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I need an alliance


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Yeah. I have 43k-ish NS, have had the same nation for over 1,100 days, and usually stay in an alliance for a few hundred days at least.

I don't really care about the game or the game politics and I'm in this only for the community. I'm looking for an alliance that won't tell me to do things in game and has a fun and active forum and IRC chan.

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We Are Perth Army

ive been in lots of alliances on prievious accounts but if youre looking for community i think WAPA is the best.

the members are very active with many going on multiple times a day.

check us out at http://www.wearepertharmy.co.uk/phpbb3/index.php

Edited by The Revolutionary
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Okay I'm going to try to make this as personal as possible so you know that I'm not just c/ping a recruitment letter ;)

I guess that means I should just cut right to the point. Cult of Justitia is always looking for new members, we're a small alliance so there's no chance that you'll be told what do to or anything, personally I think we're one of the freer alliances in the game, or at least that's my opinion on the situation. Anyways, http://forums.coj-cn.co.cc/index.php is where our forum is at and you can reach us personally at #coj on IRC. Stop by, see what you think and register if you're interested. I and the rest of the Cult would be happy to have you.

I hope that was personal enough :)

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We Are Perth Army

ive been in lots of alliances on prievious accounts but if youre looking for community i think WAPA is the best.

the members are very active with many going on multiple times a day.

check us out at http://www.wearepertharmy.co.uk/phpbb3/index.php

I'll check it out.


Okay I'm going to try to make this as personal as possible so you know that I'm not just c/ping a recruitment letter ;)

I guess that means I should just cut right to the point. Cult of Justitia is always looking for new members, we're a small alliance so there's no chance that you'll be told what do to or anything, personally I think we're one of the freer alliances in the game, or at least that's my opinion on the situation. Anyways, http://forums.coj-cn.co.cc/index.php is where our forum is at and you can reach us personally at #coj on IRC. Stop by, see what you think and register if you're interested. I and the rest of the Cult would be happy to have you.

I hope that was personal enough :)

Thanks for the personal-ness. :P Do you guys have trouble with raiders?

Make sure you know where your going. I was killed off by my old Alliance of the UCR because the Leader was leaving and he wanted to kill me. Make sure you go to a place in which they trust you and you trust them

Thanks for the advice.

should i even try? my last big nation to join me was via dumb luck though your addition would push us up to 200K NS which is always nice =D

i not sure what to say to persuade you its your choice, just make the right one for you.

I don't care about the strength of the alliance. :)

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Thanks for the personal-ness. :P Do you guys have trouble with raiders?

We had a little bit of trouble, but since we've grown I don't see it becoming a threatening problem. In addition to that Mastab, we're treated with Nemesis for help so they shouldn't give you any trouble. But if it means anything, you would be a great force to have on our side, especially with your NS, a true blessing to be honest.

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well, if you want a high up job, with minimal work join us

we are the huns alliance

we aren't very big

only 4 members

but we would love a big player like yourself

sadly we can't offer you anything besides a government position

our forums are at www.thehunsalliance.forums-free.com

all our members have been playing for more than 2 years but have all rerolled....

p.m. me ingame if you want.....ruler name is genghis khan II

Edited by genghis khan II
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I don't care about the strength of the alliance. :)

As stated from your earlier post, you care most about the community. I would say, TRE is active on the forums ( im on there about a few times a day). We still lack activity on IRC though. I'll give you the link to our forums for you to check out and if any questions that you need answer, pm me. The Russian Empire

Thank You

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You could join the World Task Force (worldtaskforce.com to join). We are very neutral and stay away from alliance politics of any sort; as such, we have just earned a sanction spot (really, we just wanted it for the flag xp). Our forum is very active, but our IRC not so.

The alliance boasts a tech farm for yourself and many active smaller members who would love to tech deal with you. There is no charter and all government bodies of the formal sort are minimal (council and senate no longer exist).

So... join us...

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all i can say is join us

we will be kind

and you could get a high up job if u want it

without even working

We get the point already. <_<

WOLF accepts anyone. It's not exactly big, but I don't exactly force anyone to do anything.

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since you care about the community then you should join KoTC.



Links are broken again. :P Here, I will help:



And I only do this because I almost like the KoTC. -_-

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Cuz... they're RAD. Then again, I shouldn't be speaking for them, since they might not want a member that doesn't want to be told to do things, but idk i just idk

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all i can say is join us

we will be kind

and you could get a high up job if u want it

without even working

Honestly, telling someone they can have a high-up job without working should not be a selling point. It's more of a negative towards your alliance than anything else.

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Honestly, telling someone they can have a high-up job without working should not be a selling point. It's more of a negative towards your alliance than anything else.

when i mean you don't have to work

i mean you don't have to work for it super hard, all you have to do is ask for the job

we at the huns alliance only want to be liked

we promote peaceful growth,

but when needed a powerful military hand

that is were u come in....

you are strong,

so no one will mess with us.

we are working on a lot of treaties.....

join us if you want simplicity, community, and respect

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Join USCN.

USCN would like the opportunity to have you join us. We have many young nations that can benefit from your advice and tech deals :)

We have good forum activity and IRC is beginnin to pick up also.

Important Links are in my sig.

Our forum is pretty awesome, hope you check it out

USCN is ready to welcome you.

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Greetings Sir,

I would like to grant you the opportunity of joining The Federation of Rhine. The Federation of Rhine is a German based alliance which is based on a constitutional monarchy; Citizens have the right to vote in a legislature and ministers which are approved by the legislature. We give substantial help in finding tech deals and trade circles, and will provide aid to members that need it. The Federation of Rhine is a friendly and enjoyable community with those who firmly believe in loyalty, order, dedication, duty and national pride of our Federation. The Federation of Rhine is protected by Zenith. So you know that you will be protected at all means. If you join The Federation of Rhine, we can promise you at least 3 technology deals and a chance at a trade circle. We also have openings in our Government. So why not join now? If you have questions, or wish to join The Federation of Rhine, register and apply here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/TFOR/index/

Best Regards,

President Orff

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Hello there :ph34r:

I would like to invite you to join The Golden Horde. We are a new/smaller alliance with a great group of core members.

At the moment, we have 8 members that are very active on IRC. Feel free to come hang around in #TGH and get to know us sometime :)

Forum Link: http://goldenhorde.tk/

Edited by Partisan
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