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Big Brother!

Madame Unicorn

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"I was born in a cave in one of the many nations rules by Kaiser Martens several decades ago," he said vaguely, grunt as he kicked the wall.

"Sounds like an interesting tale..." she commented, as she di a backflip. "I come from Melbourne, myself."

Alyssa, after having a peaceful nights sleep, woke up to find the smell of eggs and sausage in the house. She gets out of bed, and moves to the shower, undressing slowly as the water warmed up. She stepped under the stream and moaned softly as the water hit her skin.

Enveloping her body in luxurious fragrant bubbles, Alyssa thought about Felix. How he had charmed her, how his eyes pierced through hers and saw into her soul... Alyssa shivered, and washed the bubbles off her body, smiling as her skin shined in the fluroscent lights. Wrapping a towel around her frame, she moved to the bedroom and dressed, drying her hair as she got up to go help make breakfast for everyone.

Today was going to be a great day, she decided.

(OOC: Guys, to keep this moving, can we make it that 48 hours RL = 1 day in the house? Suggestions?)

OOC: no problems from me there! :)

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(OOC: Guys, to keep this moving, can we make it that 48 hours RL = 1 day in the house? Suggestions?)

OOC: I think that'll work.

IC: Meyer woke up groggy, but the minute his bare feet touched the cold wood on the floor, he was up. He went to breakfast in his pajamas (which consisted of a pair of boxer shorts and the shirt he wore yesterday). Looking through the cupboards, he found some waffle mix and the greatest of all appliances, a Mickey Mouse waffle iron. He gave a cheerful acknowledgement to everyone before sitting down and eating two waffles and some orange slices. He went back and took a quick shower to wash off before switching into a swimming suit. "Luckily the pool's heated, or this would really suck," he said, before jumping in. For a while he floated on his back, soaking in the sun and waiting for someone to join him.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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"Sounds like an interesting tale..." she commented, as she di a backflip. "I come from Melbourne, myself."

"Explains the accent," he replied, jumping onto one of the padded walls and doing a sideways flip. It wasn't very hard, but he had been training for many years. A novice would probably slip on his single foot and smash his head.

"Tell me, Theresa," he changed his pronunciation of her name, "what is your glorious middle name?"

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"Explains the accent," he replied, jumping onto one of the padded walls and doing a sideways flip. It wasn't very hard, but he had been training for many years. A novice would probably slip on his single foot and smash his head.

"Tell me, Theresa," he changed his pronunciation of her name, "what is your glorious middle name?"

She smirked. "Why so interested?" she teased.

Then she grew more serious. 'If you really want to know...how about a friendly sparring match? You win, I tell you what you want to know about me. I win, you tell me about yourself. And not in evasive answers, either."

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She smirked. "Why so interested?" she teased.

Then she grew more serious. 'If you really want to know...how about a friendly sparring match? You win, I tell you what you want to know about me. I win, you tell me about yourself. And not in evasive answers, either."

"Hm. I am not in any shape to spar, so I must accept your challenge, Theresa." Comrade tossed a brilliant Communist smile at her and nodded to the middle of the padded floor. "Perhaps you would like to set the rules?"

OOC: i'm playing warcraft 3 while RPing so I'm just gonna be on big brother for a few hours

Edited by Sargun
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Alyssa glides over to the kitchen, where several other people are chowing down on their breakfasts.

"Good morning, housemates. How are we all today?" She smiles and pulls out all the ingredients necessary for making pancakes, making a golden batter, and then pouring it into the frying pan.

"So, who wants some pancakes?" Alyssa flips the cakes over, and then cooks up some bacon, her mouth watering at the sight of the delicious food...

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"Hm. I am not in any shape to spar, so I must accept your challenge, Theresa." Comrade tossed a brilliant Communist smile at her and nodded to the middle of the padded floor. "Perhaps you would like to set the rules?"

OOC: i'm playing warcraft 3 while RPing so I'm just gonna be on big brother for a few hours


IC: She nodded in acknowledgement. "It will, of course, be confined to the gym. That is a must. Second, no weapons. Our bodies only. And no permanently disabling blows. We both want to be intact at the end of the match, no?" she said with a wink.

"The match ends when one person has scored three solid hits on the other. Does that sound satisfactory?"

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Katrina woke up rather late, and headed downstairs, her 'morning' routine done earlier (OOC: lol i guess i RPed the morning a little too early for you guys)...

She passed the gym, noticing several of the housemates staying fit, some even practicing combat skills!

She saw Ashley training as well, which further influenced her to stay away from the gym - she did not want any sudden memories from the previous night to surge forward if the two were in the gym together, especially when combat training.

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IC: She nodded in acknowledgement. "It will, of course, be confined to the gym. That is a must. Second, no weapons. Our bodies only. And no permanently disabling blows. We both want to be intact at the end of the match, no?" she said with a wink.

"The match ends when one person has scored three solid hits on the other. Does that sound satisfactory?"

"Close quarters, no foreign objects, and be gentle? My, vat a mind," he replied and nodded. "Three solid hits," he added, putting his hand out to shake.

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Felix walked through the halls and smelled the greasy aroma of bacon.

"My favorite! How'd you know?"

He winked his eye...noticing that it would probably just look like blinking. He looked down at his clothes and patted the lapel of his jacket, making sure to notice any and all imperfections.

"I really can't believe it...you seem to be almost perfect! I mean, you're beautiful, classy, highly intelligent and you can cook?! Redefines femme parfaite...indeed..."

He smiled and walked behind the counter.

"Need help with anything?"

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Alyssa looked up as she was cutting up some strawberries and saw felix enter the room. She smiled and turned as he walked behind the counter.

"Good morning. How did you sleep? Now, before you begin, I do not need any help, and ask that you sit on the other side of the counter so I can serve up breakfast." She blushed as the pancakes were transferred onto plates, with bacon and strawberries places on top.

"I appreciate the compliments, I really do. But being so independent has taught me to do a lot of things for myself.. Still, a man to comfort me is always welcomed." Alyssa opened a bottle of the finest maple syrup and drizzled it over the pancakes... Smiling as she stood back to admire her work.

'Now, my friend, please try this and tell me what you think."

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"Close quarters, no foreign objects, and be gentle? My, vat a mind," he replied and nodded. "Three solid hits," he added, putting his hand out to shake.

"Agreed," taking the offered hand. She shook it once, then used the contact to immediately initiate the match, pulling hard in an attempt to unbalance Comrade Ivan, then letting go and striking out with the other fist in a punch aimed at his ribs.

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"Agreed," taking the offered hand. She shook it once, then used the contact to immediately initiate the match, pulling hard in an attempt to unbalance Comrade Ivan, then letting go and striking out with the other fist in a punch aimed at his ribs.

"Point!" He called out, her fist impacting his ribs. "Nehvur trust a woman," he mused out loud, stepping back quickly and putting himself in a defensive position.

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Alyssa looked up as she was cutting up some strawberries and saw felix enter the room. She smiled and turned as he walked behind the counter.

"Good morning. How did you sleep? Now, before you begin, I do not need any help, and ask that you sit on the other side of the counter so I can serve up breakfast." She blushed as the pancakes were transferred onto plates, with bacon and strawberries places on top.

"I appreciate the compliments, I really do. But being so independent has taught me to do a lot of things for myself.. Still, a man to comfort me is always welcomed." Alyssa opened a bottle of the finest maple syrup and drizzled it over the pancakes... Smiling as she stood back to admire her work.

'Now, my friend, please try this and tell me what you think."

"Wow...these are utterly fantastic! You know, I have never had such delectable pancakes...are you sure you are just a model and not the woman of my dreams?"

He enjoyed every savory bite of the fruits and pancakes, and occasionally thanked Alyssa again for the excellent meal.

"I haven't eaten this well in ages..you see...I am an awful cook, so I have to either order for take away or brave my own slop..."

He sat and chewed for a moment.

"So tell me more about yourself Alyssa... everything about fascinates me, and I'm ready to be enthralled."

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Ashley notices few are going after the eggs and sausage she made. She sighs and puts them on the over again, just incase she gets hungry later. She then starts thinking on the other day. Shaking her head, she sneaks a bottle of vodka under the table and pours a shot. She quickly takes it and places it in a nearby cabinent.

Ashley gets up and wanders into the gym, taking out some fustration on a poor kick bag.

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Ashley notices few are going after the eggs and sausage she made. She sighs and puts them on the over again, just incase she gets hungry later. She then starts thinking on the other day. Shaking her head, she sneaks a bottle of vodka under the table and pours a shot. She quickly takes it and places it in a nearby cabinent.

Ashley gets up and wanders into the gym, taking out some fustration on a poor kick bag.

Katrina walks into the kitchen with her stomach on her mind. She was hungry, not eating for several hours, and noticed some eggs and sausages lying in a pan on the oven, in danger of getting burned.

She quickly scooped them into a plate and ate in an inconspicous corner. She giggled when she was done and quickly washed everything up to leave no trace of her misdeed. She looked forward to the raucous her actions would make later on...

OOC: I'm guessing no one saw her. The couple eating pancakes are surely in the dining room, or another kitchen, since Comrade didn't interact with them, no?

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"Point!" He called out, her fist impacting his ribs. "Nehvur trust a woman," he mused out loud, stepping back quickly and putting himself in a defensive position.

"That's right, Comrade," she said with a grin. "At least not when they have something to lose..."

She also stepped back, setting into a fighting crouch. After waiting a moment, she stepped forward again, apparently aiming another jab at his ribs, at the last second using the momentum to chang that to a spinning kick aimed at his side.

Katrina walks into the kitchen with her stomach on her mind. She was hungry, not eating for several hours, and noticed some eggs and sausages lying in a pan on the oven, in danger of getting burned.

She quickly scooped them into a plate and ate in an inconspicous corner. She giggled when she was done and quickly washed everything up to leave no trace of her misdeed. She looked forward to the raucous her actions would make later on...

OOC: I'm guessing no one saw her. The couple eating pancakes are surely in the dining room, or another kitchen, since Comrade didn't interact with them, no?

OOC: Well, we're fighting, so not much focus from us on anything but that right now.

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"That's right, Comrade," she said with a grin. "At least not when they have something to lose..."

She also stepped back, setting into a fighting crouch. After waiting a moment, she stepped forward again, apparently aiming another jab at his ribs, at the last second using the momentum to chang that to a spinning kick aimed at his side.

Comrade jumped high, his feet skimming the top of her leg. He curled into a ball in the air (not very hard to do as his legs were already at chest height) and rolled forward. A moment later he unraveled himself on the ground and sprang up almost instantly, shooting his leg out at her side.

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"Wow...these are utterly fantastic! You know, I have never had such delectable pancakes...are you sure you are just a model and not the woman of my dreams?"

He enjoyed every savory bite of the fruits and pancakes, and occasionally thanked Alyssa again for the excellent meal.

"I haven't eaten this well in ages..you see...I am an awful cook, so I have to either order for take away or brave my own slop..."

He sat and chewed for a moment.

"So tell me more about yourself Alyssa... everything about fascinates me, and I'm ready to be enthralled."

Alyssa makes herself an espresso, then decides to make another for Felix, waiting for him to finish his breakfast before heading to the lounge to relax for a little bit.

"I'm really glad you liked the pancakes. I cook for myself, sometimes my flatmate (when he's home). I decided to learn to cook because I love eating good food, you know, restaurant style stuff. But didn't want to eat out every night. So I have a whole shelf on my bookcase dedicated to every kind of style of cooking. My salary allows me to splash out on quality stuff, but the cheap stuff is just as good."

Alyssa props herself up on a pillow, her hand atop of Felix's.

"I learned to cook at home, so that made my college life easier. I studied graphic design, so I have a great eye for art and all that related stuff. I dabble in photography, which lead to modelling, naturally. And I'm pretty sure this will lead to acting. Which is nice. I have a major interest in politics, and I'm really good friends with Madame Unicorn, so that's great."

Alyssa smiles, blushing.

"What else do you want to know about me? What about you? What do you do? And more importantly, are you single?"

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Comrade jumped high, his feet skimming the top of her leg. He curled into a ball in the air (not very hard to do as his legs were already at chest height) and rolled forward. A moment later he unraveled himself on the ground and sprang up almost instantly, shooting his leg out at her side.

Excellent. Thiis would truly be a challenging match. She now had some measure of his real spead. No more cheap shots for either one of them. She was already moving by the time her leg came down out of her kick, but nevertheless, his own nearly caught her, and she only managed to turn it into a grazing hit by backflipping over it.

But the grazing hit threw her a little off-balance as she staggered back a little on her landing...

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Excellent. Thiis would truly be a challenging match. She now had some measure of his real spead. No more cheap shots for either one of them. She was already moving by the time her leg came down out of her kick, but nevertheless, his own nearly caught her, and she only managed to turn it into a grazing hit by backflipping over it.

But the grazing hit threw her a little off-balance as she staggered back a little on her landing...

Comrade pressed the advantage, jumping forward quickly as she backflipped and aiming his right foot straight for her right thigh.

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Comrade pressed the advantage, jumping forward quickly as she backflipped and aiming his right foot straight for her right thigh.

She wasn't able to recover quickly enough, and it connected solidly. "Point!"

She withdrew and took the fighting crouch again, preparing for the next exchange of blows.

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She wasn't able to recover quickly enough, and it connected solidly. "Point!"

She withdrew and took the fighting crouch again, preparing for the next exchange of blows.

Comrade nodded at her acknowledgment and shuffled back in a walk reminiscent of the moonwalk. Smiling at the tie score, he raised his hands and crouched.

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"The evolution of your art and way of thinking is truly remarkable... it is just as remarkable that a woman of your age is already so accomplished, yet knows her roots. I love that in a woman. Acting you say? I think you're perfect for such an occupation, you're gorgeous and thoughtful...especially in social situations...such things are needed to be in film."

He drank the espresso, tasting the bitter and creamy elixir.

"Politics you say?"

He got close to her and whispered.

"My godfather is Albert Tanzband of Prussia...in my freetime I translate Asian languages for his diplomatic envoys. When we get out of here, I will talk to him about visiting with Madame Unicorn...someone who I know he has always respected."

He let off a small laugh.

"Single? Oh yes, it takes a special kind of girl to put up with my travel schedule...I really haven't found anyone who has the patience to travel with me from a Hansa Domain for breakfast, to America for lunch and back to Europe for tea and dinner...I guess I'd need to find someone with a sense of adventure first..."

He was obviously dropping the hook for her.

"You even make a great espresso...what can't you do?"

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