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A New Alliance : WOG Squad begins to form


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A One Man Alliance may not appear to have anything going for it. Barack Obama's ascendancy to President of the United States, Nelson Mandela's leadership of South Africa or Martin Luther King's Dream all began as the alliance of one, and spread to encompass a generation in their ethos.

Peace, Diplomacy and Justice for all regardless of previous prejudices are the aims of my alliance. I expect more people with the same goals to join my fledgling nation in it's pilgrimage towards the goals of humility with humour and the freedom of thought and speech for all.

Let all those who's goals are similar come and join in friendship with me, and together we can build a new direction for this universe, one that eschews nuclear weapons, sends out it's members to talk to all those who wish to listen and provides a solid supporter to the downtrodden backed with limited force as a last resort after the exhaustion of diplomacy, an alliance that seeks to use humour and discourse as it's offensive weapons.

We must strive to be an honest broker, a go between for disputes that seem intractable; A satirist of the arrogant and foolish and a staff for the misguided. In a world in which one superpower reigns supreme, checks and balances need not be force of arms, but the sweet sound of laughter.

I look forward to comment, and others to join with me. I would ask that any alliance that seeks to see peace and freedom prosper alongside hilarity would offer protection and financial support to my alliance to allow it to grow unfettered by warfare and assault, remnants of the dark ages of this planet and a savage past to which we must have no wish to return.

I seek not to lead but to serve.


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does this have to do with the WOGS of GOONS?

WOGS are my people's ancestors, my nation was built by hand from driftwood by peace loving citizens that fled the destruction of the Former British Republic of Bongrovia, hideously mutated by the radiation from the rain of nuclear weapons that fell upon it. Seeking only to build a peaceful nation after being taught such a harsh lesson which has been passed down through the generations of nomadic arab-berber peoples until the now variously African fathers of LykeWake founded their nation only a few days ago. Wishing to avoid any conflict, and to pass on the lessons learned by their ancestors, this alliance has been formed in their memory.

Edited by thewanderer
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Well Crushtina and Thunderstruck (IE Ada) told me that Wogs where Brits in Austrillia?

WOG is not to be used as a derogatory label, but a sense of brotherhood. Over 250,000 of my ancestors died in a rain of nuclear fire, some were British, some American, some Aztec and many of other ethnicities. One truth remains that guided them all : Time comes and goes but WOGs stay eternal.

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It is great to see a nation/alliance advancing peace and diplomacy in a cyberverse such as ours. However, I can't help but wonder if you might find an existing alliance (or several) that share your values and have already organized around them. The Green Protection Agency (GPA) comes to mind, as does the Nations of Ascended Honor (NOAH).

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Your ancestors you say??? Your great great grandfather pilgrim was a wonderful man.

His last words were passed down through my family and so to this day we still practice the ancient ritual of Lemonparty with the Al-Multicre family at our side in the hope that we may one day witness again the pastures of Soviet Canuckistan. Truely this is the day of the second coming. The Al-Multicre people may now seek to found their own nation, and the ancient members of the Al-Binnay tribe still inhabit our northern uplands and may wish also to join us in fraternal brotherhood, although communications are currently weakened.

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It is great to see a nation/alliance advancing peace and diplomacy in a cyberverse such as ours. However, I can't help but wonder if you might find an existing alliance (or several) that share your values and have already organized around them. The Green Protection Agency (GPA) comes to mind, as does the Nations of Ascended Honor (NOAH).

Our ways are those of the nomadic barbarian, since the destruction of our temples and cities we have grown unaccustomed to the trappings of civilization and we would appear uncultured to those of high and noble birth. We seek only to offer the hospitality of the caravan, the campfire of burning dung and the peace of a good coffee and debate.

I fear an existing alliance would not accommodate kindly the nature of our blood oaths either nor the sacred practices of Me-atspin and Lemonparty which all must remain private to us as part of our religious practice.

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His last words were passed down through my family and so to this day we still practice the ancient ritual of Lemonparty with the Al-Multicre family at our side in the hope that we may one day witness again the pastures of Soviet Canuckistan. Truely this is the day of the second coming. The Al-Multicre people may now seek to found their own nation, and the ancient members of the Al-Binnay tribe still inhabit our northern uplands and may wish also to join us in fraternal brotherhood, although communications are currently weakened.

Best of luck, dear friend. Your people will always be welcome in Soviet Canuckistan, may our ancient bond never falter.

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Best of luck, dear friend. Your people will always be welcome in Soviet Canuckistan, may our ancient bond never falter.

If sweaty nomads are acceptable in your halls and those of the Mushroom Kingdom, I may call in soon for a parley, I will bring the leader of the Al-Multicre Clan with me.

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Let all those who's goals are similar come and join in friendship with me, and together we can build a new direction for this universe, one that eschews nuclear weapons, sends out it's members to talk to all those who wish to listen and provides a solid supporter to the downtrodden backed with limited force as a last resort after the exhaustion of diplomacy, an alliance that seeks to use humour and discourse as it's offensive weapons.

sounds boring, i prefer bloodshed, but good luck with that.

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