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Botha-Mode on

Agostinho Neto

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In my honest opinion the last RP war was the champion of OOC and IC mix, with hate and personal OOC revenges taking the place of Real-Politik and decent political roleplay.

For that reason, i will go into "botha-mode" and refuse to recognize these unrealitic wars with a bajillion soldiers being transported for thousands kilometers in a matter of hours. I will not recognize any information/tactic/situation developed into the IRC channels or anywhere else. From now on any roleplay with me must find its roots in CN, otherwise it doesen't exist.

If any other nation is currently in "botha-mode", i will gladly roleplay with them, taking into account IG stats and events.

Thank you

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Botha-mode means that you have to do IG-everything. hurr
I know, but in that way i will only roleplay realistic situations who are actually happen ingame, not invented unrealistic stuff, it's fine for me.

No he means EVERYTHING

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bajillion soldiers

hundreds of thousands of men being moved into position by several dozen nations/ This is a combined effort of both ship and air.

in a matter of hours

welp, one month is a year. So lets see. Year (365 days) / Month (30 days ) = 1 day being 12ish days. Divide that by 24 hours and eah hour is a little more than half a day. Considering not many have reached thier destinations at all yet, since 13 hours ago...I think we're good.

I will not recognize any information/tactic/situation developed into the IRC channels or anywhere else.

Because In Alliance Politics, noone does that, right?

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This has absolutely nothing to do with Alliance Politics. If I gave two !@#$% about what happens in alliance politics while I'm in here, do you think that I would be allied to a bunch of people who are NPO, IRON, and various other alliances that have given me no reason whatsoever to like them? Please stop crossing the OOC/IC line, and keep your head where it belongs, here, not in some sort of self-righteous hell where you absolutely despise everyone who has ever opposed you IC or done anything you consider wrong as an IC action. Once you do that, maybe I will find some respect for you, but until then, you are nothing to me, nothing more than a self-righteous man who can't take the simple time to separate himself from a game.


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For that reason, i will go into "botha-mode" and refuse to recognize these unrealitic wars with a bajillion soldiers being transported for thousands kilometers in a matter of hours. I will not recognize any information/tactic/situation developed into the IRC channels or anywhere else. From now on any roleplay with me must find its roots in CN, otherwise it doesen't exist.

To quote JEDCJT, I watch this with interest

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In all seriousness, "going Botha" isn't all *that* bad.

Apart from staying out of RP wars, I do all the same things in RP that everyone else does... just with a population of 36,000~ and 17,000 soldiers - not 17,000,0000,000 or whatever.

It creates unexpected and welcome challenges to RP (i.e. the ramifications of losing in the Karma War, government collapses due to anarchy, etc.) to keep me on my toes.

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Speaking of taking IG stats into account, interested in IG trading? I've been looking for your resources.

Sure, if you want to open the topic, i'll gladly take part, meanwhile i'll send the IG trade request.

Anyway I have ALWAYS been a fan of Botha (in cnrp :awesome: ), and the guy who owns the barber shop infront of my house is like a clone! Everytime i meet him i feel like calling him Botha :awesome:

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Sure, if you want to open the topic, i'll gladly take part, meanwhile i'll send the IG trade request.

Anyway I have ALWAYS been a fan of Botha (in cnrp :awesome: ), and the guy who owns the barber shop infront of my house is like a clone! Everytime i meet him i feel like calling him Botha :awesome:

Is that so? Hmmm... <_<

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Minister of Finance & Trade Marthinus Hofmeyr is pleased to announce the signing of a trade agreement with Repubblica Italiana. The Republic of Transvaal will supply sugar and water while Repubblica Italiana will provide marble and wheat in exchange.

"We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial economic relationship with Repubblica Italiana" commeneted Minister Hofmeyr.

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Minister of Finance & Trade Marthinus Hofmeyr is pleased to announce the signing of a trade agreement with Repubblica Italiana. The Republic of Transvaal will supply sugar and water while Repubblica Italiana will provide marble and wheat in exchange.

"We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial economic relationship with Repubblica Italiana" commeneted Minister Hofmeyr.

The Minister of Corporate Economy and Trade Angelo Tarchi reacted with satisfaction at the announce of the signing of the first trade agreement in the Orange team sphere with the Republic of Transvaal "The Republic of Transvaal is indeed a trustful trade partner and we can expect a long term cooperation between Italian and Transvaaler industries" said the Minister.

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I hope this isn't some sort of attempt on your part to run away from the fact that you threatened the Imperium Romanum and he started attacking you for it.

Botha mode or not you really do need to resolve that situation as you acknowledged it.

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Hypocrisy is: Stating that your reasoning for going into botha mode relates to IC/OOC disputes when the items that started the conflict that caused you to need Botha mode were all IC... and then announcing to the world the reason you don't want to be rolled is because you live in Italy and that's your only motivation for not wanting to be rolled; a direct breach of the 4th wall. (The imaginary wall between ooc/ic.)

I live in KY.. I started in Antarctica.. I now have most of Asia.

Do you see me whining, mewling, or sobbing every day because I'm not rping a nation in KY? Do you see me going into Botha mode over every poorly laid threat?

You have no justifiable reason to complain about breaches of the 4th wall when your motivations are purely beyond the 4th wall themselves.

You have no justifiable reason to claim botha mode being on after provoking someone immediately prior to realize you had made a horrendous mistake and you were now going to suffer the consequences of that mistake inside the game system. If you wanted Italy so badly you should have been much less belligerent IC and in doing so protected it better.

This is my last statement on this matter.

This community is built on rules/guidelines. We all abide by them.. or we don't play inside of canonized CNRP. You don't seen me running around breathing fire on people IC do you?

Explain to us what justifies you being the exception?

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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botha mode

LOL never thought I'd have somthing in CN named after me :awesome:

Anyways I'd just like to say that "Botha mode is GO!" shouldn't be used to wiggle or avoid situations... apart perhaps from RP'ed wars which seem pretty haphazard anyways, I'm still trying to figure out how you lot sort ot all out... but rather it should be first and foremost a means to provide a basis for ongoing nation-building RP as well as a healthy RP challenge. But don't follow the generally accept RP-modified rules when it suits you and is all going your way but then try to hide behind the IG stats when it doesn't.

And when I say 'avoid RP'ed wars', keep in mind that I DO RP wars... the difference is they are always pre-arranged. And I often lose. But they serve a purpose.

And going Botha (LOL, sorry...) is not as restrictive as some of you think (to respond to Sumeragi). I just however accomplish as much with 55 planes as most of you do with 550 or 5500.

I hate to say it, but some of you folks do have big egos in that you need to have the biggest, largest, best, most perfect, etc. Personally, I love pwning my enemies with my junk military, wobbly rockets, and rusted tanks.

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