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Quick Announcement from Ordo Verde


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I see. So why call them "reparations?"

Extortion would be a more fitting term.

Which is not to say that NPO hasn't done the same in the past, and might thus be deserving of this treatment. I just hate to see the English language abused by those that should know better. Cheers.

I believe the idea is to re-build the victorious alliance, right or wrong, that is the idea. Of course, they involve punitive damages too but the mix is up to each persons imagination I suppose.

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We decided what we wanted NPO to lose, not what each alliance wanted.

So this new world that you've built (sorry, that your many allies built for you) will be forged upon a common foundation of destroying one group to benefit oneself?

Odd... sounds awfully like the last world. And Pax Ordo Verde doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.

I believe the idea is to re-build the victorious alliance, right or wrong, that is the idea. Of course, they involve punitive damages too but the mix is up to each persons imagination I suppose.

Your alliance is so small, at least 90% of these damages have to be punitive.

Also, you're starting to argue like a Francoist. Vlad re-roll?!

Edited by Thierra
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I see. So why call them "reparations?"

Extortion would be a more fitting term.

Which is not to say that NPO hasn't done the same in the past, and might thus be deserving of this treatment. I just hate to see the English language abused by those that should know better. Cheers.

Are you going to nitpick at CN's use of the term "white peace" as well?

In the very literal definition, we did extort. Yes, we used force procure money. If NPO never agreed to reparations, the amount immaterial, they would still be in a state of war with us. Congratulations on using the most literal definition of the word.

I don't know about you, but when I, and others, communicate, we use more than just 100% literal definitions. We take all sorts of things into consideration, such as connotations, and what certain words have come to mean. We don't live in a 100% literal world, and we accommodate for it. Extortion has the connotation of illegally using power to wring money from some person or entity. Essentially, a person would go in to a situation with the purpose of procuring large amounts of money.

Let's look at the word connotation, root word connote, shall we?

to signify or suggest (certain meanings, ideas, etc.) in addition to the explicit or primary meaning: The word “fireplace” often connotes hospitality, warm comfort, etc.

That's not to say your complete literal definition is wrong, but I just hate to see you become dazed and confused and possibly misunderstand, by not understanding that we don't communicate in a 100% literal fashion. Cheers.

Edit: Grammar. [ooc]Also, I felt like working in dazed and confused because it came on random while I was typing up this response, sue me. :)[/occ]

Edited by Rafael Nadal
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So this new world that you've built (sorry, that your many allies built for you) will be forged upon a common foundation of destroying one group to benefit oneself?

Odd... sounds awfully like the last world. And Pax Ordo Verde doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.

Yes, Ordo Verde destroyed NPO to benefit themselves ;)

Seriously, did you read that before writing it or do you just have really, really horrible short term memory?

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This is a ridiculous amount. Surely it would have been better to spread some of these reps out to alliances who fought alongside you...

Obviously we are taking all of the reparations, those who fought alongside us will just have to deal.

Oh.... I get it now.

OV is being boosted up to a level where it's ANS can allow them to join Citadel

)): citadel )):

Yes, I believe Dr. Dan explained the plan quite well.

This is easily the most ignorant post that I have ever read. Let me give you an analogy.

There is this one guy. Over there are 500 guys. He is sitting on the park eating icecream. The 500 guys want his icecream. They try to curb storm him. They toss his icecream into the the dirt and smash it. Some people see this and stop the bullies. They make him pay for the icecream and a bit more for being a...well you know.

A drunk guy sees this happening. He calls the one guy a bully and is laughed at by everyone.

Guess who the drunk guy is. I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Am I the drunk guy?

Just because they admit to it doesn't make what they did ok or above criticism. I don't understand why they chose now to release this.

Because Im full of mother$%&@ing class.

I fought for Ordo Verde in this war. What is my cut? I figure...10% should be just about right.


Wow, what a load of crap. So each member in your alliance gets 2k tech?

Yes, actually I wouldn't consider it crap, I love it a lot.

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And Thierra, isn't that the whole point? OV is so small that NPO should never have attacked. Remember what actually pissed off half of bob?

When you are a huge alliance you have a responsibility to use other methods as opposed to simply rolling everyone you dislike.

OOC: Look at all the huge and powerful countries in the world that could have simply invaded and didn't. And also look at when a huge county invades a small one, results are usually not very good...

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Yes, Ordo Verde destroyed NPO to benefit themselves ;)

Nope - the rest of you, did. That's why TJO picked up able-bodied protectors. We expect that if the evil superpower of the day were to come after us, you'd be around to help out.

Given the rise of the micro, I guess that would be if OV came after our tech too. And our women and children. And our virgins ;)

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So this new world that you've built (sorry, that your many allies built for you) will be forged upon a common foundation of destroying one group to benefit oneself?

Odd... sounds awfully like the last world. And Pax Ordo Verde doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.

Your alliance is so small, at least 90% of these damages have to be punitive.

Also, you're starting to argue like a Francoist. Vlad re-roll?!

War does that, without reparations payments. If you think the new world will be devoid of war, I've got news for you.

Also, if you don't think NPO is coming back to be a world power, right around when their terms are up, I've got more news for you.

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Nope - the rest of you, did. That's why TJO picked up able-bodied protectors. We expect that if the evil superpower of the day were to come after us, you'd be around to help out.

Given the rise of the micro, I guess that would be if OV came after our tech too. And our women and children. And our virgins ;)

I guess you should hope you're well entrenched in the treaty web.

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I know Pacifica is good, but I highly doubt they caused a billion dollars in damage to an alliance with less than 30 members.

Well, we lost over half of our NS, and over half ouf our members. You tell me.

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I know Pacifica is good, but I highly doubt they caused a billion dollars in damage to an alliance with less than 30 members.

I think you don't understand 1) How expensive war is, and to rebuild from it, and 2) How much OV lost.

I can guarantee you well, well over 1 billion in damage was done to OV.

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I know Pacifica is good, but I highly doubt they caused a billion dollars in damage to an alliance with less than 30 members.

4K infrastructure for one nation at 13K infra pre-war (9K-13K infra) is valued at 1.1 billion.

Edited by Big Z
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Well, we lost over half of our NS, and over half ouf our members. You tell me.

Everyone lost a lot of weight during the Karma war - and yet, I only see one alliance in the buffet line going back for fourths.

(( OOC: I find it ironic that you're wearing a GPA Forum tag... because they didn't complain about how much they lost when Pacifica came after us. In fact... no one did :P ))

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Everyone lost a lot of weight during the Karma war - and yet, I only see one alliance in the buffet line going back for fourths.

(( OOC: I find it ironic that you're wearing a GPA Forum tag... because they didn't complain about how much they lost when Pacifica came after us. In fact... no one did :P ))

I'm not complaining, just stating facts.

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Everyone lost a lot of weight during the Karma war - and yet, I only see one alliance in the buffet line going back for fourths.

(( OOC: I find it ironic that you're wearing a GPA Forum tag... because they didn't complain about how much they lost when Pacifica came after us. In fact... no one did :P ))

Maybe you were reading a different thread? Perhaps.

I have yet to see ANY OV member complain about how much we lost, I do see NPO yelling about how much they have to pay us. And attempting to side track people by yelling "unfair" and other such bs.

Bottom line, NPO lost. They get no say in how or what KARMA does with the agreed to surrender money.


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The chuckles keep on coming in this brave new world. I'd hate to see what the reps in the next war are going to look like with this rate of inflation.

My guess would be nowhere near, unless we all go great war free for a few years and NPO racks up the grievances again.

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Everyone lost a lot of weight during the Karma war - and yet, I only see one alliance in the buffet line going back for fourths.

(( OOC: I find it ironic that you're wearing a GPA Forum tag... because they didn't complain about how much they lost when Pacifica came after us. In fact... no one did :P ))

See this is where your wrong. OV would have been happy with a lot less, they said as much many, many times. In no way did they ever feel like they should get a certain amount of money and complain to the others on the front to ensure they got it. Simple fact is, the monitary and tech number that Pacifica deserved to pay was fixed to the terms before concrete divisions amongst those on the front were in place, and as the wrong party here in every sense, it is only logical that OV receive a large portion of it.

So yea, do they care about how much money they get? No. Is it right that they get a lot? Yes.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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The difference between colloquial connotation and euphemism is immense.

An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him,

The moment he talks he makes some other

Englishman despise him.

One common language I'm afraid we'll never get.

Oh, why can't the English learn to set

A good example to people whose

English is painful to your ears?

The Scotch and the Irish leave you close to tears.

There even are places where English completely

disappears. In America, they haven't used it for years!

Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?

Norwegians learn Norwegian; the Greeks have taught their

Greek. In France every Frenchman knows

his language fro "A" to "Zed"

The French never care what they do, actually,

as long as they pronounce in properly.

Arabians learn Arabian with the speed of summer lightning.

And Hebrews learn it backwards,

which is absolutely frightening.

But use proper English you're regarded as a freak.

Edited by WalkerNinja
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