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This is not very surprising as Citadel has notoriously avoided fighting until the karma war where they pulled far less weight then SF and CnG.

I dearly hope you're being sarcastic. :huh:

I read the OWF a lot, but it takes a great deal to get me to come out of lurk mode.

You win?

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You know, I think the only reason you made this post was so that you could use the word 'Gromlins'.

And the only reason I made this post was so I can quote it.

Cool stats though. *goes to yell at people to buy tech*

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I dearly hope you're being sarcastic. :huh:

I read the OWF a lot, but it takes a great deal to get me to come out of lurk mode.

You win?

Either you're joking or you're a fantastic troll.

Nothing to be offended by here chaps, we just like to use our words to prevent wars and conflict.

We at the Citadel play a political-nation building-war game, others just play a war game or derivatives thereof.

Each to their own.

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As one of the original founders of the deceased Genmay, I can unequivocally tell you that Umbrella was NOT created with being a Genmay 2.0 in mind. It was created with a different purpose and visions. Umbrella today is nothing like the Genmay of old. So please, calling Umbrella a Genmay 2.0 is about as accurate as calling Mushroom Kingdom a LUE 2.0. They are not the same, arguably the better version of the alliances they replaced.

It's a joke. I didn't feel like using a smilie to indicate it, bad idea I guess. The point was to show that many of the members of Umbrella have been on the receiving end of a beatdown, but still have good stats anyway.

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It's a joke. I didn't feel like using a smilie to indicate it, bad idea I guess. The point was to show that many of the members of Umbrella have been on the receiving end of a beatdown, but still have good stats anyway.

Unjust War fighters have had quite a long time to rebuild. SPW fighters have had less time but still a decent amount. Then again buying tech is a time consuming process.

Recent fighters though are probably *^!@% techwise.

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It's a joke. I didn't feel like using a smilie to indicate it, bad idea I guess. The point was to show that many of the members of Umbrella have been on the receiving end of a beatdown, but still have good stats anyway.

Ahh yes. That is very true. Majority of Umbrella members took a heavy beat down during UJW, look at them today. -_-

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Nothing to be offended by here chaps, we just like to use our words to prevent wars and conflict.

We at the Citadel play a political-nation building-war game, others just play a war game or derivatives thereof.

Each to their own.

Constantly switching sides on the eve of war doesn't make TOP any better at politics (words) than say, the Mushroom Kingdom. And I hope this trumped up sense of awesomeness isn't because TOP is leading the sanction race, $%&@ if that were the case one might mistake Sparta for a half decent alliance. And we all remember not so long ago when GGA was sanctioned.

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Constantly switching sides on the eve of war doesn't make TOP any better at politics (words) than say, the Mushroom Kingdom. And I hope this trumped up sense of awesomeness isn't because TOP is leading the sanction race, $%&@ if that were the case one might mistake Sparta for a half decent alliance. And we all remember not so long ago when GGA was sanctioned.

Well, you clearly know what you're talking about.

Good for you.

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You honestly think Sparta is a half-decent alliance?

I was rather alluding to the fact that TOP just doesn't care that much about the sanction race ever since we had our flag uploaded in-game.

It serves for a tiny bit of internal pride that we're at the head of this arbitrary table but we know full well that even a moderate push by NpO or MHA will put them at the top of the sanction list.

I would rather ten other alliances pull their collective acts together and knock us out of the race, I don't like ghosts.

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I was rather alluding to the fact that TOP just doesn't care that much about the sanction race ever since we had our flag uploaded in-game.

It serves for a tiny bit of internal pride that we're at the head of this arbitrary table but we know full well that even a moderate push by NpO or MHA will put them at the top of the sanction list.

I would rather ten other alliances pull their collective acts together and knock us out of the race, I don't like ghosts.

Does it help you sleep at night telling people you don't want to be at the top of the sanction race or something? Do you think it neutralizes all the arrogant !@#$ you tout the rest of the time?

I know what you were alluding to. I merely used the sanction race as an example of how well you play this political-nation building-war game as you put it. Or do you think this stats thread is somehow a better example of your stunning skills in diplomacy?

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This sort of thing is happening everywhere tho. I just passed the 5K barrier, which is a +1 to both CDT and Poseidon.

He has you beat there, Feanor.

Does it help you sleep at night telling people you don't want to be at the top of the sanction race or something? Do you think it neutralizes all the arrogant !@#$ you tout the rest of the time?

I know what you were alluding to. I merely used the sanction race as an example of how well you play this political-nation building-war game as you put it. Or do you think this stats thread is somehow a better example of your stunning skills in diplomacy?

Personally, it does make me sleep better. When we weren't claiming this I was getting a low amount of sleep :( I would have to sleep 10-11 hours to feel like I got the proper 7-9 hours of sleep. I even bought a temporpedic to help with my sleep, sadly I still had to get 10-11 hours of sleep :( . Then one day while strolling this forum I saw a TOP member say we didn't want to be at the top of the sanction race, I didn't think much of it that night, but when I laid down to sleep I was suddenly caught, in the most terrific dream I have ever had. That morning, I went through my daily routine, just fantasizing about that night. Well that morning my dad was making some very crisp bacon and I walked over to him to see what he was cooking. I then realized that I was taller than my dad(Before that day my dad and I were the same height) I then check how tall I was to see that I was a good two inches taller :D I can safely say for myself that since then(Us saying we didn't want to be on TOP) that my sleep has been great. I asked TOP how their sleep has been since that and these are some of the answer I got.

[10:11] <@DrDan|AFK> Better than ever

[10:18] <@Timberland[TOP]> my sleep has been great

So yes, our sleep has been better ever since then. So in hope that the rightful Sheep(God) of Sleep will grant us with an great sleep. I suggest all future number one's try it. I even believe NPO would have been saved by using this

Edited by Believland
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GW2 & 3 weren't serious?  You could say there hasn't been any serious danger to us in recent wars, perhaps.  That's more likely what you're trying to say.

Stat collecting nom nom nom.

Permit me to correct my earlier statement.

TOP has not fought any serious wars since I joined this game over two years ago... Since then you've fought what Polar war and Karma? Well I fought against NpO too and I certainly wouldn't call it a serious war, NpO just rolled over. As for your action in the Karma war, well you didn't exactly pull the same weight that other alliances of similar sizes did.

Regardless two years with little or no major wars is plenty of time to build up a darn strong nation, and I know that because that's precisely what I've done.

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TOP has not fought any serious wars since I joined this game over two years ago... Since then you've fought what Polar war and Karma? Well I fought against NpO too and I certainly wouldn't call it a serious war, NpO just rolled over.

Well, they were both "serious", but no danger to us.  Since we're discussing the cause, I would also state that good growth gains, recruitment of older nations, and retention of them has also contributed towards the advantage.

As for your action in the Karma war, well you didn't exactly pull the same weight that other alliances of similar sizes did.

Do you have statistics for damage output/alliance from the last war so that we might compare to alliances of similar size?  I'd think only UE would be capable of such a feat, but if you have them, I would be interested in seeing.  Thanks :).

Edited by Dr. Dan
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Do you have statistics for damage output/alliance from the last war so that we might compare to alliances of similar size? I'd think only UE would be capable of such a feat, but if you have them, I would be interested in seeing. Thanks .


Does it help you sleep at night telling people you don't want to be at the top of the sanction race or something? Do you think it neutralizes all the arrogant !@#$ you tout the rest of the time?

Yay for angry rerolls. You probably should at least create a nation, before someone reports you.

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Does it help you sleep at night telling people you don't want to be at the top of the sanction race or something? Do you think it neutralizes all the arrogant !@#$ you tout the rest of the time?

I think that anyone who views us as arrogant is hardly going to be swayed by things like opinion and debate.

I know what you were alluding to. I merely used the sanction race as an example of how well you play this political-nation building-war game as you put it. Or do you think this stats thread is somehow a better example of your stunning skills in diplomacy?

Sadly, we do not have an agreed universal standard of measurement that can accurately how well one plays this game. The in game stats only yield a rough measurement of how badly you fall from the top spots when your brand of politics fails you.

Therefore, if we take your opinion of Sparta as given, I think it goes to show just how easy the most basic diplomacy and political manoeuvring serves to better one's position within the game and that fear and intimidation, while useful tools of the good diplomat, should be used most sparingly to prolong one's stay at the "top".

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Wow, what happened there TOP? everyone in Karma lost about 20% of their previous strength.

If i remember correctly you weren't using nukes on your opponents or being nuked in return? must of been an incredibly hard war for whoever was taking the nukes you didn't want to absorb.

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Wow, what happened there TOP? everyone in Karma lost about 20% of their previous strength.

If i remember correctly you weren't using nukes on your opponents or being nuked in return? must of been an incredibly hard war for whoever was taking the nukes you didn't want to absorb.

I think it's been stated many of times that we did use nukes and got nuked, during the "Karma" war. I would tell you who the alliances that we had nuclear exchanges with, but that's a waste of my time. You'll still end up saying "YOU GUIZ DIDNT UZE N00KZ! HARHARHAR STATCOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLECTORS!" So please learn your facts the next time you come up to bat

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I think it's been stated many of times that we did use nukes and got nuked, during the "Karma" war. I would tell you who the alliances that we had nuclear exchanges with, but that's a waste of my time. You'll still end up saying "YOU GUIZ DIDNT UZE N00KZ! HARHARHAR STATCOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLECTORS!" So please learn your facts the next time you come up to bat

I am just going by memory which is what I stated. I tried to get some info on it before I posted but I can't find anywhere its been recorded, I would definitely like to know which alliances you did and didnt not use nukes against though, so please go ahead and inform me.

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