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The North Italy situation


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Prime Minister Gustafsson: "This blockade is criminal. If your government used force to suppress a riot, does that justify me rounding up a navy and preventing any trade from happening? A government has the RIGHT to protect itself and keep it's people civil. I will continue to trade with the Repubblica Italiana, and any attempt to stop or sink my ships will be an act of war. Nobody made Croatia the European Police, mind your own business."

We in Euzkadi are not surprised that an avowed Fascist regime would not be supportive, so i ask the government of Finland do you condone the murder of civilians? do you see the Italian regimes use of live ammunition on unarmed protestors as justified?

We stand firmly behind Croatia as it takes courage to stand up to tyranny of the murderous sort that Borghese represents, if in the interest of human rights one must stand up and act as you put it 'police' then so be it. Anyone who by inaction or tacit approval of the Borghese regime is condoning the murderous actions of the regime in question. Europe should not allow such a brutal regime to continue to sully the reputation of Europe as a whole.

We question the actions of Greater Croatia, as there has been no diplomatic effort to try to change the mind of the new government.

The Borghese regime has shown scant regard for our concerns in clear terms, diplomatic effort will be of no use that much is clear. Again i ask all detractors is it justifed to allow a regime such as the Borghese regime to continue in its oppression of innocent civilians? do you condone murder of unarmed civilians?

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ooc: since blockades don’t hurt Italy I feel less guilty about doing this. What’s the point in having a navy if you don’t use it?

Ic: The Slavorussian government completely supports Croatia, and we would like to offer to send part of our Baltic Fleet to the Mediterranean for support.

edit: after we get permission from about half a dozen other countries to travel throught their waters... <_<

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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We in Euzkadi are not surprised that an avowed Fascist regime would not be supportive, so i ask the government of Finland do you condone the murder of civilians? do you see the Italian regimes use of live ammunition on unarmed protestors as justified?

We stand firmly behind Croatia as it takes courage to stand up to tyranny of the murderous sort that Borghese represents, if in the interest of human rights one must stand up and act as you put it 'police' then so be it. Anyone who by inaction or tacit approval of the Borghese regime is condoning the murderous actions of the regime in question. Europe should not allow such a brutal regime to continue to sully the reputation of Europe as a whole.

The Borghese regime has shown scant regard for our concerns in clear terms, diplomatic effort will be of no use that much is clear. Again i ask all detractors is it justifed to allow a regime such as the Borghese regime to continue in its oppression of innocent civilians? do you condone murder of unarmed civilians?

"Violent protesters and communists should be given their just deserts, shot by the weapons they try to use against legit governments!" -PM Gustafsson.

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ooc: since blockades don’t hurt Italy I feel less guilty about doing this. What’s the point in having a navy if you don’t use it?

Ic: The Slavorussian government completely supports Croatia, and we would like to offer to send part of our Baltic Fleet to the Mediterranean for support.

edit: after we get permission from about half a dozen other countries to travel throught their waters... <_<

Should you receive the permission your ships are welcomed.

Regarding the statement from Finland, try however the Fleets will open fire if you do not allow someone to check your ships or cross the line with anything else than food, water or medicine. This is not Croatia policing Europe, this is an European coalition standing up to tyranny.

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Should you receive the permission your ships are welcomed.

Regarding the statement from Finland, try however the Fleets will open fire if you do not allow someone to check your ships or cross the line with anything else than food, water or medicine. This is not Croatia policing Europe, this is an European coalition standing up to tyranny.

Then your ships will open fire upon a nation you have a treaty with.

These ships will carry whatever cargo is ordered of them, be it furniture, stone, steel, or anything else this nation pays for.

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Then your ships will open fire upon a nation you have a treaty with.

These ships will carry whatever cargo is ordered of them, be it furniture, stone, steel, or anything else this nation pays for.

Then they will not be allowed to pass.

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--Secret communique--

To: Armed Forces High Command

From: The office of the President,

Gernika, Bizkaia province.

In light of potential hostilities with Finland over the Northern Italian blockade i am ordering the Armed Forces to move to Defcon 2, make all necessary preparations as can be made. Your primary mssion is undetermined at this point but be prepared for any eventuality.

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--Secret Communique ----

To: Naval High Command

From: the Ministry of Defense

In light of the increasing hostilities in the Mediterranean the Dutch navy will be provide armed convoy services to all ships sailing into the Mediterranean Sea to all destinations on her coasts and in particular the Italian peninsula. This will be done under DEFCON 2.

Dutch ships are expected to fly their colors high and distinguish themselves as a neutral country. Inspections on our merchant ships will be carried out by our navy at a neutral port. Any attempt to board our ships should be seen as a violation of our neutrality and thus an act of war against the United Netherlands and those who guaranteed her neutrality.

--Secret Communique--

To: all Dutch shipping companies as listed under the Chambers of Commerce.

From: the Ministry of Defense.

All shipping whose destination not strictly in the Mediterranean using this sea lane are expected to use the route around Cape the Good Hope and also avoid the Basque Coast. This in light of the growing hostilities in the Mediterranean Sea around the Blockade of Northern Italy. All shipping with her destination in the Mediterranean should be refitted for it's goal: it should be clearly marked as Dutch by flying her colors from every mast and having the flag painted on her hull. Inspections by foreign powers other then the customs at the place of destination are to be denied (because of the Declaration of Neutrality) and left to the Dutch Navy.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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Italy 'suffering less' from embargo

The Italian economy is set to grow by more than 2% the next week, showing that the government's policies are effective, newspapers quoted General Junio Borghese as saying.

"Certain economic indicators reflect the correctness of our plans. While we are still discussing a new key trade agreement for Coal and iron, we have registered an unexpected flow of immigrants who are helping our factories and construction sites to carry on with their development. These figures inspire optimism and show we are on the right track, it is just a matter of days before economy will reach its pre-strike standards" he reportedly told a meeting of engineers and journalists.

Italy is suffering less than other countries from the current political situation, he said. Borghese has launched a major reform policy granting the banking sector a bigger role in the economy.


FIAT stands for "Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino" (Italian Automobile Factory of Turin), it is the country's largest automobile manufacturer.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Something about this makes us suspect that this is only petty propoganda.

The chart shows how Italian economy faced a month of stale and almost no growth, this is due to the fact we have gathered and we are still gathering resources and money for long time projects. After the strike of July 20, the economy resumed its pre-strike 0 growth, but in the last 3 days we even recorded a weak but significant growth. This means Italian economy, always penalized by global radiation and the bad status of environment, will soon find its way out of the crisis.


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The chart shows how Italian economy faced a month of stale and almost no growth, this is due to the fact we have gathered and we are still gathering resources and money for long time projects. After the strike of July 20, the economy resumed its pre-strike 0 growth, but in the last 3 days we even recorded a weak but significant growth. This means Italian economy, always penalized by global radiation and the bad status of environment, will soon find its way out of the crisis.


As said before we do not trust statistics from a game 10 year old Croatians play.

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Life under Italy's military regime

In the second article of a special series from inside Italy, RAI Italian Radio Television looks at the day-to-day problems and life styles facing ordinary people under the country's military regime.

"I love my life here. I've got a job, a wife.. and two teen daughters. Safety is good and i'm not afraid to let them go out at night" a Venetian taxi driver said happily, as he stopped to refuel his taxi-boat at the gas station.

"It isn't like they (the international community) think. We aren't constantly threatened or abused by the military, thats a lie they made up when the army opened fire on those anarchists in Milan.. they deserved that. On the other hand prices are stable, and there's enough fuel and electricity. There are some restrictions but i think they are necessary to make this country survive further challenges. I have faith in Borghese, i think he will become the longest serving ruler of Italy, and i don't think the people will let someone else rule their land" he said, handing some money to the gas station attendant.

For most people in Italy, life under the military government is easy. A farm worker told he earns €30 a day "I have enough to feed my family. But rents are still to high and the government pays half of my bills. We are all making some sacrifices, i was told to visit a state housing agency, and by the end of the year me and my family will move in another house, with lower rent" he said.

What pleasures many people is that Italy has plentiful natural resources and the Government is following a strict economic policy to invest these resources in new infrastructures and social policies. The situation has got far better in recent weeks, because of a government decision to trade with countries in different spheres of trade, there are plenty of new trade partners willing to sign agreements with Italy.

"I love night life... i love to drink a glass of prosecco with my friends, there are no restrictions on this matter. I can go out at night, no robbers, no criminals on the streets, plenty of restaurants and clubs.. Sometimes we are being asked to show our ID cards, but who cares? I got nothing to hide. I don't want Borghese to be gone, he is the right man" Italian man.

"Everyone knows Borghese is not a ruthless power monger, he is a benevolent dictator, a paternal autocrat. He does what is best for his people. He was born in Rome, his family was roman for over ten generations, then he moved to Northern Italy when the Germanic nation (the term usually used to refer to Nordland) took control of the region, and then he was given a chance to govern. He is still in full control of the situation." said a Journalist.

"Television is good, we have only one channel but there's a plenty of shows.. music, news, culture, movies, comedy.. a lot of comedy, some of those comedians are very funny and they make fun of the regime aswell.. so as you can see Italy is not a cruel dictatorship.. yes you can argue they do not buy movies and shows from foreign companies, but who cares? I love my country, i love what my country offers me." said a Housewife.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Errm, in-game stats are undebatable.

Are you telling me the leaders of Transvaal are now playing Cyber Nations too to decide their government? Seems we better shut the game off.

OOC: I use my ingame stats and events to roleplay, so i am IG now.

OOC: Better start rp'ing a tax paradise then where the government has completely no involvement with the economy as your ig government is capitalism.

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