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Where in the world is the Imperial Family?

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The Slavorussian Imperial family, rather what’s left of it arrives in Northern Dragonisia by train. After Traveling through Russia and Central Asia, all the while hiding from the NC for fear of execution, the family is exhausted. Just hours before his death Premier Belyakov had negotiated with the Dragonisian government to house the Imperial family until the end of the war. Little did he know their stay would be more permanent than they had hoped for.

Upon crossing the border into Northern Dragonisia the Imperial Family receives word that the Prime Minister and his wife are dead, Slavorussian MP’s have been systematically assassinated and Catherine Palace where the Tsar was stationed had been overrun by NC soldiers. The rest of the ride is somber and quiet. It now seemed as thought they would never be able to return home. At the train station the Tsar’s mother gives a piece of paper to her attendant. The next day the letter is mailed to all the governments of the world, newsrooms, newspapers, magazines, and even posted on dozens of internet sites.

Greetings nations of the world,

You may not know me, but you undoubtedly know my son, Tsar Justinian of Slavorussia. I have learned of the surrender of the Slavorussian Empire, and the circumstances surrounding it. It would be interesting to note that the Sovereign cannot relinquish his powers to anyone outside the Imperial family. His decision to transfer power to the Prime Minister was illegal, and therefore the Premier Belyakov‘s authority to surrender Slavorussia is also illegal. While the Prime Minister was an exceptional man with dignity and integrity, we are unable to track his bloodline back to any Slavorussian royal lineage. Since his final actions in life were illegal I have no choice but to recognize a state of war between the Slavorussian Empire and the members of the NC and their puppet Russian state Molakia.

As the Tsar’s closest living relative his regal authority outlined in the constitution falls to me, until he can return to his position. As Regent of the Slavorussian Empire it is my duty to continue the traditions of the country I so love. I also proclaim that the Slavorussian Empire still exists, the government shall continue to carry out it’s mission.

In these past few days since the unlawful surrender of the Slavorussian Empire, and all it’s assets to the dark minded invaders from the west, I have been traveling on orders of His Majesty to a safe place. During my travels I have heard ridiculous words to describe the Slavorussian Empire by our invaders. Words like oppressive, aggressive, imperialistic, militaristic all these words are lumped into my favorite word of all “Slavoism.” Our invaders saw us as enemies, because of the of the rich prosperous lifestyle we had crafted for our people over several centuries. When they saw freedom and wealth, they called it oppression and poverty. Where they saw equality they called it slavery. Where we had peace, they called it instability and aggressiveness. When they saw democracy, they called it Slavoism, a word never before used to describe Slavorussia, until they decided to engage in an unjust war against Slavorussia.

Admittedly Slavorussia’s past isn’t spotless, but these words do not describe Slavorussia today or ever in it’s history. Interestingly what they more accurately describe is the Dark Empire, known outside Slavorussia as Nordland, and the ideology known as Martenism. My son is not a megalomaniac like certain world leaders are today. My son is a diplomat first and a warrior second. When all attempts to curb Nordland’s bloodlust failed, and they allowed their ally Belka to invade Slavorussia we had no choice but to fight back. Now Neo Nordland holds a gun to Europe’s head, and I have no doubt in my mind that some Nordic soldier held a gun to his head and forced him to sign the transfer of power.

Since there has been no indication that my son’s body has been found then I must assume that he is alive and being held in one of the NC’s death camps along with tens of thousands of loyal Slavorussians who refused to bend to the will of foreign aggressors. If you release him immediately to the custody of the Imperial Guard then we can begin the peace negotiations. If not, then the war you started shall continue until we have freed all of Europe from the iron fisted grasp of Neo Nordland once and for all.

You can be true to your word and preserve the peace which you have broken, or you can continue your dark quest to conquer the world and in turn be conquered yourselves. We all have a choice, let’s all turn over a new leaf, or continue down the same destructive path which you laid out before us all. The choice is ultimately yours.

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OOC: I protest that thing regarding Death Camps, which is not something any of us would do. Though, I do understand that it is propaganda, I just wanted to state OOC that we don't have, never had, and never will have such a thing as a death camp. Just because Germany invades Russia it doesn't mean it's Nazis and the Holocaust : /

IC: "We have no such thing as Death Camps. We had POW camps - exclusively for soldiers - but in these, there was no such a thing as death. We may be warriors, but we also have our honor, and our honor and integrity do not allow us to strike down defenseless former enemies."

"You are in no position to make demands, and we do have your Son, just as we do have your former territories. He is being kept as if he was just another foreign diplomat, the difference is he isn't allowed to leave of course. We do not recognize yours nor his claims to sovereignty in the Eastern Nordlandic Territories, we are unable to accept any negotiations from your side simply because Slavorussia has already surrendered and has thusly ceased to exist. You, Sir, decided to surrender and stop the war, if you wish to continue, you would need first to create a new state, and THEN declare on us. We cannot have negotiations with an entity that is literally nonexistant. All you can do at this point is accept defeat, you cannot neither fight, nor you can surrender, for you already did both. We'll be sending you your son. He's of no use to us. There will never be a Slavorussia in Europe again. I would suggest starting a New Slavorussia away from us, in some other continent. Take care."

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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"Oh, and, I must add...you brought this upon yourselves...we had proposed Surrender Terms before you decided to completely and utterly collapse and be annexed, we had basically requested the zone now in control of Nordheim, parts of Belarus, and the Caucasus Zone. We never expected to capture all we did, so we offered you to surrender those territories, and had even made concessions so you would have kept a baltic port. You said no with the determination of the Rus, yet in the following day the entire front and country folded and gave everything away to us in panic. There were other ways to do this, what happened is 50% our responsability and 50% yours...it is too late for regrets, and we're not gonna hold back now after we attempted to be merciful."

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You could have respected Slavorussia's independence and avoid the declaration of war.

You could have minded your business and stayed out of the war. You are lucky the gods smiled on you, and I wasn't the one who launched the strike on your nation.

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Should the Union of Western Europe come in, we were never planning a strike against you. We were for Slavorussia and were going to strike at the head of the dragon - the Greater German Empire. You have disgraced the German name by invading Slavorussia. We were only going to strike at you, our allies would take care of the rest as was evident by our being kicked out of Italy, we were at the techical disadvantage.

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You're one to talk, a nation who can't control their own military actions.

Excuse me if one can't keep track of every single rogue agent or general in one's nation. It's not something we enjoyed, either. At least we have some excuse. The Nords had none.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Frederick - With the Slavorussians in power to the east of Nordland, war was looming. All the Russians have ever wanted to do was destroy the Nords and our nation. Once the UFE left power and Nordland was reunited under the Coalition, there was only one power left that wanted to destroy us: RUSSIAN. I have said it once and I will say it again, the war that was started with the invasion of Nordland is now over with the destruction of those who invaded it.

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OOC: I protest that thing regarding Death Camps, which is not something any of us would do. Though, I do understand that it is propaganda, I just wanted to state OOC that we don't have, never had, and never will have such a thing as a death camp. Just because Germany invades Russia it doesn't mean it's Nazis and the Holocaust : /

IC: "We have no such thing as Death Camps. We had POW camps - exclusively for soldiers - but in these, there was no such a thing as death. We may be warriors, but we also have our honor, and our honor and integrity do not allow us to strike down defenseless former enemies."

"You are in no position to make demands, and we do have your Son, just as we do have your former territories. He is being kept as if he was just another foreign diplomat, the difference is he isn't allowed to leave of course. We do not recognize yours nor his claims to sovereignty in the Eastern Nordlandic Territories, we are unable to accept any negotiations from your side simply because Slavorussia has already surrendered and has thusly ceased to exist. You, Sir, decided to surrender and stop the war, if you wish to continue, you would need first to create a new state, and THEN declare on us. We cannot have negotiations with an entity that is literally nonexistant. All you can do at this point is accept defeat, you cannot neither fight, nor you can surrender, for you already did both. We'll be sending you your son. He's of no use to us. There will never be a Slavorussia in Europe again. I would suggest starting a New Slavorussia away from us, in some other continent. Take care."

"As stated before the surrender was illegal. All decisions require the signature of Head of State (Tsar) and the head of Government (Prime Minister). Although the issue has never come up before in our history, that does include surrender of all government assets. The Head of State and Government can never be one and the same person, especially if the Prime Minister is not a royal. Therefore there is no need to create a new state and declare war, because the war is still ongoing, and Slavorussia still exists."

"Oh, and, I must add...you brought this upon yourselves...we had proposed Surrender Terms before you decided to completely and utterly collapse and be annexed, we had basically requested the zone now in control of Nordheim, parts of Belarus, and the Caucasus Zone. We never expected to capture all we did, so we offered you to surrender those territories, and had even made concessions so you would have kept a baltic port. You said no with the determination of the Rus, yet in the following day the entire front and country folded and gave everything away to us in panic. There were other ways to do this, what happened is 50% our responsibility and 50% yours...it is too late for regrets, and we're not gonna hold back now after we attempted to be merciful."

"Your surrender terms were ridiculous and imperialistic. The world knew and we had them at our side. It is my firm belief that some Nordic soldier held a gun to my son's head and forced him to relenquish his powers to Premier Belyakov. However any good Slavorussian taking high school level civics would know what I've stated before. Without the both signature of the Head of State and Government surrender is impossible."

Frederick - With the Slavorussians in power to the east of Nordland, war was looming. All the Russians have ever wanted to do was destroy the Nords and our nation. Once the UFE left power and Nordland was reunited under the Coalition, there was only one power left that wanted to destroy us: RUSSIAN. I have said it once and I will say it again, the war that was started with the invasion of Nordland is now over with the destruction of those who invaded it.

"Nordland was in a constant state of war with nations around the world. With Nordland in power war was a constant reality in Europe. The invasion of Confederate Tion pushed us to take drastic measures, but before we could begin the diplomatic process Nordland's ally Belka invades Slavorussia, fallowed by Nordic and Rebel Army soldiers. The war began because of Nordland's lust for blood and conquest, not vice versa. If the quest was to destroy RUSSIAN, then why did you only invade Slavorussia, why not Vaule and the Northern Empire? Your logic has far too many holes in it."

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Frederick - With the Slavorussians in power to the east of Nordland, war was looming. All the Russians have ever wanted to do was destroy the Nords and our nation. Once the UFE left power and Nordland was reunited under the Coalition, there was only one power left that wanted to destroy us: RUSSIAN. I have said it once and I will say it again, the war that was started with the invasion of Nordland is now over with the destruction of those who invaded it.
"Nordland was in a constant state of war with nations around the world. With Nordland in power war was a constant reality in Europe. The invasion of Confederate Tion pushed us to take drastic measures, but before we could begin the diplomatic process Nordland's ally Belka invades Slavorussia, fallowed by Nordic and Rebel Army soldiers. The war began because of Nordland's lust for blood and conquest, not vice versa. If the quest was to destroy RUSSIAN, then why did you only invade Slavorussia, why not Vaule and the Northern Empire? Your logic has far too many holes in it."

Indeed. If this were an attack on RUSSIAN, it would hardly have stopped with the collapse of Slavorussia. This is but one of several holes in their logic.

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OOC: Your RP of the surrender being illegal was not something stated in the original RP. You can't say "I surrender unconditionally" and then come back and say you didn't mean it. Especially after a few weeks of entirely contradicting RP has already been put in place. Rping without specification is assumed to be a statement from your leader which is further a legitimate one.

EDIT: Also by now the previous government and military; (which are under the control of the NC as they control the land) have been destroyed and there would be nothing to further conduct the war with.

Edited by iamthey
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The Empress Dowager makes it clear the Slavorussia surrender wasn’t issued by those with the legal authority to make such a decision, thus Slavorussia never capulated.

Procinctia officially recognizes the Slavorussian government-in-exile.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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OOC: Your RP of the surrender being illegal was not something stated in the original RP. You can't say "I surrender unconditionally" and then come back and say you didn't mean it. Especially after a few weeks of entirely contradicting RP has already been put in place. Rping without specification is assumed to be a statement from your leader which is further a legitimate one.

ooc: If you just want along with the rp, instead of nitpicking ooc then we could enjoy ourselves more. I'm rping Slavorussia's government in exile and the surrender is illegal. I'm not pmming you guys saying "I wuntz mah landz bak plawks!" This is entirely ic, the purpose is to show the challenges faced by the imperial family fallowing their "fall from glory." In addition the time that elapsed between Slavorussia's surrender and the first post of this topic was less than a week.

OOC: Plus I don't accept that "lol gunpoint" !@#$ - You can't RP what *my* people do. Of course, you can still say it as propaganda (and never admit to it IC)

ooc: I'm not convinced you read the rp at all KM, nor the rp I posted a few hours after the surrender. She can only assume that NC soldiers held a gun to the Tsar's head, based on the facts she has been given.

It is my firm belief that some Nordic soldier held a gun to my son's head and forced him to relenquish his powers to Premier Belyakov.

ooc: Reading comprehension is key here. She believes, but doesn't know for a fact that he was held at gun point. I believe in God, but do I know for fact that God really exists? No I don't, I’ll just have to wait and see. So before you go cursing at me make sure you’ve read and comprehended the text.

Thank you.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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OOC: Your RP of the surrender being illegal was not something stated in the original RP. You can't say "I surrender unconditionally" and then come back and say you didn't mean it. Especially after a few weeks of entirely contradicting RP has already been put in place. Rping without specification is assumed to be a statement from your leader which is further a legitimate one.

EDIT: Also by now the previous government and military; (which are under the control of the NC as they control the land) have been destroyed and there would be nothing to further conduct the war with.

OOC: Plus I don't accept that "lol gunpoint" !@#$ - You can't RP what *my* people do. Of course, you can still say it as propaganda (and never admit to it IC)

OOC: I believe Justinian answers those points well enough.

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