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The Kingdom of Cochin Chronicles

king of cochin

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1239772594' post='1414159']
OOC: My RP strategy is too rooted on geography!!! :(
Starting with the very name of the Kingdom!!!!

How can i possibly establish a Kingdom of Cochin in Africa!!!!
Good point.
Been a long time my friend.
I'd all but forgotten your name but some just stick in ones mind.
Geography is lost on some though.
You're a good ambassador for Cochin but a link out in your sig would be nice.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1285378592' post='2463787']
OOC: You know how it is my friend, some days Photoshop is just too much of a hassle and one is lazy enough to be just the average copy/paste'er, :D
Much respect to the work you put in and I do follow the Cochin Chronicles for some crazy reason.
Guess I just like guys that are passionate enough to post for so long on a subject that is close to their heart and must admit I have a soft spot for RIBs.

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[center][u][b]Cochin Exclusive Economic Zone[/b][/u][/center]

The Kingdom of Cochin releases its updated Exclusive Economic Zone guidelines. The Cochin Exclusive Economic Zone would be free for passage to all commercial shipping belonging to non hostile nations. The CEEZ would be free for sailing to all allied navies so long as they request transit facilities beforehand with the Kingdom. The CEEZ is closed to unallied naval vessels. Unallied naval vessels requiring transit permit are required to contact the Kingdom and their requests would be considered on a per case basis. The Republic of Sri Lanka has preferential privileges in using the Cochin Exclusive Economic Zone in that they are free to sail in it without restriction.

The laws governing the Cochin Exclusive Economic Zone does not pertain to the Cochin Territorial Waters, which is at a distance of 50 NM from the nearest coastline of the Kingdom. The Cochin Territorial Waters are closed to all naval vessels except those which have received per case basis permission from the Kingdom.

The extend of Cochin Exclusive Economic Zone is given below.


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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1285963902' post='2471352']
Message sent to the Kigndom of Cochin from Moscow.

"We do not recognize the extent of your exclusive economic zone. If we have a need to stage naval operations in the area our navy will not come with 200 nautical miles of the coast."

If you do chose to conduct naval operations in that area, you would have to do so outside of our Exclusive Economic Zone as defined above else seek special permission from the Kingdom of Cochin.

- Ministry of External Affairs.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1285968612' post='2471476']
"The Athenian Federation will recognize the EEZ where it does not overlap with the Novakian EEZ, in areas with overlap we will recognize the authority of Novak above that of Cochin"

The Kingdom does not recognize the legality of Novakian EEZ and attempts to negotiate on the issue was not responded to by Novak. We request Athenian Federation to honor the Cochin EEZ so that relations between our nations remain cordial.

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are facing a crisis of a magnitude above and beyond any which the Kingdom has afced in recent times. As you know war is ravaging the planet. Starting with the invasion of People's Republic of South East China and now the war on United States of America, we see a clear pattern of hegemony emerge based on treachery and injustice.

Members of Cabinet and senior Defense and Police staff, our priority is to re-evaluate the strategic position of the Kingdom. We have to prepare ourselves for a storm that is brewing. This is merely the lull before the storm.

War in our world is on several levels, the first of which is diplomacy and alliances. The Kingdom always felt fortunate to have a select band of trusted allies, but in the present geopolitical climate we must re-evaluate the trustworthiness of these allies. As can be seen by the callous disregard to international obligations shown by the United Federation of the East and recently by the Maritime Republic of J Andres, no treaty can be expected to be adhered to sincerely by the emerging hegemony.

Among the treaty partners closest to us is the UFE and Novak, both our regional neighbors with whom we have Non Aggression Pact. As can be seen from Novak's recent EEZ expansion into our realms and UFE's aggression towards PRSEC, both these NAPs may not be held sacred by these nations. From the diplomatic history of these nations we can expect that they will fabricate some false casus belli to declare war against us. They seem confident in their cohort of allies and treaty locks thus ensuring that we may not receive any help. Among these allies whom we cannot expect to come to our aid would be Greater Pacifica, who we have reasons to believe would stay neutral at best and at worst may even side against us in view of the MDAP they hold with UFE with opposition to the MDoAP they hold against us. We don't know what Germanic Union would choose to do, seeing as they hold ODP with both us and UFE. Our diplomats are still ascertaining whether Selenarctos would come to our defense, but we have reasons to believe they may, however their treaty with UFE presents reasons for doubt. We are fairly confident that Australia and Sri Lanka can be relied upon to defend us and so too do we trust Canuckistan, who however does need sufficient time to deploy their forces from North America.

Diplomacy is always a fickle defense at best, our only surety is to rely on our own strengths. Our enemies outnumber us several times. UFE along has a standing army more than twice our own . Novak has an army larger than ours and the Union of Slavic Republic, a close ally of UFE and a neighbor with whom we do not have a treaty with has one of the largest standing armies in the world. We must also consider the fact that Rebel Army, a loyal consort of UFE and Novak may choose to side with these aggressors. Our enemies are massive, but we have our own advantages. Ours is the single most technologically advanced military in Asia save for Rebel Army. We also have geography to our side in the form of the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush, the Tian Shan, the Taklamakan Desert and of course the Indian Ocean. As our defense staff have studied in the Two China War and the recent Franco-German War, our enemies for all their numbers are not very proficient militarily. For all their bluster we have our tactics. The LAAD and other defensive doctrines which we have been training with for the past few years and our massive defensive build up would be of immense help for the coming war.

When we signed the NAP with UFE, we honored those obligations to the letter. We shall continue to be truthful to the treaty notwithstanding any treachery from our enemies, but we shall be ever more alert. The Strategic Reconnaissance Agency is now required to remain at DEFCON ONE on a permanent basis. We need regular surveillance on all military movements in all our potential enemies. We shall deny them tactical surprise. We have recently upgraded our Intelligence wings, the NIA and CBI. NIA is ordered to develop all actionable intelligence on our potential enemies without conducting any active operations on their soil. Officers of Royal Cochin Defense Forces, ready our forces. The war to determine the fate of the Kingdom may soon be upon us. It would not be a war of our choosing, but it would be an unavoidable war.

On diplomatic front, now is the time for us to be defensive. Our enemies are skilled at wordplay and treachery. Their cohort of allies do not care whether we say the truth or lies as was seen in the PRSEC invasion when seemingly responsible nations like Holy American Empire and Greater Pacifica wagged their tails slavishly to support the unjust invasion. For these nations the only word is the word of their ally, they would not blink an eye as they watch destruction being meted out to us. The only defense against that is to be prepared. Officers of Royal Cochin Police Forces, your role would be no less vital in the coming war. You are required to maintain the internal security and civil stability while our nation may be getting attacked. You have to make sure that subversives and espionage does not work against the Kingdom.

Ladies and Gentlemen, mark my words. This war that is brewing today, may not strike us this week, this month or this year, but strike they will. We should prepare to meet this attack this week, but should not lapse into carelessness if they use delaying tactics to lull us into complacency. The nations of the world may call us paranoid, but even the paranoid have enemies. The actions of our neighbors certainly do not give us any reason to trust them. Let us build our armories while we prepare for this defense. Our industries shall go into war level production, we shall continue to compete commercially as in peacetime, but without lowering our safeguards.

Every nation has a point of reckoning, a time when everything goes against them, when all the chips are down. It is at times like these that the true mark of greatness can be found. It is not when the things are all looking good that a nation's true worth is known, but when everything goes bad. We shall strive till victory, because failure is not an option.

May the gods be with you, my friends. Onwards."[/quote]

So said, His Highness Kerala Varma, the King of Cochin at the Grand Durbar called at Hill Palace, Cochin City where the entire Cabinet Durbar, GOCs of RCDF and Senior Officers of RCPF gathered. The speech by the King was permitted to be relayed on television, radio, print and online media, while the Cabinet discussion and strategic discussions that followed were not permitted to be covered.

This is Salu Menon, Gosree Times, Live from Cochin City.

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"Today marks an interesting turning point in the affairs of Eurasia, not because of some great act on the part of one nation against another, but because today marks the surfacing of the true tragedy endemic to the position of the Kingdom of Cochin. Prior to the emergence of the USC the Kingdom held a near stranglehold on power in Asia, if the term Hegemony can have any meaning at all, it is attributable to the structure of power found in the region under the KoC. Emerging from the chaos of the power vacuum, post Dragon Empire, the Kingdom came to dominate central Asia and in effect pulled the lesser powers of Asia into its Orbit. Like so many activities of man the narrative of Cochin follows a predictable pattern of inception and expansion, and as with any psychology based in the cultivation of power the nation of Cochin does have one chronic fear, the usurpation of that power.

Since the high point in its history, where its forces held a preponderance of influence in Asia, the Kingdom has experienced two clear episodes of usurpation. The first came at the inception of the Oceanic Union, the Union though not meant as a challenge was at first perceived as a threat as it both denied the KoC access to South East Asia, and represented the emergence of a new power bloc in the region, one which dwarfed the various states Cochin had pulled into its orbit. In a thorough examination of the period's record the clash can be seen to have produced both a clear example of Cochin's own ambitions as well as an overt demonstration of the paranoia its will to power could push it towards. The second such episode is the extended arc we are now within, one which began with the establishment of the USC, and peaked both now and at the war between the first PRC and the USC. Beyond representing the erosion of the PRC's allies each moment more importantly demarcates the longterm weathering of Cochin influence and hegemonic structure within Asia. The Kingdom now appeals in some final moment for sympathy, giving up, at least in my view, any shred of pride they held onto. Take care and realize however they are not worthy of any such sympathy, they are the victim of no injustice, only the power struggle they chose to participate within.

The PRC is a straight forward realist broker participating within the typical power politics of the world itself, they respond to what they perceive as threats and they attempt to compensate when they feel they are at a disadvantage. While the Kingdom would have us all believe that they were the unwitting victim in the machinations of a greater empire, it would be obtuse to believe that an independent nation state that once so completely dominated the region, had absolutely no hand in the shaping of their own destiny. Had other measures been taken, the Kingdom might have well found itself in an entirely different position, rather than as a rival it could have conceivably been a regional partner with the UFE. I refuse to believe that there is anything inherent about either state (short of their easily resolvable territorial disputes) that fates them to be adversaries. Nonetheless adversaries they have become and while this is certainly not the sole responsibility of Cochin, it is definitely not the singular crime of the UFE. Two incompatible wills, two ambitions, and the paranoia of one power feeling the last of its influence stripped from its hands have come together to produce the present. If there is to be a war, then the irreparable damage Cochin has done with this announcement here today will be a decisive contribution to its kindling.

On the level of the particular, a series of charges have been leveled against the nation of my family, and of my people. First the implied charge that we have failed to live up to our obligations to Cochin, and second that we have been uncritical in our support of the UFE, that our support has been ‘slavish'. Each of these accusations is serious in its content, and to make such statements without firm grounding would be both irresponsible and frankly slander on an international scale. To begin it should be noted that the language of war was first injected into the present environment by the Kingdom. While a war in North America and a very minor war in the PRSEC are facts of the immediate past, a war between the UFE and the KoC is at this point in time entirely theoretical. The fact that the Kingdom has chosen to insert this language, when no such language has been used by the UFE is telling of their own paranoia and of their anticipation of a war between the two states. At this point as an ally of both parties, the UFE and Cochin, I am immediately driven to question the good will of Cochin, and its legitimacy as an honest and rational broker. There has been instability in Asia, yes, but that is natural to any bipolar setting. The fact that Cochin has now all but assumed that global war is to come gives me pause as I cannot fathom how the forces of diplomacy are to be assumed a failure when to this point they have prevailed. If I am to assume that they are indeed sound of mind and not simply paranoid, I am then confronted with the issues of whether Cochin intends to consciously do something that will drive the UFE to attack, or do they have some extremely relevant intelligence that they have failed to share with us? In either case the point is, the presence of such a crisis is somewhat radical and new to the region.

That being said if I am to take their word for it, that a final reckoning is to come, that the UFE and the forces of the Kingdom are to battle it out, then I do ask the Kingdom what it would have us do? Greater Pacifica is not being unreliable or negligent in its contracts, in such a situation it would simply be enforcing its own well established position, a position the Kingdom has been aware of for decades, that in the event of a conflict we would honor both Article I’s (sovereignty clause), and enforce neither defense clause. This doctrine is grounded both in the principle of paper treaties themselves as well as the intent of each treaty. As agents we sign paper contracts in an attempt to control our future, to give predictability to an otherwise anarchic and uncertain environment. To me a treaty is a mutual exchange of obligations as well as a physical manifestation of an underlying respect. There is a negative right, the right to non-aggression, which requires no action on the part of either party, and which can be universally enforced regardless of the situation. There are also additional positive rights, the right to defense and assistance, which in times of conflict can only be selectively enforced. This leaves only a limited set of alternatives. Either we do our best to honor and respect all parties (our current policy), or we can betray one party in support another. We have no intention of breaking our article I with cochin, should a war between the UFE and cochin indeed happen no Pacifican boot will violate the territory of the Kingdom, in the same light however we have no intention of breaking our article I obligations to the UFE. To say that we must make a moral decision, that we must on a whim betray our ally the UFE, and in doing so likely betray our many mutual allies through them, to uphold some foreign construct of morality is preposterous and it is simply not how we do business. I do not morally judge my allies in their own activities, why, because I expect that they will not judge me. I have one morality, to fulfill the obligations I undertake; obligations to myself, to my trustees, and to other equal brokers. A power struggle between the two Asian powers has no moral significance to me. Because one is stronger than the other is irrelevant, both I assume have acted rationally to this point, both I assume can take responsibility for their actions, and both had full foreknowledge of what our position would be well before this dispute ever came to pass. We have not failed to uphold our obligations to Cochin, we have fulfilled them to the letter.

That being said, Cochin did purchase their treaty with us, they offered aid in the Pacific Star war, but it should come with the understanding that this relationship has hardly been the golden partnership the Kingdom now presents it as. Though this is the first time that they have publicly traded our reputation for sympathy, it is the tip of what is a much larger string of abuses and strains on the relationship itself. The fact that we have stuck by this treaty for so long, and that we have not offered aid to their enemies is evidence enough, that we have reciprocated the short term support they offered us in the past. A treaty is about respect, we have always stood ready to defend you should a non-ally of ours interfere with you, we have always remained neutral in your clashes with our allies, and now you fail to respect our own sense of consistency, and integrity. I refuse to bail you out at the cost of my word.

Second we are charged as being uncritical, and slavish in our support. It should be noted that I have absolutely no preference over who ends up at the top of the heap in Asia. Power struggles between nations have no moral significance, simply because Cochin is a capitalist democracy and the UFE is an authoritarian communist state does not lend them any moral advantage or superiority, they are simply two different morally neutral ways of conducting business. King Kerala Varma, At one time you dominated Asia, now the UFE and the South China Sea Pact have taken the primary position, I would love it if you joined the SCSP, or reconciled with the PRC moving to cooperate with them as you seemed to be doing a year ago, but if you ultimately cannot get along with my other allies there is little I can fairly do on your behalf. If you incite a war, or give them cause to invade I am honor abound to allow the contest to play out, what happens is the providence of fate. That being said I am generally always supportive of my allies, that is not slavish support, it is simply being a good ally. When you signed your most recent treaty we congratulated you, (despite the fact that your new ally has already been fairly uncivil with us), why should we not offer similar support to an ally in their successful conquest? As for being uncritical, the content of my moral system is very public and it is very different from your own, that does not mean I am without principles, it simply means we are not always offended by the same things. For example the PRSEC was a pathetic weak regime, it folded the minute intervention began, its people failed to stand up for themselves, and their parliament buckled to external pressure. I do not condemn them because they lost, the Tahoeans also lost in their war, and yet a picture of their leader rests on my mantle. As a nation I maintain immense respect for their valor and ability. The Kingdom, I am sorry to say, is right now is being contrarily weak and whiney, it is acting entitled, much like a spoiled child. It speaks of fairness, it demands more than it can pay for, and it fails to realize that the world is full of inequity. If you want my moral judgment then there it is, your entire Kingdom offends my sensibilities at a fundamental level, and while I will not break my contract with you, at this time your general manner disgusts me. If you want my support and praise, then earn it by taking your future into your own hands and either diffuse the situation you now foresee, or charge to battle and give the Chinese a war worthy of memory. Sitting on your hands, complaining, lashing out at those who have counseled you, and waiting for your doom are not qualities I can be proud of in an ally.

On the other hand, my moral respect for the UFE has nothing to do with slavish support. My respect was not offered for free, it was purchased at an immense price of accumulated virtues. They have been assertive and ruthless in the pursuit of their interests and objectives, they rose from a single city to an empire dominating the whole of Asia and arguably the world. What they have accomplished and are accomplishing is nothing short of an achievement rivaled by very few past examples. Even you cannot objectively deny the magnitude of their work. This is not the following a dog offers to its master, it is the respect an honest and able man pays when he recognizes greatness in another, an artist’s recognition of the masterful work of another. Your present situation is not the product of cheap trick, the magnitude of the usurpation you yourself recognize, is fully attributable to the gamesmanship and skill of your opponent. If I were to morally fault them simply for playing the game better I would consider myself a disgusting human being,and if that is what you expect me to do, then you are completely out of your mind.

If what you believe will happen does indeed come to pass I wish you the same luck and fortune that I wish for your enemy; I sincerely hope you recognize your own inner strength and rediscover your own sense of pride.” [b]– Michael Atrevier, Crown Prince of Greater Pacifica[/b]

Edited by iamthey
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"Everyone has the choice to be blind, that does not mean blindness is the reality. My statement offends Greater Pacifica? I am truly sorry, but truth is oft unpalatable. Greater Pacifica accused Kingdom of being a hegemony of not trying to come to agreement with the bloc of the East. Let the world judge if we were ever hegemons in Asia, when we always strove to limit our influence to where we belonged. As to the agreement with USC/PRC/UFE, if Greater Pacifica had this exalted sense of fairness they would see who in fact violated the trust.

We do not expect anything greater from you especially seeing as the way you have reacted to my statement. Yes, Greater Pacifica had counseled us, we listened to that counsel, unfortunately the other side broke the counsel and Greater Pacifica did nothing. The very silent stance of Greater Pacifica when a nation once counseled by it broke its word leads us to wonder who is the superior decision maker. The Kingdom of Cochin still holds a NAP with UFE. It would not be we who violate its guidelines.

The Kingdom has never surrendered its pride, we are as ready to meet UFE in war that is brewing as ever. However the disappointment with nullified alliances does have to be expressed. As you wished us luck, we similarly hope that relations between us remain neutral in the worst of scenarios. If the day comes when the Kingdom of Cochin is no more, I only wish you would go to the marble obelisk at Ewa Beach to pay homage to a trust we once shared with you", His Highness Kerala Varma, The King of Cochin.

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[center][u][b]BENGAL SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE[/b][/u][/center]

The Kingdom of Cochin hereby announces the establishment of the Bengal Special Administrative Zone composing of the Bengal Province which is now a Special Zone under joint dominion of Kingdom of Cochin and Republic of Sri Lanka. While the Kingdom of Cochin still maintains partial sovereignty to ensure the well being of the people of Bengal, Sri Lanka would have sovereign powers to develop its resources and establish infrastructure. Pursuant to the Special sovereignty condition, the region would be subject to both the Strategic Doctrine of the Kingdom as well as any special doctrine of defense/offense as promulgated by Sri Lanka. The Bengal Special Administrative Zone is not liable to be transferred to a third party.

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[center][u][b]AADN FULLY ONLINE[/b][/u][/center]

The Royal Cochin Defense Forces proudly announces that the advanced Anti Air Defense Network developed by Strategic Command and Royal Cochin Air Force is fully functional. The existing multiple redundancy, multi tiered, multi stage Air Defense Alert system and our network of Air Defense Weapons system has now been mated with a state of the art Swarm Computing architecture developed by Varma Institute of Fundamental Research to create a truly unique and almost impenetrable Air Defense System.

OOC: Just bought Anti Air Defense Wonder.

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[center][u][b]BANGALORE ONCE AGAIN BANGALORE[/b][/u][/center]

A concerted effort by several civic groups and communities of Bangalore has succeeded in getting their name once agains formally known as Bengaluru or Bangalore. The city which had been known for years as Dragonisian City was the capital of Dragonisia and after the fall of Dragonisia it had retained its title as Dragonisian City.

However over the past few years the various community groups and civic bodies had been campaigning to restore Bangalore to its original name, to make it once again the Bengaluru as founded by Kempe Gowda. The function of the formal name changing was attended by Governor of the Karnataka Province, Retd. Chief Justice. Salaudin Imran, Mayor of Bangalore Vijayendra Gowda and Brig. Gen. Mallikarjun Parasada, General Officer Commanding 2nd Airborne Division and a proper citizen of Bangalore.

The function held at Cubbon Park was attended by a crowd of several thousands and was accompanied by a fly past by a squadron of Jadayu Mk.2s from the RF09 "Flaming Arrows" Regiment which has its home base at AFB Yelahanka to the north of the city.

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[b][Classified message to KoC government][/b]


You may have noticed that we [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90657&view=findpost&p=2487940"]recently launched[/url] a long-range missile from Sri Lanka into the southern parts of the Indian Ocean.
Attached to this message is some basic information about the launch and the missile's capabilities.
If you would like to talk more about this, please contact us.

Thank you for your time."


[b][Message end][/b]

Edited by Lynneth
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[center][u][b]Royal Cochin Defense Forces Tenure Structure

Enlisted Personnel Program
Enlisted personnel are recruited by various Provincial Recruitment Centers though biannual recruitment rallies. Completely voluntary recruitment is followed. After background, proficiency, physical, psychological and medical tests at Provincial Recruitment Center the recruits would be required a 5 years service contract. After this they would be sent for basic training.
Basic Training would be conducted at Regional Training Camps managed by Training Command in various geographic divisions of the Kingdom. The various Regional Training Camps are at

Qiemo ¬- Xinjiang
Magqu – Tibet
Bathinda – Jammu, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab
Meerut – Delhi, Haryana, Uttaranchal
Bikaner – Rajasthan
Kanpur – Uttar Pradesh
Kushinagar – Nepal
Barauni – Bihar
Durgapur – Bengal
Shillong – Assam province
Gangtok – Sikkim, Bhutan
Rourkela – Jharkhand
Koraput – Orissa
Jabalpur – Madhya Pradesh
Rajkot – Gujarat
Kolhapur – Maharashtra
Belgaum – Karnataka, Goa
Warangal – Andhra Pradesh
Dindigul – Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Kannur – Kerala, Lakshadweep, Cochin Indian Ocean Territories

After a six month basic training ranked the enlisted personnel would be inducted into service with E1 ranks. The basic training would be combined for all wings, Army, Navy and Air Force. Enlisted personnel of RCA would be assigned to regiments for further training. Enlisted personnel of RCN would be sent to Advanced Seamen’s School, Kavaratti for further training before assignment into duty sections. Enlisted personnel of RCAF would be sent to Air Warrior’s School, Yining.
The specialty orientation of the enlisted personnel would be determined at this second level of training. In Royal Cochin Army, regimental assessment training imparted to the freshly assigned Privates would determine the skill set of the soldiers. The highest ranked soldiers can choose to apply for Border Guards. Others would be separated into occupational specialty based on exhaustive proficiency tests. Those ranking highest on tests would also be fast tracked for Non Commissioned Officer training after one year of service. All enlisted personnel would have opportunity for rank advancement through academic, service and proficiency channels.
The proficiency tests conducted at the end of training course at the Advanced Seamen’s School and Air Warrior’s School would also determine the NCO fast track candidates for those services. The enlisted personnel of Royal Cochin Coast Guard would be sent to Royal College of Sea Rescue, Mumbai after the proficiency training at Advanced Seamen’s School. The service proficiency tests would last for three months after which the personnel would be assigned for specialty training based on their occupational specialty. This would also last three months before they are assigned to their active duty postings. Thus one year from recruitment the personnel would join active duty. During the remaining four years of duty at least 12 months would be spent in frontline/hardship posting.
At the end of the 5 year service contract, enlisted personnel would be offered renewal of service contract for another 5 years or be laid off with commiserate reserve pension advantages. Those choosing further extension of service contract would be assessed for their service records and accordingly would be chosen for NCO training or specialized taskings. Highest rated soldiers would be given opportunity to apply for Royal Cochin Special Forces. Enlisted personnel choosing for second tour of duty would be given a minimum of 50% salary increment apart from increased privileges like residential quarters, graduation opportunities in Service Distance Education Programs.
At the end of the second 5 year service contract, those enlisted personnel who choose to renew service contract would be automatically be upgraded to E5 rank. Based on service proficiency they shall receive opportunity to apply for King’s Commission for which they would have to clear the academic examination as well as pass the Officer Selection Course at the Army Training Academy, Kathmandu for RCA and Border Guard, Naval Training Academy, Ratnagiri for RCN and RCCG and Air Force Training Academy, Lhasa for RCAF.
At the end of third 5 year contract those enlisted personnel who choose to renew service contract would be subject to extensive refresher training at Infantry Skills School, Pipri for RCA and BG, Cochin Naval Academy, Lonavala for RCN and RCCG, Air Warrior’s School, Yining for RCAF. After this three week refresher course the personnel would be sent for a three month Special Forces Training at Jungle Warfare Center, Silent Valley, Desert Warfare Center, Thar Desert or Tundra Warfare Center, Gangothri for Royal Cochin Army and Border Guard personnel, Special Amphibious Warfare Center, Amindvi for Royal Cochin Navy and Royal Cochin Coast Guard personnel and School of Airborne Operations, Agra for Royal Cochin Air Force personnel. The highest skilled amongst these personnel would be offered automatic selection into Royal Cochin Special Forces based on their proficiency in passing through the Special Forces Training. The rest would return to their normal duty assignments in their parent services.
At the end of the fourth 5 year contract only those enlisted personnel with exemplary service track record with definite combat proficiency would be offered reenlistment. Everyone else would be retired off from service with generous pensions and further employment assistance in Cochin Civil Service or other public sector industries. Those who have reenlisted would be offered choice assignments with compulsory duty rotations of one year in a Training Command institution and one year in a frontline/hardship posting. Those personnel in their fifth duty rotation would no longer be subject to service contract and would have the option of being in service until the National Retirement Age of 62. Five years after the start of the fifth duty rotation, the personnel would be liable to apply for Voluntary Retirement Scheme based on their current rank and Retirement age of 62. Those personnel who have thus completed 27 years of service in Royal Cochin Defense Forces would be automatically granted the rank of E8 with possibility of being posted as Regimental or Divisional Sergeant Major.
All personnel choosing to leave service with RCDF after successive duty contracts would be part of National Defense Reserves and are liable to be called for the voluntary as mandatory reserve duty service periods. Personnel wishing to leave the service before the completion of service contract are required to pay fines comissurate with time left for service contract to expire. Exceptions would be granted only in extreme cases on a case per case basis at the recommendation of O5 graded officer to whom the personnel is answerable to.

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[color="#FF0000"][size="4"][center][u][b]NATIONAL FOOD POLICY[/b][/u][/center][/size][/color]

The Ministry of Agriculture hereby declares the new National Food Policy. As a result of years of extensive improvement in agricultural development and food processing, the food security in the Kingdom of Cochin has been secure. The Strategic Food Reserve stocks had till now sufficed to meet the requirements with the Kingdom's rising expanse and increasing population. While hitherto the food policy had been to maintain the requisite Strategic Food Reserve apart from the consumption demand prevalent in the nation and to sell the surplus at market rates, the Kingdom hereby declares that all surplus food produced by the Kingdom of Cochin would hereby be distributed free of cost to any less developed nation in the world. This policy has been in practice informally within the Kingdom for the past several months whereby the Ministry of Interior has been pivotal in providing free food to the disadvantaged and marginalized sections all over the nation.

The Kingdom of Cochin recognizes that not all nations may be as prosperous or as naturally well endowed as itself. Above the commercial advantages, the Kingdom recognizes its role in the community of nations and believes that no grain of food should waste away in any silo while a human being is hungry anywhere on the planet. Any nation seeking to purchase surplus food from the Kingdom need only to pay the transportation costs or provide the transportation by itself. On a case by case basis even the transportation would be provided free of cost as a gesture of international goodwill.

The Ministry of Agriculture also hereby establishes the Cochin Aid Program by which a humanitarian relief agency would be set up which hopes to provide food and medical aid free of cost to any part of the world which has people in need. Even in developing or developed nations, there are large masses of unfortunate and disadvantaged who have been left by the side by development in their nations. Cochin Aid Program plans to set up shelter agencies for such people. Cochin Aid Program is the formalized form of the aid program initiated by Ministry of Interior within the nation.

We hope the nations of the world would cooperate with us in this non partisan endeavor. Let us eradicate hunger from our planet.


Dr. Girin Nayak,
Minister of Agriculture,
Kingdom of Cochin

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[center][u][b]FLEET MODERNIZATION PROGRAM[/b][/u][/center]

Royal Cochin Navy announces an extensive Fleet Modernization Program to overhaul the entire active duty fleet of Royal Cochin Navy. The technological breakthroughs achieved by the Kingdom in Shipbuilding and other associated maritime sciences would be applied to give a midlife refit to the warships of Royal Cochin Navy to enable it to be technologically current in all aspects, a refit that would ensure the supremacy of Royal Cochin Navy in the oceans of the world. Among various areas that would see refit or complete replacement of systems would be Navigational systems, Communication Systems, Propulsion systems, drive train mechanisms, Stealth paint for the whole of the vessel, Acoustic Suppression systems for the hull and propulsion systems, weapon systems including Electro Thermal Chemical technology upgrades for all the main guns of warships, Quadruple layer CIWS systems upgrade and the overall C5ISTAR systems, ie Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat systems, Intelligence , Surveillance, Target acquisition, And Reconnaissance of the warships. The entire fleet modernization program would be completed in 3 years with the ships of the various classes upgraded in phased manner so that during the period of refit the defense of the realm do not get compromised.

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[center][u][b]NATIONAL CENSUS RESULTS[/b][/u][/center]

The Ministry of Interior today announced the results of the National Census taken across the entire country over the past three years. The Census has been taken principally based on Religion and secondly upon ethnicities.

The principal demographic results are:


Along with the break up of population, National Census also release the list of principal minority ethnic groups and their population :


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The booming echoes of the dungchen were fading into the mists that hung over Lhasa on this cold January day as a man walked to the podium in the Kashag Court in Potala. The entire gathering of hundreds of officials, Kashag representatives, business and civic leaders from all over Tibet, Monks and nuns from all major monasteries and the coterie of journalists and media personnel gathered at the back of this grand hall waited with baited breath as His Highness Kerala Varma, the King of Cochin walked up to the 15th Dalai Lama and prostrating at his feet, touched his feet in veneration. Once blessed by His Holiness, Kerala Varma walked to the podium and addressed the mike.
“People of Tibet, citizens of Cochin, today I stand before you to make a solemn declaration. For centuries the question of Tibetan independence had been questioned by your neighbors to the East. False doctrines and distorted histories have been enabled several attempts to be made to destroy the idea of Tibet. The culmination of this organized savagery had been the Chinese invasion of Tibet in middle of 20th century. Our forefathers could not act against those barbarians when they plundered and raped Tibet. Your brothers and sisters in India were held impotent by an asinine politician who silently colluded with the Chinese communists in destroying an ancient and peaceful nation that was Tibet. Your brothers and sisters of Xinjiang could not come to your assistance as their own Uighur heritage was being destroyed by those barbarians in the name of Chinese hegemony. Your brothers and sisters in Nepal and Bhutan could only stand in silence without the wherewithal to act against an immensely powerful enemy. The decades of Chinese Communist rule saw the destruction of the ancient heritages of Tibet, however it could not destroy the spirit of resilience and resistance that always opposed Chinese barbarism or the Buddhist heritage which held the Amdoans, the Khampas and the Lhasans together against an organized enemy without their own unique difference standing in the way of uniting to defend the Mother nation.
In the years since Tibet had become a part of the Kingdom of Cochin we have striven to right these wrongs. The monasteries destroyed has been rebuilt, the prosperity of Tibet has been restored, the strengths of Tibet have been reinvigorated. Today though Tibet is still not completely sovereign it has now returned to the state of autonomy that determined Tibet before the Chinese invasion. We solemnly swear that when the Kingdom of Cochin is no more, the people of Tibet would finally have what they cherished for long, complete independence. No more shall Tibetans and Uighurs have to suffer under the yoke of Han Chinese oppression. No more shall the horrors of Lithang be repeated. I know that past history has caused some wounds to run really deep and there have been several attacks against the native Han Chinese populations in both Tibet and Xinjiang. Today I implore upon you to cease this. Han Chinese by their very nature are not barbarians, they had been under the influence of one of the most inhumane and corrupt ideologies that Human civilization has ever seen – Communism. The Kingdom of Cochin has ensured that Communism or any of its twisted variants shall never again take root in any part of the Kingdom. Let us relegate the horrors of Chinese invasion to a forgotten nightmare. Though of a different ethnicity and culture the Chinese are still your brothers and sisters as fellow Cochin citizens. Just like how Tibetans, Mongolians, Bengalis, Kannadigas, Uighurs, Kyrghyz, Punjabi and Kazakhs can live together so can the Han Chinese. Tibet is for Tibetans but Kingdom of Cochin is for all citizens of Cochin. While preserving our roots and heritages let us espouse the spirit of Universal brotherhood that forms the fundamentals of all our outwardly disparate but inherently similar heritages.
“Vasudhaiva kutumbakam” “The world is my family” may be a Sanskrit phrase but its ethos run deep beneath the cultures of all our people. Let us make the story of Cochin the testament to the belief that we are all brothers and sisters and the differences of religion, race and culture are merely flavors that coming together make up the beautiful essence of Cochin.
Thus today I proclaim that never more shall Tibet or Uighur be under the specter of any aggressor from the East under any proclamation of manifest destiny or historical determinism. We reject the notion that Tibet or Xinjiang has ever been part of China or would ever be a part of China. We reject the propaganda that wherever a Chinese live is a territory of China. Tibet is Tibet and Xinjiang is Xinjiang, unique and united.”
As the King’s last words blended off into the spellbound silence of the assembly the Potala was anointed by golden sunlight streaming from a blue sky. The jubilation of the assembly in Kashag was echoed throughout Tibet and Xinjiang.

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The United Federation of the East finds these bizarre and bellicose statements rather disturbing. Bizarre because the troop levels on the border are at their lowest point since the reunification as has been any tense rhetoric. The King's choice to reignite it is tragic.

We also find it odd that the King of Cochin would point out the Dalai Lama as a source for Tibet not being Chinese. It seems he does not understand what Chinese means. Han Chinese and Chinese are simply not synonyms, no one has ever claimed them to be. Tibet was part of China well before the 1949 Invasion, in fact It was British Imperialism with from their bases in India that was the source for a misunderstanding in terms because the British wanted to have a buffer state in Tibet. Further I would point to the Fourteenth Dalai Lama who himself said that Tibet was part of China but should have greater autonomous rights within a unified China. Now if the King of Cochin in fact did actually respect Tibetan Tradition he would know that the reason the Sixteenth Dalai Lama is the Sixteenth Dalai Lama is because he is the reincarnation of the Fourteenth. Therefore, one would expect the King of Cochin to respect the words of the Fourteenth as that of the Sixteenth.

Now in regards to the current territorial boundaries of the United Federation of the East, obviously at the moment Tibet is within the Kingdom of Cochin, however claiming it is not part of China despite hundreds of years of history to the contrary and statements by the holiest of Tibetan leaders that it is is silly and just looking to pick a fight.

Secondly in regards to the Uighurs. This also shows a lack of understanding of history on the King of Cochin's part and another attempt to pick a fight for some unknown reason. Xinjiang has been a frontier land for thosuands upon thousands of years. In fact the Tang Dynasty included Xinjiang as part of its territory even when parts of Southern China were not. Xinjiang is part of the historic silk road in which Chinese goods flowed East to West, this dates back millenia. The exact borders shifted around, however, these lands always were Chinese and local inhabitants brought Chinese goods and adopted some Chinese customs.

The underlying assumption of this speech is highly insulting to Chinese culture and pseudo-historical. Namely the assumption the King makes is that China was always a single ethnic group that is the Han, a primarily agrarian culture centered first in the North China Plain seperated from the rest of the world in ethnic make up. In fact China is a multi-ethnic culture which has always integrated new peoples into it and has been cosmopolitan with active trade with the rest of Eurasia for thousands of years dating back to even before the rise of the Roman Empire.

Why the King of Cochin chose to make such comments is really quite astonishing because as mentioned before there simply has not been as much as a peep on these issues for years now. It seems he wants to tear open old wounds.

OOC: I had a fifteenth.

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