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Big Brother!

Madame Unicorn

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"Heyyy! I thought I recognized you from somewhere! You see, history books are very kind to you. The show? It seems interesting enough, I just can't wait for there to be a cat fight."

He winked and raised his glass to his new found friend.

"Very kind, eh? That's good." Aaron chuckled, taking a swig from his bottle. "I can't wait for a cat fight too…I would never miss it, heh." Aaron winked as he raised his bottle to his new friend.

OOC: Jed, I don't think that was a compliment. I believe he was saying Aaron looks better in the pictures than in real life... :P

Jimmy followed her into the kitchen with the hopes of his favorite sweets in his head.

"Thanks lady, my parents usually don't let me have junk food. They say it makes me hyperactive whatever that means.

The tail-like object in Jimmy's bag began to shake as soft whimpers and whines came from the backpack.

"Hey, can you shove some ham or bacon or something into my backpack so it will stop complaining?"

"Hyperactive, you say? No matter. I'm sure we have a gym where you can run around all you like. Now, let's see what we have here," she said, opening the cupboard doors and bringing out the contents. Potato chips and salsa to go with them, several rolls of lifesavers, some bags of jellybeans, and several other items considered to be 'junk' food.

Eyeing the backpack, she smiled knowingly, winking as she went to the fridge and retrieved, not any of the alcohol, but a case of lunchmeat. Opening the case, she removed the meat and put it in the pack like Jimmy had asked.

"You brought your dog with you?" she whispered in his ear.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"Christ, you folks are terribly unhealthy!", shouted Chris Silver as he observed his housemates drunk themselves in alcohol. "I'll stick with my protein shake. And some of you wonder why you look all scrawny and fat. Stupid."

Ashley spits out her shot of vodka.

"Fat? Do I look fat to you?" Ashley says standing on a table. Taking off her jacket, she shows off her muscles.


"You think you could take this? I could knock you the vox out easily, canseco!"

Edited by Comrade
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Theresa, shaking her head and laughing silently at the drunken and drug-induced antics of her housemantes, finally noticed the kid.

"Uh, guys, let's at least try to watch our language, OK?" she said, indicating Jimmy.

"Come on, kid," she said, gesturing for him to follow her to the cupboards in the kitchen. "I'm sure we can find you some candy. They probably stuffed this house full of junk food," she added with a wink.

"I think the kid already found the candy," Ivan muttered beneath his breath, laughing on the inside at how lucky that poor !@#$%^& child was.

However, when the half-drunk, half-English speaking muscle-woman stood up on the table, Ivan grabbed his chance. "Behold!" He shouted, grabbing two legs of the table and lifting them up as high as he could manage - several feet in the air, enough to make the woman fall off. "Strip shows are for night time, woman! Silly capitalists."

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Stephanie Alaus looked at the house and then down at the portrait that MacKenzie had given her. The directions had to be wrong, but the commotion that she could hear coming from inside made her doubt that. She didn't really want to be here at all, first of all, she barely watched television, so the thought of her being on a television show nearly made her blood curdle. Second of all, she knew these types of shows. Human experiments they had called them at the University. "Scapegoating, clique building, nonsense." had been what Professor Pons had told her. But in all due respect, that was what world leaders did on a daily bases, so the human experiment continued, over and over again. Whether it was at some showcase house like this one. Or at Diet Hall back in Brisbane.

Technically she wasn't even supposed to be coming, but last night, right as she was falling asleep her phone rang. It was MacKenzie. She had fallen ill at the worst possible minute, but since she was under contract by the producers of the show, she couldn't just tell them to shove off. It was either show up, find a replacement, or pay a fine and after a half hour of guilt tripping the poor girl, Stephanie finally crawled out of bed and began to pack. Safe to say, she was absolutely miserable.

Everything had been packed into a a roll-on bag as she paid the cab driver and walked towards the house. "People..." She sighed. "They're going to ask questions and all kinds of other !@#$, not that they even really care." She scowled. Everyone would have their part, the cool kid, the nerd, the flirt, etc. and naturally she would have to find someway to fit in, or it was going to be a living hell. No, it was going to be a living hell anyways. Walking up the door, shivers and sweats gripped Stephanie's body. She pulled her auburn hair back into a pony talk and adjusted her bracelet. "Maybe I could just say that I'm a mute." She sighed again. "No that won't work. You brought your damn guitar."

Sucking up the rest of her courage, she knocked on the door. Not daring to just walk in. Deep down she just hoped that they wouldn't hear.

Hearing the knock from her position in the kitchen, she waited for Jimmy's response to her whisper before answering the door, actually about halfway in between the kitchen and the living room.

Opening the door, she offered a smile to the newest guest.


"Late arrival, huh?" she said, stepping back and leaning against the wall to let Stephanie in. "I should probably warn you, most of them are already well on their way to getting drunk."

Stephanie would undoubtedly have arrived in time to see Ashley's latest comment...

Ashley spits out her shot of vodka.

"Fat? Do I look fat to you?" Ashley says standing on a table. Taking off her jacket, she shows off her muscles.


"You think you could take this? I could knock you the vox out easily, canseco!"

"Oh really," Theresa grinned. "You wouldn't mind having a friendly sparring match, would you? My father taught me a few moves."

She neglected to mention the little facte that her father was also special forces, and had taught her considerably more than a "few."

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Ashley spits out her shot of vodka.

"Fat? Do I look fat to you?" Ashley says standing on a table. Taking off her jacket, she shows off her muscles.


"You think you could take this? I could knock you the vox out easily, canseco!"

Upon seeing her take her jacket off, Aaron so nearly had a major nosebleed. He continued drinking the bottle, albeit at a frenzied rate.

Edited by JEDCJT
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Ashley spits out her shot of vodka.

"Fat? Do I look fat to you?" Ashley says standing on a table. Taking off her jacket, she shows off her muscles.

"You think you could take this? I could knock you the vox out easily, canseco!"

"What's 'yer problem? I weight at least three times as much as you. Now, buzz off and let me have fun with the stonehead!"

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Hearing the knock from her position in the kitchen, she waited for Jimmy's response to her whisper before answering the door, actually about halfway in between the kitchen and the living room.

Opening the door, she offered a smile to the newest guest.


"Late arrival, huh?" she said, stepping back and leaning against the wall to let Stephanie in. "I should probably warn you, most of them are already well on their way to getting drunk."

Stephanie would undoubtedly have arrived in time to see Ashley's latest comment...

It was just as she had thought. Looking in to the house, people were already having at each other and some idiot of a woman was standing there shirtless on a table trying to cut down everyone around her. "Perfect..." Stephanie sighed. She turned back to the woman that had opened the door for her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm not even really supposed to be on the show. Or what ever the hell this is. Filling in for a friend." She looked at her, out of everyone, she seemed by far the most normal. Stephanie stretched out her hand. "I'm Stephanie Alaus by the way, Brisbane. You are?"

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It was just as she had thought. Looking in to the house, people were already having at each other and some idiot of a woman was standing there shirtless on a table trying to cut down everyone around her. "Perfect..." Stephanie sighed. She turned back to the woman that had opened the door for her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm not even really supposed to be on the show. Or what ever the hell this is. Filling in for a friend." She looked at her, out of everyone, she seemed by far the most normal. Stephanie stretched out her hand. "I'm Stephanie Alaus by the way, Brisbane. You are?"

Taking the offered hand, she returned the introduction. "Theresa Carter. From Melbourne. Glad to meet ya," she said, with a smile of her own.

"If you want something to eat or drink, I'm sure we could find something a little more...wholesome than the alcohol they're bent on drinking."

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Upon seeing her take her jacket off, Aaron so nearly had a major nosebleed. He continued drinking the bottle, albeit at a frenzied rate.

Meyer stands next to Aaron as they gaze upon the wonder they were seeing. "I'm with ya buddy, I'm with ya," he said. He slumped down on the couch, but never took his eyes off Ashley. "I think I'm in love," he said to himself.

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She nodded. "I see. How wil he do that?"

"Umm...Umm...Umm I don't know, but he will 'cause he is the bestest dog in the entire world! I even guarantee that he's smarter than most of the people in this house! Isn't that right buddy?"

"Arf Arf" answered Baxter contently

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"I think the kid already found the candy," Ivan muttered beneath his breath, laughing on the inside at how lucky that poor !@#$%^& child was.

However, when the half-drunk, half-English speaking muscle-woman stood up on the table, Ivan grabbed his chance. "Behold!" He shouted, grabbing two legs of the table and lifting them up as high as he could manage - several feet in the air, enough to make the woman fall off. "Strip shows are for night time, woman! Silly capitalists."

Ashley takes a nice drunken tumble to the floor. She stands back up and takes a nice leg sweep at Ivan, hopefully knocking him and the table onto him.

"Dont. Mess. With. Me." She says, murder in her eyes.

Ashley takes a look at Stephanie.

"Girl, I could snap your neck in an instant. I wouldnt recommend it. In Molakia, we train full force. Ive broken several bones in 'training', so dont push me." she says, every word laced with malice...and alcohol.

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Ashley takes a nice drunken tumble to the floor. She stands back up and takes a nice leg sweep at Ivan, hopefully knocking him and the table onto him.

Ivan, being not drunk, simply jumps over her leg.

"While your legs may be suitable for a pornographic movie or infomercial for Total Gym, they are not suitable for defeating Communist soldiers." Comrade smiled gently at the woman, his hands behind his back.

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"I think the kid already found the candy," Ivan muttered beneath his breath, laughing on the inside at how lucky that poor !@#$%^& child was.

However, when the half-drunk, half-English speaking muscle-woman stood up on the table, Ivan grabbed his chance. "Behold!" He shouted, grabbing two legs of the table and lifting them up as high as he could manage - several feet in the air, enough to make the woman fall off. "Strip shows are for night time, woman! Silly capitalists."

Meyer walked up to Ivan and smacked him in the face. "I told you I had my eye on you, and you just gave me a reason. Now, commie, I suggest you leave the lady alone."

He then walked up to Ashley. "I know you said you could handle it," he said to her, "but that one was for me."

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Ashley takes a look at Stephanie.

"Girl, I could snap your neck in an instant. I wouldnt recommend it. In Molakia, we train full force. Ive broken several bones in 'training', so dont push me." she says, every word laced with malice...and alcohol.

Stephanie gave a sarcastic thumbs up to the woman and nodded her head. "Well don't worry, you won't hear a peep from me." She turned back to Theresa. "I guess I'll see you around." She shook her hand and threw her scarf around her neck again. Stephanie was dressed in a brown leather jacket, a blue blouse underneath, a pair of jeans, and converse sneakers, so at least she looked normal. But simply deciding to ignore the rest of the crowd downstairs she turned towards the staircase leading up to the bedrooms upstairs.

She found the area where the girl's rooms were set up and seeing most of the beds already claimed, found one off to the side where she hoped she wouldn't be put through too much trouble. Dumping her stuff on the bed, Stephanie sat down, took off her coat and laid on the bed, her head in her hands. "This is going to be a nightmare."

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Alyssa looked around at the people around her. Females were throwing themselves at the men, tops off and all. Alyssa smirked. 'No class...' she whispered. Sidiling up beside Ivan, she smiled.

"Doesn't this bourgeois lifestyle seem so... awful to you?" Purring, Alyssa takes a small drink. "Of course, I cannot speak for myself, but whatever I have, is yours. Communism just seems so.. Perfect to me." She walks off and greets the new housemate, shaking her hand gently.

"My name's Alyssa Carter, and I'm from Ilam in Annihilation... It's very lovely to meet you"

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Meyer walked up to Ivan and smacked him in the face. "I told you I had my eye on you, and you just gave me a reason. Now, commie, I suggest you leave the lady alone."

He then walked up to Ashley. "I know you said you could handle it," he said to her, "but that one was for me."

Comrade rolled his head with the weak-wristed slap. "You slap like a fat pig wishing for his servant to fetch him some more judge, silly man." Then again, he had lost the feelings in many of his nerves so it may have been harder than he believed.

"A real-life white knight? Oh, the drama that will ensue," he thought out loud.

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Alyssa looked around at the people around her. Females were throwing themselves at the men, tops off and all. Alyssa smirked. 'No class...' she whispered. Sidiling up beside Ivan, she smiled.

"Doesn't this bourgeois lifestyle seem so... awful to you?" Purring, Alyssa takes a small drink. "Of course, I cannot speak for myself, but whatever I have, is yours. Communism just seems so.. Perfect to me."

"Of course, Communism is perfect. There has simply been.. mishandling," he said, without picking up the vibe coming from her. Communism leaves no room for love!

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Meyer walked up to Ivan and smacked him in the face. "I told you I had my eye on you, and you just gave me a reason. Now, commie, I suggest you leave the lady alone."

He then walked up to Ashley. "I know you said you could handle it," he said to her, "but that one was for me."

"Heh...Thanks Then, I guess."

She turns to Ivan and gives him a nice punch to the face.

"Dang! You fell like the Berlin Wall!"

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"Heh...Thanks Then, I guess."

She turns to Ivan and gives him a nice punch to the face.

"Dang! You fell like the Berlin Wall!"

Ivan watches as the very sad girl punched a double of him she was seeing due to her inebriation. "Very sad, very sad," he muttered, tutting and walking away.

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Alyssa grabs Ashley by the arm and twists it back around behind her back, her other arm pulling the girls hair.

"Don't. Do that. Again." She pulls harder with every word, before releasing the girl onto the floor and walking outside to slip into the hot tub.

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Comrade rolled his head with the weak-wristed slap. "You slap like a fat pig wishing for his servant to fetch him some more judge, silly man." Then again, he had lost the feelings in many of his nerves so it may have been harder than he believed.

"A real-life white knight? Oh, the drama that will ensue," he thought out loud.

"I may be a knight," Meyer said, "but I sure wouldn't call that girl a damsel in distress."

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