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Official Announcement of the CIS

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You could not pay the majority of us enough money to be in an alliance with kas mage, zocane, or kevanovia ever again.

Don't join then, simple. Won't say anything about Kevanovia but I worked with Kas and Zocane for a long time and they were solid as can be, as was their membership, and it took some extreme bullying to get them to leave TOH.

That your guys immediate response to them having the courtesy (at my suggestion) to talk to you guys prior to reforming CIS was to say "Well we're just gonna do it first - screw you!" just shows how petulant and immature you are, and how CIS came to get owned under your guys' expert leadership.

Edited by Xiphosis
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I must have missed CIS being "ran into the ground".

Oh come on. Read the first couple pages of this topic and think about which CIS they were referring to. You can't honestly be that blind. Your version of CIS was a joke. A laughing stock. People around Planet Bob point and laugh at the mention of The Confederacy of Imperial States.

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And I too... Damn.. I miss you guys.

Missed you two because... My memory is... Eh. You got missed. :D

There was nothing wrong with the leadership of the CIS, they made one mistake, JoshtheGreat. Other than that, I can't put anything major on them. Harbouring someone on the NPO ZI list would have been fine if they never found out, clearly though some people can't be trusted.

Ask anyone who can remember, and they would rather be under the late government than this one.

With that, I think I will leave this thread, I have no more purpose in Cybernations, NPO is defeated and the CIS isn't here.

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Oh come on. Read the first couple pages of this topic and think about which CIS they were referring to. You can't honestly be that blind. Your version of CIS was a joke. A laughing stock. People around Planet Bob point and laugh at the mention of The Confederacy of Imperial States.

Rarely from people who were actually in CIS, though ;)

Also you're making it sound a hell of a lot worse than it was. A lot of pro-NPO trolls didn't like CIS. That and ex-FPI members (who have good cause). That's about it tbh

That your guys immediate response to them having the courtesy (at my suggestion) to talk to you guys prior to reforming CIS was to say "Well we're just gonna do it first - screw you!" just shows how petulant and immature you are, and how CIS came to get owned under your guys' expert leadership.

They'd been planning to reform since before Kas let people know that he was intending to do it.

And yeah, we don't like KasMage !@#$ting on our grave.

Edited by A Soviet Attack
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Oh come on. Read the first couple pages of this topic and think about which CIS they were referring to. You can't honestly be that blind. Your version of CIS was a joke. A laughing stock. People around Planet Bob point and laugh at the mention of The Confederacy of Imperial States.

Funny... we have something in common. It seems many do the same when referring to inaccurate posts made by Nintenderek. :lol1:

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That your guys immediate response to them having the courtesy (at my suggestion) to talk to you guys prior to reforming CIS was to say "Well we're just gonna do it first - screw you!" just shows how petulant and immature you are, and how CIS came to get owned under your guys' expert leadership.

I can’t speak for everyone else who has a vested interest in CIS but I for one wasn't contacted until right at the last minute and when I tried to broker some kind of amiable and mutually pleasing agreement between the two groups interested in reformation under the CIS name I was met with hostility, especially from Zocane who as far as I'm aware is yet to concede that anyone other than KasMage and himself have any legitimate right to claim interest in CIS' well being.

Furthermore it's not a matter of courtesy, it’s common sense. There were people far more powerful than the likes of KasMage and Zocane in shaping CIS' history and to exclude them from negotiations of such a nature is insensitive, conceited and frankly stupid. The fact that you had to suggest for them to do so, if anything, illustrates petulance and immaturity on their behalf.

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For those saying the Confederacy of Imperial States shouldn't have disbanded... I remind you that there wasn't very much choice...


Under 200 nations versus over 3,000 nations

I was almost recovered from that war and the further fallout afterwards before this last round of warring.

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Rarely from people who were actually in CIS, though ;)

Also you're making it sound a hell of a lot worse than it was. A lot of pro-NPO trolls didn't like CIS. That and ex-FPI members (who have good cause). That's about it tbh

Of course it was nobody from CIS. You never like when your own alliance disbands. However, their were many ex CIS members, and much more then just NPOers and FPIers. Go read your disbandment thread again all the way through. I think you will be surprised.

For those saying the Confederacy of Imperial States shouldn't have disbanded... I remind you that there wasn't very much choice...


Under 200 nations versus over 3,000 nations

I was almost recovered from that war and the further fallout afterwards before this last round of warring.

You disbanded before that war even began.

Edited by Nintenderek
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I said pro-NPO trolls, not "NPO members". And what i meant was that whatever the ignorant outsiders thought of us, we were a well-run alliance nonetheless.

Not sure what point you're trying to make in your remark to rnega.

Okay, I'm just going to go through your thread for you.

About time.
I suppose I should be sad a former ally of the distant past is now gone, but you have strayed so far from your former path that such remorse as may have existed is all but gone.
Good riddance.
Well, can't say I'm going to miss you... Not. One. BIt. I've never trolled a disbandment, but this one will be my first. I'm not sure what happened, but seeing that you PROBABLY disbanded from threat of losing your pixels, I can say that the Freebootin' Pirate Insurgency was better than CIS ever was. Backstabbers.

This is going to take several posts because of the quote limit.

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I can't say I much liked CIS, for one specific reason: when my alliance needed them the most, we were abandoned. I never really got over that.
What is this Digiterra you speak of? Won't miss you CIS.
You reap what you sowed, time to pay the henchman.
This is hilarious. I find it truly fitting that CIS ends this way. For those of you who don't know, here's a quick recap of the FPI war:

*FPI stops voting for CIS senator after protectorate is canceled.

*CIS and NpO - totaling over 700 nations - update blitz FPI, a 40-some nation alliance.

*CB is basically nonexistant.

*First terms include demanding reps, a viceroy, etc. despite the fact that the only thing FPI did was "disrespect" CIS.

*Individual FPI nations are offered peace terms which include decomming military

*Those who do are attacked when their guard is low, when asked why, CIS said they didn't offer terms.

*The terms, which came from a member listed under "government", were taken back 7 hours later.

*FPI, having no hope of peace, follows their charter and uses their nuclear weapons when CIS would not sign a temporary ceasefire to end the spying away of FPI's nukes

FPI stood up and defended themselves to the death. CIS, when given warning, fled the discipline they deserved. And this was not a made - up charge like the FPI war, either. I'm glad that CIS isn't going to get away with that. Personally, I hope NPO plays games with CIS like CIS did with FPI - but they're far too honorable to stoop to CIS's level.

Disbanding your alliance is the equivalent of dropping your weapons on the battlefield and running away, hoping the fighting will stop.

I'm s'posed to respect that? I'd have respected you more if you'd either gone down fighting or acknowledged your fault, organized a new government and moved on.

Cowardly to throw everything away, and wierd to expect sympathy for it.

Don't worry, there's still more.

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CIS complaining about alliances doing things "just because they can" is so deliciously ironic.
Despite my strong disagreements with CIS, starting with the events that led to its expulsion from the Initiative, it will always have a place in my heart. My first job at NPO was Ambassador to CIS, and over the months (and, now, almost two years) I've had a number of friends there. It used to be like my second CN home.

When I think of CIS, I think of what it used to be, not what it turned into. Here's to what CIS used to be. You'll always be remembered by me.

You'll forgive me if I don't miss you guys.

Greater alliances than CIS have fallen.

It is sad when your alliance disbands, and you can't get peace.

You reap what you sow, CIS.

Karmic justice and all.

As far as I'm concerned, CIS died a long time ago.

1. Ejecting KasMage out of the alliance = not a good idea

2. Blaming an event squarely on an individual that had nothing to do with such event = not a good idea

Good riddance CIS.

The only thing surprising about CIS Disbanding is that it took this long to happen. CIS you use to be an honorable alliance and then decided to dabble underhanded against your allies and people wanted to support you.

It started with WUT and has continued since then even till your time on black.

CIS I will remember you in your prime. Not in your final months of lies and underhanded politics.

Basically, that's what I'm seeing. To think not too long ago people would have tried to help CIS too. Karma hurts doesn't it?
If this is a typical person from CIS, how are you managing to fight them without face palming yourself to death?
The best thing about this war is that CIS was "ratted out" about spearo by someone who CIS was ZIing for letting a perma ZI re-roll into his alliance.

It is really hard for me to feel bad for CIS when it seems like such Karmic justice.

The last three I can assure you were not pro NPO or pro FBI at the time. In fact, I think MegaAros might have been Polar at the time, CIS"s closest treaty partner.

But here's my personal favorite

I am torn between my love for you as long-time brothers and my disdain for your recent failures.

VE, the alliance so close to CIS that CIS almost merged into them was criticising you in your disbandment thread, and sadly, these aren't all of the posts you should read. And before you say all these people were pro NPO or Pro FPI, that's mostly because everyone outside of CIS were either Pro NPO or Pro FPI or in NpO, and even some of the NpOers were saying you sucked in your disbandment thread. You can say what you want about the internal community, however it doesn't mean much if your foreign affairs sucked, and man did your foreign affairs and military both suck.

EDIT: Spelling error :P

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What the hell are you trying to prove, Derek? I don't give a damn what other people think, and I definitely don't give a damn what Isaac Dolomus thinks, so I don't know why you saved that for last.

All I care about is that CIS is left to the people who worked to build it, and to make it into a home for the people who held membership in it. An outsider's perspective, while perhaps a poor reflection on our diplomacy, only proves that the world's tongues were firmly up NPO's asses when we disbanded.

Also, you can cherry pick all you want from that thread but I can read just as well as you. Or maybe better? Who knows.

btw, just to correct a mistake I made earlier in this thread, I wasn't referring to Nathan Hale when I said "that guy from tcox liked me". I was talking about LintWad.

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What the hell are you trying to prove, Derek? I don't give a damn what other people think, and I definitely don't give a damn what Isaac Dolomus thinks, so I don't know why you saved that for last.

You don't care what the alliance that sticked by your side to the end thought of your alliance? Your joking, right?

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I must say that I'm greatly saddened by this thread, not by the announcement, but by the infantile bickering on all sides. All it has done is cast aspersions on the alliance (both old and new) and members that I once held in high esteem. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong at this point. No one is coming out of this thread the bigger man.

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You don't care what the alliance that sticked by your side to the end thought of your alliance? Your joking, right?

I was wondering why you have such disdain for CIS and profess such a "know-it-all" attitude based on 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge. Although I can't pinpoint your obvious character flaws concerning the latter (I personally believe you are just dense), I think I can explain the former...


Don't bother responding to this post.... your just an annoying poster and I won't bother with you any further.

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I was wondering why you have such disdain for CIS and profess such a "know-it-all" attitude based on 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge. Although I can't pinpoint your obvious character flaws concerning the latter (I personally believe you are just dense), I think I can explain the former...


Don't bother responding to this post.... your just an annoying poster and I won't bother with you any further.

Trust me, I know GOLD deserved to lose that war. We sucked. So what? And trust me, it wasn't CIS that made GOLD fold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe I stumbled onto this by accident on my return here from over a year hiatus. In fact this thread is the sole reason I rebirthed my nation.

Hi guys.

My mind is boggled that Kasmage who founded CIS but was only part of it for maybe 4? months has the gall to claim the name back? I'd hate to see the first war where he and Zocane are MIA for over 4 days. But yeah good luck guys :) Hope VE has room for you soon. (Are they even still around?)

And derek - you're pretty ummm..... how's the nice way to say clueless?

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