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That is rubbish I was very looking forward to fighting with matt. I dont care what you say. I was happy to fight with him because i thought it was total cra- that he was being hit by 3 nations. That was just not fair and i wanted to help.

There is no reason you needed to be a member of IRON to help Matt Miller.

It is apparent to the world that you are a deserter. Your actions have spoken on your behalf.

Many alliances can attest to your CLAIMS of devout willingness to fight, yet very few can attest to your actual fighting.

Do you really need further explanation of why that is?

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Am I the only one here who's noticed a great deal of mudslinging towards The Gremlins as an alliance both from CT's nation bio and FNKA's leadership posts?

This thread is about CT and his actions; from what I can tell there haven't been any insults thrown regarding FNKA practices, if CT and FNKA want to make it about calling out The Gremlins as an alliance then so be it. That is their choice, we'll see where that path leads.

Could you please explain to me where we insulted the Gramlins? I recall Platino made a post about how 2 Gramlin nations attacked CT, but that was a point about how CT has changed since joining FnKa.

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Your post is simply trying to promote something that can be easily misunderstood. We are not blaming the Gremlins. Why should we? Why would we? The only thing we are trying to do here is prove that CT has changed. Nothing else.

And yet previously FNKA claimed that Gremlins had no justification for war against CT.

You clam that you dismissed all our rationale.

Show me the error with NPO Target lists. CT has been on them from the start along with a number of other NPO nations which fled the AA.

That other matters occupied our time does not change the fact.

And you've proven nothing about CT changing.

He has complained about the unfair tactics of an attacker half his size, filed two reports, taunted Gremlins in his nation bio and attempted to justify his past.

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Am I the only one here who's noticed a great deal of mudslinging towards The Gremlins as an alliance both from CT's nation bio and FNKA's leadership posts?

This thread is about CT and his actions; from what I can tell there haven't been any insults thrown regarding FNKA practices, if CT and FNKA want to make it about calling out The Gremlins as an alliance then so be it. That is their choice, we'll see where that path leads.

I'm actually not sure of the mudslinging you're referring to - FnKa has alot of respect for The Gremlins and their accomplishments and I assure you no disrespect was meant.

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Am I the only one here who's noticed a great deal of mudslinging towards The Gremlins as an alliance both from CT's nation bio and FNKA's leadership posts?

This thread is about CT and his actions; from what I can tell there haven't been any insults thrown regarding FNKA practices, if CT and FNKA want to make it about calling out The Gremlins as an alliance then so be it. That is their choice, we'll see where that path leads.

You are a stirrer

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You gave away the soldiers you had in order to spare your nation from CT's and Silent Fury's ground attacks. I would call that cowardice.

Ok? I could nuke Fury more than I intend to in the future (which = not until perhaps day 4 of nuclear anarchy) and call it even perhaps? Is it cowardice to NOT nuke him too?

Running from a war is a tactic to keep your nation safe. I don't hold a favorable opinion of either.

"Beauty [or in this case cowardice] is in the eye of the beholder."

Don't go blind :P

Your post is simply trying to promote something that can be easily misunderstood. We are not blaming the Gremlins. Why should we? Why would we? The only thing we are trying to do here is prove that CT has changed. Nothing else.

I think that everyone in this thread should really read this post. And then reread it :v:

I said the first Vox Populi, the one that didn't have a mission. The second Vox is the one you're thinking of. No, the first Vox, founded by Starfox and Martens, was the one I attacked. I went rogue on them despite them minding their own business, just as Ender did to CT. Many people praising Ender here condemned me for my stunt, yet they are exactly the same action. Just different people doing the acting. Why the double standard?

I'm probably just more awesome.

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I said the first Vox Populi, the one that didn't have a mission. The second Vox is the one you're thinking of. No, the first Vox, founded by Starfox and Martens, was the one I attacked. I went rogue on them despite them minding their own business, just as Ender did to CT. Many people praising Ender here condemned me for my stunt, yet they are exactly the same action. Just different people doing the acting. Why the double standard?

Clearly my history is poorly recorded. I apologize.

Nonetheless, even if you're highlighting hypocrisy, that does not invalidate the charges brought against CT; it merely distracts.

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And yet previously FNKA claimed that Gremlins had no justification for war against CT.

You clam that you dismissed all our rationale.

Show me the error with NPO Target lists. CT has been on them from the start along with a number of other NPO nations which fled the AA.

That other matters occupied our time does not change the fact.

And you've proven nothing about CT changing.

He has complained about the unfair tactics of an attacker half his size, filed two reports, taunted Gremlins in his nation bio and attempted to justify his past.

I don't need to show anything to you. That matter with the Gremlins was taken care of. Period. If you decide to keep on babbling about this then go ahead. But don't accuse us of blaming the Gremlins for all this.

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Clearly my history is poorly recorded. I apologize.

Nonetheless, even if you're highlighting hypocrisy, that does not invalidate the charges brought against CT; it merely distracts.

And what exactly are the wrongdoings he has done? Not fight in a few wars, be a coward in your eyes? Well maybe it isn't exactly "honorable," but he never did you any harm. Just Ender being petty, that's all, and the support of this isn't setting a good standard I might say.

Do you actually have a link to this? I see you referencing "first Vox Populi" which leads me to believe it was not the one many of those reading this thread are interpreting.

How quickly you people forget.


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I am not a liar and i am not a coward. And i fought in the GPA war i got bashed by three guys. Wentworth was one of those nations you can ask him. I did not flee even though they did nt listen to me when i said we needed allies. I still fought and got smacked up. Also i attempted to join the karma war Matt Miller knows this you can ask him. I wanted to fight alongside him but NPO disallowed it at the time.

I was? I don't have the memory that many other nation rulers do, which can be a good or bad thing considering.

If I remember correctly, you gave up after a few days of fighting and then weasled out of it by being allowed admittance to NATO.

Oh... You're in for a treat the day that you are on the receiving end of a beatdown.

CT: The fact that you're whining like a little girl because your precious infra dwindles away proves quite a few of the points made here

Spider remembers more so than I do. I do remember you being in NATO though, but memory fails me as to when and why you left. I have heard all of the grumblings of you being an ifra higger and all that jazz, and by your own admission, that appears to be changing. Which is a good thing in my opinion as war is mega fun :P Do I support you having wars to fight? Hell yes I do. The timing of your resignations makes one think you fled to avoid fighting. However I don't agree with the way this is happening, nor this thread becoming the same !@#$ show that these forums have become lately.

I do like FnKA showing gumption to stand behind a member of theirs and I particularly don't like the one Gremlins response which basically stated, "FnKA wants to drag Gremlins into this? We will see where that goes." heh. I am pretty sure that Gremlins leadership would not be making that statement. THey have always struck me as operating with a high level of class.

But none of this matters. CT, you knew this was going to come one day. The vast majority of rulers go about there business a certain way. Instead of just saying whatever, they feel the need to chase down grudges. Because we all need to play through their ideals. If not, we are wrong. I personally could not care less why you left NATO or when. We have had more than one leave on the eve of war and I could not care less what they are doing nowadays. Why? Because whatever they are doing has nothing to do with me or my alliance.

By the way, Rebel Virginia, while being a god in Sileath's eyes, posts with blue text. I hate blue as it makes me feel sad. It also infringes on my alliances ability to read this area and as such, I think we should band together to rid the world of the blue poster. His crimes are many, though his name is holy.

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I went to Iron because i was willing to fight with matt miller and his great alliance. I would have been better off fighting NPO's enemies but instead i chose to fight With IRON who had much stronger enemies.

This is not running from fear of damage. I knew that i would get bashed worse but i refuse to stay in war mode while half of NPO went to peace. That is not fair and is taking the p,,,

By the sound of it, you left NPO right at the start of the war and tried joining IRON before they engaged. Maybe it was after they canceled on the NPO in the beginning of the war with you thinking that they wouldn't fight, sounds likely, but I'm not sure. Sounds very noble indeed. The only noble thing in that situation was IRON telling you no when they knew they could have used another nation your size. You applied at RoK immediately thereafter and they were mainly engaged with NPO, and you all ready knew that NPO's upper tier was staying in Peace Mode. :P

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I don't need to show anything to you. That matter with the Gremlins was taken care of. Period. If you decide to keep on babbling about this then go ahead. But don't accuse us of blaming the Gremlins for all this.

The Gremlins had valid justification for action against CT despite the previous FNKA claim to the contrary.

It is very fortunate for CT that FNKA's diplomatic work helped resolve the situation because the belligerent, denigrating, accusatory and outright silly messages and behavior from CT certainly did not.

And while The Gremlins may not be currently engaged, I retain my position that CT is a coward and this rogue attack is well deserved.

If you choose to construe that as a jab at FNKA then you've misunderstood me.

This situation was never about you.

FNKA's involvement was honorable to protect their member, but it certainly DOES NOT invalidate the reasons for the conflict or justify their member's past, present or future actions.

Edited by Matthew PK
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I do like FnKA showing gumption to stand behind a member of theirs and I particularly don't like the one Gremlins response which basically stated, "FnKA wants to drag Gremlins into this? We will see where that goes." heh. I am pretty sure that Gremlins leadership would not be making that statement. THey have always struck me as operating with a high level of class.

For the record, I speak on nobody's behalf but my own.

My post Re: FNKA was a direct response to their claim that Gremlins has no valid justification against CT.

That is patently false and I, for one, would like to see FNKA admit that Gremlins did, in fact, have a valid reason.

Again, I commend FNKA's diplomatic handling of the situation but let's not pretend that FNKA's timely response invalidates the cause.

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The Gremlins had valid justification for action against CT despite the previous FNKA claim to the contrary.

It is very fortunate for CT that FNKA's diplomatic work helped resolve the situation because the belligerent, denigrating, accusatory and outright silly messages and behavior from CT certainly did not.

And while The Gremlins many not be currently engaged, I retain my position that CT is a coward and this rogue attack is well deserved.

If you choose to construe that as a jab at FNKA then you've misunderstood me.

This situation was never about you.

FNKA's involvement was honorable to protect their member, but it certainly DOES NOT invalidate the reasons for the conflict or justify their member's past, present or future actions.

Well like I've said throughout the whole thread. We're not justifying ALL of CT's actions. What we have been trying to say is that he has changed. Whether you believe he's still a coward is not really our concern. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Edited by Platino
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Well like I've said throughout the whole thread. We're not justifying CT's actions. Maybe a few of them; but what we have been trying to say is that he has changed. Whether you believe he's still a coward is not really our concern. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

There's no sense in use continuing this back-and-forth all day.

As far as I'm concerned FNKA acted swiftly and properly to defend their member and I commend you for that.

However, despite your claims, it was stated previously in this thread by FNKA that Gremlins had no valid justification against CT... that all rationale was "dismissed".

I, for one, would like an admission from FNKA that you misspoke or misunderstood; that there is, in fact, a valid justification against CT which was mitigated by FNKA diplomacy

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By the sound of it, you left NPO right at the start of the war and tried joining IRON before they engaged. Maybe it was after they canceled on the NPO in the beginning of the war with you thinking that they wouldn't fight, sounds likely, but I'm not sure. Sounds very noble indeed. The only noble thing in that situation was IRON telling you no when they knew they could have used another nation your size. You applied at RoK immediately thereafter and they were mainly engaged with NPO, and you all ready knew that NPO's upper tier was staying in Peace Mode. :P

Well you are wrong..

No1) i left NPO before Anyone declared on them.

No2) i joined Iron when they had been declared on

So people please get facts right before you make your statements which are based on assumptions.

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I dont go to peace every time i see war.

Look and listen haters... I have been a bit (well quite a bad) infra lover i will admit that now. I loved growth and i grew well. I will also admit that some of my actions can definately be seen as running from wars (Although i would say i left for other reasons).

So from now on i will not argue against people that keep commenting on my past. I would now ask people to judge me by future actions :)

I have made great friends at FnKa and i have never enjoyed an alliance this much before. They are amazing and i owe my nation to Platino and Fury for thier help. I can understand that i have said one thing and done another on some occasions but this will not happen at FnKa. I was asked to surrender to enderland bu my DPM but i refused even though He is nuking me everyday and i am losing quite a bit of Infra, NS, tech and land but i just dont seem to care. I will continue to attack him by every means possible and i will be aiding nations that attack him after me. I am happy to fight and if anyone else wants to go rogue on me i will nuke them everyday too. I feel like i am not so worried about growth anymore. I see my nation less selfishly nowadays.

Behold the power of the lord for he shall free you from your infra loving sins and clear your conscience from being trapped in the dark world of a spineless deserter.

Be gone to the depths of hell you infra coveting demon that have held this soul prisoner. You are no longer welcome here with your sinful and tempting tech and land not tarnished by righteous war. BE GONE NOW!

Stand up my son and go forth into the world as the example of a new man, free from his sinful tendencies and seemingly nonchalant about your infra for you have seen the light of the lord and basked in its merciful glory.


We should all thank his holiness Ender and all those involved from a miraculous exorcism.

Although i somehow see this scenario coming about sometime soon.


Edited by King Chill I
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No sir, just more vigilant than most.

Be aware that your calls to "bring it on" have not gone unnoticed.

Every single one of your posts give me the impression that you are a stirrer, first you try to bring gramlins into it. Then you try to influence fnka against me by saying they are great but i am bad. And with the above you once again try to bring other nations into it by saying "Be aware that your calls to "bring it on" have not gone unnoticed." Look if you not gonna say ahything without defecting attention towards other then be silent.

And yes the above is a defensive statement. Of course i am not saying "Please come and attack me now" But i am saying to the guys who keep throwing the stones by accusing me of things" I am not a coward and i will not ask for peace if you attack me, i will simply nuke them every day"

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Behold the power of the lord for he shall free you from your infra loving sins and clear your conscience from being trapped in the dark world of a spineless deserter.

Be gone to the depths of hell you infra coveting demon that have held this soul prisoner. You are no longer welcome here with your sinful and tempting tech and land not tarnished by righteous war. BE GONE NOW!

Stand up my son and go forth into the world as the example of a new man, free from his sinful tendencies and seemingly nonchalant about your infra for you have seen the light of the lord and basked in its merciful glory.


We should all thank his holiness Ender and all those involved from a miraculous exorcism.

Although i somehow see this scenario coming about sometime soon.


Awesome stuff! Very good. But my attitude towards growth changed about 2 weeks before before ender hit me. I like my nation and its NS but now i just like the friendships more.

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Behold the power of the lord for he shall free you from your infra loving sins and clear your conscience from being trapped in the dark world of a spineless deserter.

Be gone to the depths of hell you infra coveting demon that have held this soul prisoner. You are no longer welcome here with your sinful and tempting tech and land not tarnished by righteous war. BE GONE NOW!

Stand up my son and go forth into the world as the example of a new man, free from his sinful tendencies and seemingly nonchalant about your infra for you have seen the light of the lord and basked in its merciful glory.


We should all thank his holiness Ender and all those involved from a miraculous exorcism.

Although i somehow see this scenario coming about sometime soon.


This nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=62423


this nation http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=49022

should undergo the exorcism.

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