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Imperial Decree from the RLMMO (formerly known as FAIL)

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I should make it clear that I'm not afraid of a one-man alliance, it's just, I'm totally sick of all the !@#$%^&* surrounding Sileath, and I want this behind us. It's also a bit of a gift to a man I respect.

Sileath brings this upon himself. There are others who contribute to Sileath's drama, but the catalyst for every single time is Sileath himself.

You put him in your government, now deal with the baggage that comes with him.

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Sileath brings this upon himself. There are others who contribute to Sileath's drama, but the catalyst for every single time is Sileath himself.

You put him in your government, now deal with the baggage that comes with him.

Didn't we just go over this yesterday? We had such a pleasant conversation in query where you agreed that if you had a problem with CG gov, you'd talk to me.

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Didn't we just go over this yesterday? We had such a pleasant conversation in query where you agreed that if you had a problem with CG gov, you'd talk to me.

I don't have a problem with you or your government. You are indeed a pleasant person to talk to. I was simply pointing out that you do have drama that follows you wherever you go, and this drama does in fact start with you. That doesn't mean others don't contribute, to infer that would be ridiculous.

Francesca knew what she was getting from the very start.

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The old RLMMO has no treaties, no charter, no leadership, and appear to be nothing more than a collection of anarchistic rogues in one place. Rebel Virginia in his infinite wisdom is fully within his right to change his alliance's name and deal with these ghosts appropriately.

And who the hell are you or RV to decide what qualifies as an alliance? Just because they don't have a charter (Which by the way, how would you know that?) or government (Which i believe someone stated that each member takes turns being the executive or something) doesn't mean that they are not an alliance.

Oh good, I'm not the only one seeing it this way then.

No, your not. There are some people on these forums who actually RV is full of it.

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And who the hell are you or RV to decide what qualifies as an alliance? Just because they don't have a charter (Which by the way, how would you know that?) or government (Which i believe someone stated that each member takes turns being the executive or something) doesn't mean that they are not an alliance.

So, I cannot determine what is an alliance but you and your friends can? I cannot tell you how many times the League, currently the RLMMO, has been accused of not being a "real" alliance because it does not operate traditionally. Tell me, where does your authority to say we are not an alliance come from. The fact that you are larger than us? Subscribing to the NPO's old "might makes right" philosophy. Good sir, you wound me with your double standards.

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If you don't like it, feel free to do something about it. Might be more productive than shouting. That never really gets results.

If only we had a champion to crusade against injustice. But alas, all our revolutionaries have retired to cushy government jobs.

Oh say RV, are you busy?

No, your not. There are some people on these forums who actually RV is full of it.

Pretty sure even RV actually RV is full of it.

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So, I cannot determine what is an alliance but you and your friends can? I cannot tell you how many times the League, currently the RLMMO, has been accused of not being a "real" alliance because it does not operate traditionally. Tell me, where does your authority to say we are not an alliance come from. The fact that you are larger than us? Subscribing to the NPO's old "might makes right" philosophy. Good sir, you wound me with your double standards.

First, which of my friends said anything in this thread? Please point them out and I will confirm whether that person is my friend. Second, you have been accused of not being alliance because you have usually had 1 man under the AA. An alliance is a pact between 2 or more, you can't be in an alliance with yourself. There is also the fact that most of your announcements are viewed by many as "for teh lulz." You may not view it that way, but the method in which you make the announcements makes it seem so. Third, I do not operate under the might makes right rule. If you screw with me, I'll screw with you. All I see here is someone who is charismatic, using his charismatic skills to get some mindless drones on his side saying all hail RV!, trying to bully a group of rulers who banded together for some purpose unknown to us and no one else seems to be sticking up for them so what the hell, I'll give it a shot.

Pretty sure even RV actually RV is full of it.

Oh, you found an error in my post. Congratulations, we all make mistakes and thank you so kindly for pointing it out to me.

Edited by James Wilson
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First, which of my friends said anything in this thread? Please point them out and I will confirm whether that person is my friend. Second, you have been accused of not being alliance because you have usually had 1 man under the AA. An alliance is a pact between 2 or more, you can't be in an alliance with yourself. There is also the fact that most of your announcements are viewed by many as "for teh lulz." You may not view it that way, but the method in which you make the announcements makes it seem so. Third, I do not operate under the might makes right rule. If you screw with me, I'll screw with you. All I see here is someone who is charismatic, using his charismatic skills to get some mindless drones on his side saying all hail RV!, trying to bully a group of rulers who banded together for some purpose unknown to us and no one else seems to be sticking up for them so what the hell, I'll give it a shot.

The former FAIL, and current RLMMO, has always been a secretive alliance. Approximately ninety-five percent of our nations do not fly our AA. I, along with Nintenderek, are the public faces of the RLMMO alliance. Chron is another member, and a publicly known one at that, who serves as a Triumvir, in addition to being a member of the NSO. So as you can clearly see, we have many members.

Now, you can claim our announcements are jokes all you'd like, but the fact remains we are quite serious about what we do. And I will say this, every move we make is very carefully deliberated. If you cannot figure out what we are doing, then too bad. We know, and that is all that is important.

Now, as for you claim of me being some sort of demagogue rallying the masses for some unknown reasons, please, you give me far too much credit. My communications skills are average at best. I am no Doitzel or Ivan. Merely a simple man trying to do the best he can with what he has. Why do you feel the need to paint me as such a villain? I have done nothing to you.

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Oh, you found an error in my post. Congratulations, we all make mistakes and thank you so kindly for pointing it out to me.

Chill a little he at least corrected you humorously...

Back on topic, I also believe RV is full of it. But I love him for that.

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Oh, you found an error in my post. Congratulations, we all make mistakes and thank you so kindly for pointing it out to me.

My post had more content than simply pointing out your error. My problem was that I couldn't be certain what you had meant to say, I only had a vague (and I hope accurate) idea of the sentiment trying to be expressed, so I was forced to articulate my point using the grammar provided. If you reconstructed your post as it was meant to be, and then applied my reply, you will understand what I intended to say (if my interpretation was accurate, that is).

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My post had more content than simply pointing out your error. My problem was that I couldn't be certain what you had meant to say, I only had a vague (and I hope accurate) idea of the sentiment trying to be expressed, so I was forced to articulate my point using the grammar provided. If you reconstructed your post as it was meant to be, and then applied my reply, you will understand what I intended to say (if my interpretation was accurate, that is).

What I ment to say was this:

No, your not. There are some people on these forums who actually think RV is full of it.

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The former FAIL, and current RLMMO, has always been a secretive alliance. Approximately ninety-five percent of our nations do not fly our AA. I, along with Nintenderek, are the public faces of the RLMMO alliance. Chron is another member, and a publicly known one at that, who serves as a Triumvir, in addition to being a member of the NSO. So as you can clearly see, we have many members.

Now, you can claim our announcements are jokes all you'd like, but the fact remains we are quite serious about what we do. And I will say this, every move we make is very carefully deliberated. If you cannot figure out what we are doing, then too bad. We know, and that is all that is important.

Now, as for you claim of me being some sort of demagogue rallying the masses for some unknown reasons, please, you give me far too much credit. My communications skills are average at best. I am no Doitzel or Ivan. Merely a simple man trying to do the best he can with what he has. Why do you feel the need to paint me as such a villain? I have done nothing to you.

I was under the impression that most alliances do not like when their members are members of other alliances (spare NSO i guess).

I claim your announcements are jokes because of the way you write them and what they are about. I could care less what your plans are unless they include you trying to bully a small alliance which has done nothing to you what so ever.

Why do I paint you as a villain? Because you are. You feel you have the right to take over an alliances name which is unbelievable and is stealing. You might have done nothing to me but I do not agree with your actions and I am voicing my disgust at your actions.

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I was under the impression that most alliances do not like when their members are members of other alliances (spare NSO i guess).

I claim your announcements are jokes because of the way you write them and what they are about. I could care less what your plans are unless they include you trying to bully a small alliance which has done nothing to you what so ever.

Why do I paint you as a villain? Because you are. You feel you have the right to take over an alliances name which is unbelievable and is stealing. You might have done nothing to me but I do not agree with your actions and I am voicing my disgust at your actions.

If alliances don't want their members joining the RLMMO then they ought to make a rule about if, however, so long as they do not RLMMO will continue to accept any application it sees suitable to accept. Now, as for our policies, laugh all you want, but it does not change that we view several things as serious issues.

Now, tell me, how am I taking over an alliance. FAIL simply changed its name to RLMMO. It is a harmless act, but be disgusted if you must. Just please, stop it with the inaction. If you feel so strongly, why not stop me?

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If alliances don't want their members joining the RLMMO then they ought to make a rule about if, however, so long as they do not RLMMO will continue to accept any application it sees suitable to accept. Now, as for our policies, laugh all you want, but it does not change that we view several things as serious issues.

Now, tell me, how am I taking over an alliance. FAIL simply changed its name to RLMMO. It is a harmless act, but be disgusted if you must. Just please, stop it with the inaction. If you feel so strongly, why not stop me?

I swear, your like...another Vladimir.......

The alliance name is already in use and you have decided to declare the original occupants of the AA ghosts. Its not harmless when you tell them to get off their AA. And I would, but you are too small.

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I swear, your like...another Vladimir.......

The alliance name is already in use and you have decided to declare the original occupants of the AA ghosts. Its not harmless when you tell them to get off their AA. And I would, but you are too small.

Your threats against the RLMMO are not appreciated, and believe me, we do hold several treaties. I doubt our allies will be amused.

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I swear, your like...another Vladimir.......

The alliance name is already in use and you have decided to declare the original occupants of the AA ghosts. Its not harmless when you tell them to get off their AA. And I would, but you are too small.

We are telling them to get off the AA simply because it is our AA. If they do not wish to be considered ghosts, they can switch AAs or perhaps even do like NpO and switch one letter to lower case.

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Your threats against the RLMMO are not appreciated, and believe me, we do hold several treaties. I doubt our allies will be amused.

Please remind me where I said I give a crap your counter threats or if you appreciate my threats for that matter?

We are telling them to get off the AA simply because it is our AA. If they do not wish to be considered ghosts, they can switch AAs or perhaps even do like NpO and switch one letter to lower case.

It's not your AA.

Edited by James Wilson
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Your threats against the RLMMO are not appreciated, and believe me, we do hold several treaties. I doubt our allies will be amused.

Are you perhaps referencing documents signed in regard, and applying to, those nations under your current affiliation that you refer to as ghosts, or new ones signed since your ascension?

I have yet to see any recognition by said "ghosts" of your crowning, nor any concession of the affiliation.

Or do you perhaps jest?

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