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The Pax Pacifica.


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And brings 3/4 current Pacific Central Nations into accord on each issue.

We welcome Yamato and Palintine as out new Pacific Central Nations as well as Promised Land as a Pacific Holding Nation.

We await your signatures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Elective Dictatorship of Palintine is both confused and alarmed that the nation of Yamato deliberately avoided peaceful negotiations and economic sanctions against the nation of Lu in order to engage them in warfare over an insult. Yamato claims that Lu had agreed to a treaty; yet the treaty they say they have agreed to was never signed by Lu. They announced their intention to sign it, but decided to withdraw in a rather curt and undiplomatic fashion. Yes, Lu did act in a provocative manner; however, the nation of Yamato is going against the very ideals of this treaty by waging a war with Lu, a Pacific nation. We quote the preamble of the Pax Pacific treaty:

This treaty set out to maintain peace in the pacific, allowing them privileges to disarm potential strife and enable greater economic growth within this region.

Yamato, having forgone negotiations and non-violent protests, has declared war with the nation of Lu over the manner in which they rejected the Yamato treaty. Yamato has said that they are willing to come to a peaceful conclusion if the nation of Lu meets the following terms:

However, since we are the older and larger nation, we are perfectly willing to forgive this [insult], if the following terms are kept:

1. Lu apologizes for the public insult.

2. Lu will sign the treaty, of which a new copy will be sent.

3. Lu will hand over Outer Mongolia as a Yamato Protectorate.

Not content with a simple apology for rejecting the treaty, the nation of Yamato wishes to force the treaty and its original terms on Lu. The central nation Palintine as well as the holding nation Dragon Empire have found that Yamato is in violation of the tenants of this treaty; therefore, we are calling for Yamato's expulsion. We are willing to hear Yamato speak and defend their actions.

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Given Lu is NOT in the Pacific, we fail to see how we have violated the tenants of the treaty. In fact, we would consider Palintine a threat, given its superceding Ferrous Pacific Brotherhood MDAP treaty with Tahoe, who is the true threat to peace in the Pacific. We suggest that Palintine know their rightful place.

We vote no for Aiginor's admission, although our vote might change depending on how other members vote.

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OOC: Doesn't say private, so..

IC: We should point out that Palintine's armed forces are one of the weakest in the world and that before allied nations should even reach Yamato they could have dominated and thoroughly destroyed the Palintinian army. We should also point out that Palintine's "rightful place" is in the Pax Pacifica, as they have shown to be clearly more peaceful than Yamato. Also, that Lu is so close to the Pacific should be a concern - up to 500km from the coast is a Pacific nation, and that Lu is barely over that in some places and borders two Pax Pacifica nations - not something you should so blatantly ignore.

It pains us to point these things out when this is not our conference to be at, and that we should be the first to do so.

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Given Lu is NOT in the Pacific, we fail to see how we have violated the tenants of the treaty. In fact, we would consider Palintine a threat, given its superceding Ferrous Pacific Brotherhood MDAP treaty with Tahoe, who is the true threat to peace in the Pacific. We suggest that Palintine know their rightful place.

Oh yes, the nation whose civilians have been non-violently pointing out your questionable political motives for eons and whose government who, despite enormous risk to our own sovereignty, protected your people after what can only be described as the most greed-motivated war in world history is clearly the largest threat to Pacific safety. I shall mobilize the Palintinian armed forces at once to deal with this Palintinian threat. Oh wait. They're currently outside picketing us. Silly me.

Palintine is well aware of its "rightful place." Our rightful place in the Pacific extends to our national borders, and not a foot anywhere else. However, Yamato's "rightful place" is in a different location on Asia every week. When the government of Yamato isn't in a backroom negotiation trying to pressure other nations into giving up land, it is on the national scene trying to sign one-sided treaties with weaker nations. Now it has even gone as far as to declare war on a clearly inferior nation in order to force a treaty on them. Palintine knows where it's "rightful place" is; however, it is perfectly clear to us that Yamato doesn't.

Edited by hawk_11
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The Hanseatic ambassador to Pax Pacifica rose from his seat and bowed.

"I must thank the Artemis representative to bringing this to the floor. Treaties such as Pax Pacifica and the Lady Protector's Pax Hanseatica were created to stabilize the region, not to create a bloc in which to form an empire from. I would implore people to consult their history books. Nations that created blocs for empires most often then not, fail. The Hansa will condemn any nation in Pax Pacifica who attempt to destabilize the region we have so long tired to make a diplomatic center of the world. And to the Yamato Ambassador, do not threaten Palintine. If it were not for them, you wouldn't have a country right now. Mind where you came from."

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"So long as your own ally is willing to talk, we will support your actions. But they are proving to be just as, if not more volatile, than Yamato. Yamato has indicated a willingness to negotiate, but now it is the Yu Empire that is talking of war without negotiations first."

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"My understanding from Lu's statements is that he is only recognizing a state of war and has begun defensive air patrols. There's a faint language barrier and his interpreters are not the best, but that's the impression I'm getting. The rest may be sabre rattling to deter an offense against him. I've seen no actual engagement from him yet of any opposing force. I've asked both sides to tone the rhetoric, declare peace, and come to the table."

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"So long as your own ally is willing to talk, we will support your actions. But they are proving to be just as, if not more volatile, than Yamato. Yamato has indicated a willingness to negotiate, but now it is the Yu Empire that is talking of war without negotiations first."

"Yamato is trying to get land wherever it can however it can and we do not understand why." He lays down a document relating to this issue as an example.

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"Yamato is trying to get land wherever it can however it can and we do not understand why." He lays down a document relating to this issue as an example.

Quite clearly, Yamato is an expansionist power. The Pax Pacifica is not designed to provide cover to expansionist powers, but to promote peace within the region. While The Nation does not cast a vote for or against the removal of Yamato from the Pax Pacifica at this time, it would seem prudent for Yamato to withdraw from this treaty should it choose to continue its current course.

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Glorious Aotearoa calls for the expulsion of the Dragon empire from this Pax, for violating Clause one, with its state of war with Yamato.

I know some of you have called for Yamato's expulsion, and we do agree those actions demand consequence, that nation has not violated any of the clauses of this Pax and there are no grounds for removal.

However, this is a Mutual Defense Pact, and with Yamato as the aggressor, we have no responsibility to defend them.

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"I would vote to expel both parties until the matter is solved. This war is only causing instability in Asia and Pax Pacifica has no need to get involved in a shouting war of civilians and politicians. We will defend our own when the matter surfaces. After it is resolved, we can vote for their membership again."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"Yamato violated this pact first. We are moving to protect our own bloc member bound by treaty. They are exerting aggression in violation of our NAP. We have yet to fire a single shot. They stand down, we'll stand down."

Yamato has not violated this pact. How has it? It has not initiated a state of war with a signatory as you have done.

On the expulsion of the Dragon Empire from the Pax Pacifica

For: 2

Against: 1

"I would vote to expel both parties until the matter is solved. This war is only causing instability in Asia and Pax Pacifica has no need to get involved in a shouting war of civilians and politicians. We will defend our own when the matter surfaces. After it is resolved, we can vote for their membership again."

We have no grounds to expel Yamato, however, as we have clarified, in their case, it is an aggressive war, and we need not get involved.

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