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Bounty on a nation


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In a unfortunate course of events, a tech seller has refused to send his required tech in a technology deal agreed upon by both of us. After many attempts to try and contact with him to find out why the remaining tech he has yet to send, the said tech seller has decided to block all in-game messages from me. Its clear to see that he has decided not to forgo in the tech deal while fully knowing he still owes me.

I do not take robbers lightly. Unfortunately even after bombs, nukes, and endless ground assaults upon my nation, I am still not even close to his nation strength.

So here's the deal : I am offering a bounty on the nation of Blarb. I will pay a total of 3 million to whoever ZI's that nation, or until he decides to pay the remaining tech.

And in regards to MasterHellBrother's alliance stance with sparta, Timeline (the head econ in sparta) had this to say about his membership :

<Timeline> link please

<Energizer> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...&Extended=0

<Timeline> hate to say this

<Timeline> he is not a Spartan

<Energizer> hm, would explain things.

<Timeline> so your welcome to try and get your money or tech back, but i dont see it

All are welcome to attempt to try to ZI the above nation. Please note that in order to be compensated, you must show proof through a screenshot of an attack putting him at ZI (cant let him sell his own infra now), and if you are to attack him in my behalf, please message MasterHellBrother explaining the situation and a link to this post.

Best regards,


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You would be wise to modify this as getting someone to actually hit ZI is a lot harder than you think ;)

Especially for a single nation in a single week of war.

Normally I would agree with you, however, if we put this into perspective through a 7-day war :

CM's would do a total of 140 infra damage

Air raids would do roughly 100 infra damage (at 5 infra damage a hit)

and Ground attacks would do roughly 140 damage (at 10 infra damage a hit)

which would push him to ZI. Of course, I dont expect just one nation to attempt to go after this.

EDIT : forgot spies, :P at this low of a level the "destroy infra" op would prove effective.

Edited by energizer
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don't waste another 3mil on revenge, he is just some young probably now inactive player which means he probably is not even going to no or care, I would just inform Sparta he is a ghost, warn others and move on to find a better tech seller (ask around in IRC channals for one). People are not going to remember the vengeance you dish out or have someone dish out on him probably even 3 hours from now.

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Normally I would agree with you, however, if we put this into perspective through a 7-day war :

CM's would do a total of 140 infra damage

Air raids would do roughly 100 infra damage (at 5 infra damage a hit)

and Ground attacks would do roughly 140 damage (at 10 infra damage a hit)

which would push him to ZI. Of course, I dont expect just one nation to attempt to go after this.

EDIT : forgot spies, :P at this low of a level the "destroy infra" op would prove effective.

Attacks start doing much less damage once you get below about 100 or so infra (CMs do 1 infra damage or something like that for example).

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In a unfortunate course of events, a tech seller has refused to send his required tech in a technology deal agreed upon by both of us. After many attempts to try and contact with him to find out why the remaining tech he has yet to send, the said tech seller has decided to block all in-game messages from me. Its clear to see that he has decided not to forgo in the tech deal while fully knowing he still owes me.

I do not take robbers lightly. Unfortunately even after bombs, nukes, and endless ground assaults upon my nation, I am still not even close to his nation strength.

So here's the deal : I am offering a bounty on the nation of Blarb. I will pay a total of 3 million to whoever ZI's that nation, or until he decides to pay the remaining tech.

And in regards to MasterHellBrother's alliance stance with sparta, Timeline (the head econ in sparta) had this to say about his membership :

All are welcome to attempt to try to ZI the above nation. Please note that in order to be compensated, you must show proof through a screenshot of an attack putting him at ZI (cant let him sell his own infra now), and if you are to attack him in my behalf, please message MasterHellBrother explaining the situation and a link to this post.

Best regards,


I'm surprised you expect people in outside alliances to send tech while your alliance is at war.

Edited by mhawk
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I'm surprised you expect people to in outside alliances to send tech while your alliance is at war.

Troll and flame posts will not be tolerated in this thread. Should you wish to make such posts, I recommend either IRC, or one of your many useless and utterly idiotic posts. Thank you.

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Troll and flame posts will not be tolerated in this thread. Should you wish to make such posts, I recommend either IRC, or one of your many useless and utterly idiotic posts. Thank you.

I dont think he meant that badly buddy. He was merely stating that like with most alliances, during war time, out of alliance tech deals are usually postponed. This is done for the simple reason of the outside dealer making sure their nation is not attacked by an aggressive alliance whom they see the tech deal as "aiding the enemy". So maybe, just maybe, your dealer is just waiting out the war, to prevent getting attacked. ;)

Edited by Airikr
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Troll and flame posts will not be tolerated in this thread. Should you wish to make such posts, I recommend either IRC, or one of your many useless and utterly idiotic posts. Thank you.

I fail to see how anything I said was idiotic. Alliances normally have rules about their members sending aid to alliances that are not treaty partners and at war with another alliance. Unaligned nations likely have similar concerns.

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Troll and flame posts will not be tolerated in this thread. Should you wish to make such posts, I recommend either IRC, or one of your many useless and utterly idiotic posts. Thank you.

someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, eh?

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So.. instead of using that $3 million to get another tech deal, you are going to waste it on a bounty that will probably end up costing the bounty hunter MORE than $3 million?

I don't understand your logic..

Personally, I'd opt to get revenge too even if it cost me more than $3 million for the bounty just because it feels better.

However, this guy is just being stingy. Come on, pay up scrooge!

Also, am I talking to a member of the prestigious and mighty WOLF? Why yes, I am! What do you know...

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Personally, I'd opt to get revenge too even if it cost me more than $3 million for the bounty just because it feels better.


As for people who do not agree with what I offer, then so be it that is your opinion. But seeing as how he is a mere 2k NS nation, 3m to anyone who is in his range is quite a good amount.

And as for mhawk, I would agree in anyone not willing to aid to another during war, but in the case of the current war, no remaining hegemony alliances have the ability to restrain their attackers that are receiving aid from other sources. Because of this, there is no threat or consequence.

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I fail to see how anything I said was idiotic. Alliances normally have rules about their members sending aid to alliances that are not treaty partners and at war with another alliance. Unaligned nations likely have similar concerns.

That would be a valid argument, if the seller had chosen to communicate such concerns, instead of breaking off all contact. Judging from the events as presented, it seems to me the war has no bearing on this.

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As for people who do not agree with what I offer, then so be it that is your opinion. But seeing as how he is a mere 2k NS nation, 3m to anyone who is in his range is quite a good amount.

Yes it might be a good amount, but you're not paying $3 million to anyone in his range who attacks him. You're only paying $3 million to the one who is lucky enough to get his last fraction of infrastructure. Reminds me a bit of playing Moria years ago and being in a battle royal with high level monsters, but it's a blue yeek that gets your character's last hit point and credit for the kill. Someone could do all the heavy lifting and end up with nothing. This is the first bounty I can recall that all the attackers don't receive something for their effort.

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Troll and flame posts will not be tolerated in this thread. Should you wish to make such posts, I recommend either IRC, or one of your many useless and utterly idiotic posts. Thank you.

Just had to quote that so I could...


Anyways, tech deals get messed up in times of war. Take Blackhorse for example; we tend to be fairly active with such... And for the most part all have been suspended for the duration. Will they be made up afterwards? Yup...will they be taken care of during conflict if aid slots allow? Yup. Otherwise...the tech reciever is on hold and my members have been instructed to have thier deal partners talk to me. ((shrugs))

If it is a truly bad deal...then I'd suggest you talk to Sparta Gov.

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Personally, I'd opt to get revenge too even if it cost me more than $3 million for the bounty just because it feels better.

However, this guy is just being stingy. Come on, pay up scrooge!

i was once willing to pay 100 million to have a sub 5k nation destroyed because he dropped a trade with me and didn't answer my in-game PMs afterwards. i still have his nation saved. this offer is not good enough if you really want revenge.

hi bubba

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Energizer, do you have any proof that this guy has ripped you off? Because the only aid transaction between the two of you is of him sending you 50 tech.

i was once willing to pay 100 million to have a sub 5k nation destroyed because he dropped a trade with me and didn't answer my in-game PMs afterwards. i still have his nation saved. this offer is not good enough if you really want revenge.

That is beyond absurd.

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Energizer, do you have any proof that this guy has ripped you off? Because the only aid transaction between the two of you is of him sending you 50 tech.

why yes I do.

To: Energizer From: MasterHellBrother Date: 5/16/2009 12:40:59 PM

Subject: RE: hey

Message: I will give you a total of 75 tech, becuase the 3mill you gave me was not a fair trade for 150 tech.

course this was 10 days AFTER I sent him the 3m, and now, he refuses to send the second 50 tech batch.

Edited by energizer
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why yes I do.

course this was 10 days AFTER I sent him the 3m, and now, he refuses to send the second 50 tech batch.

How about if he isn't in sparta, we attack him for sending aid to an enemy during war, then you send 3m to us?

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