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Waking from Chaos

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Dr. Karnell monitored the life signs of the Chairman, who lay in a 15 foot long by 20 foot wide vat of a mix of saline solution and amniotic type fluids with more IV's and monitors running in and out of him than one could count on two hands. For him, they were.. relatively stable. "Dr. Jacobs, are you still monitoring the progression of his growth?"

"Yes, sir. We're bringing it back under control. The Great White latent genes for growth that were activated in the nuclear sabotage event are slowly being turned back off. His dream-state is erratic. He must have some awful demons in his history." Dr. Jacobs responded as he climbed the stairs into the observation and monitoring lounge for the lab.

"Being what he is.. and where Dragonisia is today, I am not suprised." Karnell would murmur.

He looked over at one of the phsycologists on the team, "Andrea, what do you have him listening to right now?"

Andrea Yates blinked as she was addressed, "Uh, the national anthem, some patriotic music, folk stories.. the typical state centric regimen."

Dr. Karnell then looked over to Ornithologist Amber Thomas, "The wings seem to be developing alright. Is the bone structure and muscle/weight ratio progressing as it should?"

Amber responded, "So far, so good. Without the ability to stop their development we've simply been focusing on making sure they developed correctly."

"Really?" Karnell raised an eyebrow, "Any idea on an estimated sustained flight time if they develop properly?"

Amber scratched her head, "Hadn't really considered it yet, but I'm going to guess at most.. maybe 5-10 minutes. They'd be more like short hops in terms of self-powered flight. If he glided though from say.. a structure.. he could go for a while, it'd require less strain on the mechanics of his systems."

"Well, at least that should make him feel a little better about it. Fortunately, the public had somewhat adapted to his ferocious appearance through the period of his first mutation, but I don't know if they'll be able to accept this." Karnell sighed. "He may very well have to go into hiding."

Team sociologist Dr. George Gaines stepped forward, "Well, we've had the state run media channel playing a lot more 'friendly monster' type movies in the hope that the civilian population will pick up and adapt to the concept. It's so subliminal we hope no one has noticed."

Karnell chuckled, "Clever. But what's 'Hollywood' and what's real often take completely different roles in folk's thinking. I don't think they're going to be able to handle a 11 foot winged leviathan standing in front of them very well. They've come to expect strange things of the Chairman. But even when I look at him I'm shocked.. mind you, it's in a good and exciting way.. but still.. When he is towering over me.." He shook it out of his head. "So long as he remains the man I once knew.. I'll be fine. Let us hope his mind is holding up..."

#### In the head of the beast ####

ooc: Theme: Rammstein - Heirate


Maelstrom had struggled with an unending nightmare.. a nightmare of piercing white light.. of burning.. of change. Something was happening to him, yet he couldn't comprehend it. He could only feel it. Finally, he stood by his wife's grave in his dream on the shores of the Indian Ocean.. his self-concept had debilitated into a shapeless mass. Strangely from everywhere.. the sounds of the State flooded his mind, images of the Dragonisian flag waved in and out of his dream, his missiles, his armies... all as he stood on the shore by her grave, looking out over the Pacific Ocean.

"Who am I?" Echoed a question in his head.. "What am I really?"

Koudoa appeared over her grave and spoke quietly to him, "You are my loving Husband, Maelstrom." Another voice whispered to him, "You are also the State of Dragonisia."

"What is the burning light?" He snarled in his mind.

Koudoa responded, "It is just the sun...." the other voice whispered, "and it hates you, the light of day alone is your bane."

Koudoa spoke faintly alarmed, "Ignore them Maelstrom, they're trying to steal you away from me!"

Maelstrom gripped her hand firmly, then reached his other one up towards the sun, "I must.. turn off that awful, burning light...." He stretched and stretched his other arm towards the sun..

#### In the lab ####

The pulse readings had gone off the charts, so had the neural output monitors. Maelstrom had begun to rise up out of his bath stretching towards something unseen, apparently towards a light on the ceiling in particular. They moved in to tranquilize him...

#### Back in the mind of the beast ####

Self-Identity.. it had begun to rip in twain as he strove towards two goals. Suddenly, he felt as though he was losing strength.. and the unshaped darkness he had become fell to earth next to her grave. Then all was darkness, but the burning continued.

#### Back in the lab ####

Karnell blinked, "What the hell was that about?" They were all standing around the tank...

Jacobs sighed, "Told you.. demons sir.. he must have his own personal hell in there."

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OOC: I didn't make your Chairman higher. Edit: taller.

I didn't give him wings.

Your genetic scientists do not have the capabilities to do this by themselves.

Your Chairman stays as he was when he came out of Canada. Freak of nature, but no goddamned dragon.

Edited by Lynneth
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ooc: Stop trolling people. The above is possible. You didn't give him wings Lynneth, but your scientists did splice a lot of strands of DNA into him from various species around the world as necessary to complete the design. Some of the genes weren't activated necessarily to prevent Maelstrom from becoming altogether different. The nuclear explosion he was near triggered some latent genes by accident. It's been proven that some physical, radiological, and chemical processes can do this. Maelstrom has a particularly volatile genetic structure which lends to that potential. My scientists aren't giving this to him, they were in fact, trying to stop it. He is not a dragon. He is a genetic chimera or mosaic.

As to Uberstein: The wings are extremely limited functionality and will best be used in the same manner a flying squirrel uses them. A biologically powered flight time of 5-10 minutes will not get you very far at all and if anything will likely prove a headache/encumbrance to deal with.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: No. I would LOVE to see any evidence that this is even remotely possible, else it will count as a godmod. Oh, and yes, it will have to be possible at your tech level.

EDIT: Under the proposed tech scale, you would be "Sub Modern", and since nobody in the world has done anything NEAR this before, we can safely say its a godmod.

GM Wipe unless you can convince me otherwise.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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OOC: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1652...s-unlikely.html

Hmm, I wonder if this has any say in the matter?

Stop trying to bring dragons in CNRP, you have CNRPS for that !@#$.

Also, if your chairman was close enough to a nuclear explosion for it to trigger genes, I would say he would be dead.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: Nearly impossible, you have to modify almost all of his cells' genes. Plus, there is a very high chance of failure even with modern technology.

But if you are planning on RPing a failure, fine with me.

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OOC: Mael to hell with it just keep going and continue your RP its well written I enjoyed reading it so stuff these over acting idiots and just keep going its not like its hurting anyone.

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## A day or so later ##

As the chairman slowly began to come around from his state of sleep, he was aware of a few things. 1. He was different. 2. He was in a giant vat of water with a tube running down his throat into his lungs. 3. He was alive. 4. He wasn't sure what the hell happened that got him where he was. He thought very much like that, organization had always been something he craved and so point by point he'd reviewed what he knew.

He felt beneath him, and though floating found a floor to his containment was but inches below him.. and to his sides. Or at least, it felt like inches to him. He slowly started to sit up...

The lab was ready this time. Some of them were even armed in case this went wrong.

As he opened his eyes.. he blinked a couple of times as everyone there seemed to be standing at the same level he was sitting. His wings scraped the walls and he looked over at them. They were very hard to move. He'd never operated them before. He reached to his throat, and pulled out the breathing pipe very slowly, gagging as he withdrew it from his muzzle. He coughed a couple of times.. then spoke hoarsely. "How long have I been out.. what has happened?" He rumbled. He also came slowly conscious, that he was chained down. A very powerful impulse rippled through his mind... I'm caged and chained... His iris' narrowed.. he pulled on the chain hard.. and began to struggle.

Karnell came up, "Calm down Maelstrom, it's for your own protection.. we didn't want you thrashing in your sleep. There was an accident.. the nuclear plant was sabotaged while you were overseeing its opening."

Memories raced through Maelstrom's mind.. "That's why I was burning in my dreams..."

"Yessir, you were burnt over 50% of your body.. fortunately, you recover quickly." The Doctor added..

"Who did this?" He rumbled in a half-growl...

"We don't know yet, the investigation is still underway. Traces of the metals in the reactor were not local, but originated in South America.. which indicates the presence of foreign objects during the activation process.. potentially sabotage." Karnell noted.

"I see.... UNCHAIN ME!" He thundered. The guards nervously raised their arms...

"I would, but your tone is making the men and myself extremely nervous.. you've undergone a lot of changes... do you have yourself in check?" Karnell inquired..

Vortex had never been asked that before. He stopped a moment and pondered his state. He responded carefully, "I think I'm in as good as state as any given my situation. Release me, I'll maintain my calm."

Karnell stepped over to a panel and the mechanical locks around the Chairman's arms, ankles, wings, and tail unbound. When Maelstrom sat up, he sat on his tail the wrong way, generating a sharp pain. "Hell, no more chairs I guess.. why am I so different?"

The doctor observed, "The radiation and chemicals you were exposed to in the event triggered the activation of some latent genes to which your body began to conform while being treated to burns. At first we thought it was cancer. But biopsies indicated otherwise. We had no choice but to make sure the changes were nurtured, reversing them may have put your body into an immune system rejection state which could have killed you."

He started to pull himself out of the fluids.. but found himself to weak as of yet to hold himself up. Karnell informed him, "Chairman, your body has undergone major changes, your muscle mass is still racing to catch up. You're going to need some physical therapy before you're going to be at full capacities again. Especially the new limbs, which you're going to have to pretty much learn like a babe how to use. You're going to be a bit clumsy for a while."

"Great, just what I need.. disabled in time of crisis." Maelstrom muttered.

"Don't worry. Mr. Davis has everything under control. Let him do his job." Karnell would pat the Chairman's arm. The doctors slid in a back support for Maelstrom so he could continue to sit up in the containment tub. "The treatment of your lower body burns still continue. Your growth is slowing we suspect it will halt or be exceedingly slow by the end of the day. Your hormonal systems, in particular your pituitary gland was on overdrive. The radiation continues to be a factor in your body, but the flushing technique's we're using have reduced it to a rate we think you can tolerate with the way your tissue restores itself."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: No. I would LOVE to see any evidence that this is even remotely possible, else it will count as a godmod. Oh, and yes, it will have to be possible at your tech level.

EDIT: Under the proposed tech scale, you would be "Sub Modern", and since nobody in the world has done anything NEAR this before, we can safely say its a godmod.

GM Wipe unless you can convince me otherwise.

ooc: Afraid not LVN, a MODERATOR, not a GM, previously approved this form of RP long as it did not impact the global scales. You just re-wrote the tech scale at your whim. I, nor the community, have approved this re-write as a whole. Plus, I have a tech trade with my neighbor Melvin Republic, which had me in well past your modern cut-off level.. which has been revised multiple times. I'm going forward with this based on the RP history already established and that moderator ruling. Whether or not you approve. Get a moderator to overturn that which a moderator has stated, and then I will accept your consideration. I pre-approved this type of rp in the past for a reason.

That said, this wipe, is above your pay-grade.

If you want me to prove this is possible. I will go start looking up all the dozens of other chimeras and splices which already exist.. some of which have existed for almost a half a decade or more in the form of Franken foods. Truth is, the only thing which stops this happening in reality is that the western nations who have the technology.. do not want this kind of research done in their labs.. ever. Dragonisia has tossed out its ethical concerns and strode forward in developing this very type of capability, encouraging.. not discouraging it.

HHYAD: Custom engineering Virus. (Which scientists are currently working on perfecting to prevent the spread of cancer.)

Mudd: A blanket statement without any type of support for it rarely proves anything.

Given folks are enjoying reading it, it continues.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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All OOC:

ooc: Afraid not LVN, a MODERATOR, not a GM, previously approved this form of RP long as it did not impact the global scales.


You just re-wrote the tech scale at your whim.

Actually, if you ask VS, it was his idea first, I had no part in the initial concept.

I, nor the community, have approved this re-write as a whole.

Three quarters agree, and thats including people who voted no, then changed their minds.

Plus, I have a tech trade with my neighbor Melvin Republic,

Which is not applicable, as entire tech level increases are not allowed, instead it comes to sale of designs and blueprints etc.

which had me in well past your modern cut-off level..

Except the cut off levels for each tier are based on IG tech only, and since the Sub-modern/First-world cutt off was originally at 1000 tech, and your IG tech is ~300, you were never First World.

which has been revised multiple times.

Inconsultation with the community, to provide a better spread of tiers.

I'm going forward with this based on the RP history already established and that moderator ruling. Whether or not you approve. Get a moderator to overturn that which a moderator has stated, and then I will accept your consideration. I pre-approved this type of rp in the past for a reason.

What you pre approved was possible (See ITDA's linked post)

That said, this wipe, is above your pay-grade.

Who are you to define what is and is not possible to be wiped? Unless you can prove that Humans can grow wings this is physically impossible and wiped under the existing G-RP-G's

If you want me to prove this is possible. I will go start looking up all the dozens of other chimeras and splices which already exist.. some of which have existed for almost a half a decade or more in the form of Franken foods.

I would love it. Please, show some reputable proof of splices between the Classes Reptilia and Mammalia, focusing on recreating features which have no comparable version (ie: wings) {Although, splices originating from Insecta or Aves would be better, considering a lack of accessable DNA from flying reptiles, and of those Aves would be the best option as Insecta requires very lightweight bodies, something which would not scale up.

Actually, the most damming evidence this is a crock is that chimeras or mosaics are created to be GE'd when they are still in the single cell stage. Show me a animal that was GE'd to this extend after birth.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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Mudd: A blanket statement without any type of support for it rarely proves anything.

Prove this is scientifically possible. Even remotely possible. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you have clearly never taken a basic biology class. The longest living homo-sapien/other chordate "chimera" (such an imprecise term) lasted 3 days and consisted of a whopping 32 cells. Even with extremely advanced stem cell therapies, there is no way an adult could be genetically modified in such a way. Such chimerism must take place during transplantation of the zygote.

Like I said, science doesn't like you. This is impossible even if your tech level gave you technology 200 years in advance of our current abilities.

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Prove this is scientifically possible. Even remotely possible. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you have clearly never taken a basic biology class. The longest living homo-sapien/other chordate "chimera" (such an imprecise term) lasted 3 days and consisted of a whopping 32 cells. Even with extremely advanced stem cell therapies, there is no way an adult could be genetically modified in such a way. Such chimerism must take place during transplantation of the zygote.

Like I said, science doesn't like you. This is impossible even if your tech level gave you technology 200 years in advance of our current abilities.

ooc: I will in message, where these contests deserve to be, not cluttering my thread.

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OOC: Just to educate you, there is a difference between "chimeras" of the same species and "chimeras" of different species. Same species "chimeras" are tetragametic chimeras. This essentially means it is the merger of two nonidentical twins in a very early (zygote or blastocyst) phase. A person will thus have two sets of DNA.

What you are proposing is completely different, there is literally no way to produce a surviving chimera from two sets of DNA from different species. There is literally no way to do this while the developing zygote is a blastocyst much less a fully grown male. You are arguing 2+2=5 while denying gravity.

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ooc: Well, the kind of Chimera created in this instance is different than a typical. It's its own species, it is not two co-existing cell sets or organ sets as it is simply a blended DNA structure. It's still a chimera, but it's not at the organ/tissue/cellular level. I'm rather sure they're trying to actually avoid making homosapien DNA level chimeras..aka a new species. There is exceptions in food and labrats.. for which I present you.. a lot of data on the subject.. including my nation's rp method. which is non-pathogenic somatic viral infection

I would go out and get more, but I am not going to buy Human Mutation studies for the sake of CNRP :-P

More data on how gene replacement is currently used to treat various genetic anomalies/diseases. <-- This one was fortunately free and is one decade old technology.

There is a clear difference on what is done and what society allows one to do with such technology.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Just to educate you, there is a difference between "chimeras" of the same species and "chimeras" of different species. Same species "chimeras" are tetragametic chimeras. This essentially means it is the merger of two nonidentical twins in a very early (zygote or blastocyst) phase. A person will thus have two sets of DNA.

What you are proposing is completely different, there is literally no way to produce a surviving chimera from two sets of DNA from different species. There is literally no way to do this while the developing zygote is a blastocyst much less a fully grown male. You are arguing 2+2=5 while denying gravity.

OOC: What happens when the baseline is not pure human to begin with, as in the Chairman's case? He was already a genetic crossbreed due to Lynneth's tampering.

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Not relevant and not possible. I wasn't aware there was such things as sentient non homo-sapiens. Also your links are irrelevant MV. Like I said, there is absolutely, positively no way this is possible in any realm of science outside of blatant science fiction. 2+2=5

Genetic engineering is nice, but most of it has to be done before birth and is on a much much smaller scale than what you are proposing, which is nothing short of creating a new spieces by grafting non-human stem cells onto an already existing human. That is beyond a few hundred years in the future. I'm sorry, it is simply not possible (I'm not really sorry for you, the scientist in me is sorry that science fiction can be believed in)

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ooc: I'm sure you know all that is or is not possible with genetics.. without citation.. just on your word Tahoe. Do you have anything to actually contribute besides an opinion.. which everyone has? You cannot prove that it cannot be done because I doubt there's a reliable source out there that would agree to say it.

Btw, LVN, humans haven't been made to grow wings yet. But rats can grow human ears! (bioengineering). Rats and Rainbowfish can glow (genetic engineering). As I said, we don't experiment on ourselves unless certain of the results.. just rodents and fish.. for now.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Quite to the contrary, everything you are proposing is impossible in a genetics lab. I have spent thousands of hours in a lab. This is my profession, mate.

Your arguement is based on shoddy pseudo science. It is like you trying to prove that gravity doesn't exist and demanding I prove it does. There is not a single qualified scientist, doctor or researcher that would agree anything you are doing is even remotely plausible. Nobody has ever tried to disprove what you are doing because it is literally impossible.

This is different than other issues, like stealth missiles, super torpedoes, ect. (other godmods) which have some fundamental scientific base, even if they turn out to be impossible, at least a rational thought process is behind them. This is not one of those cases. So I will state it perfectly clear: you cannot create a "chimera" between a grown homo sapiens and grafting random traits of other species onto it by any scientific means. Not stem cells, not viruses, not paramecieum, not bananas...it is IMPOSSIBLE.

You are trying to turn a human into a dragon. Think about that statement for a second. Read it outloud. Does it sound rational? No, it does not. Does it sound possible? No, it does not. This has nothing to do with my beliefs on the subject. It is fact.

It is fact that what you are trying to do is impossible. Fact. Undisputable. Impossible to refute because the idea is so irrational there is no logic that can be used either for or against.

LVN, humans haven't been made to grow wings yet. But rats can grow human ears! (bioengineering). Rats and Rainbowfish can glow (genetic engineering). As I said, we don't experiment on ourselves unless certain of the results.. just rodents and fish.. for now.

Again, your fundamental lack of biology is frightening. All of those things were done either before development of the mature organism or by manipulating the genetic sequence to create certain proteins. Nothing like what you are proposing. It has nothing to do with ethics, it is impossible.

Besides, you have never explained how this is possible in any scientific way. I eagerly await you proving this. While you're at it, I expect a treatise on why 2+2=5 and the illogic of gravity on my desk by Monday.

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Quite to the contrary, everything you are proposing is impossible in a genetics lab. I have spent thousands of hours in a lab. This is my profession, mate.

Your arguement is based on shoddy pseudo science. It is like you trying to prove that gravity doesn't exist and demanding I prove it does. There is not a single qualified scientist, doctor or researcher that would agree anything you are doing is even remotely plausible. Nobody has ever tried to disprove what you are doing because it is literally impossible.

This is different than other issues, like stealth missiles, super torpedoes, ect. (other godmods) which have some fundamental scientific base, even if they turn out to be impossible, at least a rational thought process is behind them. This is not one of those cases. So I will state it perfectly clear: you cannot create a "chimera" between a grown homo sapiens and grafting random traits of other species onto it by any scientific means. Not stem cells, not viruses, not paramecieum, not bananas...it is IMPOSSIBLE.

You are trying to turn a human into a dragon. Think about that statement for a second. Read it outloud. Does it sound rational? No, it does not. Does it sound possible? No, it does not. This has nothing to do with my beliefs on the subject. It is fact.

It is fact that what you are trying to do is impossible. Fact. Undisputable. Impossible to refute because the idea is so irrational there is no logic that can be used either for or against.

Again, your fundamental lack of biology is frightening. All of those things were done either before development of the mature organism or by manipulating the genetic sequence to create certain proteins. Nothing like what you are proposing. It has nothing to do with ethics, it is impossible.

Besides, you have never explained how this is possible in any scientific way. I eagerly await you proving this. While you're at it, I expect a treatise on why 2+2=5 and the illogic of gravity on my desk by Monday.

See the study I posted on Gene Insertion using a Non-Pathogenic Viral Infection Vector in Somatic cells. I have never said that this technique was possible now, especially given the bio-ethical concerns and aggressive disinterest this society practices on procuring such a capability. I am saying it is possible when we do have a vested interest, give the subject attention, and focus our full efforts on understanding such a trans formative process. Current studies indicate it has and can be done in other species, especially for treatment of disease. There is no evidence to the contrary that this process could not be expanded upon, in fact.. there's more in favor of it being probable than against.

Given the number "2" is a variable that is assigned the quantity two, if we simply alter the global understanding of that variable to be the absolute quantity of 1+1+.5, normally understood to be 2.5, then 2+2 does in fact =5. But only then. (At your request Mr. Smarty Pants :-P)

My basic understanding of biology tells me that without human intervention none of this is possible. I don't think dogs + cats = dats, if that's what you're worried about. You have no idea of how well I actually understand genetics, and are in a poor situation to estimate/judge it. I am likewise, in a very poor position to actually judge to whether or not you work in a lab or understand much concerning genetics. I could chose to believe your claims, or I can chose to believe the research I've done independently and actually read, even partly cited, for your convenience.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: This is the type of thing that only improves RP. I'm not skilled in the areas you guys are talking about, so I won't argue there. So he has one character that is not completly human; so what? It makes RP's interesting with a person that is far different that everyone else.

I also think you guys are hammering on Mael because Mael is Mael. You guys never called god-mod on my zombie virus, and it seems every time I post something (other than the map thread) it is usually ignored.

Besides, there are tons of other things in RP that are not like in CNRP; if everything is the same as real life, it makes things much duller.

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