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An Imperial Announcement from The Legion

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Less then you think

(OOC: I would count but I need my actions for tonight.)

I don't think so. There are quite a few nations in peace in your top 100.

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Back off KW this guys alliance has 30 active members....

and 9/41 members in peace mode...

P.S.Save the smack talk for when you have a top 100...

Actually we have 40 active members, and I'm not talking about the last time we collected taxes.

Membership count is far from everything. If we wanted to have 100 nations we would not be Nemesis. We don't even recruit, we get 40 members just from being awesome.

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Back off KW this guys alliance has 30 active members....

and 9/41 members in peace mode...

P.S.Save the smack talk for when you have a top 100...

The fact that you think active members means a thing means that you are incompetent, most likely one of those people who thinks they can talk tough when really they have nothing to back it up.

We have a 40k Average Nation Strength, and are 2 months old, with 41 nations. We have 1.8mil NS. We have 9/41 in peace mode, true, but one of those is a ghost, and the rest are strategically there. Our members are in peace mode because they are going to come out/help rebuild, not because they want to be there, like yours. We only have 40 nations because unlike your 390 members, our 40 are on everyday on forums/IRC and communicate with us frequently. We chose to have a completely active and experienced membership over a bunch of inactive and inexperienced members (not saying all of legion is, but a good amount are).

P.S. Save the smacktalk for when you understand CN..

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So with 41 nations and 1 a ghost and in peace mode, you have 32 nations active in wars and 8 in PM for strategic reasoning. Meaning legion with 81% at war and nemesis with only 80% at war means we win right? :lol:

If your nations were in peace strategically, yes. But SpiderJ showed otherwise :P

Also, again, you have much less than 81% at war, but I won't be able to count until tomorrow, too tired (OOC: Again, action limits suck. Need the rest of my actions to be ready to counter tonight :<)

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Was something said? All I heard was some sort of buzzing... I should probably get that checked.

That's the crackle of radiation detection.

Back off KW this guys alliance has 30 active members....

and 9/41 members in peace mode...

It's called strategy, but don't worry. I'll be lowering your NS like everyone else in due time.

Edited by Magnum T. Gundraw
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Tl;dr available!

I've seen so many names that I recognise post in this thread that I thought that at the very least, I probably ought to reply as well. I was tempted earlier, but decided against it - mainly because I was afraid of dredging up the past.

It seems like many others have done it before me however, so I thought that I'd throw my pennies into the proverbial wishing well and let you all hear my opinion - for what little it counts.

As some Legion members will remember, I left not too long after the Viceroyship was imposed by the NPO. I didn't talk much about why I left at the time to anyone but my friends - and my friends had all but completely left the Legion (if they were there in the first place).

In short, I left because the Legion was changing, and I liked what it had been before.

Yes, it had had it's problems, but by and large they were interesting problems that made life more fun to be a member - at least for me. So I understand that the idea of any member putting forward and passing legislation just doesn't sit well with a lot of people - and neither does the arguments that can come about from such legislation.

The Legion that I knew had been changing for a long time prior to the Viceroy's "taking over" (I use the phrase loosely), and as some of you may remember my "leaked" resignation post from earlier on in the year, I had been contemplating it seriously - to the point of having written up my resignation notice, and given it to a friend to read over to make sure it wasn't too snotty or what have you.

So, when I say that the new Legion doesn't sit as well with me as the old Legion, I don't mean it as an insult in the slightest. In fact, from what I've seen of you, you are a much more efficient, smooth-running machine that has a better reputation (and after all, reputation is everything in Digiterra). It's just that The Legion was my home, and when it changed, I moved out so I didn't have to suffer the memories evoked by the memorabilia laying around on the mantelpiece.

Anyway, having got that out of the way (hopefully to avoid you all taking the rest of my post the wrong way), I might just be able to continue...

Rakari, I really like you. You're one of my favourite people on this planet we call Bob.

That said, the old Legion failed. Hard. Too much red-tape everywhere. Too much paranoia. Too much in-fighting. Too unorganized. I loved it at the time because of the community, but thinking back, there were many a-problem that never seemed to get fixed because people feared change.

I, for one, am glad to see how Legion has turned out. And ORRPLE is still strong.

And it saddens me that current Legionnaires are attacking someone who has worked so hard for The Legion in the past. Rakari, you still have my respect.

I'm not sure that that's entirely true. The Legion did fail, so I suppose I can't argue with you there, and it had been long on the path to failing. However, to me it is the journey and not the destination that means the most, and the journey was an amazing one. If it had continued as it had been previously, it would have died in Bob as it is now - it had to change.

Oh, and I do not believe that people feared change - I believe that people disliked sacrificing aspects of a system that they liked for efficiency. While they may not have thought about it like that; think back to the changes that were proposed, and those that were fought off. Military service that was enforced?

That was fought off because it felt wrong to make people active all of the time. The Legion's atmosphere was such that being laid back was a good thing.


Well, I think that it's safe to say that the Legion had enemies. Lots and lots of enemies. Well, when I say that, I actually mean two or three, and you can probably guess who I mean without my having to voice them. To name one however was "noWedge", and he showed his dislike for the Legion time and again - deliberately putting the Legion on the brink of war (and occasionally, into war).

In the end, I imagine that it was seen by Swampy that if noWedge didn't go, he would eventually kill the Legion completely. It turned out that he almost succeeded - but it was because of Swampy's help that it happened as it did.

So, I'd say that the paranoia was justified - but it was caused by another problem: The Legion's reputation.

Wow, Legion, you've changed beyond recognition. I had a fun time in the Legion before GW1, and all the way up to the end of GW3, you guys were pretty classy. Now.... I don't even recognize the alliance I was once a part of. It's kinda sad.

Hey there, Mao. I haven't seen you in what feels like an age. I would like to "correct you" however (at least, from my point of view) - The Legion is honouring it's treaties in every way. It's not trying to irritate it's allies too much, and is trying to satisfy every one of them, without doing the "cowardly" thing of sitting out of the war, as was done in the past in such situations. By most definitions in CN, that is "classy", I believe.

I agree, that it has changed a lot, but to an external perspective, The Legion during those periods wasn't all that classy at all. As with most things in life, it's all about perspective, and here it's quite obvious where yours comes from. I won't tell you that your point of view is wrong however - that's not what points of view are about.

However, I think that your post might look better if you took others into account - at least a little bit.

Now, I've rambled on for a bit, and I'm sure most of you will be wanting a tl;dr, so here it is:


I'm old. I was in The Legion a long time ago. I left the alliance. I think that this declaration is classy.

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Imperial. Legionnaires. Good to see you again.

I figured as long as former Legion government members were popping up, I'd stop in to say hi.

It's been a long time. Congratulations on your new position, Imperial. I always knew you had potential.

I'm assuming a lot of non-Legionnaires might not know me. I was the Legion's Minister of Internal Affairs following the appointment of a new government some time after the disbandment and charter recreation process. I started to re-organize the Legion's internal workings, creating guidelines, help pages, mask systems, optimized forums, new roles, and better communication with membership via weekly government status reports on our forums. Until it blew up.*

* Legion forums were hacked and completely deleted at one point. All of my hard work went with it, and that's probably when I decided to leave CN.

I came in here hoping I wouldn't be just another voice championing one side or the other, but I see that I needn't have worried. Everything that could be said already has been. Both sides have had their say. All the points that could be made have been spoken.

But I'll let you know how I see it, just for kicks.

The Legion, back in the olden and semi-olden days, was a fine alliance. Greatly fantastic people. A strong set of principles. A fun environment and generally an enjoyable place to be. But there were also problems. Decisions were made, mistakes were the results. It tarnished our reputation for years to come. Still, however, the core of the Legion remained pure and strong. It may not have seemed so to some, but the Legion always tried to protect its membership and do the right thing.

The Legion, in its newer form, is not the Legion from the olden and semi-olden days. Some of the systems that ran it have changed on the fundamental level. Many critical and founding members have departed, leaving newer people who, though smart and dedicated, are not connected to the Legion in the same way that only those from the beginning can be. And yet they are also good people. They are strong, they are brave. They want what is best for the membership just as the Legion of old did. They believe in honour, as this very thread shows.

It is new and different, and in some ways will never be Legion. In some ways, the best of ways, they are just as Legion as those who came before them... if not more.

And that's what truly matters.

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Imperial. Legionnaires. Good to see you again.

I figured as long as former Legion government members were popping up, I'd stop in to say hi.

It's been a long time. Congratulations on your new position, Imperial. I always knew you had potential.

I'm assuming a lot of non-Legionnaires might not know me. I was the Legion's Minister of Internal Affairs following the appointment of a new government some time after the disbandment and charter recreation process. I started to re-organize the Legion's internal workings, creating guidelines, help pages, mask systems, optimized forums, new roles, and better communication with membership via weekly government status reports on our forums. Until it blew up.*

* Legion forums were hacked and completely deleted at one point. All of my hard work went with it, and that's probably when I decided to leave CN.

I came in here hoping I wouldn't be just another voice championing one side or the other, but I see that I needn't have worried. Everything that could be said already has been. Both sides have had their say. All the points that could be made have been spoken.

But I'll let you know how I see it, just for kicks.

The Legion, back in the olden and semi-olden days, was a fine alliance. Greatly fantastic people. A strong set of principles. A fun environment and generally an enjoyable place to be. But there were also problems. Decisions were made, mistakes were the results. It tarnished our reputation for years to come. Still, however, the core of the Legion remained pure and strong. It may not have seemed so to some, but the Legion always tried to protect its membership and do the right thing.

The Legion, in its newer form, is not the Legion from the olden and semi-olden days. Some of the systems that ran it have changed on the fundamental level. Many critical and founding members have departed, leaving newer people who, though smart and dedicated, are not connected to the Legion in the same way that only those from the beginning can be. And yet they are also good people. They are strong, they are brave. They want what is best for the membership just as the Legion of old did. They believe in honour, as this very thread shows.

It is new and different, and in some ways will never be Legion. In some ways, the best of ways, they are just as Legion as those who came before them... if not more.

And that's what truly matters.

TechDragon... I can't begin to explain how awesome it is to see a post from you. How have you been? Thank you for your kind words, you always did have a way with them. I hope to see you around our forums more.

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