it so as far as I'm concerned good luck, war is fun and we will be happy to oblige you in a respectfull manner. However, don't pretend like its something more then it is please.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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This continued stupidity is giving me a headache. Within the month, the Viridian Entente will exceed Pacificas record of curbstomps because these 'alliances' run by anserine outcasts and dimwitted retards continue to throw themselves into anarchy and selfdestruction. Instead of bothering us about it, they ought to delete their nations. To prevent multiplication of this idiocy.

Hey, Pacifica had Jarheads. You guys haven't had any rush of mass-idiots yet. Wait for it, it'll come. :)

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Oh comon, no you dont lol

There are much, much, much better causes.

You and him are doing this because Jofna asked you too, and Jofna is friends with RyanGDI. Yes I talked to him (really fun conversation), yes he told me "this" would happen if GDI didn't get peace in 24 hours, and no it didn't work.

Margrave, your thread was at least cool about it so as far as I'm concerned good luck, war is fun and we will be happy to oblige you in a respectfull manner. However, don't pretend like its something more then it is please.

While I am in contact with Jofna, I would very much like to make it clear that he had nothing to do with why Solitude has attacked Viridia. He did, in fact, thank me, however.

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Oh comon, no you dont lol

There are much, much, much better causes.

You and him are doing this because Jofna asked you too, and Jofna is friends with RyanGDI. Yes I talked to him (really fun conversation), yes he told me "this" would happen if GDI didn't get peace in 24 hours, and no it didn't work.

Margrave, your thread was at least cool about it so as far as I'm concerned good luck, war is fun and we will be happy to oblige you in a respectfull manner. However, don't pretend like its something more then it is please.

You obviously aren't listening:

I don't care about GDI. Not a bit, not even slightly.

What I am standing for is the individual. You would think a Cyberverse that had been captivated by the likes of Schatt and Doitzel would respect the individual; the man who takes a moral stand, who does not follow the bahhing of the flock; who has the moral courage to do what is right. And yet I see nothing but disrespect towards two brave individuals who have put themselves into the fire for their cause. What right does anyone have to spit on that? So I decided to act, to protest this ridiculous, backwards thinking behavior from people who are otherwise sane.

So now I sit here, despite RV's personality being erratic and my dislike of GDI. My forces bleed, and my country sits in suffering. Pillage, destroy, put it into PZI: I have taken my stand and will not be moved.

Edit: I didn't talk to Jofna until AFTER I had declared. Once I did, he got me on IRC and thanked me, being the cool cat that he is.

Edited by Margrave
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So now I sit here, despite RV's personality being erratic and my dislike of GDI. My forces bleed, and my country sits in suffering. Pillage, destroy, put it into PZI: I have taken my stand and will not be moved.

For the record though, your not on PZI from us. At any point you can pay reps for attacks made and be free to go, other then that its a single ZI and no more.

Edit: Same goes for Birds of Passage

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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That war is thankfully over; this collection of scraps and brawls is hardly linked to that great conflict.

I... see. I think. And thank you so explaining this... to the extent.

Well anyways, now that I know this isn't linked to KARMA i must say, the terms are quite odd to say the least.

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