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Most Loathed Player on Planet Bob


Most Loathed Player on Planet Bob  

995 members have voted

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I'm genuinely curious how Bilrow racked up so many votes. He's got more votes than the entire Vox crew combined.

It's because he's pissed a lot of people off. If he weren't sitting in NPO he'd be de facto perma-ZI by collective community action, I think. Not many people have combined such high levels of dishonesty, hypocrisy, and general unlikeability into one convenient package.

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That and he's got alliance mates and friends voting for him so he can go "haha it's because my friends voted for me, no one really hates me."

While it is true that friends/etc./those are don't like me are voting for me, the last part of your statement isn't true. I love the idea that I am hated so much. Unfortunately, it's not good for my ego.

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While it is true that friends/etc./those are don't like me are voting for me, the last part of your statement isn't true. I love the idea that I am hated so much. Unfortunately, it's not good for my ego.

Hell, if I was voted the most hated person in the world, I'd freaking take over Cuba and commit so many human rights violations you couldn't count them on your calculator. I mean, what's the World Press going to do? Hate on you? :jihad:

EDIT: One would almost think it's good for your ego, since you're so known for your atrociousness that people vote for you.

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Electron Sponge 73
Nintenderek 51
Doitzel 33

We're way behind so we might as well play our own game. Something we're quite familiar with.

I haven't lost a poll this badly since I ran a kamikaze smear campaign on HannaH in the Polar Deputy Minister elections.

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Hell, if I was voted the most hated person in the world, I'd freaking take over Cuba and commit so many human rights violations you couldn't count them on your calculator. I mean, what's the World Press going to do? Hate on you? :jihad:

EDIT: One would almost think it's good for your ego, since you're so known for your atrociousness that people vote for you.

Not really good for my ego because DarkMistress keeps getting needles and popping my head as it grows with the ego. I retaliate by stealing her nutella, though.

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Thank you. :)

I knew you were going to say something like that. The main reason I hate you was because of the !@#$%^&* that occured during the green civil war... it should have never happened. I don't know if you've changed or not, but since you've gone to the NPO I doubt it.

I don't even know you. I just know what you've done and I don't agree with it.

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I haven't lost a poll this badly since I ran a kamikaze smear campaign on HannaH in the Polar Deputy Minister elections.

With all due respect Doitzel....being annoying isn't enough to win you the title of most loathed. ;)

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Hell, if I was voted the most hated person in the world, I'd freaking take over Cuba and commit so many human rights violations you couldn't count them on your calculator. I mean, what's the World Press going to do? Hate on you? :jihad:

EDIT: One would almost think it's good for your ego, since you're so known for your atrociousness that people vote for you.

I think a lot of you miss the point.

Actors love playing the "heavy." Especially if it goes against type or their own personality. For Bilrow to be #1 loathed guy means he's accomplished something IC.

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I think a lot of you miss the point.

Actors love playing the "heavy." Especially if it goes against type or their own personality. For Bilrow to be #1 loathed guy means he's accomplished something IC.

Or maybe he's winning because of his constant hypocracy: He demands the utmost respect for his views whilst spewing forth utter filth towards the dissenting voices. That is not the action of a 'big man'.

Likewise, maybe the ability to shaft your allies in order to save your own skin accounts for your success in the poll.

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I knew you were going to say something like that. The main reason I hate you was because of the !@#$%^&* that occured during the green civil war... it should have never happened. I don't know if you've changed or not, but since you've gone to the NPO I doubt it.

I don't even know you. I just know what you've done and I don't agree with it.

Good. Glad to have succeeded.

Edited by Bilrow
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If you mean by destroying whole alliances for no other reason that grabbing power and eliminating competition, then giving a !@#$%^&* "apology" to make things seem better then yeah you succeeded.

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Good. Glad to have succeeded.

You would think at your age, you would have some maturity. As I remember all your in-game antics, there really is no surprise why you are voted the most loathed player in CN. You take pride in your loathing publicly. You should really be ashamed, and since you're not... Well.. Anytime I look over your posts now. I feel ashamed for you. You may have the rest of CN loathing you, but I do not loathe you. In that aspect you have failed. I may not like you and the decisions you have made, but at the end of the day I do not loathe you. You are so unimportant, that you simply do not deserve my loathing and rather you deserve my pity. Hopefully one day you will grow up.

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If you mean by destroying whole alliances for no other reason that grabbing power and eliminating competition, then giving a !@#$%^&* "apology" to make things seem better then yeah you succeeded.

I "apologized" for killing VE? Link me because I don't remember that. I do remember strategically using them to come back and help attack GOONS. :)

You would think at your age, you would have some maturity. As I remember all your in-game antics, there really is no surprise why you are voted the most loathed player in CN. You take pride in your loathing publicly. You should really be ashamed, and since you're not... Well.. Anytime I look over your posts now. I feel ashamed for you. You may have the rest of CN loathing you, but I do not loathe you. In that aspect you have failed. I may not like you and the decisions you have made, but at the end of the day I do not loathe you. You are so unimportant, that you simply do not deserve my loathing and rather you deserve my pity. Hopefully one day you will grow up.

This is a game. How I play in the game is the choice I have purposefully taken and have no reflection or similarities with my life away from the game.

However, you are correct on one thing, I enjoy being young at heart, so I hope I never grow up and get too serious for my own good (in RL of course).

You play the game with the persona you want, and I play with the persona I want. You don't like it, oh well.

Edit: Time to go update the stats in my sig on the voting. Remember to keep voting for me. I'll be here all night, please tip your waitresses but not Moo-Cows.

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