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Mr. Teets

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In celebration of Valhalla's 2nd birthday, Aetherius Princeps and myself decided to do a little something special for them. We visited them on IRC, and previous happy birthday's had been said, showing members were, in fact, active in there. We decided to sing a duet to them, we sang “Happy Birthday.”

To our dismay, the only response we received was

<%oinkoink12> Heh :D

<%oinkoink12> thanks

Seeing as we took time out of our day to wish them such a happy birthday, and AP even strained his voice doing so, with nearly no response at all. Since more “meaningful” actions were not taken, we see it only fitting that The Quartet -2 will declare war on Valhalla.

AP and myself will not rest until we have completely obliterated Valhalla in all of its entirety.

If Valhalla chooses to surrender, then at least one government member must enter the QT-2 channel (#quartet-2) and sing the first chorus twice through of "Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey. They must make sure that at least one of the attacking parties is present during the song and listening as well.


PS. Here is your birthday cake AP made for you. >_<

PSs. no hard feelings guyz ^_^

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"Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey.

I don't know this one, sorry. Guess it'll be war then.

Could prolly sing "I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls, but you'd have to still war us then. I wouldn't expect you to cheapen your selves by accepting a surrogate song.

Besides, bringing war to Valhalla is prolly the best present we could ask for =)

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Have fun with it? And I'm sure this will become a "but it is GW number x" argument. Also, did a hippo or something eat that cake? No wonder Valhalla didn't want your offerings. ;)

EDIT: Fail spelling is fail.

Edited by Salmia
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"Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey.

I don't know this one, sorry. Guess it'll be war then.

Could prolly sing "I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls, but you'd have to still war us then. I wouldn't expect you to cheapen your selves by accepting a surrogate song.

Besides, bringing war to Valhalla is prolly the best present we could ask for =)

i am sorry, but these terms are going to be held firm. nothing less than what was mentioned above will be accepted.

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In after we never had GW4 and GW5 yet. :P

Also hi Teets, long time no see. How's it going?


well obviously things could be better, up until now i thought we had REAL allies who appreciated us, clearly that is not the case here, its too bad really...


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I knew a Great War was too much to hope for these days.

If Valhalla chooses to surrender, then at least one government member must enter the QT-2 channel (#quartet-2) and sing the first chorus twice through of "Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey.

I love this song :P

Not really, but maybe...

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