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The Last Tsar of Slavorussia

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Despite the war being waged only a few kilometers away the halls of Catherine Palace were quite and peaceful. This is where the Slavorussian High command had made it’s home. Top Slavorussian commanders and their subordinates were housed in the palace along with hundreds of soldiers. Any order given to soldiers in St. Petersburg would definitely come from here.

The battle to hold St. Petersburg looked promising. After an aggressive series of air strikes by the Imperial Air Force the Molakians were foolishly attempting to take the city anyway. Slavorussian soldiers fought small numbers of Molakians on the ground in what often times turned in to vicious brawls, with both sides taking heavy casualties and causing serious collateral damage to the city. Despite their casualties the Slavorussian are able to hold the city, and keep enemy movements to a minimum that is however until enemy reinforcements arrive and sack the city.

Early the next morning, in the palace the Tsar who had been given the rank of Major-General and was jointly commanding troops in the Northern Front with a Lt. General named Zorin, was receiving word that the city had fallen. Slavorussians tried to retreat in the night, but were all killed or captured, the city fell shortly after. As he reads his eyes gloss over. He throws the report on the desk and orders everyone out of the room. He looks out the window at the Slavorussian fighters screeching through the sky. He puts his face in his sleeve and sobs, The capital of the old empire had fallen, and now the enemy was on a direct course to Moscow.

When Justinian hears the doors open he turns violently toward whoever is approaching and unleashes a string of expletives. When he wipes his eyes and focuses he realizes he’s just cursed at the Gen. Zorin a ranking general. He quickly salutes the general, who at the same time bows to the tsar. They both chuckle nervously, it’s an awkward situation for both. No Slavorussian general had ever outranked the sovereign before.

“Your Majesty, you‘ve seen the report I assume?”

“Yes general, It‘s disturbing news at the least, but we have several thousand reinforcements en route to take back the city. St. Petersburg will not be in enemy hands for long.”

Gen. Zorin looks at Justinian confused. “Sir, the reinforcements were rerouted to the Moscow. CSSR and German forces have surrounded out troops there, and they are in dire need of assistance.”

“W-what? Who authorized that order?”

“The General of the Army, Gen. Belyakov did, Your Majesty”

Justinian falls into a chair in disbelief. “Then St. Petersburg is truly lost.”

“That‘s why I‘ve come here Your Majesty. Premier Belyakov wants us to return to Moscow. We‘ll be needed there in the next few days. I told him we wouldn’t be able to leave the palace however.”

Justinian looks at the general confused, “Why would you tell him that?”

Gen. Zorin chuckles and lights a cigar. His chuckle soon turns into a sinister cackle “Because in a few hours we‘re all going to be dead… well you will be, I‘ll be on a train to London.”

Justinian jumps out of the chair furiously and over toward Gen. Zorin “Traitor! Are you insane?”

The General upholsters his side arm and points it only inches away from Justinian’s face “I’m perfectly sane! I‘ve waited for this moment for years. Finally the collapse of the Slavorussian Empire, and the end of the Romanov line. You pathetic pompous idiots should have died out with Nicholas II, but somehow you weaseled your way back onto the throne. Sadly I still need you alive for my plan to come together completely.”

Seven other people enter the room, all dressed in Slavorussian military uniforms of various rank, mostly officers. As the soldiers surround the tsar Gen. Zorin picks up a phone that’s a direct line to the Premier’s office in Moscow and hands it to Justinian. “Your Majesty, what we want you to do now is name Premier Belyakov the Emperor Regent. My agents in Moscow will give him directions on what to do next.” Gen. Zorin chuckles, “Yes he has a gun being held to his head too.”

Now confused and angry Justinian pulls his knife and takes a step toward the man holding the gun. He focuses on the man’s throat, he hopes he can slash the man’s jugular before he has a chance to pull the trigger, but he says a quick prayer and lunges forward. Two of the male soldiers restrain the Tsar before he can swing the blade, while another takes the blade and Justinian’s sidearm. Gen Zorin laughs and hands his gun to a female officer who keeps the gun trained on Justinian’s head. “Did you think it would be that easy Your Majesty? Unlike yourself I am unable to be killed. The vessel you almost killed was just that only a vessel. You would have succeeded in nothing, except your own suicide.”

With the soldiers hold Justinian’s arms Gen. Zorin cracks his knuckles and throws a powerful right hook right into Justinian’s jaw. The blow causes Justinian legs to give out and he slumps with the soldiers still holding him. The stand him back up for the General to unleash another powerful blow to the Tsar’s stomach, instantly making him drop to his knees. “I think I broke my hand on that elegant Romanov jaw of yours, or is that your Zagwe side?”

The General massages his hand which is now throbbing with pain. The two soldiers pick Justinian up off the floor. The pain in his jaw and stomach make it almost impossible for him to stand by himself. General Zorin chuckles through the pain of his hand and whispers in Justinian’s ear. “I am the Darkmind, I cripple empires and destroy governments. I am always and forever”

Justinian spits blood into the General’s face and laughs almost as if his pain is now gone. “You‘ll hang for this. I‘ll watch your feet dangle from the gallows while the world cheers the death of more anarchist vermin.”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous, even if you do life you’ll never find me. Besides this country hasn’t executed anyone in over a decade.”

Justinian is now laughing hysterically, as his bloody spit rolls down the Darkmind’s face. “Then I‘ll kill you myself, and nobody will ever know you existed.”

General Zorin puts his palm firmly against the back of Justinian’s neck and bends him down. Their foreheads touch and they both stare coldly into each other’s eyes. Zorin joins Justinian in laughing then knees the Tsar hard in the abdomen. As he lay on the ground again in pain, not laughing anymore, the General kicks him in the forcing blood to spray from Justinian’s mouth. Zorin picks up the phone and puts it next to Justinian’s head. “Enough of this, make the call. The Premier is waiting.”

“I‘ll die before I let you win.” Justinian groans as he tries to sit upright.

Gen, Zorin turns on a television, on it are the Prince Radziwill and his family, including Christina. “Do it or I‘ll have them killed. Funny it‘ll be the second time I‘ve murdered your lover. However if you comply I‘ll release them. They can go wherever their hearts take them” He chuckles sarcastically, knowing they’ll be arrested by advancing NC soldiers. “Quickly now, the Molakians are closing in, and we have to leave soon.”

With no other choice Justinian picks up the phone and calls the Kremlin. Premier Belyakov answers the other line. “Hello?”

"Premier Belyakov, get the Imperial Family out of Moscow"

"They've already left on a train to Bosporan. They should be safe there."

“Good. Premier Belyakov, one more thing, I’ve just put my signature on a document naming you my regent. Until I can return to my official capacity as Tsar you shall be endowed with all my powers. God bless you and God bless the empire comrade.

“Your Majesty no!”

The line goes dead, and all Premier Belyakov hears now is the dial tone. As Vladimir hangs up the recover two loud explosions shake the city, and a deep raspy voice comes from a man holding a gun in the Premier’s face. “That would be the parliament blowing up… boom. Heh, congratulations Prime Minister you’re now the absolute ruler of the Slavorussian Empire. Now sign the surrender papers and we can all go home.”

Across from Primier Belyakov is his wife, who also has a gun to her head. Sobbing and with seemingly no other choice Vladimir signs the unconditional surrender of the Slavorussian Empire to the Nordic Coalition. As he drops the pen on the desk the two men turn their guns onto the Premier’s wife. Two shots kill her instantly. In a fit of rage Premier Belyakov lunges over his desk and reaches for one of the guns. When another shot is fired the Premier slumps on his desk and slowly bleeds out and dies.

As the two men leave the Kremlin with the surrender papers in tow another bomb goes off, killing the executive cabinet who were locked in the conference room. The Dark Hand had finally accomplished their mission, but for reasons still unknown to anyone but themselves.

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OOC: Hope kaiser and the rest of the NC are reading this Motoko is alive and she will find out about this and she knows Kaiser Martens took part and I will have her kill as many people as I deem neccessary until this outrage is avenged.

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OOC: Hope kaiser and the rest of the NC are reading this Motoko is alive and she will find out about this and she knows Kaiser Martens took part and I will have her kill as many people as I deem neccessary until this outrage is avenged.

OOC: Good luck, the Nords follow the Ubersteinian tradition of paranoid security.

Also, OOC vendettas =/= cool.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: Good luck, the Nords follow the Ubersteinian tradition of paranoid security.

Also, OOC vendettas =/= cool.

OOC: I've renovated over 130,000 facilities and six palaces in my time so I know this to be true. :P And yeah, you look like a jerk when you bring OOC !@#$festing into an IC context.

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OOC: True this whole war was an OOC issue I think personally.

OOC: Frankly, if you knew Marten's originals plans, this was just a delayed war. He wanted to attack Slavorussia back when I hate taken Garretian, use the momentum.

I managed to convince him to not attack that time.

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OOC: Frankly, if you knew Marten's originals plans, this was just a delayed war. He wanted to attack Slavorussia back when I hate taken Garretian, use the momentum.

I managed to convince him to not attack that time.

OOC: Marten's has always wanted to attack Justinian it seems in fact a lot of Europe seemed to want to but what I disagreed with was the fact that the NC said they were going to war to liberate the Slav's and yet those people were oppossed to them and yet they still continued the war which is BS. Still making sense doesnt have to occur in RP anymore it seems.

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OOC: Marten's has always wanted to attack Justinian it seems in fact a lot of Europe seemed to want to but what I disagreed with was the fact that the NC said they were going to war to liberate the Slav's and yet those people were oppossed to them and yet they still continued the war which is BS. Still making sense doesnt have to occur in RP anymore it seems.

OOC: It's called "propaganda".

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OOC: Yes, propaganda. It use it a lot. I am sorry to dissapoint you, but this war was not of an OOC nature, reason, purpose or origin. The thing is that thieves think that everyone have their same condition: You hold OOC grudges, therefore you assume we also will, this is not correct.

This was really unexpected. I hoped the Tsar to just flee somewhere!

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OOC: Yes, propaganda. It use it a lot. I am sorry to dissapoint you, but this war was not of an OOC nature, reason, purpose or origin. The thing is that thieves think that everyone have their same condition: You hold OOC grudges, therefore you assume we also will, this is not correct.

This was really unexpected. I hoped the Tsar to just flee somewhere!

OOC: I'd think he's bunk with BaronUberstein if he continues to RP

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OOC: We could do non canon together if you wish :)

ooc: Sounds like fun to me.

OOC: Uhhh Not the end of the Romanovs.....Look who leads my nation...

ooc: The family name of the Slavorussian tsars would be more accurately called the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Zagwe-Romanov. Zagwe being the family name of the Zamiran royal family which Justinian is a also the heir.

OOC: Yes, but it seems several people are holding OOC grudges now, which if you ask me is not good for this forum.

ooc: That's why I've excused myself from rp. Until I can get over certain ooc issues I have with a player here I'll limit my activity in CNRP.

OOC: Yes, propaganda. It use it a lot. I am sorry to dissapoint you, but this war was not of an OOC nature, reason, purpose or origin. The thing is that thieves think that everyone have their same condition: You hold OOC grudges, therefore you assume we also will, this is not correct.

This was really unexpected. I hoped the Tsar to just flee somewhere!

ooc: Maybe Justinian will take a page from Kaiser Martens book, and return someday. Then again maybe not.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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ooc: The family name of the Slavorussian tsars would be more accurately called the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Zagwe-Romanov. Zagwe being the family name of the Zamiran royal family which Justinian is a also the heir.

OOC: If you read my "Marscurian History" thread, your ancestors expelled my ancestors. It was your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather who indirectly helped found the Marscurian Empire :o . Creepy :ph34r:

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OOC: If you read my "Marscurian History" thread, your ancestors expelled my ancestors. It was your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather who indirectly helped found the Marscurian Empire :o . Creepy :ph34r:

ooc: I love when two rp's tie together so well like that ^_^

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