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Unified Royal States Alliance

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Edit: Sorry, I didn't mean a DoE, rather, a long overdue integration into the OWF. Apologies for the misconception.


Charter of the Unified Royal States Alliance


The Unified Royal States Alliance hereby create this charter to establish guidelines by which all members of URSA will adhere, in order to promote fairness, common defense, and general welfare in URSA.

Article I. General Membership

Application to the Unified Royal States Alliance shall be determined by the Minister of the Interior. The Basileus and Minister of War may reject any application within three (3) days of the initial application for membership.

All non-monarch members of the Unified Royal States Alliance are members of the House of Commons and bound by this Charter. Members may not belong to any other alliance of CyberNations while members of URSA.

The Unified Royal States Alliance is a Black team alliance. Any new members with less than 500 strength must switch to the black team, and for everyone else it is optional but strongly encouraged for them to switch, unless they already have a good trade set.

The House of Commons reserves the right to vote upon all Charter amendments and all votes of no confidence.

Any member of the House of Commons may call for a vote upon one of the aforementioned at any time after forty-eight (48) hours of debate has been conducted. Votes shall be held via polls which must be open to the House of Commons for forty-eight (48) hours.

Charter amendments shall be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority and elected officials shall be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) majority in a vote of no confidence. Removal of the reigning monarch from office will require a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote.

Article II. Government

The Basileus is the head of state and government. He shall preside over the alliance as a whole, supervise Ministry activity, represent the Unified Royal States Alliance domestically and abroad, and serve in the best interests of the organization as the chief government representative of the people.

The Minister of War shall perform all necessary functions to ensure the security and defense of the Unified Royal States Alliance. He or she will organize the URSA Royal Guard, determine raid targets, and is URSA's chief general in times of war.

The Foreign Affairs Minister shall represent the Unified Royal States Alliance abroad. He or she shall be charged with negotiating treaties, sending ambassadors abroad, establishing embassies, welcoming ambassadors, and negotiating cease fires.

The Minister of the Interior shall oversee all internal affairs of the Unified Royal States Alliance. The Minister shall supervise trade, the recruitment of new members, the acceptance or denial of new applicants, and perform all necessary functions to maintain appropriate internal policy.

The Minister of Finance shall maintain the financial assets of the Unified Royal States Alliance. The Minister shall administer aid and loans, set up growth boosting programs, oversee tech deals, and perform necessary functions to allow for proper balance of reserve money and growth.

The Minister of Education shall run the Academy and oversee the development of URSA's nations and the education of its new recruits. He or she shall establish a team of mentors to help new members, oversee the Academy forum section, make any necessary changes to guides, be available to answer development questions, and administer the test for new recruits to URSA.

The reigning Basileus shall choose a Basileus to act as a successor if he or she should ever resign from the position. Their chosen successor shall hold all powers of the reigning Basileus in the event that the current Basileus becomes inactive, expect the ability to remove or appoint new Ministers. If the current Basileus is inactive for a month, the successor will gain the full powers of the Basileus.

The reigning Basileus shall choose each Minister from the House of Commons.

Each Minister will remain Minister of their appointed Ministry until resignation, removal by the reigning Basileus, removal by the House of Commons, or if they are inactive for two weeks (i.e. unresponsive to messages in the forums and in CyberNations).

Article III. Senate

The Senate shall consist of the six ministers and the basileus.

The Senate shall vote upon all legislation, upon all documented treaties between the Unified Royal States Alliance and any outside entity, and upon the cancellation of any of the above as necessary.

Any member of the Senate may call for a vote upon one of the aforementioned at any time after appropriate time for debate has been conducted. if a decision cannot be reached through a meeting on IRC, a poll will be made on the URSA forums for votes. Voting will continue until all votes have been counted or until forty-eight hours have passed (twenty-four hours for Declarations of War).

Senate votes shall pass by a simple majority of voters.

Article IV. Vetoes

The Basileus may veto any act passed by the Senate. The Senate may override a veto by a 5-2 majority vote.

Article V. Votes of No Confidence

Any member of the House of Commons may call a vote of no confidence on any elected official or the Basileus, but not the chosen successor for the Basileus. Should a House of Commons member call a vote of no confidence, he should present all evidence of wrong doing of the official in question.

The Basileus shall create a special forty-eight (48) hour polling session within twenty-four (24) hours of the House of Commons member’s request for a vote of no confidence.

Article VI. War

The Unified Royal States Alliance is a peaceful alliance and does not wish to be involved in any wars. However, if war is declared upon itself or upon allies with which URSA has mutual defense pacts or other such treaties, URSA shall go through the proper proceedings to declare war.

If the Unified Royal States Alliance is attacked by another alliance before a vote can take place, the Basileus and the Minister of War may authorize counter attacks against attacking nations until a Declaration of War is voted upon.

If a member of the Unified Royal States Alliance is attacked by a rogue nation the nation will be engaged until a solution is put in place by the War Ministry and the offending nation.

Unified Royal States Alliance members are authorized limited attacks on unaligned, inactive nations. In order for the attacks to be authorized the member must post a topic in the proper War Ministry forum requesting authorization from the Minister of War or Basileus.

Nations available for attack are nations not currently in any alliance, have been inactive for 15 or more days, are not members of the Red or Maroon team and do not have a statement in their nation biography stating that they are back-collecting, not inactive or under the protection of another alliance.

Upon approval by the Minister of War or the Basileus, attacks may commence until either the decision is made by the attacking member to cease attacks, approval for the attacks are revoked by the proper authority, or the nation becomes active again. If such a war against an inactive nation is conducted, something such as the following must be stated as the reason for war: "tech raid, PM for peace."

If Unified Royal States Alliance members attack these nations under their own free will and the attacked nation should become active and commence attacks on such members, they will not receive any sort of aid or support from the Unified Royal States Alliance government or members. If in a sanctioned battle the attacked nation does become active during attacks and refuses to accept peace, the attacking members may continue attacks if they are attacked.

Article VII. Membership Expulsion and Suspension

The Basileus may expel any Unified Royal States Alliance member if the member launches nuclear weapons without authorization except if said launches are in direct response to nuclear attacks on alliance members, in which case the target is limited to the nation who first used nuclear weapons against alliance members. Expulsion can also occur if any of the requirements set forth for new members in the Application Desk are not followed.

The Basileus may suspend the membership and limit the access of any Unified Royal States Alliance member if substantial evidence of treason or sedition can be presented against that member.

* * *

Other information:

We were multicolored but now are switching to the black sphere. We are welcoming black allies for trade partners and perhaps, we can be more than just friends. Any questions, comments, or propositions are always welcome.

Protectorate: Monos Archein

IRC: #URSA on coldfront

Forums: http://www.theursa.tk

Don't hesitate to stop by!

Yours truly, Mister Nikov aka Kalashnikov (on forums and IRC), MoFA of URSA.

o7 and good day.

Edited by Mister Nikov
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I don't mean to rain on your parade, but can you detail what makes your alliance unique compared to the ones that already exist? It might help with your recruitment effort to set yourself apart somehow to cater to Nations who might be looking for that special something that you have to offer.

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I don't mean to rain on your parade, but can you detail what makes your alliance unique compared to the ones that already exist? It might help with your recruitment effort to set yourself apart somehow to cater to Nations who might be looking for that special something that you have to offer.

I think that most, if not all, alliances are pretty much the same... in regards to goals, anyway. What really makes an alliance "different" from one another is their membership. As far as recruitment goes, aiming for as many recruits as possible is rather stupid, but finding people who has the same ideals is not. That's just my two cents.

Good luck to URSA. ;)

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I don't mean to rain on your parade, but can you detail what makes your alliance unique compared to the ones that already exist? It might help with your recruitment effort to set yourself apart somehow to cater to Nations who might be looking for that special something that you have to offer.

Thinking of leaving WAPA, eh VF? :gag:

I believe what you're looking for belongs here not in an announcement aimed at informing people of a new flag/charter/DoE.

EDIT: Oops, forgot, good luck and nice flag URSA. :)

Edited by Mayzie
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Wishing you all the best, may you live long and prosper.


ps: What colour do you aim to represent?

We WERE multicolored, but are now transitional towards the black sphere. I figured that the OWF would be a great place to get help for that. (and also finally get established in CN forums).

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I think that most, if not all, alliances are pretty much the same... in regards to goals, anyway. What really makes an alliance "different" from one another is their membership. As far as recruitment goes, aiming for as many recruits as possible is rather stupid, but finding people who has the same ideals is not. That's just my two cents.

Fair enough. Again, the aim was to satiate curosity, not harm a newly announced alliance. If anything, I hoped to get them thinking about how they would be recruiting in the future.

I believe what you're looking for belongs here not in an announcement aimed at informing people of a new flag/charter/DoE.

Ah, but one should never underestimate the value of a first impression. A DoE is just that. After a time, then the burden of recruitment falls to the PCA forum, but this initial glimpse into an alliance's motives is critical as well.

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