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The STA takes on a protectorate

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Everyone deserves a chance to grow. As such, the STA is proud to present the following Protectorate agreement with White Knight Entente.

White Tiger Protection Pact

The undersigned representatives of the Siberian Tiger Alliance (STA) and the White Knight Entente (WKE) agree that in all circumstances, unless certain conditions listed in Sections 2.2, 3.3 and/or 5.1-3 come into effect, that the STA and WKE will enter into the "White Tiger Protection Pact" as outlined in the following.

Article 1

1.1 The STA and the WKE will show respect and good will towards the member nations of each respective alliance.

1.2 This will prohibit flaming, and flame baiting on the CN forums but will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

1.3 Alliance leaders will be expected to alert the other organization party to this agreement should this article ever be infringed upon.

Article 2

2.1 The STA and the WKE will not conduct espionage or aid in espionage against the opposite organization party to this agreement.

2.2 Alliance leaders and representatives will be expected to alert the organization opposite to this agreement should espionage on either party be detected.

2.3 Active espionage against either organization party to this agreement shall render it void.

Article 3

3.1 The STA commits itself to the defence of WKE through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means.

3.2 WKE may commit itself to defend the STA through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means although it is not obliged to.

3.3 Should WKE be attacked for reasons the STA believe were the result of negligence by the WKE, Article 3 will become void.

Article 4

4.1 WKE hereby promises to base itself on the white team and give all its white team votes to a senator of STA's choosing. All members of WKE will be told to vote for this senator every month for as long as this agreement is in effect. The senator may be chosen by STA and may change as long as WKE is informed of the change at the beginning of the elections.

Article 5

5.1 This pact may be cancelled after 5 days notice, which must be received and discussed privately and in a diplomatic manner.

5.2 This pact will expire one (1) month from the day it is ratified by both alliances should WKE not reach 10 members within this month.

5.3 This pact will expire two (2) months from the day it is ratified by both alliances or once WKE reaches 20 members in size, whichever occurs sooner.


Siberian Tiger Alliance

Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland, Supreme Chancellor

Uhtred of Norse, Chancellor

Bzelger of League of Dunces, Consilium Tigris

Lakerzz8 of LakerLand, Consilium Tigris

Pezstar of Pezstaria, Consilium Tigris

Logan Alexander of Rakari, Consilium Tigris

Shodemofi of Christmas Island, Consilium Tigris

White Knight Entente

Kobiashiy, Emperor

The Reccesion, Marshall of Foreign Affairs

Edited by pezstar
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I'm sorry for you STA :/

You can try to fix it and will do the best of anyone yet, I have no doubts.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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I'm sorry for you STA :/

You're sorry that we're giving him the opportunity to grow without being raided? Well... I'm sorry that we're denying you your raid target.

We simply believe that alliances deserve the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of playing with the big boys. Protectorates allow that.

We also believe strongly in second chances. While it's true that the leader of WKE has a reputation for alliance hopping, many in the STA come with their reputations as well. We were given second chances. We are glad to pass those chances onto others.

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You're sorry that we're giving him the opportunity to grow without being raided? Well... I'm sorry that we're denying you your raid target.

We simply believe that alliances deserve the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of playing with the big boys. Protectorates allow that.

We also believe strongly in second chances. While it's true that the leader of WKE has a reputation for alliance hopping, many in the STA come with their reputations as well. We were given second chances. We are glad to pass those chances onto others.

Second chances are a good thing, I strongly agree. But how many chances can you give a single person?

And it wasn't my raid target, one of my members has an unsettled score with him that takes the form of a raid. draov >_>

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I don't see anything wrong with giving an alliance a chance to prove themselves. If Kobiashiy's alliance is not a success then so be it. However, if it does fail then it will not be form not being given the best possible chance to succeed.

I wish WKE the best of luck over the duration of our protection agreement.

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I didn't run when Mogar saved me, and I stayd in IRAN for a month, well 27 days to be exact?

you also didnt tell them you were leaving.. Mogar found out through me

Mogar didnt even know anything about your new alliance.. good show mate

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I talked to him like 2, hours ago.
Session Start: Thu Mar 26 16:19:52 2009

Session Ident: Mogar

01<draov> did kobi complete his terms?

<Mogar> he's still an IRAN member

01<draov> his AA says White Knights Entente

<Mogar> oh

<Mogar> looks like he started a new alliance

<Mogar> i'd talk with STA if you have issues with him still

01<draov> lol

01<draov> you didnt know anything about this new alliance?

<Mogar> no

<Mogar> havent talked to him much

<Mogar> but bbl

01<draov> k

Session Close: Thu Mar 26 17:41:14 2009

you sure about that?

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I hope the leaders of STA realize that people aren't reacting with shock because you are giving someone a second chance. Or because you are giving someone an opportunity to grow. The shock is due to the fact that this is not a second chance, it is a 10th chance. And he's had plenty of opportunities to grow previously.

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