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A Stir in the Islamic World


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Within an abandoned warehouse, mysterious figures meet. The whispers of the men speaking inside flood it the entire warehouse, silencing only to hear the words of one who has taken ledership of their movement. The one who has emerged as their leader, proclaims the time has come for Islam to make its greatest rise back into the world stage in a grand, and powerful new empire.

"The nuclear destruction that has shattered our region of the world was the clensing wave sent by Allah necessary to begin anew. This is his sign to us brothers, this shall mark the dawn of our Caliphate."


The chants of angry muslims grows, as they wake to find, stuck to their doors a declaration of the coming of the 'Supreme Caliphate'. The messages claimed that the clensing force of Allah was sent in the form of modern tyrants and their weapons of mass death. It proclaimed that Allah had killed off those unfit to join in the creation in the comming Caliphate along with those those ready to take their place in heaven to oversee its creation at Allah's side. The messages had been prepared months before, handwriten and decorated with new symbols of the comming Supreme Caliphate, showing the dedication of whoever was trying to mobilize these muslims to this cause. They where carefully worded and struck deep in the hearts of many who never lost faith, despite the destruction that war had wraught to the region. It seemed to all make sence, the nuclear destruction, a careful purge carried out by Allah? It's the only explanation! Their loved ones snatched to war and sickness? They where dedicated and now preparing to oversee the Surpreme Caliphate and its creation by Allah's side! Since the day of these messages the muslim world shifts with tension, excitement, and ambition. The proclomations expanded, declaring the begining of the Supreme Caliphate has arrived, and Allah would tollerate no one who denied His great call.


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OOC: BTW, Cabal, uhhh... I don't know how to say this, but I guess you can't do CNRP anymore, at least until you create a nation.

OOC: I was getting to that... I recently deleted it Im leaving CN and CNRP.

Edited by Cabal
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OOC: If I can I offer my lands to King Balomesh. He's an old, capable friend. I've decided I want to move on from this game, although it was lots of fun.

IC: Mostly Muslim Fascist Carthage collapses under the new sway of support towards the comming Supreme Caliphate. The Fascist Republic of Carthage is no more and its lands are offered by its people to the Supreme Caliphate movement.

Edited by Cabal
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OOC: If I can I offer my lands to King Balomesh. He's an old, capable friend. I've decided I want to move on from this game, although it was lots of fun.

IC: Mostly Muslim Fascist Carthage collapses under the new sway of support towards the comming Supreme Caliphate. The Fascist Republic of Carthage is no more and its lands are offered by its people to the Supreme Caliphate movement.

OOC: Well, so long. We'll miss your creative RP's.

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Within an abandoned warehouse, mysterious figures meet. The whispers of the men speaking inside flood it the entire warehouse, silencing only to hear the words of one who has taken ledership of their movement. The one who has emerged as their leader, proclaims the time has come for Islam to make its greatest rise back into the world stage in a grand, and powerful new empire.

"The nuclear destruction that has shattered our region of the world was the clensing wave sent by Allah necessary to begin anew. This is his sign to us brothers, this shall mark the dawn of our Caliphate."


The chants of angry muslims grows, as they wake to find, stuck to their doors a declaration of the coming of the 'Supreme Caliphate'. The messages claimed that the clensing force of Allah was sent in the form of modern tyrants and their weapons of mass death. It proclaimed that Allah had killed off those unfit to join in the creation in the comming Caliphate along with those those ready to take their place in heaven to oversee its creation at Allah's side. The messages had been prepared months before, handwriten and decorated with new symbols of the comming Supreme Caliphate, showing the dedication of whoever was trying to mobilize these muslims to this cause. They where carefully worded and struck deep in the hearts of many who never lost faith, despite the destruction that war had wraught to the region. It seemed to all make sence, the nuclear destruction, a careful purge carried out by Allah? It's the only explanation! Their loved ones snatched to war and sickness? They where dedicated and now preparing to oversee the Surpreme Caliphate and its creation by Allah's side! Since the day of these messages the muslim world shifts with tension, excitement, and ambition. The proclomations expanded, declaring the begining of the Supreme Caliphate has arrived, and Allah would tollerate no one who denied His great call.


The Azerbaijani Republic recognizes the Supreme Caliphate, we are willing to send Amb. Vagif Aslanov as representative of Azerbaijan.

OOC: OMFG KING BALOMESH! I don't know if you remember me, i was King Joseph III when you had the Kingdom of Babylon and the war against the Kingdom of Persia

Edited by President Aliyev
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OOC: Because he was supporting Slavorussia instead of fighting against them for independance. :P

That was one epic RP, lots of cold-war style drama.

OOC: Yes, I remember that. Now THOSE were the days of RP, when a little situation constantly threatened to escalate and blow up, but rarely actually did so.

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OOC: Yes, I remember that. Now THOSE were the days of RP, when a little situation constantly threatened to escalate and blow up, but rarely actually did so.

OOC: I'll do my best to restore that kind of RP, its my favorite ;). But I'll need help, and thanks for the welcome guys. And thanks for the land Cabal, I thaught I'd never get a good spot :D

IC: The Supreme Caliphate has begun today, as the muslims of former Fascist Carthage have taken the lead to the creation of the Supreme Caliphate. The members leading the movement have been welcomed into the land to set up the begins of what will be Allah's great empire manifested on Earth.

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The Azerbaijani Republic recognizes the Supreme Caliphate, we are willing to send Amb. Vagif Aslanov as representative of Azerbaijan.

OOC: OMFG KING BALOMESH! I don't know if you remember me, i was King Joseph III when you had the Kingdom of Babylon and the war against the Kingdom of Persia

OOC: What nation where you?

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OOC: I'll do my best to restore that kind of RP, its my favorite ;) . But I'll need help, and thanks for the welcome guys. And thanks for the land Cabal, I thaught I'd never get a good spot :D

IC: The Supreme Caliphate has begun today, as the muslims of former Fascist Carthage have taken the lead to the creation of the Supreme Caliphate. The members leading the movement have been welcomed into the land to set up the begins of what will be Allah's great empire manifested on Earth.

OOC: I'm glad to hear it. Ah, no problem on the welcome. We are always glad to have good RP'ers here.

Oh, and instead of Earth, we generally refer to our world as 'Bob.' It started as a joke extended from the main forums, and then it became just this thing we call it.

OOC: I remember that! Where you a member of the Middle Eastern Confederation (M.E.C.)?

OOC: I don't believe he was, but I may be wrong.

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