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I am in search of an alliance that is not a dictatorship and one that respects my nations sovereignty and doesn't restrain me from being successful and attaining Democratic elected Senate seats and that doesn't restrict my free will...I will fight for these God given rights and seek like minded brothers in arms...I am former Deputy Minister of defense for SUN, FEAR, MoD of DiCe, Lochagos of Athens and currently Minister of recruitment, General of 3rd battalion Cadre Violenca of GRAN...thanks in advance!

Stonewall14 of Dixie Cove


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I am in search of an alliance that is not a dictatorship and one that respects my nations sovereignty and doesn't restrain me from being successful and attaining Democratic elected Senate seats and that doesn't restrict my free will...I will fight for these God given rights and seek like minded brothers in arms...I am former Deputy Minister of defense for SUN, FEAR, MoD of DiCe, Lochagos of Athens and currently Minister of recruitment, General of 3rd battalion Cadre Violenca of GRAN...thanks in advance!

Stonewall14 of Dixie Cove


I welcome you to check out Aquatic Coalition Front.

WE ARE NOT A DICTATORSHIP. We are a democracy, our Government being appointed by a vote. We allow your opinions to be said, free will is given-- we allow tech raids, we will not control your military or tell you who to attack (we have many many guides, but I'm sure you don't need those ;)

Any other info you seek, PM tehol, gambona, or lonewolfe2015 in game.

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A second option I'm considering is starting a new alliance with some of my many friends and would seek a protectorate from preferably a white team but team is negotiable...I would name it TKO Teutonic Knights Order and it would be ruled by a High Council each with equal vote and majority rule...I have over 1 million enemy KIA's and believe strongly in defending allies and Honor over infra...thanks for the offers to date from some of my friends already and I average 8 new recruits per month so in a year I would expect to be at 1 million NS and 100 members of same discipline and courage...o/ WAR

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I'm not going to post a recruitment thread. But I think you would be a great help to the White Knights Entente. You have experience and you can help our alliance a lot. So If you decided to join our small and new alliance our IRC Channel is: #WKE and our forums are at: http://z8.invisionfree.com/WKE/index.php

I require no aid and give out millions gladly to help new members grow and am Very active on irc, forums and always armed, trained and vigilant in game...I would require a Minister of War position and complete control over alliance defense forces and will die if necessary to insure we stay free...o/ WKE


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I gave you a PM to compliment Jason's post ;)

Jason is cool and has earned my respect many times over and you are top of the list atm...Duncan King has pretty much locked me down as I'm a big fan...I will consider all offers diligently and make my decision soon...White Team is where I'm leaning and DK of Zenith is ahead in the race... B)

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Jason is cool and has earned my respect many times over and you are top of the list atm...Duncan King has pretty much locked me down as I'm a big fan...I will consider all offers diligently and make my decision soon...White Team is where I'm leaning and DK of Zenith is ahead in the race... B)

Thanks, I believe I just made my first friend here :awesome:

No, seriously that means a lot. It takes work...

Good luck whatever direction you go. I won't slam DK as he's my good friend.

EDIT: Spelling <_<

Edited by Jason Salovsky
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I would suggest Zenith. We're definitely not a dictatorship :P, and our leaders are some of the best. One of the most welcoming bunch on CN. I fit right in when I first joined up because these guys are so nice :). Anyway... I'd gladly lay down everything for these guys in a war.



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I would suggest Zenith. We're definitely not a dictatorship :P, and our leaders are some of the best. One of the most welcoming bunch on CN. I fit right in when I first joined up because these guys are so nice :). Anyway... I'd gladly lay down everything for these guys in a war.



TPF is a plus and DK is the sheet...I can't change to white team until the 8th but will do my app asap...One final question do I get to blow up stuff and kill commies for my mommie?

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<_< at unrevealed past exploits revealing themselves once I've retired for the night.

Okay, for the record

1.) Zenith didn't know about Stonewall's past exploits until about 30 minutes ago, quite a bit of time after I pmed him.

2.) Stonewall14 is not a member of Zenith and his application will not be accepted until he deals with his past. I'd suggest he start with DICE.

3.) Stonewall14 is not a DMoFA of Zenith because he's not a member.

4. PM I sent to him after his response to my initial one: http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/d...c/stonewall.png

Once Athens is done with you, Stonewall, look us up, but this isn't our fight. I'd caution all recruiters reading this to steer clear.

Edited by Duncan King
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STA and many other alliances have already offered me positions in their alliance and you did also DK...no idea why you would say different? :awesome: :jihad: :v:


I'm glad my friends are attacking so I can have moar body count and I poached noone from DICe or Athens and on the contrary recruited many members for them...I also love war and am having a blast...friends before infra...o/ TPF


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