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We have a request to ComIntern members with militia in the Italian Protectorate:

We have been contacted by a local government (OOC: BioHazard) and they wish to have rule over the protectorate. We have granted this request and as such, we need all foriegn military out of the protectorate.

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We have a request to ComIntern members with militia in the Italian Protectorate:

We have been contacted by a local government (OOC: BioHazard) and they wish to have rule over the protectorate. We have granted this request and as such, we need all foriegn military out of the protectorate.


Canada shall withdraw all forces in Italy.

Vaule's suggestion

Yes - 2 vote(s)

No - 7 vote(s)

Undecided - 2 vote(s)

To vote: New England, Eritrea.

With roughly 58% voting no and 17% being undecided, the ComIntern shall not enforce the suggestion from Vaule.

As said before, however, each government is free to determine its own policy. Thus those who wish, can indeed try to get better relations with the Nords.

The NPR's request

Yes - 10 vote(s)

No - 0 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Vaule, Eritrea

83% vote yes, and thus the NPR's request is granted.

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They can dock at the Canadian Marianas for the time being. Should the NPR be attacked during the time where their fleet cannot return into the home waters, the Carrier Battlegroup stationed at the Marianas will be ordered to take the aggressor down.

Is that satisfying?

yum... quite so.

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"People can close their EEZ from military ships for defensive purposes and we see nothing wrong with Yamato doing it, we suggest NPR talk to them or Hanseatic Commenwealth to allow the ships go through or they can just go around the Japenese Mainland to enter the Bohai Strait and reach Beijing."

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We have a request to ComIntern members with militia in the Italian Protectorate:

We have been contacted by a local government (OOC: BioHazard) and they wish to have rule over the protectorate. We have granted this request and as such, we need all foriegn military out of the protectorate.


Canada shall withdraw all forces in Italy.

As will New England. Troops of the Twelfth Division has begun the process of withdrawing from Italy.

Edited by JEDCJT
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yum... quite so.


"People can close their EEZ from military ships for defensive purposes and we see nothing wrong with Yamato doing it, we suggest NPR talk to them or Hanseatic Commenwealth to allow the ships go through or they can just go around the Japenese Mainland to enter the Bohai Strait and reach Beijing."

The NPR has been completely shut in by Yamato, Korea and Palintine. All three maintain that their EEZ may not be crossed by military ships.

Canada believes it may be time to "ask" one of these nations to let the NPR through, for free.

We shall make a vote for this.

Yes - 1 vote(s)

No - 0 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Osea, Yuktobania, Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

While voting, please suggest the nation which should be asked - or pressured - into giving the NPR the right to go through with its naval assets.

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"No, we don't have any right asking any nation to do it, if they want NPR can ask any of them, Comintern as a whole don't need to, it'll give the nords something to throw at us and make propoganda of it. "

We actually have a reason to intervene there, because these nations block the trade to the NPR, and prevent up from moving supplies and other such things into the protectorate.

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*Message to the Comintern*

We have been receiving complaints from Comintern member ships of Yamato blocking trade with NPR. Allow us to remind the fact that we do not restrict civilian trade, although this might change in the future.

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*Message to the Comintern*

We have been receiving complaints from Comintern member ships of Yamato blocking trade with NPR. Allow us to remind the fact that we do not restrict civilian trade, although this might change in the future.

OOC: No, you didn't, because you don't RP our ships.

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OOC: I was under the assumption that people would obviously complain if I was restricting trades. After all, such an action would have great effects on NPR.

OOC: "do not restrict civilian trade"

Thus, civilians have no reason at all to complain, The nations who want to send military stuff - like Niko's - would complain officially, but that didn't happen yet, did it?

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We actually have a reason to intervene there, because these nations block the trade to the NPR, and prevent up from moving supplies and other such things into the protectorate.

OOC: You did write trade, hence the statement :P

I shall take my leave now. Good voting!

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"Ask" one of these nations to let the NPR through, for free.

Yes - 2 vote(s)

No - 1 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

Few have voted...

Also, is that still an active issue? Does the NPR still have these problems?

The Chairman pokes his head in, "Dragonisia moves to reclaim Tibet as its local protectorate given its proximity to our borders."


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"There is in that we want to chose who sits in our back yard and it was formerly our occupied domain anyhow. We think our request is more than within bounds and if it cannot even be accommodated with a vote the Dragon Empire may have to re-evaluate its relationship with Comintern."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"There is in that we want to chose who sits in our back yard and it was formerly our occupied domain anyhow."

You don't just walz in and say "This is ours now", regardless of the territory's history.

It is a ComIntern protectorate and will stay as such until a new nation forms.

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"Ask" one of these nations to let the NPR through, for free.

Yes - 2 vote(s)

No - 1 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

Few have voted...

Also, is that still an active issue? Does the NPR still have these problems?


It still has those issues. A possible solution is to allow the NPR to grow within the confines of the protectorate to have direct links to the rest of the Dragon Empire.. then they would have a direct oceanic link without having to concern themselves with the yellow sea area.

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