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The Indian Job


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"Any act by Indochina to infringe upon the sovereignty of their neighbors without a full trial and investigation into the incidences which caused this situation will be considered an act of aggression.. and an act of war by Dragonisia. When you can prove your claims, the tables will be turned on the terrorists, this is our guarantee. Unfortunately, the burden of proof lies with the claimant in any sane system of organized justice. I wish to note that any sane intelligence or terrorist organization is going to have a fall person or persons to redirect blame and cause further tragedy. If you wage war against those who are innocent, you only succeed at terrorizing yourself and your own people."

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Among the load was a certain metal ball.....

OOC: In the immortal words of Han Solo, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

IC: As per Mikhail's agreement, security was bolstered around the empire. A small contingent of troops was sent to the Sindh province. The roads to IndoChina were guarded, however, the roads leading into the provence weren't. A coast guard cutter was also sent to observe the waters outside of the Sindh province, while another patroled the coast of Marscury proper. It was a good thing that these things were in place, as things were going to get rough.

In Sindh waters:

"Sir," said the radar operator, "we've got something on screen."

"Well lets's go investigate," said the captain, "it's our job to investigate any and all possible threats." The ship arrived at the location of the smaller boat. "Unknown vehicle," the captain said over the loudspeaker, "you are in closed waters. Turn around and head due SE immediately. We will not ask you again." The boat spead off towards the Sindh coast. The captain got on the radio to a machine gunner.

"Gunner, fire warning shots at the boat. Show them we mean business."

"Aye aye, sir," the gunner said, firing the machine guns in the water next to the boat, which responded by increasing speed and firing RPG's at the ship.

"Oh no! They did not just shoot that at my boat!" the captain yelled. "Main gun, target that boat and fire!" The ships 100mm gun opened up on the boat, which erupted in a ball of flames. When the boat was destroyed, the captain got on the radio to Marscurian military command. "Terrorist attack considered imminant, immediate action advised," the captain radioed.

The message reached the commander in Sindh. Searches were made manditory on all vehicles not only leaving the provence, but also entering. Unfortunatly, the bomb (that's what it is, right?) was already in the provence. At least it would be staying there, unfortunately, it would be staying there.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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Islamabad, Indochina

After the destruction of Lahore in the war, almost all the people of Punjab gathered in this one city, the only one that had some remains of civilization. Yes, over 60 million were cramped into the small plce, but what could they do, since all the borders of the state were closed off to protect others? It was the only choice they got.

And it was the choice to hell.

The terrorists' operational team calculated the timing of the attack to permit them to enter the city with the least chance of detection and to arrive at the maximum opportunity to kill people. Entering Islamabad just as the flood of aid from the Marscurian Empire came in would allow the terrorists to seek the cover of many vehicles crowding the highways. The police might spot check, but the urgency in rushing aid to the people is to keep traffic moving. Detonating the Valkyrie Spear as the turck reached the center of the city gives the greatest chance to have people in the streets. Also, late morning arrivers would be at work by now, so the maximum expected population density for the day should have been achieved.

For the terrorists, the mission is a suicide mission. Those driving the truck will remain in place, acting normal, so those inside the truck can trigger the device before anyone becomes suspicious. Remote detonation of the bomb, or timed detonation, would be too risky. The way to make sure the device explodes is to stay in place and trigger the detonation locally. All terrorists on the weapons delivery mission are vaporized as the weapon detonates.

1 second after detonation

Within the first second, a shock wave with an overpressure of 20 psi (pounds per square inch) extends four-tenths of a mile from ground zero. This destroys the all buildings within that radius. The reinforced steel in the skyscrapers does nothing to support them. Everything within the first four-tenths of a mile from ground zero is reduced to a pile of debris hundreds of feet deep in places. No one in this area survives or even knows what happened to them. The blast kills somewhere between at least 500,000 people instantly. Those outside in direct line with the blast are vaporized from the heat. Those inside the buildings who survive the blast are killed as the buildings collapse.

A mushroom cloud and fireball expand upward. Instantly, all communications that depend on this area for broadcast stop. National television stations and hundreds of radio channels are instantly off the air. Cell phones throughout the region malfunction. Islamabad drops off the world communication map. It is not like the other terrorist attack, where the rest of the world could switch on their televisions and watch live what was happening.

4 seconds after detonation

The shock wave extends for at least a mile with an overpressure of 10 psi at the periphery of this radius. Out to the edge of this ring, all concrete and steel-reinforced commercial buildings are destroyed or so severely damaged that they begin to collapse. The few buildings at the edge of this ring that remain standing have their interiors destroyed. Many of those within still-standing buildings are protected enough to survive the initial blast but are killed by flying debris. As the shock wave spreads out, an additional 500,000 people are killed and 1,000,000 more are injured. Almost no one in this ring escapes injury. Those below ground in the subways will escape this first blast with few injuries, though the loss of electricity may shock the cars to a stop. Blocked exits may trap all subway passengers underground indefinitely.

All power in Islamabad goes out or experiences difficulty. Telephone service stops. There is no radio or television from Islamabad and no information passing to the outside world about the damage or casualties.

6 seconds after detonation

The shock wave expands to 1.5 miles from ground zero. The pressure at the edge of this ring has dropped to an overpressure of 5 psi, enough force to severely damage steel-reinforced commercial buildings. The thermal pulse kills another 150,000 people who were in direct sight of the blast, including virtually everyone on the street at the time of the blast. Some 1,500,000 people in this ring are dead. Another 950,000 within buildings are killed by flying debris or are crushed when the buildings collapse. Of those buildings left standing, about 5 percent burst into flames instantly; within 24 hours virtually all buildings that remain standing catch fire. A conflagration begins at city center.

The outside world has virtually no contact with Islamabad. Panic begins to spread around the country as people watching television or listening to radio begin to realize there is no television or radio available. The first six seconds is too short an interval for government officials in XiaJing to have any real idea what has happened to Islamabad.

10 seconds after detonation

The shock wave expands to a radius of 2.5 miles, but it still carries an impact with an overpressure of 2 psi at the periphery, enough to cause varying amounts of damage to steel-reinforced buildings. An estimated 1,100,000 additional people die instantly as this ring expands, with an additional 2,500,000 casualties as the casualty ratio begins to exceed the kill ratio. Those wearing darker clothes are more severely burned from the thermal pulse. Combustible materials instantly burst into flame. Within 24 hours all buildings that remain standing in this radius will begin to burn out of control as all water service has ceased to function.

16 seconds after detonation

The shock wave expands to a radius of 4 miles with an overpressure force of 1 psi at the edge. Steel-reinforced buildings at the periphery suffer relatively little damage, but as far south as 6 miles the damage is still significant. The impact is being felt across the Punjab into the bordering states. Buildings in the north are hit by enough force to cause flying debris and severe structural damage. Now the deaths and casualties are spread across 30 square miles. There are many fewer deaths in the ring that stretches from 2.5 miles (the 10-second impact periphery) and 5 miles (the 16-second periphery). An additional 150,000 in this further extension of the blast are severely injured.

Radioactive fallout reaching across into Indochina and Rossiyskaya will begin within 24 hours to produce mild sickness for virtually everyone who was outside when the IND was detonated and many inside. The initial symptoms will be vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue. Over the next few days as many as 30 percent of the population with a 10-mile range of the blast will begin to die from a combination of burns, infection and radiation damage to tissue, bone and blood cells. The radiation effects will sweep across New Jersey for dozens of miles, with some seriously affected by radiation sickness as far away as 100 miles from ground zero.

1 hour after detonation

By now word has spread throughout the nation and the world, though the news blackout and the effect on television and radio transmission has led to panic and confusion. The premier has called out the military, but there is no way to enter Islamabad. All roads connecting to the city are either gone or so seriously damaged that they are unusable.

Islamabad has no power, no water, no police, no fire department. No roads in the city center within a five-mile radius of the blast are usable. Roads from the outer circle are filled with debris. Fires are burning out of control. Many injured are trapped in buildings and unable to escape.

Very few find exits from the subways, and when they do exit they emerge into a destroyed city of chaos. There is no telephone service in Islamabad and cell phones will not connect for service.

Pandemonium and fear spread rapidly among survivors. Military helicopters hover overhead, trying to ascertain what has happened.

All airports all shut down. All aircraft heading to the area would be redirected to land at other destinations. The premier would order all aircraft to land as quickly as possible, as the nation's commercial air traffic system is brought to an orderly and quick halt.

Thousands of families and businesses around the country who are aware of the tragedy will begin scrambling to find information about loved ones and business associates who were scheduled to be in Islamabad that day.

By the end of the day

More than 8 million people are dead in Islamabad and another 70 million severely injured. Fewer than 25 percent of the injured will survive longer than a week. The old will die first, along with the very young. Those survivors who can move around will not know what to do. Looting will break out, as will random acts of violence. Thousands will be trapped in elevators, sealed in what are about to become their tombs. Those not at home will be unable to communicate with loved ones, to find out what has happened to husbands, wives and children. For all but a few there will be no words said of "Goodbye" or "I love you."

Soon those who can emerge above the rubble will realize they are on an island with no escape. Who will come to rescue when the radiation will kill all who enter the devastation without protective clothes? The survivors will be homeless, mostly without food or water. There are no hospitals for the injured, and even if there were, there is no way to transport the injured to medical treatment. Darkness and the cold of night will descend with no apparent answers available to anyone.

Disaster recovery will be nonexistent in the first 24 hours as officials in the state government and the federal government realize they cannot get relief and rescue resources into Islamabad as the city begins to burn out of control.

Across Indochina, the nation will come to a stunned standstill of shock and disbelief. Public officials all over the land will call for all police and fire departments to report for duty. Pleas will go out nationwide for milita and military assistance to maintain calm and prevent rioting or looting. No one knows for sure what needs to be done, or if there will be another attack.

In the span of less than one hour, the nation's largest city in the west will have been virtually wiped off the map. Removal of debris will take several years, and recovery may never fully happen. The resulting psychological impact will bring paralysis throughout the land for an indefinite period of time. The Premier may not be able to communicate with the west for days, even weeks, as television and radio systems struggle to come back on line.

No natural or man-made disaster in history will compare with the magnitude of damage that has been done to Islamabad in this one horrible day. Not even all the explosions of the last war would come close.....

OOC: 1.4 megaton bomb, in a highly concentrated refugee city.

Edited by Sumeragi
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A mushroom cloud and fireball expand upward. Instantly, all communications that depend on this area for broadcast stop. National television stations and hundreds of radio channels are instantly off the air. Cell phones throughout the region malfunction. New York City drops off the world communication map. It is not like the other terrorist attack, where the rest of the world could switch on their televisions and watch live what was happening.

ooc: I get the impression this was taken from an official report ^..^

ic: Having detected a nuclear detonation in the nearby region, Indian Dragonisia goes immediately into a Category 1 Radiation alert. In threatened farms and areas dedicated to crops vast acres are covered in tarps and mulch. Existing crops of some produce are harvested to as much as they can be on an emergency basis and the rest is written off as lost for the Insurance industry to deal with as great tarps are spread across the landscape and covered in mulch.. the intent is to capture as much fallout as possible in the 1 inch of added capture material as possible. This is an agricultural industry wide-effort.. this is not simply an organizational or government effort. These procedures are in the Dragonisian Fallout Phaplet guidelines available in any Dragonisian agricultural society or farmer's almanac due to the recent nuclear wars. Later, these tarps will be rolled up to collect the contaminated material atop for disposal.

Open water supplies that can be shielded are covered in their protective metal coverings and also covered in a layer of "collection" material. Geiger counters are deployed to monitor the fallout footprint based on the atomic watchdog's pattern estimates based on previous fallout patterns observed in Rebel Army. All Dragonisian people make immediate efforts to place large, thin, government provided tarps over their homes and structures which do not exceed size limitations for such coverings. Larger buildings and skyscrapers begin to drop curtains down the sides of the towers and place a covering on top. All of these materials are made of disposables such as lightweight plastic.

Hospitals begin to stock treatment materials and Potassium Iodide is distributed to members of the populace thought to be downwind of the air currents.

"Okay, now we're pissed and would like the assistance of the world intelligence community on back-tracking those responsible for these attacks." Was the only announcement from the government.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: I get the impression this was taken from an official report ^..^

OOC: Thanks for pointing that out.

Also: This post has been edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I: Today, 01:53 PM

That's 18 minutes after I posted. Seems like you reconned, KMM.

IC: Somewhere in Sindh

The mission was a success. They have succeeded in the holy war against the invaders that have dirtied the holy motherland. Now, it was time to go into its blossom. They all took the pills, determined to keep the secret.

They wre Pashtuns after all, Pashtuns who worked by themselves.

Edited by Sumeragi
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Somewhere in Sindh

The mission was a success. They have succeeded in the holy war against the invaders that have dirtied the holy motherland. Now, it was time to go into its blossom. They all took the pills, determined to keep the secret.

They wre Pashtuns after all, Pashtuns who worked by themselves.

An aide ran into Mikhail's office and handed him the report of what happened in Islamabad.

"Dear God," Mikhail said, shuttering, "who was it?"

"We don't know sir," the aide said, "but it was probably the same terrorists that perpitrated the last attack."

"How... how many are dead?"

"Over 8 million, and that number is rising very quickly."

"Dear lord. We need to do everything that we can to help these people. I'll send out a message."

Mikhail went into his press room and gave his following orders:

"My people, the worst attack that many of us has seen in our lifetime has just been perpetrated against innocent civilians and refugees. A nuclear blast was set off by cowardly terrorists in the Indochinese city of Islamabad. Current figures indicate that over 8 million people are dead, and hundreds of thousands are dying every day. It is our job as decent human beings to do everything we can for these people. As of now, I am ordering 90% of all army medics, along with every civilian doctor who volunteers, to don radiation gear and travel to the Sindh province. There, they will travel to a refugee camp on the border, where they will be treating radiation, burn and any other injuries that may have been sustained. I am also ordering 1/2 of our aerial firefighting vehicles to travel to the province to help control the fires raging in Islamabad. Also, any tents, field hospitals or prefabricated structures the military has availible, will be sent to house refugees. This order is effective immediately."

With that, over 1,000 medics and 2,500 civilian doctors and nurses were transported to the border camp. The vehicles made their way north as well. Drawing water from the Indus River, and Keenjhar Lake, they constantly flew runs over the city, stopping only to refuel or change crew. Everyone would be doing their jobs, and hopefully, they could save some lives.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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Southern Altin Urda

The fallout from the nuclear explosion was spreading north, inching toward Tajikistan. The government ordered a full-scale evacuation of the area, in hope that as many people as possible would not be affected.

However, the Hizb ut-Tahrir tried to veto the move, for they believe that Islam was destined to rule the now depopulated area to the south.

A statement was released by the Khan:

"We support Indochina in their war against terroism."

Edited by Sumeragi
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OOC: Official report? More like some fiction.

Also, megatonne range (thermonuclear, hydrogen, fusion etc) weapons require WRC to build. I would say the best you could get your hands on is 500KT.

And finally, read what you copy and paste, several of the sentances seem glaringly pathaetic.

No natural or man-made disaster in history will compare with the magnitude of damage that has been done to Islamabad in this one horrible day. Not even all the explosions of the last war would come close.....

.... Which was nuclear.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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Due to the enormous scale of these attacks, IndoChina will clear the Solarein Federacy as a prime suspect. The Ultimatum has been canceled, although a response will be... helpful.

The strike in Islamabad has destroyed all that remained of Dilberian glory. As the last great Pashtun city fell, the Pashtun culture fell with it. With the death of every Pashtun, IndoChina becomes more Chinese.

Since Islamabad was in the plateaus, radioactive fallout swept over India, destroying everything in their path. As the full situation dawned on authorities, they were suddenly enlightened. It was the folly of nationalist terrorists, blind in their pride, destroying their own cities. Although aid will not trickle off, all IndoChinese claims to any parts of Pakistan are hereby renounced.

But there was one more link:

Using tracer and composition marking, the fissile material in the nuclear weapon can be traced to where it was mined, early in it's process of refining. Soon, the evidence was clear... the fissile material was from....Nordheim.


It seems that the Islamabad terrorist attack was made with Nordheim fissile material. Please explain yourselves.

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OOC: Official report? More like some fiction.

Also, megatonne range (thermonuclear, hydrogen, fusion etc) weapons require WRC to build. I would say the best you could get your hands on is 500KT.

And finally, read what you copy and paste, several of the sentances seem glaringly pathaetic.

.... Which was nuclear.


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OOC: Niko, you can't trace uranium like that.

@ LVN: Who care about the yield in this case? It's not war.

OOC: Actually sumeragi, uranium can often be traced back to individual reactors through publicly available impurity isotope ratios. Nations keep tight tabs on WMDs and their components.

Second, It would reduce the casualties by at least a factor of three, more likely to be nine.

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*Message to all involved*

"Our apologies to everyone but with the detonation of a nuclear device we can not sit by any longer and every single one of our transports will now be entering the Federacy to begin search for any connections to the terrorists as well as to provide security. We apologise for such actions but we can not just sit by any longer"

With the message sent the transports begin to storm ahead for the Federacy at Flank speed.

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With the destruction of Islamabad, the White Cross will begin launching investigations and passing legislation to begin sending aid to the people of Indochina for them to recover from such a heinous terrorist attack. The hearts of the world go out to the people effected by this attack and any internal strive that follows.

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After a Long leave of abscess of the leader of the Solairen Fedracey finally sends reply to all the nations and thanks to all the other nations that aided us in out time of carelessness.

To Indo China:

We do apologize for the late response, but we had no part in you terror bombing, we could not have as we are currently busy building out nation, but to our discredit we have had a serious trouble with crime and again to our discredit our security teams have been unable to deal with it and has been quite sloppy with their equipment and their methods, they have been discipled and ejected from our security forces.

We dispatched some medical supplies and other forms of materials but we believe this was intercepted by a terror organization that we have yet to identify, again we apologize but have had no part of this attack on your nation, we will send any aid you request but my Nations needs come first.

To Helzan:

We extend our thanks to the Helzan nation, we also thank you for the support and our emergency services are taxed beyond their limit for medical care and security, also we are not capable of dealing radiation sickness so if your troops enter your lands please understand we cannot care for them if they contract radiation sickness, but we will do what we can to help them, and again thank you.

To Slavorussia:

I would to thank your nation also, again as with the Helzan nation we will do our best to provide care and support to your troops, but also again we cannot help them with nuclear fallout, but again Thank you for your support.

To All involved:

The Solairen nation is peaceful, we would never condone actions of terrorism, it is low and dishonorable. We are a Nation that seeks nothing more to keep its own, but we do wish for other nations to feel that we are helpful and trustworthy, we take it it as a direct insult that we have been accused of these actions, but we will send as to nations as we can.

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OOC: Actually sumeragi, uranium can often be traced back to individual reactors through publicly available impurity isotope ratios. Nations keep tight tabs on WMDs and their components.

Second, It would reduce the casualties by at least a factor of three, more likely to be nine.

OOC: 1. Isn't that supposing there are anything left after the explosion? Plus, I figure Niko, even with his tech share, wouldn't be that ahead in nuclear tech.

In short: Given the circumstances, Niko wouldn't find out where the bomb came from.

2. Niko wants mass deathes. As I said, who cares if all the people involved are happy?

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OOC: 1. Isn't that supposing there are anything left after the explosion? Plus, I figure Niko, even with his tech share, wouldn't be that ahead in nuclear tech.

In short: Given the circumstances, Niko wouldn't find out where the bomb came from.

2. Niko wants mass deathes. As I said, who cares if all the people involved are happy?

OOC: 99% of the fissile material in a bomb is not converted to energy, what do you think fallout is? Its the 99% of the radioactive material in the bomb being spread around.

And, nuclear material tracking has been around since at least 1945, (isotopic ratio tracking at least), so anyone can find out the exact reactor where it came from.

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