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The 1,200

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Nations of the world,

Recently numerous super-cool alliances (who I will now refer to as The 1,200) have gone to war with a somewhat smaller number of not-so-cool alliances. This has caused a large amount of outrage among the more vocal members of these alliances for whatever reason. In response, I have but three words for them:


I, like many others, have been on the wrong sides of wars before. This is just your turn. Better luck next time, guys! I'm having fun right now, and so should you. Big wars like this only happen every so often, enjoy it while it lasts! Since you guys are apparently so skilled at warfare, this should just be an extra challenge. 2:1 aren't bad odds, you know. It's only when you hit 2.5:1 that things get bad!

I feel that these images tell the story of The 1,200 well enough:


Well that's the only image. I couldn't summon the creativity to make more incredibly smug images such as that. If anyone in The 1,200 wants to make some, I'll gladly put it in here. Otherwise I'll go recycle some more MK propaganda in a bit.

Later dudes!

Fake edit: Imagine this ad is an ad for us, and not the Ukrainian army while you watch it. Thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH_E6YSQqTo

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o/Lafayette Escadrille

o/The Fellowship

o/Crimson Empire

o/Common Defense Treaty




o/Bantuan Operasional Sekolah

o/The 4077th

o/Red Gaurd

The 1,200 are on the boat, and if your not here......sukz for you.........MUCH LOVE 1,200. MUCH LOVE 600..


I thought yalz pic was cool i'm just using it :P

Edited by Damian55
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o/Lafayette Escadrille

o/The Fellowship

o/Crimson Empire

o/Common Defense Treaty




o/Bantuan Operasional Sekolah

o/The 4077th

The 1,200 are on the boat, and if your not here......sukz for you.........MUCH LOVE 1,200. MUCH LOVE 600.

I have a question for the Initiative/1200- Are you actually including UN in your group? I know you guys, you are all smarter then that. Wanna clarifiy?

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I have a question for the Initiative/1200- Are you actually including UN in your group? I know you guys, you are all smarter then that. Wanna clarifiy?

Ceasar chill bro. Peace love and harmony.

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Seriously, I've been on the wrong side of curbstomps before, you know what? I lived. TE and TPF did a perfect blitz on RE last night, so just acknowledge we got you and get us next time.

Well put :)-_-

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It's pretty sad you guys had to use our idea. I thought you were the initiative? Oh right, you don't think for yourselves that's why you're all bandwagoning :D

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Seriously, I've been on the wrong side of curbstomps before, you know what? I lived. TE and TPF did a perfect blitz on RE last night, so just acknowledge we got you and get us next time.
Hey, let's stop this right here. Initiative did outmanuever us, I'll admit it. We should have seen this coming. Yeah, it does kinda stink to be beat down by a group that outnumbers you almost 2:1, but whatever. Let's be honest, we've all been on both sides of a curbstomp, we all know how it feels. Let's have a good war, with no hard feelings, and move on, ok? TE was getting boring anyways, this has spiced it up. Keep it civil, we all have friends and lulz on both sides.

P.S. I exclude the backstabbing and cowardly UN from this message of reconciliation.

If you read that, you'll see that I complimented the iniative on their planning and skill, and I noted that we've all been on the wrong side of a curbstomp before and told everyone on our side to get over it. So please don't accuse me of not acknowledging their success.

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It's pretty sad you guys had to use our idea. I thought you were the initiative? Oh right, you don't think for yourselves that's why you're all bandwagoning :D

Bro chill, its a joke, and this is a game, we :wub: yall, its just a joke, :popcorn:

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Bro chill, its a joke, and this is a game, we :wub: yall, its just a joke, :popcorn:

If you call me bro one more time I swear to god. I'm a GIRL.

My post was a joke too, chill out.

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If you read that, you'll see that I complimented the iniative on their planning and skill, and I noted that we've all been on the wrong side of a curbstomp before and told everyone on our side to get over it. So please don't accuse me of not acknowledging their success.

lol, 2;1 is not a curb stomp, i would gladly welcome those odds against a few nations attacking me, last round we had 5 to 1...Now thats a curb stomp :P

Really though, i'm glad to fight with you guys, its fun and i have yet to get a bad pm from anyone. However the UN thing is getting old ;)

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Yes indeed, last round I had 6 war slots full for 3 weeks. Now those were poor odds.

Perhaps konvictman would have a different view - if everyone had responded like him the outcome of this could have been very different (that's a compliment going out to you konvictman - nicely played).

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Hey....Crimson...Fark...and Aztec were all alliances that I considered friends. Whom I would of never taken up arms against. The only thing that leaves me to pause. Is wtf are you gents going to do when you curbstomp us and MHA and RE ? Your all allied. What you ferries were complaining about of oooo the world is allied and boredom...you will have plenty of. All the top alliances are allied now. So no that statement was not made for you Kaiser.

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Hey....Crimson...Fark...and Aztec were all alliances that I considered friends. Whom I would of never taken up arms against. The only thing that leaves me to pause. Is wtf are you gents going to do when you curbstomp us and MHA and RE ? Your all allied. What you ferries were complaining about of oooo the world is allied and boredom...you will have plenty of. All the top alliances are allied now. So no that statement was not made for you Kaiser.

I considered you all friends too. Hence why at the start of the round I approached you for a treaty. Then we never heard a reply from you guys for weeks on end. Then we learned word of a plot to draw out allies of ours in a conflict and thus draw us out into it. Which lead me to believe there were some plots going on on your end that would have ultimately caused harm to AZTEC. Therefore I took measures to prevent that from happening and ensure the safety of my alliance.

I don't hold any ill will towards you or GDA. But I had to do what I had to do to secure my alliance.

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It's pretty sad you guys had to use our idea. I thought you were the initiative? Oh right, you don't think for yourselves that's why you're all bandwagoning :D

On the other hand, to be like the initiative we'd have to give out obscene surrender terms for thought crimes, before declaring on one another.

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o/Lafayette Escadrille

o/The Fellowship

o/Crimson Empire

o/Common Defense Treaty




o/Bantuan Operasional Sekolah

o/The 4077th

Few things... How long did it actually take you too write that list?!? That must have sucked... you should get checked for carpal tunnel.

I love the addition of the 2 "we're just in this war we're not actually doing anything"

I also love how high UN was placed on that list lmfao

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Few things... How long did it actually take you too write that list?!? That must have sucked... you should get checked for carpal tunnel.

I love the addition of the 2 "we're just in this war we're not actually doing anything"

I also love how high UN was placed on that list lmfao

Wow, yo went that far back in the topic just to find that.....THAT must have sucked, but anyways i'm not gonna argue or say anything your hoping ill say, i'm the bigger man, and i'm above that

P.S. I like how high UN is placed on that list too :)

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Wow, yo went that far back in the topic just to find that.....THAT must have sucked, but anyways i'm not gonna argue or say anything your hoping ill say, i'm the bigger man, and i'm above that

P.S. I like how high UN is placed on that list too :)

It was only one page back.

On topic, I'm dealing with it quite well. Though somehow I found a competent UN nation who did better than two Red Guard nations.

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In a show of support for Fark, and as a effort to conserve thread space on the forums, VoC requests "The 1200" be changed to "The 1211".

The East India Company activates the Optional Aggression part of our MDoAP with Fark.

Signed for the East India Company,



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