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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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"We would like to remind Pax Pacis to hold it's tounge lest we decide to cut it off for you."

"Dragonasia wishes us to improve relations with the Dragon Empire but its harder when people use such attitude as yours. All we were doing was giving Dragonasia a warning to not under estimate their foe".

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"Don't act so $@y you might be masters at this type of warefare but I bet that so are the Khmer so that advantage is cancelled out I would say so be careful when engaging the enemy and as for the Khmer citizens remember that you destroyed their government and forced the destruction of vital bridges and have unleashed a bombing attack of massive scale. You might be in the right but to them you are the barbarians at the gates be careful".

In response to worries that Khmer forces may try to slip into Pax Pacis UAV's have been dispatched to the border with the Khmer empire along with most of our military. Whilst we are allies with you Khmer we can not provide refuge for your forces at this time, we must look after our own safety.

If Pax Pacis chooses to study the events so far they would find that though we did in fact destroy their Capitol building and bomb their principal defense and industrial facilities we have not destroyed any of the basic infrastructure. From the statement issued by the Khmer Regime it can be seen that they indeed had ordered the bombing and destruction of bridges and civil infrastructure to slow their capture. We have also refrained from bombing any center of civilian population.

Pax Pacis will find in analysis that it is not we who are the barbarians rather it is the mad men who ruled Khmer Empire who destroyed vital assets of their nation lest the people of Khmer survive. Would you side with people who cast their citizens to death and depravation rather than surrender honorably?

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"Pax Pacis is pointing out a valid point. Until we demonstrate our kindness and intent, the people of Khmer will assume we are ruthless. But the Salvation army are masters of human relations. Wait til our armies start playing music for them on weekends during their peace keeping roles. Music brings all together."

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If Pax Pacis chooses to study the events so far they would find that though we did in fact destroy their Capitol building and bomb their principal defense and industrial facilities we have not destroyed any of the basic infrastructure. From the statement issued by the Khmer Regime it can be seen that they indeed had ordered the bombing and destruction of bridges and civil infrastructure to slow their capture. We have also refrained from bombing any center of civilian population.

Pax Pacis will find in analysis that it is not we who are the barbarians rather it is the mad men who ruled Khmer Empire who destroyed vital assets of their nation lest the people of Khmer survive. Would you side with people who cast their citizens to death and depravation rather than surrender honorably?

"That might be the facts but the intial loyalty of the people belongs to the Khmer government and with most of them having been swiftly executed it wouldn't take much if anything at all to convince the Khmer people to see you as the underlying fault for the attacks and don't forget the people already knew you were going to be targetting their infrasturcture by the warning you gave"

"Do note that we said sounded like - we never said that you actually did."

"Strange to us it seemed like we were just giving a warning so that Dragonisia troops didn't suffer too many fatalities maybe you can point out how it sounded like we were being threating?"

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These are the ground plans for the Royal Cochin Army.

Lines in Red indicate the advance of 1 Corps comprised of VII and VIII Mechanized Divisions and III Air Cavalry Division.

Lines in Blue indicate the advance of the 2,6 and 7 Marine Divisions from their bridgehead at Hue.


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"This section in particular stands out to us."

"You mean the section where we were warning them not to be over confident against an enemy trained in the same theatre of war as they? I am sure anyone would be able to tell that we were warning them not calling them out. Of course you could be looking for an excuse for it to look like we were calling them out".

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"That might be the facts but the intial loyalty of the people belongs to the Khmer government and with most of them having been swiftly executed it wouldn't take much if anything at all to convince the Khmer people to see you as the underlying fault for the attacks and don't forget the people already knew you were going to be targetting their infrasturcture by the warning you gave"

We understand the points raised by you but such a question can only be answered by the Khmer people themselves once they have been given the chance to perceive the truth themselves. The warning about infrastructure was given when we foresaw a conventional battle ahead. However when Khmer military did our job for us they made their own case that much weaker. If they had fought conventionally and lost they still would have retained respect amongst the annals of military history. But the slash and burn tactics they have employed here is despicable. They have forsaken their claims of leadership of Khmer people and in time Khmer people themselves shall see it when they see for themselves the contrast between Dragon Empire and their old regime.

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"A Reaper's emblem? That must be the Strigon team from Estovakia before it fell apart. They had thought to have been absorbed into Slavorussia but it seems not I suggest your pilots be careful our reports on them show them to have been elite pilots"

OOC:heh by using that video MV you brought back my old Estovakian squadron :)

Perhaps Artemis could do the entire world a favor and simply cup off Pax Pacis communications with the outside world?

"Pax Pacis doesn't take well to threats Artemis so i suggest you kep your nose out of this".

Edited by King Kevz
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ooc: Considering I have kicked Strigon's $@! at all levels.. including ace of aces... even killing them with an A-10's FAEB fighting them on the command cruisers.. I'd say I'm not worried... lol.

OOC: True but thats cause they were NPC's and thus suck :P but mine would be elite pilots ok.

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ooc: I always enjoy a good fight ^..^ If you have XBOX, add screen name MaelstromVortex. I'd looovvee to fight you.

OOC: Currently without Live so can't play online >.> money is really tight right now too sorry maybe sometime in the future we can duel :)

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OOC: Hey you guys, don't leave me out on the Ace Combat Fun? Also, I'm not waiting, I'm posting now.

IC: Yuktobanian forces stationed on high alert (from the Pax Pacis crisis) has, on the request of the Dragon Empire, began invading the Khmer Empire. Using the Dune Squadron to jam enemy radars, other fighter squads used rocket strikes to damage port facilities and drydocks in the city of Haiphong. Due to the Jungle warfare type terrain, it is made impossible to bring heavy vehicles other than PT-76 Light Tanks and M113 APC's. So Yuktobanian troops were forced to be choppered in to the city, under threat from Khmer Triple A and SAM Batteries. Those that made it to the ground would face stiff resistance as the Khmer's were tenacious opponents.

OOC: A present for you Cochin, I hope you use it well.

Meanwhile, Mindripper Squadron, Yuktobania's recentyly formed elite squadron, was tasked for the tedious and life-threatening task of Wild Weasel, the Supression of Enemy Air Defenses. Using F-4G equipped with AS-14 LAGM's. Mindripper Team was tasked to defend Cochin's air forces, as well as the ground force at Hue.

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OOC: Hey you guys, don't leave me out on the Ace Combat Fun? Also, I'm not waiting, I'm posting now.

IC: Yuktobanian forces stationed on high alert (from the Pax Pacis crisis) has, on the request of the Dragon Empire, began invading the Khmer Empire. Using the Dune Squadron to jam enemy radars, other fighter squads used rocket strikes to damage port facilities and drydocks in the city of Haiphong. Due to the Jungle warfare type terrain, it is made impossible to bring heavy vehicles other than PT-76 Light Tanks and M113 APC's. So Yuktobanian troops were forced to be choppered in to the city, under threat from Khmer Triple A and SAM Batteries. Those that made it to the ground would face stiff resistance as the Khmer's were tenacious opponents.

OOC: A present for you Cochin, I hope you use it well.

Meanwhile, Mindripper Squadron, Yuktobania's recentyly formed elite squadron, was tasked for the tedious and life-threatening task of Wild Weasel, the Supression of Enemy Air Defenses. Using F-4G equipped with AS-14 LAGM's. Mindripper Team was tasked to defend Cochin's air forces, as well as the ground force at Hue.

OOC: Keep in mind my navy has been hammering away at anything resembling a defensive fortification with cruise missiles and 406mm Naval Artillery rounds since this began in and around Haiphong. Given we would have noticed you cruising by to deploy the fire would have been halted.


**Private to Yukotobian High Command**

Proceed with great caution as the Republic of Free Somal is advancing down the coast and will be on the outskirts of Haiphong shortly. Sharing of radio frequencies requested and Naval Gunnery Fire support is avaliable for your forces upon request.

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OOC: Keep in mind my navy has been hammering away at anything resembling a defensive fortification with cruise missiles and 406mm Naval Artillery rounds since this began in and around Haiphong. Given we would have noticed you cruising by to deploy the fire would have been halted.


**Private to Yukotobian High Command**

Proceed with great caution as the Republic of Free Somal is advancing down the coast and will be on the outskirts of Haiphong shortly. Sharing of radio frequencies requested and Naval Gunnery Fire support is avaliable for your forces upon request.

**Classified to Somalian High Command*

Thank you for the support, you will also have access to our air cover.

Yuke Army radio will be at 55 MHz, YAF aircraft frequency will be at 229 MHz

Here's a map for the city.

Haiphong Map

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**Private to Yukotobia**

We suggest holding your forces in place and allowing us to go ahead with our intial plan to blockade the entire city. Shortly our lead elements will be arriving and rather than advancing into the city we'll be creating a berm around the outskirts. This berm, roughly 8 to 10 feet high and it will serve to isolate the city. We will be carefully advancing into the city after a suitable period of time has passed and the civilian population has left. Camps will be made to house them and keep them out of harms way until it is safe for them to return to their homes.

Likewise our oncall helicoper support, bomber support, and fighter support is yours should you request it.

Included: Map showing the advance of Somal's forces down the coast. From all indications they'll be arriving shortly. (OOC: waiting for Chris to reply before doing anything else)

Edited by Firestorm
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