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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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OOC: Holy crud...now that's one extensive war. No way I'm readng ALL of that...it'd take way, WAY too long. Anyone got a summary of what's happening where in this invasion?

OOC: Most of the Dragon Empire is swarming in from the North whilst some other forces have launched attacks from the sea to cut off the Khmer however, the Khmer forces themselves have gone into the jungles and the civilian population to attack the Dragon Empire and Pax Pacis forces have also moved to the Pax Pacis/Khmer Empire border.

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OOC: Most of the Dragon Empire is swarming in from the North whilst some other forces have launched attacks from the sea to cut off the Khmer however, the Khmer forces themselves have gone into the jungles and the civilian population to attack the Dragon Empire and Pax Pacis forces have also moved to the Pax Pacis/Khmer Empire border.

OOC: Wow...I didn't think it could be done that concisely. 'tanks. :D

(Yes, that joke is deliberate.)

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The attack was preceded by an almost continuous naval shelling of Hue ever since the day the MARCOS extracted the bodies of the dead diplomats. The Mig29Ks of CNS Trichur held CAP to ensure that no interference happen. The shelling was also accompanied by inland air raids by the Raven unmanned bombers escorted by naval Hornets. At dawn when command signal came in from RCDF General Staff the Marine Task Forces 21 and 22 crept closer to the shore of Hue. The V and VI Marine Divisions aboard the 2 Task Forces assaulted the beach in a wave of Amphibious Fighting Vehicles roaring at a speed of 50 kmph over the water. They were preceded by a squad of MH53 mine clearers who detonated all possible mines and unfortunately some marine life by carpet bombing the area through its MetalStorm Mine Clearance system. The 3 Million rounds per second weapon system saturated the ocean with a mass of steel bullets to remote detonate any mines. Shortly after the beach was secured a mine clearance craft would come by to magnetically remove all expended rounds and debris.

The Cochin Forces took the beach with no resistance as the town had been destroyed and as such evacutaed after the WMD attack. The remenant forces had set up defensive positions in the towns around Hue. Armed with anything and everything they mined the roads and bridges around them to ensure nothing would get in.

The AFVs were escorted by Piranha gun ships of the two marine divisions. The V MD made for Quang Dien, while VI MD made for Phu Bai. The two targets were reached by the AFVs around 30 minutes after making landfall. Supported by orbiting gunships they surrounded the town but did not venture in. Though adequately armed against all classes of heavy machine gun fire and even Rocket Propelled Grenades the AFVs were not invulnerable to true high energy weapons. For this purpose the first T100 tanks were being landed at the beach heads secured by the advance parties. The helicopter work groups and missile boats had by then secured a pontoon bridge from the beach past the inner lagoon to the mainland proper. Attempting to bring the LSTs through the estuary would have been a suicide, hence this approach.

The T100s drove gingerly upon the pontoon bridges to finally reach terra firma and end the sieges of Quang Dien and Phu Bai.

After the fall of these two towns a pincer envelopment was launched. The V Marine Division would secure Tu Ha and move South West to block the Northern and Western approaches to Hue.

The VI Marine Division would move North West from Phu Bai to mount siege from South of Hue. Meanwhile the 2 Marine Division would be picked from Beihai by the Task Force 21 and it shall form the side side of a triangular vice to capture Hue when it advances on a direct bearing to Hue from the coast.

When the first tanks jame into view, gunfire and rocket fire opened up on the Tanks and infantry. Inside the towns 3 defensive lines were set up with an asortment of traps to ensure that the Cochin forces would go through hell to capture their city.

The Royal Cochin Army's 1 Corps has now captured Hanoi and shall soon be able to support the siege of Haiphong on our southward thrust to Hue.

Blatant Cochin Prpoganda. Hanio is and always will be firmly in the hands of the Mighty Khmer Empire.

*** Melvin Republic Infantry ***

Corporal Lu had never seen real combat before, just like any other Melvin Republic citizen born during the current regime. She and her comrades had trained very hard for the past 3 months, but she was by no means a professional soldier. Before her training began she worked as a programming technician, and her recruitment was identical to most Republican soldiers. She saw the advertisements on the internet claiming that one of the highest paying jobs was available to anyone in the nation over the age of 20. She went to her local recruitment office and was graded based on her abilities, both physical and mental. After vigorous examination by a doctor, she was lead to the shooting range and was tested on accuracy in the standing and prone position. Lu then ran a timed mile and did other exercises in which the results were recorded. She scored exceptionally well in physical endurance and did very well in marksmanship. She left the recruitment office and checked her email when she got home, and Lu had already received her calculated salary if she joined the Melvin Republic military. She fondly remembered calling her mother and excitedly informing her about a more than double increase in her wages. Lu already had her stock options planned for when she began receiving the government salary...


A mortar shell landed 60 meters from her squad and all ten soldiers flattened themselves to the ground. They were not trained for this type of combat, the hidden-in-the-bushes defense that the Khmer Empire has adopted. They had read about Dragonisia's successes against this guerilla warfare and envied their ability to fight in that capacity. The squad got back on its feet and the sergeant signalled to move forward along the ditch. They were escorting several M1A1 tanks on the road above them and had to keep up with them while they advanced into the jungle. Lu remarked to Private Strei, "Rumor is that we are heading toward Hanoi and the Empire is positioned to take Haiphong." She was met with silence, her fellow soldier was not as comfortable in the warzone as she was apparently.


Corporal Lu was thrown to the ground from the force of the explosion. An RPG had soared over her head and slammed into the M1A1 tank on the road above her. With her ears still ringing, she climbed up onto the road to investigate the damage. Several Republican soldiers were already firing in the direction of the ambush and the tank suffered no structural damage. The situation was under control and sergeant sent a small group to investigate the area that the RPG was fired from. The radio call came through ... "all clear" ... and right at that moment hell broke loose. The jungle came alive as dozens well-armed Khmer Empire guerilla warriors laid fire into the squad. Lu ducked back into the ditch as three rounds richocheted off the tank.


Lu and Strei stood up next to each other and began firing into the jungle. At first was mostly blind firing, but Lu's keen eyes zeroed in on the movement and muzzle flashses as the battle continued. She placed her sights onto a small bush that spawned a muzzle flash every few seconds and squeezed the trigger rapidly. She watched as a Khmer soldier slumped down clutching his stomache, his hands unable to stem the red flow. She froze for a moment as she soaked in the reality of her action. A human life, she claimed a human life for a higher salary... and she did not regret it. Lu regained her composure and continued firing. Private Strei yelled into her helmet, "They're moving to our ri..." CRACK

Lu looked to her right and saw the remaining half of her comrades face. All of her elation and adrenaline turned into a cold perception of this reality she was in. She did not want to see any more comrades die, and she ran down the line to the sergeant. On the way there she stepped over two of her former squadmates. She began yelling but was immediately cut off by an M1A1 120mm gun. She yelled again, "Call in an anti-personell missile on the enemy location! We are getting cut up badly out here!"

The sergeant did not reply and instead began yelling into his communication officer's ear. He yelled loudly, "Pull back 500 meters! LET'S GO! LET'S GO!" Lu and the squad began running as fast as possible in the direction they came from. A few minutes later, the scream of a cruise missile cut through the air a few seconds before the impact. The explosion rocked the squad and nearby tanks but was a safe distance away. The jungle from which the intense gun and rocket fire erupted was silenced and slowly burning. The squad called in a medevac to remove their 3 dead and 2 wounded. Didn't look like Corporal Lu would see Hanoi anytime soon.

OOC:Nothing to say apart from pure awesome.

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The Cochin Forces took the beach with no resistance as the town had been destroyed and as such evacutaed after the WMD attack. The remenant forces had set up defensive positions in the towns around Hue. Armed with anything and everything they mined the roads and bridges around them to ensure nothing would get in.

When the first tanks jame into view, gunfire and rocket fire opened up on the Tanks and infantry. Inside the towns 3 defensive lines were set up with an asortment of traps to ensure that the Cochin forces would go through hell to capture their city.

Blatant Cochin Prpoganda. Hanio is and always will be firmly in the hands of the Mighty Khmer Empire.

OOC: I never ever did a WMD attack. It was a conventional High Explosive war head on the cruise missile!! Why cant anyone read???

IC: The AFVs which maintained siege before the tanks came in to capture the towns properly had conducted certain furtive raids to determine the opposition and at some cost determined the strength and nature of defense. A call to CNS Trichur brought in 5 S-RECO UAVs which started flying over the embattled towns looking on with their high resolution optical cameras, infra red cameras and multi mode radars.

It found various defensive emplacements which the EFV raids were unable to locate. The signals were fed directly to the unit commanders in their BMP3 Command tracks. With each Brigade and each Battalion preassigned different sectors of operation the individual commanders tasked the S-RECOs and received information. Since the Aerial Artillery Platforms were not yet available in this theater the threats in these cities had to be taken down with artillery.

By the time all the armored forces had assembled for the siege a comprehensive information about the siege was available to the Marine Division commanders. Before the conquest, first the Divisions heavy towed artillery and MRLS were ringed around the town. The Raven UCAV-B bombers were also deployed in strength to support aerially. So were the Piranha gunships integral to the Marine divisions.

The outer level of defenses were targeted first. For area defenses MRLS would be used and when more precision gunnery is required the 155mm Heavy artillery and 155mm SPGs would be used in TOT attack. While the artillery attack is going on the T100s and APCs move in closer to the center of the town. The 155mm SPGs would also move in protected by some APCs and AFVs.

Where the range of artillery is found to be tricky or where civilian casualties cannot be ruled out, the Piranhas and Ravens take over immolating the defenses with their heavy machine guns and armor piercing gatling cannons.

Meanwhile in the north, 1 Corps is on its second day of siege of Hanoi. Detailed information have been reamed and RCA is now poised to make the final push to topple Hanoi defenses and to capture it. The Metac AAPs have been pounding the overt defenses of Hanoi for three days. Shortly they shall have locations of the more overt defenses discovered by the flights of S-RECOs over Hanoi.

4 S-RECOs have been shot down so far by shoulder fired SAMs when they indulged in low level flying however more and more S-RECOs are being brought into the theater to expand the surveillance net.

Fully a regiment each of towed 155 mm guns, 155mm SPG and MRLS have been arraigned around Hanoi to immolate the defenders of Hanoi.

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ooc: Everyone get a response post in and then hold til Friday. I'll be doing mine today or Thursday since Marquis won't be back til Friday. THIS is how a proper war is waged. Respect for both sides and a truly enjoyable read thus far. No insta-wins.. insta-defeats.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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## In the north ## Theme

The air strikes from Dragonisia.. co-ordinated by Maelstrom.. continued mercilessly, as did the rocket artillery and cruise missile strikes. As the enemy resorted to guerrilla tactics the Dragonisians countered with their own ingenious tactics.. such as using riverbeds as roads instead of using the roads which were mined under traditional defensive guerrilla doctrines.. allowing the tanks to just flow around the enemy's strong points with the water.

Extremely heavy armored vehicles lead the front doing mine clearing with chain detonation chains which whipped the roads and ground at voracious velocities.. they also shredded trees in their paths... made for good jungle clearing. A few tanks were disabled on the occasional mine that missed the clearing sweeps. They were abandoned, and their men took to foot or replaced the fallen from other vehicles. Nearly the entire Dragonisian Military is mechanized.. hardly anyone walked. It made for a very hard target.

The Tank Commanders found their innovative weapons extremely useful. The river banks provided cover for over 75% of the tank's hull in some spots while allowing it to return fire from its turret. Indeed the commanders would often take advantage of the river banks to provide shelter while allowing them to fire at the enemy. There was something beneficial to the "roads less taken" in that they offered unique exploits.

Many of the retreating guerillas were not killed. Instead, they were hunted like dogs back to wherever their base camps were by the sea-tyrant platoons and the water dog APCs.

Drones also flew overhead.. drones in the dozens.. tracking.. watching.. sometimes killing threats to equipment assets, but only rarely when the pilots perceived a friendly vehicle was in jeopardy. The Dragonisians plowed through bottle necks with sheer #s. Their tanks would come side to side forming walls of rolling steel.. and if one tank faltered the one behind it had an engine sufficient to shove it out of the way.

Anti-tank missiles and 155 MM bore guns tore apart enemy armor. A few special forces platoons advanced deep into the enemy forests on recon missions, identifying enemy camps and calling in Tiamat missiles with infra-red laser designators. Their camouflage and careful nature making them blend almost seamlessly into the jungle around them.

Forces in the north were using a human-wave doctrine.. making sure all enemy pockets of resistance behind or near the front were eliminated before additional progress was made. This made the Dragonisian Front a solid.. continuous line.

##In the south ##

The "Mekong Highway", Ground Commander General Kao Bao Rong had come to call the river as his sea tyrant tanks and waterdogs plowed up the artery of Vietnam. Several strong advances were made against Ho Chi Minh city and Pnom Penh with the goal of isolating the cities and using them as supply and operations centers rendered into green-zones secured from guerilla attacks.

The attack up the river went relatively uneventfully.. even as the enemy tried to blcok the river and burn the swamps the net result was simply the armored vehicles busting through or blowing apart the barriers and then plunging through the flames. Built for short underwater travel, the tanks had oxygen supplies on board.. so the flames did not asphyxiate the troops.. nor did the wildfires much damage the temperature resistant armored shells of the tanks where they burned at low temperatures. Infrared sensors were turned off so they would not be damaged while the tanks plunged through the flames.. scattering the guerrilla troops in their wake. The Guerrillas were certain the flames and blockades would stop the vehicles, but they did not know the details of the tanks design which makes them so hearty in.. "peculiar" environments of operation.

The tanks would start chasing the guerrillas back to their base camps in the south and begin a systematic elimination of pockets of resistance. The attacks poured out of the river in all directions like the branching of veins on a leaf from the central artery of the river. They were using a blitz doctrine. This was different than what the north front was trying to achieve.. in that the south offensive was designed to take enemy centers of commerce, trade, industry, and population.. crippling their ability to supply themselves and to wage war. It did not concern itself greatly with keeping a united front and supplies were frequently air-dropped in under escort when needed.

Two divisions had been allocated to take both Ho Chi Minh City and Pnom Penh, the rest were engaging in chasing down and eliminating guerrilla concentration centers.

Confident that Neo Taiwan would not allow their nuclear weapons to be used on an old and ancient ally of theirs.. the Dragonisians had been aggressive in their conduct of the ground war. Additionally, air recon was being done to verify whether or not said nukes remained in the country. It was thought that Taiwan probably would be in the process of recalling such weapons.

Like in the north, casualties had been taken in transit from basic combat and mining. Casualties across all divisions averaged 1% of strength loss to overall unit capacity. Supply lines continued to run strong meaning the beast of war was still raging at near max potential fury.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The 1st through 4th Armored Divisions have arrived and they have arrived in style. Each turret is wearing the flag of Free Somal as it dances in the wind. Speakers mounted on the tanks are blaring a variety of different rock songs as well. The hard looking men of the Somal armored corp aren't here to put on a fashion show, they are here to conquer a city. After making contact with the Yukotubian Military authorities the Engineers of the Free Somal military put their CEVs to work.

It will take time, but the race to construct a nine foot earth berm around the entire city of Haiphong is on. To fill in the gaps teams of mechanized infantry and tanks are deployed behind temporary coils of razor wire. The city is deafened by the sounds of prerecorded messages for Khmer soldiers to surrender and how to go about it. Civilians are advised they can leave their homes to seek refuge in camps guarded by the Somal Military. One would think that such a large perimeter would be difficult to guard, but as the Armored Corp arrives so does help from the sea.

When the Somal forces arrived at the battlefield to assist them, the Yuktobanian army had already built 36% of the wall. Soon, Yuktobanians on the field got a morale boost thanks to this arrival. The wall would be complete soon and Haiphong would be soon be surrounded.

Mindripper squadron, heading back from Hue, was given orders to drop leaflets over the city, these leaflets contain information on how to go about surrendering to the Somalian-Yuktobanian force.

OOC: Sorry, but that's all I got.

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Operation Blue Lighting

Two hundred Skywolves and eight hundred Helljumpers were briefed on Hanoi, their objectives and the territory surrounding. They were loaded aboard choppers at an airbase near the Khmer border. They were briefed on the city, their objectives and the territory surrounding. They took off and headed towards the Khmer capital. They took several casualties from Khmer airbases, but most of the helos reached their objectives. The soldiers were disgorged and set off towards key points in the city. The helocopters

Operation Crimson Thunder

Twenty thousand soldiers moved into the jungle, using their training to root out Khmer soldiers. The fighting was fierce and hand-to-hand, causing the Andonians to take heavy casualties. They pushed forward as hard as they could, to pull away as many soldiers as possible away from Hanoi.

Edited by freakwars
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Although the chargers took several casualties, they still managed to get close enough to knock a number of Khmers down and prepared to stab. Although a few were shot as they began to stab, nonetheless they continued in their maniacal charge as the Type 89's rolled out from behindthem, opening fire with their machineguns and turrets, hoping to knock out the hastily set-up Khmer defenses.

OOC: Putting this back up so that Chris can find it.

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Operation Blue Lightning+1

The buildings were secured and fortified (sandbags, barbed wire, that kind of thing) by the Skywolves and Helljumpers, who settled in to wait for the Khmer counterattack.

Operation Crimson Thunder+1

The soldiers pushed forward, blazing a bloody trail towards Hanoi. A quarter of the force had been lost to the bloody close quarters fighting, and another ten thousand men were scheduled to reinforce them within the week.

OOC: I will not be able to complete these operations, because I am leaving for another two weeks.

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ooc: Do not worry Marquis. So far time is so halted in this thread, this war ended a month ago cnrp time. In terms of normal RP, I already consider our forces already freed for the next great war. All we have left is to write the story to its end.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Although the chargers took several casualties, they still managed to get close enough to knock a number of Khmers down and prepared to stab. Although a few were shot as they began to stab, nonetheless they continued in their maniacal charge as the Type 89's rolled out from behindthem, opening fire with their machineguns and turrets, hoping to knock out the hastily set-up Khmer defenses.

The hastily set up defences didnot last long at all. Firing everything and everything that they could at the incoming troops all they could do was hope. Unfortunately hope was not enough, they died bloodily in the defence of their country.

Yuke forces continued to build up the wall and cut off the city. Since the Khmers in the Red River Delta are currently focused on the Somalian Navy near the Delta, the plan could work without a hitch. At this point around 20-25% of the city has been sealed. But in order to speed up the construction, Somalian forces will have to make haste and head to Haiphong.

With the colapse of Somal, and their troops being withdrawn (Mael said on IRC they'd be withdrawn due to Firestorm being banned), the Haiphong garrsion was able to concentrate their attacks on the Yuke forces. Conventional Methods were used at first ie. artillery bombardment while nearby guerilla units were ordered to start attacking from the jungels.

OOC: I never ever did a WMD attack. It was a conventional High Explosive war head on the cruise missile!! Why cant anyone read???

OOC:Mael did, not you. I never said you did

IC: The AFVs which maintained siege before the tanks came in to capture the towns properly had conducted certain furtive raids to determine the opposition and at some cost determined the strength and nature of defense. A call to CNS Trichur brought in 5 S-RECO UAVs which started flying over the embattled towns looking on with their high resolution optical cameras, infra red cameras and multi mode radars.

It found various defensive emplacements which the EFV raids were unable to locate. The signals were fed directly to the unit commanders in their BMP3 Command tracks. With each Brigade and each Battalion preassigned different sectors of operation the individual commanders tasked the S-RECOs and received information. Since the Aerial Artillery Platforms were not yet available in this theater the threats in these cities had to be taken down with artillery.

By the time all the armored forces had assembled for the siege a comprehensive information about the siege was available to the Marine Division commanders. Before the conquest, first the Divisions heavy towed artillery and MRLS were ringed around the town. The Raven UCAV-B bombers were also deployed in strength to support aerially. So were the Piranha gunships integral to the Marine divisions.

The outer level of defenses were targeted first. For area defenses MRLS would be used and when more precision gunnery is required the 155mm Heavy artillery and 155mm SPGs would be used in TOT attack. While the artillery attack is going on the T100s and APCs move in closer to the center of the town. The 155mm SPGs would also move in protected by some APCs and AFVs.

Where the range of artillery is found to be tricky or where civilian casualties cannot be ruled out, the Piranhas and Ravens take over immolating the defenses with their heavy machine guns and armor piercing gatling cannons.

The artillery had a devistating effect on the town. Both military and civilian causalties were high. The outer part of the town was completelty destroyed. It forced the Khmer troops deeper into the city, where they still replied with RPG's machine guns and other light artillery pieces.

Meanwhile in the north, 1 Corps is on its second day of siege of Hanoi. Detailed information have been reamed and RCA is now poised to make the final push to topple Hanoi defenses and to capture it. The Metac AAPs have been pounding the overt defenses of Hanoi for three days. Shortly they shall have locations of the more overt defenses discovered by the flights of S-RECOs over Hanoi.

4 S-RECOs have been shot down so far by shoulder fired SAMs when they indulged in low level flying however more and more S-RECOs are being brought into the theater to expand the surveillance net.

Fully a regiment each of towed 155 mm guns, 155mm SPG and MRLS have been arraigned around Hanoi to immolate the defenders of Hanoi.

The Hanio defenders dug themselves in. They had but one order stop the imperialists from entering the city. With news of the first Cochin troops encircling the city. Mortar fire erupted from the city defences aimed at the troops.

## In the north ## Theme

The air strikes from Dragonisia.. co-ordinated by Maelstrom.. continued mercilessly, as did the rocket artillery and cruise missile strikes. As the enemy resorted to guerrilla tactics the Dragonisians countered with their own ingenious tactics.. such as using riverbeds as roads instead of using the roads which were mined under traditional defensive guerrilla doctrines.. allowing the tanks to just flow around the enemy's strong points with the water.

Extremely heavy armored vehicles lead the front doing mine clearing with chain detonation chains which whipped the roads and ground at voracious velocities.. they also shredded trees in their paths... made for good jungle clearing. A few tanks were disabled on the occasional mine that missed the clearing sweeps. They were abandoned, and their men took to foot or replaced the fallen from other vehicles. Nearly the entire Dragonisian Military is mechanized.. hardly anyone walked. It made for a very hard target.

The Tank Commanders found their innovative weapons extremely useful. The river banks provided cover for over 75% of the tank's hull in some spots while allowing it to return fire from its turret. Indeed the commanders would often take advantage of the river banks to provide shelter while allowing them to fire at the enemy. There was something beneficial to the "roads less taken" in that they offered unique exploits.

Many of the retreating guerillas were not killed. Instead, they were hunted like dogs back to wherever their base camps were by the sea-tyrant platoons and the water dog APCs.

Drones also flew overhead.. drones in the dozens.. tracking.. watching.. sometimes killing threats to equipment assets, but only rarely when the pilots perceived a friendly vehicle was in jeopardy. The Dragonisians plowed through bottle necks with sheer #s. Their tanks would come side to side forming walls of rolling steel.. and if one tank faltered the one behind it had an engine sufficient to shove it out of the way.

Anti-tank missiles and 155 MM bore guns tore apart enemy armor. A few special forces platoons advanced deep into the enemy forests on recon missions, identifying enemy camps and calling in Tiamat missiles with infra-red laser designators. Their camouflage and careful nature making them blend almost seamlessly into the jungle around them.

Forces in the north were using a human-wave doctrine.. making sure all enemy pockets of resistance behind or near the front were eliminated before additional progress was made. This made the Dragonisian Front a solid.. continuous line.

##In the south ##

The "Mekong Highway", Ground Commander General Kao Bao Rong had come to call the river as his sea tyrant tanks and waterdogs plowed up the artery of Vietnam. Several strong advances were made against Ho Chi Minh city and Pnom Penh with the goal of isolating the cities and using them as supply and operations centers rendered into green-zones secured from guerilla attacks.

The attack up the river went relatively uneventfully.. even as the enemy tried to blcok the river and burn the swamps the net result was simply the armored vehicles busting through or blowing apart the barriers and then plunging through the flames. Built for short underwater travel, the tanks had oxygen supplies on board.. so the flames did not asphyxiate the troops.. nor did the wildfires much damage the temperature resistant armored shells of the tanks where they burned at low temperatures. Infrared sensors were turned off so they would not be damaged while the tanks plunged through the flames.. scattering the guerrilla troops in their wake. The Guerrillas were certain the flames and blockades would stop the vehicles, but they did not know the details of the tanks design which makes them so hearty in.. "peculiar" environments of operation.

The tanks would start chasing the guerrillas back to their base camps in the south and begin a systematic elimination of pockets of resistance. The attacks poured out of the river in all directions like the branching of veins on a leaf from the central artery of the river. They were using a blitz doctrine. This was different than what the north front was trying to achieve.. in that the south offensive was designed to take enemy centers of commerce, trade, industry, and population.. crippling their ability to supply themselves and to wage war. It did not concern itself greatly with keeping a united front and supplies were frequently air-dropped in under escort when needed.

Two divisions had been allocated to take both Ho Chi Minh City and Pnom Penh, the rest were engaging in chasing down and eliminating guerrilla concentration centers.

Confident that Neo Taiwan would not allow their nuclear weapons to be used on an old and ancient ally of theirs.. the Dragonisians had been aggressive in their conduct of the ground war. Additionally, air recon was being done to verify whether or not said nukes remained in the country. It was thought that Taiwan probably would be in the process of recalling such weapons.

Like in the north, casualties had been taken in transit from basic combat and mining. Casualties across all divisions averaged 1% of strength loss to overall unit capacity. Supply lines continued to run strong meaning the beast of war was still raging at near max potential fury.

The Dragonosian forces took Ho Chi Minh City by surprise. No attack was meant to come from the south. In a quick scramble for troops the Khmer forces quickly dug in and tried to do the best with what time they had.

OOC:Mael, can you please not get to phnom penh yet. Ive got some pre-emptive stuff I want to do their first in regards to its defences. And yes Im aware i missed some stuff but Im just about out of time.

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OOC:Mael did, not you. I never said you did

OOC: He too did not RP WMD attacks. He posted the ultimatum and the attack described on Hue was made by me. I had assets in theater so I took the shot.

The artillery had a devistating effect on the town. Both military and civilian causalties were high. The outer part of the town was completelty destroyed. It forced the Khmer troops deeper into the city, where they still replied with RPG's machine guns and other light artillery pieces.

The Metac Aerial Artillery Platforms followed the retreating guerrillas and poured devastating fire upon them through their 105 mm field gun, Bushmaster cannon and gatling cannons. As AAPs were doing their job, other Metac transports rained propaganda leaflets on the city to urge the noncombatants to proceed to the relief centers set up by RCDF.

The Hanio defenders dug themselves in. They had but one order stop the imperialists from entering the city. With news of the first Cochin troops encircling the city. Mortar fire erupted from the city defences aimed at the troops.

Once again AAPs shepherded Piranha gunships to take out the remaining dugouts.

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