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The Order Of Halsa Announcement

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I have come here today to tell Planet Bob that I have resigned from my position as High Magistrate. Good luck to our new government.

High Council

High Magistrate: General Sonlar

Vice Magistrate: Rarunner91

Minister of External Affairs: Bossface

Minister of Defense: Calixo

Minister of Finance: I fubu I

Minister of Admissions: Assyra

Edited by lenard124578
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o/ Lenard

o/ Halsa

Lenard, I have nothing but good things to say about you. You did a great job as HM, and I know everyone to ever serve under you will miss you greatly. Good luck to Sonlar; Lenard is a hard act to follow, but I know you will do great as well!

Edited by Khalai Protoss
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