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A Myriad of Calls from those in Solitude

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A Myriad of Calls from those in Solitude

In all truth, Solitude has been in sporadic existence since the disbandment of Vox Populi. Something of a transitional Affiliation, it has been occupied by various rulers at various periods in various shapes and forms, the most recent being "Blissful Solitude." With this, however, it has returned to its original name, and now, after a landslide vote, it has a flag to call its own. This is an Affiliation for wanderers, refugees, and mercenaries. It carries no Charter, no Government save for myself, no Forum, no specific Color Affinity, and no Channel on any Internet Relay Chat Network. It merely...is, and thus, any nation is welcome to wear it as if it were their own (at their own risk). The following shall be the first Calls from those in Solitude...

First Call

Solitude hereby recognizes the validity of the new Moldavi Doctrine, presented recently by the Dark Lord Ivan Moldavi, representing the New Sith Order. Though it does not belong to Solitude, Solitude hereby undertakes its articles and values as if they were its own.

Second Call

Though there be no treaty or writ to confirm this is as official, Solitude hereby asserts that it needs no such thing; Solitude hereby declares the Crimson Guard its Blood Ally, and should the latter find itself beset by foes, for any reason, Solitude, if in the condition to do so, shall render military, financial, and/or diplomatic assistence to the Guard to the best of its ability. Regarding conflicts in which the Guard is the aggressive party, Solitude will choose to do so, or not to do so, at its own discretion. Solitude would, however, prefer to note that it has no aversion to making such policies official via a treaty.

Third Call

Solitude hereby recognizes His Holiness Rebel Virginia as the rightful Savior of Digiterra, and thus, should the Federated Allied Independence League find itself beset by foes, for any reason, Solitude, if in the condition to do so, shall render military, financial, and/or diplomatic assistence to the League to best of its ability. Regarding conflicts in which the League is the aggressive party, Solitude will choose to do so, or not to do so, at its own discretion. Solitude would, however, prefer to note that it has no aversion to making such policies official via a treaty.

Fourth Call

Recognizing both the First and the Third Calls, as well as my own desire for an impossible war, Solitude hereby offers its military support for the Federated Allied Independence League through a declaration of open war upon the Viridian Entente, as well as any of the latter's allies should they choose to enter the current conflict. May His Holiness Rebel Virginia have mercy upon your souls, for those in Solitude shall have none.

And with that, I ratify the above as words spoken in truth.

Bird of Passage, Wandering Mercenary

The Bird then continued upon the grey, secluded path that he walked endlessly.

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Look I get that you enjoy exercising your sovereignty and all, and I'm sure you love to feel important but;

Are you stupid?

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of standing up to resist wrongs, CN could use it, but in case you didn't notice, GDI is actually in the wrong here. Theres no popular cause to get behind, their leader picked a fight, we gave him one.

Edit: Oh never mind, I assumed this was actually an alliance. Its another one man show, carry on.

Look a war!

Edited by TypoNinja
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The Destruction of the Viridian Entente is assured, nothing can stand against the combined forces of the saviors Rebel Virginia and Bird of Passage.

I made VE a new flag, for when they surrender to Bird of Passage. It's blue, because Solitude is on blue.


Edited by Hell Scream
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Look I get that you enjoy exercising your sovereignty and all, and I'm sure you love to feel important but;

Are you stupid?

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of standing up to resist wrongs, CN could use it, but in case you didn't notice, GDI is actually in the wrong here. Theres no popular cause to get behind, their leader picked a fight, we gave him one.

Edit: Oh never mind, I assumed this was actually an alliance. Its another one man show, carry on.

Recognizing both the First and the Third Calls, as well as my own desire for an impossible war, Solitude hereby offers its military support for the Federated Allied Independence League through a declaration of open war upon the Viridian Entente...

I am not here fighting a Revolution out of some perception of unjust oppression.

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Alright, good to see a war from you. (edit: btw, that link links everyone to their own wars and battles page. You want this link: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...amp;Extended=1)

Good luck, O' Righteous tech raider.

Also, this.

Edited by Sgt Alvin C York
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I hereby recognise the brotherhood between Solitude and Crimson Guard. We go way back. :wub: Bird :wub:

I also demand that you give me an honourary government position in Solitude. :D

Awesome DoE. Although technically, I made a Blissful Solitude announcement once before.

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