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Hmm, well I'm personally not trying to colonize, but If I may interject, isn't SoI basically how far you can send your military to do your bidding? I'm sure if a nation with a good navy and ground assualt force could easily claim White land and tell everyone to kiss it.

Not if it's challenged. There are almost no nations in CNRP that can pull off colonization like that by themselves.

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hmm well anyways like I said Im not there to colonize so Idc

You are twisting the words around, its a land claim; its the same exact thing. All people mean by colonize is take over territory, it doesn't matter what you are doing with it. If its not in your SoI you can't have it. Now that doesn't mean you can't have a research facility or send a team there or whatever, but if you want it added to the map and its white land it needs to be within the SoI.

Edited by iamthey
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Also to all the people colonizing Antarctica, most don't meet this special requirement.


*The first claim made by your nation must be within your in-game sphere of influence (SoI). Any claims outside of your sphere after your first claim must be roleplayed out and accepted by the general community.

As long as it's RP'd out, you can claim it.

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Cent, they are RP'ing it out, and OOC-wise, the commmunity is recognizing it. Technically, no rules have been violated.

Subtle, claims in the past have been ignored because they did not follow the map guidelines. Just pulling a straight line here when those didn't get it neither should they get it here.

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Subtle, claims in the past have been ignored because they did not follow the map guidelines. Just pulling a straight line here when those didn't get it neither should they get it here.

Ive been roleplaying my Little base in Antarctica for almost two weeks, with a stream of supply ships and planes coming in and out to keep my researchers alive. (Granted Im using it for somewhat malicious IC research) but thats besides the point really.. Really it just opens up a door for me to expand on RP wise, IE War games ive been staging with Allies to Hone my RP War skills, and use it as a development center for my military tech, rather then announcing like usual "OH LOL WE GET SOME MIZZILEZ AND STUFF" out of nowhere. I wanted to make it more interesting and what not.

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As I've said a bunch of times to dozens of other players. Antarctica was not supposed to be for colonization. Having said that, I want everything in or around the FGR's penis.

does no one acknowledge the claim i've been forced to repeat 2 DOZEN TIMES? you can't claim everything around it, because part of that is my claim. this claim has been RPed out

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All this "blah blah blah SOI, blah blah colony" isn’t something I have a problem with. I'm not a slave to the SOI rule, never have been never will be. I don’t mind colonies. I’ve had several colonies from the UAE and Qatar to North India (could have been whole India, thx Mercy :v: ), and East Timor. My problem is that Antarctica put on the map because we were running out of places for new players, and it was supposed make up for that.

does no one acknowledge the claim i've been forced to repeat 2 DOZEN TIMES? you can't claim everything around it, because part of that is my claim. this claim has been RPed out

Have you ever heard of sarcasm? It's a form of humor that I use. "Sarcasm" learn it, live it, love it...

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Ive been roleplaying my Little base in Antarctica for almost two weeks, with a stream of supply ships and planes coming in and out to keep my researchers alive. (Granted Im using it for somewhat malicious IC research) but thats besides the point really.. Really it just opens up a door for me to expand on RP wise, IE War games ive been staging with Allies to Hone my RP War skills, and use it as a development center for my military tech, rather then announcing like usual "OH LOL WE GET SOME MIZZILEZ AND STUFF" out of nowhere. I wanted to make it more interesting and what not.

see I don't mind that. However I would mind if you're rping this base, and a massive industrial reform back in the home nation, and fighting a distant foreign war. A nation your size doesn't have the population or the infrastructure (IG) to justify the RP. Just like its fine if you RP broken missiles until IG you can actually buy one.

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Contested RP fighting npc penguins doesn't count.

Indeed; contested has always meant essentially "waring" or invading for it; and it has always applied to land that is either a protectorate or territory of another player. White land doesn't apply. Otherwise there is no internal control mechanism and people could just take over all of Antarctica if the want, as long as they Rp'd it.

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see I don't mind that. However I would mind if you're rping this base, and a massive industrial reform back in the home nation, and fighting a distant foreign war. A nation your size doesn't have the population or the infrastructure (IG) to justify the RP. Just like its fine if you RP broken missiles until IG you can actually buy one.

Population rules are IG x 100, so I have rougly 5 million people. - my Military which is 40,000 at most. Tha tleaves 4.6million, and I could easyily send a hundred or so to antarctica.

Also, Im not RPing an "Industrial revolution" Im RPing Military research which I have been doing for weeks out of bordem

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Population rules are IG x 100, so I have rougly 5 million people. - my Military which is 40,000 at most. Tha tleaves 4.6million, and I could easyily send a hundred or so to antarctica.

Also, Im not RPing an "Industrial revolution" Im RPing Military research which I have been doing for weeks out of bordem

Guidelines are anywhere between x100 and x1000.

I just multiplied RL populations in Bavaria, Austria and Slovenia by some number between 2.5 and 3.5. Don't remember exactly.

Edited by Lynneth
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I used x500 myself, but it's understandable if the country you're on can't support that many. There aren't a lot of people willing to live on the edge of an active volcano or on the bottom of the ocean after all...

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Population rules are IG x 100, so I have rougly 5 million people. - my Military which is 40,000 at most. Tha tleaves 4.6million, and I could easyily send a hundred or so to antarctica.

Actually if we were to follow the population rule, 4024*100 = 402,400, which is not anywhere near 5 million. You would also have an army of 8500 soldiers, not 40k. That said I do think a nation of your tech level and population (some realistic number given your area) should be able to maintain a base in Antarctica. But at the same time a third world nation trying to establish a base in Antarctica shouldn't be a piece of cake, not to mention developing high tech weaponry in such a hostile environment. (as to the logic of conducting extensive test and development all the way there instead of in your backyard...)

Edited by Teriethien
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That is the motion I agree with and the one of cochin is getting dangerously close.

May I ask what is my RP getting dangerously close to? I can state links of various RP posts I have done over a period of many months which culminated in this claim. And the area is not going to be a colony with a civilian population. Even the current number of troops will be decreased to simulate reality.

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