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An Imperial Announcement from The Legion

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Because "none" has all the facts, mirite?

Well I would not know that.

There are two possible scenarios:

"If" none doesn't have all the facts - which is what I believe you imply - you just called the entire Cyberverse stupid.

But "if" none does have all the facts - which is what I think systemfailure mistakenly implied - he just called the Legion the best Alliance out there, according to their war intelligence.

So, it depends what you imply.

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actually i ment was

*Planet Bob's War Intel Rankings from highest to lowest*

#1-#100 All of Planet Bob

#101 NONE

#102 Legion

There are more than 100 alliances in Planet Bob, and if you were going to group them together, they should be 1 entry, not 100.

So, anyway, your communication is quite poor considering your original post apparently "implied" the opposite. Why the sudden change of heart? You just said we were cool, now we are apparently - last?

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There are more than 100 alliances in Planet Bob, and if you were going to group them together, they should be 1 entry, not 100.

So, anyway, your communication is quite poor considering your original post apparently "implied" the opposite. Why the sudden change of heart? You just said we were cool, now we are apparently - last?


this thread makes my brain sad

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We're on opposite sides of this one, but rest assured that ODN still loves you, Legion, as we've itterated elsewhere.

I hope that both sides in this battle have the most pleasant war experience possible, under the circumstances!

We'll see you again on the other side! ^_^

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Ave Legio.

Very respectable that you actually stand by your allies.

I always liked you Kenix.

After everything, even when I made a cowardly exit when The Legion needed me the most... I'm so sad to see this. I hope your death is quicker than last time. Maybe you can finally die with dignity. But I will not play any part in your life, please forgive me.

Fixed for you......finally

Congrats on the new charter. A little less democracy than I am used to seeing, but at least I now understand all those bloody Vote For [name] For Imperator banners. :) The only thing that troubles me is that your treaty with NPO took precedence over ORRPLE....for an ex-Legionnaire that's extremely disturbing. I hope you guys made the right choice, and good luck.

ORRPLE runs both ways. It is still a very strong bond but both it isn't our only one. Both sides felt strongly enough about their duties to make this decision.

Van Hoo III: Co-destroyer of Legion has a nice ring to it.

Thank you, Legion ... from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I spoke with both of my nemisis opponents that attacked me last night and they were very nice and courteous. I am guessing it is just you that is the uber-&#33;@#&#036;%

Edited by jacosby
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I present the only two situations that would have come from this war:


Legion: We will honor our treaty

Trolls: LOL Lapdogs, LOL Stockholm Syndrome, LOL suck ups, LOL paper tigers


Legion: We cancel our MDP with the NPO

Trolls: Traitors, Cowards, classic Legion move, LOL paper tigers

So with the trolls already obtaining a predisposed mindset, one should just lol them away for they have nothing creative to add to the conversation.

EDIT: still ODN :wub: here

*njndirish huggles an orange

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