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I need some money...

I just need some to grow cause I am extrememly new and cashless.

3 million is fantastic but I doubt I can get that so any amount is fine...

I mean even $1 but try to help a newbie in need cause I really need some help at the beginning

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Starting a new nation and I'm new to the game, requesting aid to be able to stop my people from yelling. My nation can be found here: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=219051

Hoping to have some good news, any helpful advice on playing would be great in a PM or something.

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I'd like someone to give me 3 mil and 50 tech for free whenever I have a free aid slot...without asking me to pay back. I need the money in order to buy more infra and military and spies and wonders and everything.

500 tech will be nice :D

or 30 mil + 500 tech is even better.

30 mil is also okay.

And if you're really nice, you'd arrange to have 15mil sent to me and 45 mil sent to my alliance every 10 days.

PM me if interested.

I'm a good investment...I'll offer you services in return in the form of thank-you pms.

Edited by XRCatD
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I'm requesting 100,000, hopefully someone will give it to me soon. I need it to get back on my feet. It's been a while since I've last played and would like to start off where I left off. 100,000 should do the trick, I'm not very demanding, nor am I asking for much. And I promise to pay back every single cent to whomever gives me aid. Thank you.

Edited by Prevalis
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I am requesting $2,000,000 to improve my nation's infrastructure, technology, and military. Our population density per mile is about 11.22, so i want to improve our infrastructure to bring more people to our nation. All we have is soldiers, no other equipment or tools such as airplanes or tanks. We also are in desperate need for permanent trade partners. We have furs and wine, but need two trade partners with aluminum, coal, iron, lumber, marble and lead. Any combination of the listed resources would be great.


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I'm a new nation and would infinitely appreciate just some simple start-up aid! Any amount will be appreciated, and seven-figure numbers aren't necessary! At the least though I'd like at least 500K to get my nation off the ground. Thank you so much!

Edited by taeniano
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Hi, I'm relatively new to the game but I understand it pretty well. Starting was difficult though naturally, because I made all the mistakes and it seems a few new ones (kept Threat Level at severe for awhile because I was nervous of enemy spies... <_< ) So far I've for the most part corrected all those little mistakes, and I'm trying to set up my infra boost.

I need about 2mill to be set, and I would be deeply appreciative of any aid that can be floated my way out of the goodness of your heart :P This will really set me on the right track in CN!

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As a new nation I bet many people rember being low on cash. Now I am one of these nations. I request about 100,000-500,000 starter money because I really low on cash. I may not be able to pay it back though so pm me ingame if you find charity in your hearts.


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