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The IAA Declares...

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Ugh. Sycophants. I hate it when members of an alliance mindlessly hail their supposed great leader.........

Or maybe they just don't like Junka. I'm sure I've seen NSO members agree with their leaders before. Are they sycophants?


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Or maybe they just don't like Junka. I'm sure I've seen NSO members agree with their leaders before. Are they sycophants?


^ This.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a sycophant of Chimaera. Heck, I'm probably his biggest competitor, but I STILL recognize him as my emperor. I disagree with him on many things, I argue with him on many things, and I yell, !@#$%*, fight, and all that to him, but I still recognize him as the head of state of my alliance. That does not change. That does not make me a sycophant. That makes me reasonable.

Junkalunka, on the other hand, disbanded the alliance. His reign in the alliance has come to an end. He has no power over the alliance, the affiliation, ruling, governing, etc of that alliance anymore since he gave up power when he removed the alliance from existence.

Would I say that Chimaera was the last emperor of the 1st IAA? No. I will say that Junkalunka was. But that still does not make him the current emperor, and I'd just love to see him try to gain our respect in this manner, because it won't work. I'd also like to see Junka try to reform IAA in the way that Chimaera did, or lead it in such a way that it can succeed like it has with all it's members as loyal as they are with Chimaera in charge.

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Junkalunka, somehow I think you're the only one who thinks you have a say in whether or not IAA reforms. Everyone in IAA now certainly disagrees with that assessment, and I doubt many former IAAers agree either. Fact is, after the disbandment, Chimaera led the remnants of the Empire into the Unknown Regions (OOC: another game). He kept the community alive when it would otherwise have withered away. The people of IAA recognize him as the Emperor, not you.

OOC: I also seem to remember you saying that Count da Silva is a new IC character seperate from Junkalunka, in which case you have absolutely no claim to the throne.


this all that needs to be said on the issue of yours Junka

o/ Bama

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Most would agree that we're a daring bunch.

Ugh. Sycophants. I hate it when members of an alliance mindlessly hail their supposed great leader.........

It is anything BUT mindless. I'm not an idiot, and I don't follow idiots. I've been in the IAA for years, and over that time, I have become very close friends with Chimaera. He's the best damn leader I've EVER seen on CN, and there is nobody else I would rather have to lead our alliance.

But that's beside the point. The IAA is a strong alliance because of its community. No ONE person has the right to reform the alliance: we decided to reform as a community. That Junka believes he is still Emperor of an alliance that he isn't even a part of is just ludicrous.

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Horaah for the Empire! Piece of advice, board up that pesky Exhaust Port.

Way ahead of you.

Corinan, perhaps if you knew anything of honor, loyalty, or friendship you would understand that sometimes people do things because they want to and not because they're trying to please someone or because they have some kind of agenda.

Refer to the definition of sycophant, if you don't have any clue what I'm talking about:

A sycophant (from the Greek συκοφάντης sykophántēs) is a servile person who, acting in his or her own self-interest, attempts to win favor by flattering one or more influential persons, with an undertone that these actions are executed at the cost of his or her own personal pride, principles, and peer respect. Such a manner is called obsequiousness.

Edited by MercyFallout
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Definitely not I. My leader is Chimaera, and my alliance the IAA. That's all there is to it. o/ Chimaera!

Yes, and a fine leader he was, leaving IAA just before it got attacked. A telling characteristic. I'd follow that man off a the face of a cliff were I given the honor of doing so, yes sir.

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Yes, and a fine leader he was, leaving IAA just before it got attacked. A telling characteristic. I'd follow that man off a the face of a cliff were I given the honor of doing so, yes sir.

as it was stated before, we would not have got terms if he stayed, and seeings how you were no way invalved in this matter as we rejected you at that time, then please stay out of it.

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Yes. I signed the No-EZI Pact. I still remain against EZI. EZI for IC reasons. EZI for OOC reasons, is a completely different story. However, as Chimaera puts it above, what you have done has earned you EZI. If you were just another IC character who rogued on IAA for ages, I would have your nation attacked and attacked again but never put on an eternal destruction list. The spirit of the EZI Pact was to end EZI's for being a certain IC Character. What you have done, I fear, has reserved a special place in the land of fiery sulfur and brimstone for you here on CN. Or in this case, green turbolasers and blue torpedoes.


Congratulations on your promotion to Game Moderator

good call, admin

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as it was stated before, we would not have got terms if he stayed, and seeings how you were no way invalved in this matter as we rejected you at that time, then please stay out of it.

You know, I here the "you won't get terms unless you do this nonsense" all the time. Show enough resolve and you'll get peace sooner or later.

Also, I will comment on anything I like, anytime, anywhere. Deal with it.

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Congratulations on your promotion to Game Moderator

good call, admin

OOC: sadly, some things are outside the mods' jurisdiction and must be dealt with otherwise. Removing this scum from CN forever is one of them. She has cruelly blackmailed someone with serious RL consequences over this game. Sometimes somebody's gotta take out the trash. In this case it's IAA.


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Yes, and a fine leader he was, leaving IAA just before it got attacked. A telling characteristic. I'd follow that man off a the face of a cliff were I given the honor of doing so, yes sir.

Not to make this personal or anything, but Rebel Virginia, Chimaera is a better leader than you could ever claim to be. I hate to say this, but you have no place saying he isn't a good leader when he's a better one than you could even imagine. Never have I seen a person put others in front of himself so adamantly while never thinking of himself.

Edited by Asriel Belacqua
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Not to make this personal or anything, but Rebel Virginia, Chimaera is a better leader than you could ever claim to be. I hate to say this, but you have no place saying he isn't a good leader when he's a better one than you could even imagine. Never have I seen a person put others in front of himself so adamantly while never thinking of himself.

I never claimed to be a better leader than him, nor have I ever claimed to be a leader for that matter. I won't deny that I do my own thing. However, I happen to be an excellent judge of character, and I know quite a bit more about Chimaera than you do. Particularly his dishonesty and his lack of courage and conviction.

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