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Oh of course not, we'll leave the moralistic rubbish to those that love to hate us.

You've all been chomping at the bit for us to go to war, why do you now complain and cry when we bring it to you?


o/ Moo

Pacifica Prevails!

My dear Pacifican, I would not so hastily bound anger and crying into one bundle!

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Oh of course not, we'll leave the moralistic rubbish to those that love to hate us.

You've all been chomping at the bit for us to go to war, why do you now complain and cry when we bring it to you?


o/ Moo

Pacifica Prevails!

All I see is people celebrating your imminent stomping.

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ok so here goes.......

OV got caught red handed with information that could only have been obtained by spying.

NPO had no treaty of any discription with OV.

posting a DOW on this forum is a courtesy only.

So why all the spleen venting really about.

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Tossing TORN under the bus seems to be the hot trend from NPO.

Good job supporting your allies there, bucko.

How is saying we dont know the circumstances that caused something, throwing someone under the bus? I have been having far too much conversation in this thread to read his thread. And had I not been on IRC at the time I probably wouldnt have known about Moos net problems. I cant speak for bigwoody or his fine alliance, I am not going to attempt to make an excuse for them that is quite probably false because that is not what allies do, they do not commit each other to lies.

Also really what difference does it make had the DoW been on time.

Here is my thinking there would have been an extra 30 min, of Finally the time has come etc.

No one would have counter attacked because it would have been relative suicide and if your alliance depends on an actual dow to recognize the start of the war then there is other problems.

So really all the dow being late did was cut back on the amount of flames there were ultimately probably increased the chances of the threads still being open and not locked like a lot of dows should be once flames ramp up as hot as they do.

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ok so here goes.......

OV got caught red handed with information that could only have been obtained by spying.

NPO had no treaty of any discription with OV.

posting a DOW on this forum is a courtesy only.

So why all the spleen venting really about.

Because people believe that they're entitled to know everything that goes on everywhere at all times.

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ok so here goes.......

OV got caught red handed with information that could only have been obtained by spying.

NPO had no treaty of any discription with OV.

posting a DOW on this forum is a courtesy only.

So why all the spleen venting really about.

It's mostly the attacking while in the middle of promising negociations. But the not officially declaring war until 30 minutes later is just icing on our cake.

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ok so here goes.......

OV got caught red handed with information that could only have been obtained by spying.

NPO had no treaty of any discription with OV.

posting a DOW on this forum is a courtesy only.

So why all the spleen venting really about.

A courtesy you say! Well in that case, my sincerest thanks.

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A courtesy you say! Well in that case, my sincerest thanks.

You're welcome. We don't actually have to let you know what our alliance decides to do really. If we were to declare war on OV, present them with the DoW, and never post it here, what would you do? They know why they're being attacked, we know why they're being attacked, the alliances that actually have relevant interest in the situation know why they're being attacked - who else really has to know?

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Alright since I am fair and a man of logic.

Please give me 1 member of TORN that thinks we are tossing them under the bus. Then we can say your point is justified until then I will ask my fellow pacificans just re-iterate this point.


I will clarify this post, and give context, in this discussion you will find that it was primarly LoD and I talking. And the point was brought up we(LoD and I) threw TORN under the bus stating their DoW was late and I was asking for someone from TORN to say that in that regard.

You can read it however you want, and yes given that I didnt clarify in my initial post it didnt sound like it. You can believe me or not it does not matter, I know people are going to think NPO has thrown them under the bus (that is always the case in every war, and alliances in general).

Edited by Mr.AdmiralX
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They're going to regret a lot about the last few hours.

Actually given the stunt with TORN I think they already are.

No kidding, man.

It's funny, but at the same time mind-boggling how badly they managed to mess this one up.

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And so the days of damage control are over.. You give us two Pacificans and a GGAer. You truly show no respect.

What damage control is necessary? There are exaggerated rumors being spread of some sort of underhandedness on Pacifica's part, but these are only tools of the populist extremists to attempt character assassination against Pacifica and its Emperor. They do not possess the will or the strength to accomplish their goals in a straightforward manner, and as such have to result to semantic games and trickery.

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