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You know what's pathetic?


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This tired meme has been going around since the start of the war. It called me to ask for a rest. So here's your replacement:

Moo lied, people died!

Wear that one out for a few weeks and I'll be back with another completely unoriginal one for your parroting pleasure.

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I dont think the deserve the FAN/GATO treatment but they need at least hard terms

Why wouldn't they? NPO has been more horrible than /b/ in some respects. I am honestly ashamed to belong to the same community as them.

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I guess you are right there but isn't karma saying NPO was wrong for what they did? If they do the same thing would that not make karma NPO 2.00?

Is there an echo in here?

Karma as a philosophy would mean they ought to be a NPO 2.00.

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Why thank you. Anyways, after speaking with some of my comrades, it seems that their experience mirrored mine: Fight a few rounds, exhaust the nukes, slip into peace-mode and reload. Which is fine: an inter-alliance coalition isn't expected to have too much coordination.

If this is true, then :awesome:

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I'd say what's more pathetic is all the failed staggers that led to them reaching peace mode.

It isn't NPO's fault those at war with them allowed multiple of their top nations to not even take a defensive slot so they're able to escape into peace mode :v:.

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But if you do it to them, you've done it too. So do you then deserve to have it done to you? It's a never-ending circle.


The saying is "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye", not "A tooth for a tooth, and then an eye for that".

Edit: That being said, I don't necessarily think that Karma should adopt the foul practices that's been used in the past, but I do believe that it may be necessary to fight fire with fire. There's no reason why extreme measures against an evil is hypocritical!

Edited by Sebastian
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Most people are just pointing out the hypocrisy. I see it as a valid military strategy, but the irony of whose using it right now is quite amusing.

true. but you know what's even more ironic?? that we are hypocrites for pointing out the hypocrisy of your reasoning. you probably don't get it though...

but in the end it doesn't really matter. i would just wish you guys start acting like men and stopped acting like wussies though. after starting the war via what i see as a interesting trap to sway the support of ODN like alliances (i'm sure everyone knows what i'm talking about here) why can't you say out loud what's really bothering you?? here, i'll do it for you:

"we're suffering from p***s envy"

cause i'm pretty damned sure NPO didn't wrong 20000 people in this game. just 10-20 haters (that probably have every right to hate NPO) and a lot of people with size complexes.

Edited by junkahoolik
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The saying is "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye", not "A tooth for a tooth, and then an eye for that".


SpoiL, you're right, and that's why it's such a stupid philosophy.


Edited by BamaBuc
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SpoiL, you're right, and that's why it's such a stupid philosophy.


What I meant was that there is a difference between giving people a taste of their own medicine and giving them a double dose. I edited in some more in my first post to make it clearer, but you responded before I hit the edit button.

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Not always the case.

NPO is planning for a long term war, which they aren't redundant for, they know what's coming. Instead of being pounded all at once, they are sending waves. We saw a relatively weak wave released approximately a week ago, we'll probably see more coming out soon. This war, that is, THEIR war isn't anywhere near over, as well as it'll assist their rebuilding capabilities. No one is a coward, it is their strategical planning which those who are unbiased can easily identify. If these nations are still in peace mode within a month, or the same nations are...well, we are in a different discussion.

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What I meant was that there is a difference between giving people a taste of their own medicine and giving them a double dose. I edited in some more in my first post to make it clearer, but you responded before I hit the edit button.

Ah, okay. I can respect that viewpoint. Certainly I won't go OMG KARMA = NPO if they don't get super light terms.


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true. but you know what's even more ironic?? that we are hypocrites for pointing out the hypocrisy of your reasoning. you probably don't get it though...

but in the end it doesn't really matter. i would just wish you guys start acting like men and stopped acting like wussies though. after starting the war via what i see as a interesting trap to sway the support of ODN like alliances (i'm sure everyone knows what i'm talking about here) why can't you say out loud what's really bothering you?? here, i'll do it for you:

"we're suffering from p***s envy"

cause i'm pretty damned sure NPO didn't wrong 20000 people in this game. just 10-20 haters (that probably have every right to hate NPO) and a lot of people with size complexes.

This is the most sound argument I've ver seen.

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I remember checking over the first round of declarations on NPO, there was a ton of messed up staggers, or it was thought to ignore staggers, some 36 or so out of the to 120 nations had messed up staggers, and others were in peace mode. This is obviously not true for all and I think all of first page are people who have been in peace mode all along, but the charts are the best way to find out if someone has fallen and then risen.

That said, it is a smart stratigy to either fine the opponent good amount of tech at the end of the war to cripple them in growth, and more importantly from their peace mode nations like the NpO war, or keep fighting until they bring out their nations from peace mode. NPO realized it was a viable stratigy of their opponents and sought to counter it via a prolonged war, and those fighting the NPO would be smart to do the same thing via one of the two methods.

I don't think it is hypocracy, as I don't remember their leadership saying it was bad (could be wrong), just that they wished to harm those nations before peace could be found.

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I remember checking over the first round of declarations on NPO, there was a ton of messed up staggers, or it was thought to ignore staggers, some 36 or so out of the to 120 nations had messed up staggers, and others were in peace mode. This is obviously not true for all and I think all of first page are people who have been in peace mode all along, but the charts are the best way to find out if someone has fallen and then risen.

That said, it is a smart stratigy to either fine the opponent good amount of tech at the end of the war to cripple them in growth, and more importantly from their peace mode nations like the NpO war, or keep fighting until they bring out their nations from peace mode. NPO realized it was a viable stratigy of their opponents and sought to counter it via a prolonged war, and those fighting the NPO would be smart to do the same thing via one of the two methods.

I don't think it is hypocracy, as I don't remember their leadership saying it was bad (could be wrong), just that they wished to harm those nations before peace could be found.

Whether they thought those in peace were cowards in the past....that was THEIR ignorance in the past and their illogical negligence, us doing the same makes us no better and equally as illogical.

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Someone needs to remember what karma means.

Karma has nothing to do with ridiculing them for illogical means. Giving them the same terms is a different story, but to behave as they did, which many are disgusted by...is not Karma. It is petulant, redundant, moronic, and despicable. There is a difference between karma and acting like a child proclaiming "PEACE MODE IZ FO LOZERZ"

As of May 2nd:

32 Grämlins (including #2 #6 #8)

25 FARK (Including their #1 and #5 rank)

66 FOK (including their #3 #7 #8 #9 rank)

68 IRON (including their #3 #6 #7 #8) (Why don't you insult Katonia for being like Syz?)

51 MHA (including their #3)

236 NPO (including #3 #5 #8 #9 #10)

25 ODN (including #7)

62 Ragnarok (including #6 #7 #10)

106 Sparta (including #3 #6)

69 VE (including #1 #2 #3 #5 #7 #8)

55 TPF (including #2 #5 #8)

67 MCXA (including #2 #3-9)

30 MK (including #3 #6 #8)

57 GGA (Including #2 #3 #6 #7)

26 Rnr (Including #5 #9)

19 RIA (Including #1-5)

34 GOD (Including #3 #8 #10)

ALL in peace mode. Yea..Lets be like them and insult them for being in peace mode while we directly insulting those on our side...

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So does someone else. Karma is by definition a never-ending circle.


Karma - the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.

It's all about balance. NPO's actions led to this, thus restoring balance. If Karma as a whole, as unlikely as that is, established a hegemony and oppressed others, then we would have it coming.

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What's funny is how people were so outraged when NPO wouldn't give GATO peace until all their banks came out of hippy to be "punished". I bet if NPO was beating someone down and decreed that they would never get peace until they all came out of hippy and reached a certain NS, there would be a huge outcry.


GATO was not the #1 alliance with a three-year-long history of attacking smaller alliances with little or no reason and imposing horrid terms upon them, usually resulting in the alliance's utter destruction.

You see, NPO got one thing right back on the 15th of April when they started acting nice to precipitate the war: "punishment to fit the crime."

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Actually, I fought two rounds of war and Karma messed up the stagger so I went into peace mode and am currently reloading. I'll be out when I have 20+ nukes again. See you soon!

Good for you, but you seem to be the exception. I checked the last 30 days on quite a few of the top PM nations (until I got bored with getting the same results 90% of the time, and quit), and they have very little NS change over that period.

I'd say what's more pathetic is all the failed staggers that led to them reaching peace mode.

I can't say this is really all that surprising, given that Karma has proven it isn't exactly the most coordinated group. However, a large portion of the PM group has been there since before the starter's pistol ever fired.

Why thank you. Anyways, after speaking with some of my comrades, it seems that their experience mirrored mine: Fight a few rounds, exhaust the nukes, slip into peace-mode and reload. Which is fine: an inter-alliance coalition isn't expected to have too much coordination.

That sounds nice on the surface, but I imagine these talks were between people involved in the fighting, instead of a random selection of membership. That makes it a skewed subset (combat participants) and therefore faulty data. Conduct the same conversations between a randomly selected group from the top 10% or so of NPO, and the results will be quite different, I'm sure. (Though, I do admit that's also somewhat faulty, since most of the fighters have probably fallen out of the top 10% by now.)

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People are just getting stupid over the 'karma' thing now. Pointing out someone's hypocrisy doesn't make you a hypocrite. If the NPO had never forced people out of PM with threats of PZI, if people on their side had never ridiculed people who were in PM then yeah, we'd be jerks, as bad as they were. As it is, we're pointing out how wrong they were, and there's nothing hypocritical about it.

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