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The Order Of Light Announcement

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Neutrality was an option. I didn't know dishonouring someone was a means to honour another.

I personally would of felt wrong standing neutral in this massive conflict. Which is why we took the early stance on the terms at which TOOL would enter the conflict.

Tell me this, we are dishonourable for not defending RoK, yet by NOT defending and staying neutral it would of been honourable? TailsK it doesnt add up.

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I personally would of felt wrong standing neutral in this massive conflict. Which is why we took the early stance on the terms at which TOOL would enter the conflict.

Tell me this, we are dishonourable for not defending RoK, yet by NOT defending and staying neutral it would of been honourable? TailsK it doesnt add up.

No but it would've been respectable, go look at NpO and take notes.

Edited by Carter
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I personally would of felt wrong standing neutral in this massive conflict. Which is why we took the early stance on the terms at which TOOL would enter the conflict.

Tell me this, we are dishonourable for not defending RoK, yet by NOT defending and staying neutral it would of been honourable? TailsK it doesnt add up.

Yes it does end up.

You are only dishonorable for not defending RoK because you defended TPF, if you had not defended either, you would have kept your honor intact.

Consistency dear grahamkeatley, consistency.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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I personally would of felt wrong standing neutral in this massive conflict. Which is why we took the early stance on the terms at which TOOL would enter the conflict.

Tell me this, we are dishonourable for not defending RoK, yet by NOT defending and staying neutral it would of been honourable? TailsK it doesnt add up.

You hit the nail on the head there, Grahamkeatley.

I am proud to work with you in this war.

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Yes it does end up.

You are only dishonorable for not defending RoK because you defended TPF, if you had not defended either, you would have kept your honor intact.

Consistency dear grahamkeatley, consistency.

Honor is defending an Ally in need, not standing on the sidelines watching the show.

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Honor is defending an Ally in need, not standing on the sidelines watching the show.

Then defend your allies. Don't pick and choose which to defend, that is the dishonorable part.

You can't claim to be honorable when you are only selective about it.

And note, I know that others have done similar things for Karma, ODN being the one that has attacked, MHA having declared which treaties they would honor, but both of them had a justifiable reason for doing so. TOOL has none.

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NpO are doing the exact same as us... They said NO oA and we will defend against aggression. Did they not? Or am I mistaken?

They're neutral in the conflict because they have allies on both sides conflicting. Or am I mistaken?

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No but it would've been respectable, go look at NpO and take notes.

*reads NpO announcement*

*scribbles down notes*

*examines notes*

"That's odd... This policy looks familiar..."

*compares to TOOL policy*

"Why, they're more or less the same!"

What were you saying again?


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*reads NpO announcement*

*scribbles down notes*

*examines notes*

"That's odd... This policy looks familiar..."

*compares to TOOL policy*

"Why, they're more or less the same!"

What were you saying again?


2. Polaris reserves the right to aid any of her allies financially or militarily BUT pledges to commit equal financial resources to the opposing side of the conflict and such military as required by the situation.

4. Polaris has no quarrel with any alliance right now, we are not looking for a fight, spoiling for war or seeking any action against anyone for any reason, real or imagined. Polaris however will take exception to any alliance that attacks an ally without a treaty obligation to do so OR and otherwise valid CB. We will not hesitate to respond in defense of any conflict that occurs outside of the boundaries of this war. Bandwagoners, vultures and opportunists are not welcome to feed in comfort while others do the heavy lifting.

Get better glasses bama?

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*reads NpO announcement*

*scribbles down notes*

*examines notes*

"That's odd... This policy looks familiar..."

*compares to TOOL policy*

"Why, they're more or less the same!"

What were you saying again?


I think he was saying you need to take better notes.

4. Polaris has no quarrel with any alliance right now, we are not looking for a fight, spoiling for war or seeking any action against anyone for any reason, real or imagined. Polaris however will take exception to any alliance that attacks an ally without a treaty obligation to do so OR and otherwise valid CB. We will not hesitate to respond in defense of any conflict that occurs outside of the boundaries of this war. Bandwagoners, vultures and opportunists are not welcome to feed in comfort while others do the heavy lifting.

I do believe that that allows for oAs and not for bandwagoning. DT did not bandwagon, they honored an oA clause, and as such Polaris would not attack. A treaty obligation is still an oA clause, while not techinically "obligated" it is a part of a treaty that has been used for a long time to add allies into the fight. As Grub later states that bandwagoners will not be free to attack, this shows that that group is what he is referring to further more, not oA clauses of treaties.

Your move, good sir.

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Then defend your allies. Don't pick and choose which to defend, that is the dishonorable part.

You can't claim to be honorable when you are only selective about it.

And note, I know that others have done similar things for Karma, ODN being the one that has attacked, MHA having declared which treaties they would honor, but both of them had a justifiable reason for doing so. TOOL has none.

That justifiable reason being that you approve of which side they decided to join on? TOOL never even said which side they would support, they simply set out a policy guiding how they would honor their treaties. MHA and ODN both said that they would ignore any treaties that would put them on the side they didn't like (well, MHA did turn around and promise to hit bandwagoners at least, I guess). If you can find anyway of justifying how that is at all more honorable than what TOOL has done that actually makes coherent, logical sense, then I'll be quite surprised.

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Get better glasses bama?

The only major difference I see, and which I admittedly did miss, is the part about equal resources to each side. As for the part about bandwagoners, needless to say, we will not be pleased if anyone bandwagons on ANY of our allies, including those who entered on oA.


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That justifiable reason being that you approve of which side they decided to join on? TOOL never even said which side they would support, they simply set out a policy guiding how they would honor their treaties. MHA and ODN both said that they would ignore any treaties that would put them on the side they didn't like (well, MHA did turn around and promise to hit bandwagoners at least, I guess). If you can find anyway of justifying how that is at all more honorable than what TOOL has done that actually makes coherent, logical sense, then I'll be quite surprised.

That justifiable reasoning being that OV was unjustly attacked by NPO? Or did you forget about that somehow? That is the reason MHA and ODN said they would ignore any treaties, because of that completely dishonorable and ridiculous action by the NPO.

Logical? Depends on if you think that NPO's attacks on OV were fair somehow. Coherent? I think so.

I don't think that MHA and ODN made the best decisions possible, but they at least had a reasoning behind it.

TOOL's reasoning is that they like TPF better than RoK, from what I can see, and also that an oA clause was used!!!!!!!! GASP!

Fun stuff.

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Bama, I respect you a lot, so stop trying to defend TOOL on a case in which they are most obviously wrong.

TOOL doesn't phase me, they'll come out losing this war and losing their much undeserved sanction. Have a good day fellas.

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