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Navy Question

Il Terra Di Agea

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Alright, I know the basic Navy IG=Navy in CNRP, and I know some things have gone by about coast guard, but I have a question as to what would count as a coast guard and/ or what, if any rules are there about Coast guard forces.

Alright, I want to start my coast guard, and have a few boats (From RL Norway) that I wish to use, that are also not mirrored in CN.

The first is the same class as the NoCGV Harstad. It has small guns, and is most definitely not built for any real combat.

The second, is theNornen class patrol vessel. Again, not built for combat, a small armament.

The final, is the Combat Boat 90, a bit more armament, but would do very little against real navy, except for its mines. It's a bit more like something you would drive a few fire teams to shore with and run away. I'm not really sure about this one, as it could be a landing craft by definition, but for some reason, I've heard that those are the only vessels that don't require navy ingame.

So, what I'm wondering is what, if any, rules would I have to follow while using these, if I can use them.

Also, sorry if this is a repeat thread.

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I'm pretty sure you can just have those even without a navy. I had a conversation with Mael about this in IRC last night (though it was about submarines) and he mentioned that he has a "ridiculous amount of missile boats" patrolling his waters.

I don't think there's a limit to how many you can have, but I doubt you're going to abuse that. As far as I know, the only thing you need to have ingame ships for is a blue-water navy (ocean-going) and you don't need any for greenwater (coastal) or brownwater (river).

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This is how I generally understand it, you can have Green-water and Brown-water boats without a Navy, but must have an In-game Navy for Blue-Water ships (Frigates, Cruisers, etc.)

That's basically what Vedran said, but it is also my understanding that non-Navy ships are literally no match for IG Navy ships in here.

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This is how I generally understand it, you can have Green-water and Brown-water boats without a Navy, but must have an In-game Navy for Blue-Water ships (Frigates, Cruisers, etc.)

That's basically what Vedran said, but it is also my understanding that non-Navy ships are literally no match for IG Navy ships in here.

Yup, their shells bounce of navy ships like bullets off superman.

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I would also say that unless you have a shipyard or drydock, you need another country to make those for you.

No, perhaps for actual combat ships (i.e in-game ships) but I wouldn't say that's the case required for civilian / commerical maritime / freighters or non-combat ships - which is where I see a coast guard crafts falling under.

Basically if the ship can engage in combat, then yes - definitely it has to reflect in-game requirements. But if it were something equivalent (in-game) to a 0-strength ship, then I say no need for a drydock or shipyard.

But at the very least I'd say a harbour is required for any sort of waterborne vehicle like ships or subs regardless their abilities - be it a commercial freighter, civilian cruiseliner, or sailboat - even failboats would require a harbour.

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A cleverly RPed brown water navy could damage a blue water navy, even if the person RPing the bw navy doesn't have one in game. Granted, naval technology is so advanced that it isn't likely, but could certainly happen.

RL shows time and time again that a technologically inferior opponent can damage their superiors.

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A cleverly RPed brown water navy could damage a blue water navy, even if the person RPing the bw navy doesn't have one in game. Granted, naval technology is so advanced that it isn't likely, but could certainly happen.

RL shows time and time again that a technologically inferior opponent can damage their superiors.

Damage, but not defeat. The first rule of RPing a fleet without an IG navy is that they will be torn to shreds by a real ship.

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Because they didn't know it was coming and their defenses were offline.

OK, imagine several DOZEN such speedboats coming at you. You think a single ship's defenses is going to realistically be able to stop them all? Even if the defenses are active?

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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If you're defending your shores from smugglers and illegal immigrants nobody would care. It is possible to "defeat" a another country's organized navy without one of your own. I "defeated" the Prussian Kriegsmarine with a patrol boat and the threat of anti-ship missiles. Of course when I say defeated I mean they backed off, at least until they were out of range the coastal defense missiles, or could destroy them from the air.

edit: also... Hi.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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And why didn't that happen IRL? A destroyer was hit with a speedboat filled with high explosives and it made quite a dent.

If it worked in Age of Empires 2, it will work in real life!

But seriously, I think the "no navy ingame cannot defeat navy ingame" thing was intended to mean "in a stand-up fight" and not to prevent people from creatively RPing their speedboat armada i.e. if the guy's navy was in port.

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If it worked in Age of Empires 2, it will work in real life!

But seriously, I think the "no navy ingame cannot defeat navy ingame" thing was intended to mean "in a stand-up fight" and not to prevent people from creatively RPing their speedboat armada i.e. if the guy's navy was in port.

I'm not talking about Age of Empire 2. In REAL LIFE, that's what IRL means, a US destroyer was hit by a terrorist speedboat filled with explosives. They had to get a bigger ship to come over and literally carry the destroyer back to port to be repaired because the hole was too big.

An older example is the fireships the British used against the numerically superior Spanish Armada.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Blue water navy is still very vulnerable to brown water navy. Remeber JFK's patrol boat and the fact it carried TORPEDOES? :-P Yeah... there's nothing in a blue water navy that physics cannot handle. You throw enough of an explosive warhead.. regardless of the draft of the boat and someone's going to sink.

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I'm not talking about Age of Empire 2. In REAL LIFE, that's what IRL means, a US destroyer was hit by a terrorist speedboat filled with explosives. They had to get a bigger ship to come over and literally carry the destroyer back to port to be repaired because the hole was too big.

An older example is the fireships the British used against the numerically superior Spanish Armada.

I know about the USS Cole, bro, that's why I added the second paragraph because I thought you might think I was making fun of your post. You still thought that but oh well.

The only reason I even mentioned age of empires 2 is because it has exploding suicide boats.

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