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OOC: Well, moderator approval or not, I refuse to recognise something that is this much of a breech of science.

What next, Uberstein find the Fountain of Youth and becomes bulletproof?

Or maybe I genetically alter my entire army to be venomous laser wolves, blitzing my enemies at the speed of light! :rolleyes:

I call upon the community to stop accepting this kind of BS pseudo-science just because of the "rule of cool", and that doesn't even apply here. Having your leader become a angry, arrogant dragon isn't cool, it's silly. It's an absurd concept that is the kind of thing I would "make-believe" on the playground in 3rd grade or find in a horribly written Dragonlance* fanfic.

*Very cliche DnD-based book series.

EDIT: I came here to do a NATION RP, not fantasy land magical being RP. That is what CNRPS is for, it's not my fault that whole thing went inactive. As for the zombie virus, I wasn't aware that was even happening, but seeing how there is a "zombie fungus" IRL, I'm sure that is actually possible. This genetic monstrosity is complete BS and just plain stupid.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: Well, moderator approval or not, I refuse to recognise something that is this much of a breech of science.

What next, Uberstein find the Fountain of Youth and becomes bulletproof?

Or maybe I genetically alter my entire army to be venomous laser wolves, blitzing my enemies at the speed of light! :rolleyes:

I call upon the community to stop accepting this kind of BS pseudo-science just because of the "rule of cool", and that doesn't even apply here. Having your leader become a angry, arrogant dragon isn't cool, it's silly. It's an absurd concept that is the kind of thing I would "make-believe" on the playground in 3rd grade or find in a horribly written Dragonlance* fanfic.

*Very cliche DnD-based book series.

OOC: I never heard a peep out of you when my Atlantis RP was started (and unfourtunatly never finished... :().

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See the study I posted on Gene Insertion using a Non-Pathogenic Viral Infection Vector in Somatic cells. I have never said that this technique was possible now, especially given the bio-ethical concerns and aggressive disinterest this society practices on procuring such a capability. I am saying it is possible when we do have a vested interest, give the subject attention, and focus our full efforts on understanding such a trans formative process. Current studies indicate it has and can be done in other species, especially for treatment of disease. There is no evidence to the contrary that this process could not be expanded upon, in fact.. there's more in favor of it being probable than against.

Given the number "2" is a variable that is assigned the quantity two, if we simply alter the global understanding of that variable to be the absolute quantity of 1+1+.5, normally understood to be 2.5, then 2+2 does in fact =5. But only then. (At your request Mr. Smarty Pants :-P)

OOC: Sub modern means the current level of advancement right now, not "Where we would be if ethics was gone". You do not have the technology to do this anyway, regardless if it is possible or not.

Also Mudd, I'll award this to you if you prove your credentials, such as a pic of yourself with somekind of diploma etc and the message "To LVN, with Love Mudd" On a bit of paper in the shot.

Also, Jerry. As much as I hate to say it, the zombie thing is perfectly legit under modern science. (A slight mutation of Rabies)

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OOC: Well, moderator approval or not, I refuse to recognise something that is this much of a breech of science.

What next, Uberstein find the Fountain of Youth and becomes bulletproof?

Or maybe I genetically alter my entire army to be venomous laser wolves, blitzing my enemies at the speed of light! :rolleyes:

I call upon the community to stop accepting this kind of BS pseudo-science just because of the "rule of cool", and that doesn't even apply here. Having your leader become a angry, arrogant dragon isn't cool, it's silly. It's an absurd concept that is the kind of thing I would "make-believe" on the playground in 3rd grade or find in a horribly written Dragonlance* fanfic.

*Very cliche DnD-based book series.

ooc: Actually, this is based on my own novel and has nothing to do with fantasy. It only made 30 pages and was started when I was in High School not long after Dolly was cloned. You call upon the community to bend to the will? Oh wait, you do that every day. I'd rather not thanks. As for your super wolves, that would be a bit of a breach as it would theoretically have an impact on the battlefield and geo-strategic balance. This is one person. Not reproducible due to the immeasurable expenses involved. Genetics is not the fountain of youth.. yet.. they're still working on that, but the traditional fountain of youth is indeed a myth. Changing your genes or the genes of your offspring to be something better may not be long, if they ever decide to start experimenting on human beings.. most likely they won't, and I'm in favor of that until they get a very firm grasp of what they're doing. Dragonisia, on the other hand, has toss the ethics books out the window.. mostly to save the chairman at first, now again to fix additional damage done.

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OOC: Sub modern means the current level of advancement right now, not "Where we would be if ethics was gone". You do not have the technology to do this anyway, regardless if it is possible or not.

Also Mudd, I'll award this to you if you prove your credentials, such as a pic of yourself with somekind of diploma etc and the message "To LVN, with Love Mudd" On a bit of paper in the shot.

Also, Jerry. As much as I hate to say it, the zombie thing is perfectly legit under modern science. (A slight mutation of Rabies)

ooc: If you actually read the RP, the changes made to Maelstrom have actually already been done prior to the date of its writing by someone with a much greater tech level. What you are seeing are the side effects of what happens when a volatile genetic structure comes into contact with a volatile nuclear/chemical environment. Many mutative diseases are actually triggered by similar events. I don't need the same approximate technology control to administer burn control and adjust the rate of changes. Besides, the changes to technology were just recently implemented, I call shens and am still using the old scale for this if this is the only basis for your rejection. Additionally, when sub-modern begins has not been specificed. The Journal mentioned previously on viral vectors for somatic cell infection insertion techniques has been around since 1995.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: This is the type of thing that only improves RP. I'm not skilled in the areas you guys are talking about, so I won't argue there. So he has one character that is not completly human; so what? It makes RP's interesting with a person that is far different that everyone else.

I also think you guys are hammering on Mael because Mael is Mael. You guys never called god-mod on my zombie virus, and it seems every time I post something (other than the map thread) it is usually ignored.

Besides, there are tons of other things in RP that are not like in CNRP; if everything is the same as real life, it makes things much duller.

ooc: I think I called the zombie virus silly and unlikely on several occasions, but it kept on going, so I chose to ignore it.

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ooc: Actually, this is based on my own novel and has nothing to do with fantasy. It only made 30 pages and was started when I was in High School not long after Dolly was cloned. You call upon the community to bend to the will? Oh wait, you do that every day. I'd rather not thanks. As for your super wolves, that would be a bit of a breach as it would theoretically have an impact on the battlefield and geo-strategic balance. This is one person. Not reproducible due to the immeasurable expenses involved. Genetics is not the fountain of youth.. yet.. they're still working on that, but the traditional fountain of youth is indeed a myth. Changing your genes or the genes of your offspring to be something better may not be long, if they ever decide to start experimenting on human beings.. most likely they won't, and I'm in favor of that until they get a very firm grasp of what they're doing. Dragonisia, on the other hand, has toss the ethics books out the window.. mostly to save the chairman at first, now again to fix additional damage done.


Oh look, you're writing a novel! That doesn't mean you get to use it in CNRP.

Also, are you claiming that I am attempting to "rule the community"? Provide sources, now, because I find that offensive. I am calling for common sense and for people to finally fight against god modding and BS. If I ever god modded, I would expect people to yell at me.

So I take it evidence against one thing works, but when it goes against what YOU want, we can just throw out evidence out the window and say "oh yes lets just let him have a DRAGON for a leader."

Frankly, with the amount of radiation and impossible genetic tweakings done to your leader, he would be either braindead in a wheelchair or just plain dead.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: Uberstein, now you're spinning. He's not a dragon. He's a genetic construct. He may look like the mythical creature, but he's actually a mesh of creatures from around the world. You need to read that link I posted previously about the use of viral gene insertion techniques. They even have a part in there about using herpes to invade the brain and kill tumors and its impact on gene modification. I'll make it easy, page 138, section A. Use of Herpes Virus Vectors for Gene Delivery into Neurons. That's just a fraction of the material they address because well.. I think you need to buy the book, but some important bits are there.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Uberstein, now you're spinning. He's not a dragon. He's a genetic construct. He may look like the mythical creature, but he's actually a mesh of creatures from around the world. You need to read that link I posted previously about the use of viral gene insertion techniques. They even have a part in there about using herpes to invade the brain and kill tumors and its impact on gene modification. I'll make it easy, page 138, section A. Use of Herpes Virus Vectors for Gene Delivery into Neurons. That's just a fraction of the material they address because well.. I think you need to buy the book, but some important bits are there.

OOC: Congratulations, you can now grow tumors inside his head. Care to present something relevant?

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## The Next day.. Physical rehabilitation begins. ##

Maelstrom was sitting in his containment tub, flipping through channels to watch the global news on a tv which had been provided to him with a remote. His doctors came in, they changed the gauze on the still recuperating portions of his legs. He first clicked over to footage of the Canadian Space announcements, "I need to see if they're going to be doing any space tourism. I need a break." He sat, watching the glossy new images of the shuttle, explanations on how it worked in such.. as much as was publicly available in the press release.

A nurse carted in a 3 lb steak, and lumped it onto a table with some potatoes and green beans for him. He quietly ate. It wasn't long after that a set of doctors come in with what was little more than a dumbed down set of bicycle pedals with stress-resistance levels. They latched his feet on and he pedaled as he watched TV and ate his food. He began to pant faintly.. and pushed half his food away un-eaten. He'd get back to it later.

The trainers brought him some modest weights, he carefully lifted and lowered them. The stresses on his arms were immense due to the underdevelopment of muscle tissue. As he lifted and lowered the weights, the trainers helped him lift and lower the canopy of the wing system he had grown. This was the hardest part, they were extremely underdeveloped as was the new tail, which still had yet to bulk up on fat or muscle. They had placed weights on it also and informed him to keep it in motion as much as he could.

It would be several days before they stood him partially upright, his spine and skeletal support muscles also had to strengthen to endure his new mass. It was going to be a long trip to complete recovery. It was made known to the global community that the Chairman was accepting visitors, but only with special permits and at request only and it was made known the security would be extremely tight.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: Considering the whole discussion is about mutation, it is directly relevant if you know the mutation you're causing and the genes you are inserting.

OOC: Considering that you need to grow wings, I am yet to see how changing cells in the brain would result in that without lobotomizing him.

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OOC: I really couldn't care less, really. Ill only be recognizing MAelstrom's chairman and everyone else for that matter as human, and if i RP with maelstrom ill only see Human.

ooc: I can accept this, as in almost 90% of all cases what the chairman is never really comes up. I doubt there ever will be many situations except in specific rps where it will.

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ooc: I can accept this, as in almost 90% of all cases what the chairman is never really comes up. I doubt there ever will be many situations except in specific rps where it will.

OOC: ^ see this? this is called "Reasonable". Let him pretend to be a dragon, I say, and let him be human in Canon CNRP (cuz i wont rp anything else)

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OOC: Considering that you need to grow wings, I am yet to see how changing cells in the brain would result in that without lobotomizing him.

ooc: It wouldn't, that's where stem cells, consumption of food, vitamin injection, catalyst injection, enzyme injection all assist in providing the necessary materials to permit alteration. If we could not grow, humans would be a very short species.. let alone the growth rates of the other species genetics involved.

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OOC: ^ see this? this is called "Reasonable". Let him pretend to be a dragon, I say, and let him be human in Canon CNRP (cuz i wont rp anything else)

ooc: I still may post my descriptions as such, just where you see claws, I see hands and it will be based on each individual as to their rp preferences as how they perceive the event. And not dragon.. Genetic Construct. Although they will definitely be calling him a dragon for the sake of intra-state PR/Propaganda.

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OOC: Okay, so he isn't a dragon, but it's still impossible to make a human suddenly grow 335cm tall, grow wings, grow huge claws, grow scales and do it all without even BREEDING.

Changes happen though BREEDING and genetic manipulation of the early cells. The only was I could ever recognize this is if you did at least 100 specimens with 100 generations, and that would just be to get them to grow scales and claws (Humans have never had claws, and human-animal hybrid stem cells are turning out to not work. There is such thing as a species barrier). Why at least 100 specimens? Because I'm sure that most of them would DIE or be unable to breed, not to mention the thousands of other problems that would pop up though genetic manipulation.

Also, I would like to see where you have the tech to do this, where you have RP'd building the facilities able to do this, and how radiation can tweak genes that aren't there. Lynneth never gave your leader things that had wings, and frankly, I think the reason you went to a mod first on this is because you KNOW it can't be done. You KNOW that this is impossible, so you're attempting to "get the law on your side" so you can have your absurd dragon-hybrid-thing leader.

You have to realize, this isn't about ETHICS, this is about REALITY.


[08:09] Lynneth L, d, Serpentas: "at least 100 specimens with 100 generations"

I did that in my genetic project, though in fewer generations. Didn't ever manipulate an already grown person

[08:09] Lynneth L, d, Serpentas: Well, except the initial changes for mael, some of which I severely dislikes

[08:09] Lynneth L, d, Serpentas: *disliked

[08:09] Lynneth L, d, Serpentas: but as a mod had cleared them back then, I obeyed

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OOC: I refuse to recognize someone making their leader a dragon because "It doesn't affect the geo-political stage".

That means I can make Uberstein immortal.

That means my new prime minister can hover around in a flying rocket hoverchair with robotic arms and fight a mutant hedgehog, THAT doesn't affect the geo-political stage.

It means that if someone tries to assassinate his leader, he can say "I fly away by jumping off the top of the building" or "9mm bullets don't do noticeable damage because i'm a huge lizard freak."

And the fact that he thinks it is completely possible offends me as someone who respects science.

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## The end of week 1 ##

Limb rehabilitation was mostly complete, he could most likely stand on his legs, but his spine had to be gradually reconditioned. To accomplish this, an elevating floor liner had been installed to gradually raise him to his feet at steadily elevating angles, putting more and more pressure upon his spine. Each day they would check the development of his musculature and have him perform exercises to demonstrate controls over the movement of his head, turning his body, adjusting the weight of all of his limbs.

It was a tedious process that often left his very large heart pounding.

He was given a long lab coat to dress himself and an over-sized kilt as at the moment there would be no khakis in the world that would possibly fit him. This done once he was elevated enough that his knees were above the level of the tank's waters they had kept him in. The coat had been specially made for him, slits cut for his huge wings in the rear. The wings were so large, he had to keep them mostly pulled to his body unless there was reason to use them.

He saw the newly reformed government of Bejing was hosting a conference for their friends. He wished he could have been there. He instructed one of his doctors, "Have Anthony Davis make certain he attends that on my behalf."

They nodded, and set to deliver the message.

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