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The Collapse of Association


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The Queen has been assassinated!!

Queen Calan of the nation of Association was assassinated today,when her motorcade was ambushed by an unknown group. The dominant political group Bantu Power claims that it was the Euro rebels. OOC:(descendents of European colonists, often discriminated against) IC: The government is investigating this horrible tragedy as we speak.

OOC: Also, please don't try to help out until I say you can, I have some interesting occurrences planned.


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OOC: Few people here would try to force their help on anyone...

I always force myself on people, I guess thats why I cant get dates. lol.

ic: "I hope the investigation into the death of Queen Calan yield fruitful results. I also hope those responsible are served the justice they deserve." -Prime Minister Kolesnikov

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OOC:It is what is going on. But there would be news crews, so you guys would hear about it.

George Smith sat in the rubble of a burnt out house, with two other Euros. He signaled a man across the street as a troop of Bantu miltiamen began chasing a horde of Euro civillians down the street. The other Euro rebels took up positions, and opened fire. The surviving Bantu ducked behind a pair of burnt out cars and began returning fire. One of George's men cried out and fell down, a spreading stain of red on his shirt.

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OOC: Ok, got it.

IC: ***Classified***

We are hearing disturbing reports coming from the nation of Association. I want this action taken...

***Public announcment***

Due to unspecified reasons, the public at large is forbbidden to travel to the nation of Association. This ban will continue for an indefinite time frame.

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The Bantu troop had been completely wiped out. The Euro civillians that had been fleeing them had taken heavy losses. George pulled a toddler from the arms of its dead mother. " Come on!", he snapped at his men, " We have to get these civillians someplace safe!" His men hurried out of their fighting positions and began directing and assisting the civillians towards their base of operations, an abandoned hotel next to a hospital that had thankfully had some doctors still manning it. As George entered the hotel the doctors swarmed around, evaluating which people had to be treated first and which had injuries too severe to treat.

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OOC: Don't Interfere! You are messing up my RP

From the air it could be seen that the country was literally on fire. The Euro rebels had taken half the country and were putting up fierce resistance to the Bantu army and militia, but they were being enexorably driven back, their weapons supply dwindling.

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