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The N64 Accords

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With NPO down, there be little incentive for the Hegemony to keep fighting. I'm sure TPF will soon follow suit.

Congrats on peace 64D! B)

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What remains of the victims of those who have been "punished" by the Karma War? No payment in blood or reps can resurrect those people or alliances. 5 and 70k is more than what's left of them.

64digits "deserves" no reps because there are only 5 of them left, not because they ever did anything right or good.

Schattenpie - This makes no sense. Please rephrase in such a manner as to make your snide and vengeful statement more clearly understandable.

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They've paid far more in blood and sacrifice. what remains is a 5 man alliance totaling ~70kNS. These men have more than paid back what they've taken in the past and they fought without mud-slinging, cheap tricks or whining. I look forward to seeing their reconstruction.

Well deserved peace for you all in 64 Digits.

I'd probably agree with you if not for 64Digits past glee in clawing money and tech from alliances beaten down to 20% of their original size. I'm glad they got white peace because alliances that did what they did do not deserve the further punishment of paying reparations. My point is they did not consider this to be the case when on the winning side of a conflict and went out of their way to insult and ridicule their foes when on the winning side of a conflict.

Make the most of the chance you were too greedy to give others, 64Digits.

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Congrats on peace 64Digits. You definitely earned it. We all know there will be naysayers, because this is about revenge. It always has been and always will be.

I hope for a bright future for you all.

If you consider me a "naysayer" then that is your prerogative (despite me not complaining about 64Digits getting white peace at all). My comments were made to put things into perspective with regards to 64Digits and to hopefully impress upon them just how fortunate they are. Had they surrendered to their own coalition last war they'd be suffering for a good few months yet.

I wish them luck rebuilding and hope that these terms allow them to put their own actions into perspective and they consider this should they be in a position to offer peace terms to others later on.

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If you consider me a "naysayer" then that is your prerogative (despite me not complaining about 64Digits getting white peace at all). My comments were made to put things into perspective with regards to 64Digits and to hopefully impress upon them just how fortunate they are. Had they surrendered to their own coalition last war they'd be suffering for a good few months yet.

I wish them luck rebuilding and hope that these terms allow them to put their own actions into perspective and they consider this should they be in a position to offer peace terms to others later on.

Tyga, my post was not particular to you, merely a warning for the ones who inevitably will come out decrying these terms for past crimes. They are indeed fortunate, just as many alliances throughout this campaign have been, my former alliance included. I do not pretend to know them personally, but given the non existant bickering coming from them, I believe they also see themselves as fortunate for the mercy shown. All along this new era, there have been sarcastic, hurtful and disrespectful posts from all sides, and I can say that with exception to a few you seem to hold dear to you (Pacifica off the top of my head), you have been a breath of fresh air to read. I understand the vehemence in your posts concerning Pacifica and am happy you haven't followed the norm and bash every alliance that fought for Hegemony.

I am bored, hence the long reply. My apologies if you thought I was taking a snipe at you personally.

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Tyga, my post was not particular to you, merely a warning for the ones who inevitably will come out decrying these terms for past crimes. They are indeed fortunate, just as many alliances throughout this campaign have been, my former alliance included. I do not pretend to know them personally, but given the non existant bickering coming from them, I believe they also see themselves as fortunate for the mercy shown. All along this new era, there have been sarcastic, hurtful and disrespectful posts from all sides, and I can say that with exception to a few you seem to hold dear to you (Pacifica off the top of my head), you have been a breath of fresh air to read. I understand the vehemence in your posts concerning Pacifica and am happy you haven't followed the norm and bash every alliance that fought for Hegemony.

I am bored, hence the long reply. My apologies if you thought I was taking a snipe at you personally.

Fair enough, I just wanted to clarify my statement in case you had misunderstood it. I'm not aware of being particularly outspoken against the NPO either. I'm just not going to shed a tear at them having to pay reps, is all.

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The longer an alliance gets curb stomped the more likely they should be to get white peace. Terms just add insult to injury after a prolonged curb stomp. Hopefully we've moved past tossing in the insults.

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