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The nation of Scorpio is a tech selling con. He offered 3 million in aid to Slayer of TPF yet re-neged (Thanks Willb) on the deal and proceeded to declare two offensive wars while threatening a red nation.

To: The AUT From: mreee Date: 3/1/2009 7:37:05 PM

Subject: RE: Hey

Message: msg from scorpio.

I see you have read my email, but you haven't accepted my peace. Therefore I know that you will attack me tommorow, otherwise you would have accepted. Then you will tell me to offer peace.

Of course, if you attack me tommorow, naturally I will attack you back... then I will offer you peace again. Then you will attack me etc, etc, and this will continue in a circle with no end until both our nations (although ultimately mine before your's) will decline crumble. Do you really want that?

Accept my peace now, I have a uselful friend who has nukes at his disposal. I promise that if we make peace, I will delete my nation on the 7th of March (that's when my aid offers expire). If I don't, you are free to attack my nation.

The useful friend I mentioned? He is on my side now, but when he realises that I haven't given him the technology I was supposed to spend the $3,000,000 on, they will not be doing me any favours. In fact, I think he said he'd nuke me.

Such behavior is unacceptable and as a result he has been put on Soldier's ZI list. Having wasted 3 mil and 50 tech on this individual's selfish actions we feel this is the best course of actions while not pursuing him across rerolls.

I ask no one aid nor engage in tech deals with him.

Thank you.

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Is it necessary to put someone on a PZI list for such a minor offense? We have people who don't go through with techdeals all the time, just because they are new to the game and make mistakes. We don't even attack them once - because quite frankly that won't achieve anything and is just a further waste of resources.

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Is it necessary to put someone on a PZI list for such a minor offense? We have people who don't go through with techdeals all the time, just because they are new to the game and make mistakes. We don't even attack them once - because quite frankly that won't achieve anything and is just a further waste of resources.


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Is it necessary to put someone on a PZI list for such a minor offense? We have people who don't go through with techdeals all the time, just because they are new to the game and make mistakes. We don't even attack them once - because quite frankly that won't achieve anything and is just a further waste of resources.

Its a ZI, not a PZI. ZI = zero infra, PZI = zero infra for every nation this person creates in the future.

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Its a ZI, not a PZI. ZI = zero infra, PZI = zero infra for every nation this person creates in the future.


ZI: Zero Infractructure one time for that single nation.

PZI: Permanent Zero Infrastructure for that single nation.

EZI: Eternal Zero Infrastructure for that nation and any rerolls of that nation.

Edited by Gatherum
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Is it necessary to put someone on a PZI list for such a minor offense? We have people who don't go through with techdeals all the time, just because they are new to the game and make mistakes. We don't even attack them once - because quite frankly that won't achieve anything and is just a further waste of resources.

Some times it takes a tough love punishment to teach a les son.

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If you were to read the OP, you would notice that AUT mentioned a ZI list - which is generally done for PZI and EZI, since nations are generally not forgotten quickly during one-time ZI. This is further confirmed when AUT mentioned that they will not chase him across re-rolls, which means it is one step away from EZI, which is PZI.

Its a ZI, not a PZI. ZI = zero infra, PZI = zero infra for every nation this person creates in the future.

What Gatherum said.

Some times it takes a tough love punishment to teach a les son.

Not sure if new nations check the OW forum for tough punishments such as these before making tech deal mistakes.

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Starcraftmazter, we do what is necessary. How do you know we did not teach this member the ways, and he still renigged on a tech deal. Not only that, but to you 3 million may be nothing, but to us 3 million is quite an amount.

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The list of offenses are as follows:

1. Attacking an unaligned nation and an ODN nation.

2. Admitting he will not pay the tech deals due to his irresponsible actions.

3. Threatening to use the force of a TPF nation to destroy the defending nation.

It's apparent he did this all for cheap laughs. It personally cost me 3 million and 100 tech for this person's actions and he believes it is as simple as deleting on the 7th of March. I don't take ZI lightly, I'd be the last person too, but at some point it has to be enforced.

And SCM, difference is our new members know not to raid while tech dealing. Your exaggerations is rather weird. I made it clear this nation will go to ZI not P-ZI.

Edited by The AUT
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