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TPF war on NOIR announcement


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TPF officially announces peace with NOIR.

Nations will begin peacing out as soon as we can get the news out.

*sighs* I do hate mass PMs.

Too many of NOIR are our friends, people who we've been on the same side of the battlefield with for too many times. Most of NOIR we didn't ever have any problems with. This makes the pursuing the peace process a bit easier.

It turns out that it was just the ones at the top, those who were trying to get other alliances to attack us, that we really had problems with. The same ones who keep their machinations quiet from the rest of their alliance, the ones who posted the RE hit list in the NOIR public areas of their forums, the same ones that - well you get the idea. All of that stuff would be rather annoying for anyone, and as it turns out, EVERYONE.


Peace is given to NOIR. With two exceptions.

Doornail and lkeller will remain at war until further notice.

Oh yes.

They will.

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those who were trying to get other alliances to attack us

this is the problem...because thier were no attempts to get any alliance to attack TPF

I managed to get peace with one from TPF,only to have the slot filled almost instantly.

it's no fun to battle by themselves, I sent my attackers a PM saying I refused to fight TPF

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Doornail deal with it this was part your fault just accept it.

If you don't want to fight that is fine were still probably going to bomb you because if I was one of your attackers I would surely do that.

Stop crying and accept the face that you screwed up and now your paying the consequences.

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I'm not crying,I've been beat down before in TE *shrugs*.. I will not admit to something I didn't say..somebody got lied to.... convinced the leadership of TPF that it was true,when it wasn't.

I call BS..I know what I said,no trumped up,bogus information can change the truth..I stand by my word,come hell or high water. ask anyone that knows me,I do not lie.

edit...see,the thing about a lie...it takes two more to cover it up..whoever lied to leadership of TPF will probably burn for it,good luck with that..you know you're gonna get caught,come clean and I'll quit annoying everyone with my posts :D

Edited by DoorNail
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I call BS..I know what I said,no trumped up,bogus information can change the truth..I stand by my word,come hell or high water. ask anyone that knows me,I do not lie.

You still say you never had any intentions of attacking TPF?

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You still say you never had any intentions of attacking TPF?

JonBoy16,scroll up to post #3,now ask me again :/ ...you attempt to derail everything,is that guilt you're feeling? cause for some reason,I feel you had a big hand in all this..seeing how it was you that invited me into that IRC room...with your buddy Tiberius12

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JonBoy16,scroll up to post #3,now ask me again :/ ...you attempt to derail everything,is that guilt you're feeling? cause for some reason,I feel you had a big hand in all this..seeing how it was you that invited me into that IRC room...with your buddy Tiberius12

Guilt? The only guilt I have is that 'your' AA got drug down, and more than half of them anarchied because of the mistakes you made. Lkeller has admitted the bloc to other TPF gov.

Since you asked me to, do you still say you had no plans to attack TPF? Before you answer, read this message which is a copy/paste from a PM you sent to someone else. The names (even including yours) have been taken out as per the request of the person you sent it to:

I have been talking to alliance leaders about a secret super bloc..so far there are 6 alliances very interested in this idea,five of which have 50+ members,one with 20. this bloc,once estabolished and announced..will take on RE,TPF and TF in a majior conflict.

Are you still going to deny it? Do we need the screen shot?

I feel you had a big hand in all this..seeing how it was you that invited me into that IRC room...with your buddy Tiberius12

That quote above of yours looks like the biggest hand in all this. Remember. I invited you into that IRC room so you and Tibs could talk about a treaty. Again you're twisting facts. That's getting pretty old.

Edited by JonBoy16
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Sorry LKeller, but RoWN doesn't have any plans on fighting RE, TPF, and TF.

Not a chance.

Yet another group certain people were trying to drum up to attack us.

This time, one of our protectorates, of all people.

Some people are LOOSAHS.

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Yet another group certain people were trying to drum up to attack us.

This time, one of our protectorates, of all people.

Some people are LOOSAHS.

They also tried us. They didn't get our actual leader either, they just messaged the top NS nation. Lame.

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They also tried us. They didn't get our actual leader either, they just messaged the top NS nation. Lame.

The new kids on the block don't have the best powers of diplomacy, huh?

Was it DoorNail who messaged you guys? Was he asking you to attack RE, TPF, and TF?

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They also tried us. They didn't get our actual leader either, they just messaged the top NS nation. Lame.

Yeah, they did that to us, just LKeller stuck in there 'Give this to your leader'

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Yeah fail leadership is fail. Glad you knocked them off the sanction list cuz they sure don't deserve it.

good luck to all those who have been smart enough to leave already and the ones whom I'm sure will in the near future.

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Doornail deal with it this was part your fault just accept it.

If you don't want to fight that is fine were still probably going to bomb you because if I was one of your attackers I would surely do that.

Stop crying and accept the face that you screwed up and now your paying the consequences.

Don't worry brother, I'm one of the people he's fighting, and I have no intentions of stopping until he's ZI'd. I just wish that I could ZI your mouth Doornail, is there no way you can just go away? You're the zit on prom night, you betrayed your entire alliance to annihilation for the sake of your own ego. You've admitted you don't care about any member of your own alliance in other posts. I won't stop until you have nothing left. For your crimes I will end you.

I dedicate your utter destruction to all the members of NOIR who were innocent of your machinations, the ones who were appalled to find out you were simultaneously attempting to simultaneously join the RE-TPF-TF Coalition, while plotting behind our backs to form a Coalition to destroy us. You betrayed your allies, the trust of people who would be your friends, and perhaps most grievously yourself. Your honor and reputation is smeared in a way that cannot be recovered, you will be remembered as the backstabbing, incompetent, babbling loon that you have revealed yourself to be.

As for the innocent amongst NOIR, I salute you and wish you the best of luck. Doornail's destruction is dedicated to you, I shall show no mercy I promise you. You deserve no less than the satisfaction of seeing your betrayer brought low.

Thank you for the honor of avenging your betrayal, and carrying your righteous wrath to the true enemy. I'll wipe clean the stain on your proud and good name.

o/ The Innocent of NOIR

Edited by Gabryal
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thanks for wishing us luck, but go easy on DN, Inexperiance can cripple anyone no matter the how good your gear is

And to all those who left NOIR, Goodluck

DN I wish you luck

and to those attacking him and Lkeller, I apologize for the senseless war

Goodluck to NOIR :)

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Yeah fail leadership is fail. Glad you knocked them off the sanction list cuz they sure don't deserve it.

good luck to all those who have been smart enough to leave already and the ones whom I'm sure will in the near future.

Oh can it already traitor.

You never were interested in NOIR for the benefit of NOIR, just your pathetic megalomanic desires. Good riddance to you sir.

On Topic, thank you for the peace and understanding TPF.

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@Shadow Lurker, I completely Respect your feelings and Opinions, even if they differ from mine. Your sense of Honor is apparent in your words both here and in other posts I have read. I understand your desire to request leniency for your friend DN, in spite of the evidence that he decieved and betrayed the rest of you. That sort of loyalty is hard to come by. My experience says that he doesn't care about you as much as you care about him, however I could be wrong. For the sake of your loyal plea I hope I am wrong, despite my convictions. I regretfully must tell you that mercy for DN is not possible, for I have irrefutably fact that he intended to harm members of my alliance, my brothers and sisters in arms. I hope this little I tell you can ease the sting a bit, it is not for vengeance that I personally am destroying him, it's for precaution, If someone who plots against TPF is seen to have reaped utter destruction for their duplicity, then perhaps others will not be so quick to emulate his example, and another war which would lead to more destruction of the innocent, could be avoided. Let us say that between us we have a common thread, I am as loyal to my friends as you are to yours. I salute your honorable, well spoken attitude.

Edited by Gabryal
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Oh can it already traitor.

You never were interested in NOIR for the benefit of NOIR, just your pathetic megalomanic desires. Good riddance to you sir.

On Topic, thank you for the peace and understanding TPF.

You lemmings make me laugh. Even after DN proved himself a liar,and proved his complete disregard for everyone in NOIR, you still continue to attack me for trying to get him to do the right thing and step down. You want to follow him off a cliff because " he's a cool guy and we like him" That's the only pathetic part of this conflict, that you would follow a leader blindly even after he has so heinously betrayed you speaks volumes for your intelligence. Have Fun supporting your incompetent leadership I for one am very happy with my new alliance and am not sorry to have left the children of NOIR behind.

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