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The "Burn Down Preston!" Doctrine


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Congrats on the doctrine Stickmen :rolleyes:

Let's play a game. The rules are very simple, everyone think of a thread where this quote could by copy pastad into with only a minor change and be thrice as relevant as it is in this thread...




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The general attitude shown by the Sith in this very thread is amusing, while not surprising. Indeed, they are a beast of habit and when they feel their long-gone dignity, if it ever was there, is being offended, they respond with the best means they have - pathetic rambling consisting mainly of "hurr durr attention whores" and "derp derp who're you again" - a great way to make your points solid, indeed. Your sweet appeal to ridicule brings lots of fond memories back to my mind from the years of ancien régime.

Also, we rock socks.

Edited by Iosif Moldov
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You know for me the absoloute funniest thing is the sheer reaction to it, the absoloute madness of this should have been funny enough but the sith have made it funnier,

i have always firmly believed that the mark of strength is the ability to laugh at your own flaws.....ask iFOK i rip myself a new one every day and surely laughter would be more important to you sith out there after all with no laughter there can be no joy, with no joy there can be no passion, with no passion there can be no strength....but hey ho what do i know im just a lulzy iFOKker/Stickman albeit a damn good looking, well built outright stunning iFOKker/Stickman.

to those claiming all we do is embarress ourselves and should be rolled i simply say this yes we laugh together yes we are silly together but we absoloutly will fight together....as history has already shown the stickmen will fight if called upon but lets not get that far eh, lets simply see the funny side and move on

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You know for me the absoloute funniest thing is the sheer reaction to it, the absoloute madness of this should have been funny enough but the sith have made it funnier,

i have always firmly believed that the mark of strength is the ability to laugh at your own flaws.....ask iFOK i rip myself a new one every day and surely laughter would be more important to you sith out there after all with no laughter there can be no joy, with no joy there can be no passion, with no passion there can be no strength....but hey ho what do i know im just a lulzy iFOKker/Stickman albeit a damn good looking, well built outright stunning iFOKker/Stickman.

to those claiming all we do is embarress ourselves and should be rolled i simply say this yes we laugh together yes we are silly together but we absoloutly will fight together....as history has already shown the stickmen will fight if called upon but lets not get that far eh, lets simply see the funny side and move on

You terrible, terrible people.

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