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In CNRP size is a measure of actual strength. Comparing Gulf War V1.0 to CNRP, we can define Iraq as a high infra, extremely low tech army with a low Nation Strength and no wonders and improvements and USA as a high infra, high tech army with a high Nation Strength, lots of wonders and war improvements.

Can the analogy really be used here? LOL

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I know that we currently have ERP and CNRP but I was wondering what the community would think of a fantasy CNRP setting. By this I don't mean elves, dwarfs and dragons etc but more like medival CNRP. I intend to find out interest for this idea and then I shall draft up a set of guidelines and information if enough people would like to do so. So if you are interested just let me know either here or in PM's.

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It probably has something to do with my magnificent beard.

Oh, sure...I can see it...oh, wait, no I can't. I can't see through teh internetz... :P

Is there anywhere empty enough that I could safely test a hydrogen bomb?
Space. :P

Or the moon... :P nah, jk. But space would probably be the best place to test it, as Ubie says.

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Mars, just make sure you don't hit someone's colony base there.

Nah, then I'd have to wait for it to get there :P. I was going to hit the moon with it though if there wasn't anywhere ground side. The flash should be visible, right?

Edited by iKrolm
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Nah, then I'd have to wait for it to get there :P . I was going to hit the moon with it though if there wasn't anywhere ground side. The flash should be visible, right?

Well, you'll want to be careful...you don't want to blow the moon apart... :P jk, yeah, the flash would probably be visible, especially if you have a satellite observing it when it hits.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Well, you'll want to be careful...you don't want to blow the moon apart... :P jk, yeah, the flash would probably be visible, especially if you have a satellite observing it when it hits.

Moon fragments, that sounds like good news for nations who plan or have built their moon colonies or have satellites. Anyways, the bomb would have to be faraway from all satellites. Otherwise, somebody is going to be pissed when they suddenly lose communication connection to their $1 billion satellite.

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Moon fragments, that sounds like good news for nations who plan or have built their moon colonies or have satellites. Anyways, the bomb would have to be faraway from all satellites. Otherwise, somebody is going to be pissed when they suddenly lose communication connection to their $1 billion satellite.

I think the moon is far enough...and I don't think this bomb would blow the moon apart. That was just a joke. ;)

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H bomb in the moon!!! I have a robotic explorer vehicle on moon surface and a satellite orbiting the moon!! Test it elsewhere!! Why dont you just test it underground or over the seas?

Over the seas where? :P The world's gotten awfully populated... Anyway, IC I'm sure my scientists will have found a location well away from any country's robots and there shouldn't be much of an EMP, correct? (Pretty close to the edge of earth's effective magnetic field.)

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Redoing http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1961872 with today's numbers, as I've noticed Merger's stats changed slightly.


First, let me say: He still did not edit the 750,000 soldiers and 7,500 tanks he has.

Total Population: 102,903 Supporters

minus Number of Soldiers: 17,149 (36,005)

equals 85,754

times 0.8 equals 68,603

So Merger gained an astounding 908 (or, in character, 9,080) soldiers by decomming all his guerilla camps.

Mergerberger is thus still fielding 63,970 more men than he can as well as 640 more tanks than he can.

Franz still has roughly the same amount of soldiers as before, no great changes. 591,096 soldiers and thus 5,911 tanks.

My stats are the same, too.

Centurius and Shadowsage are contributing, though. Let us do the math for them.


Total Population: 132,337 Supporters minus Number of Soldiers: 41,166 (80,027) equals 91,171 times .8 equals 72,936.8.

This translates into 729,368 soldiers and 7,294 tanks that he can field. According to an earlier RP post, he's sending ~300,000 men.

His tech is 3,129.71 without a WRC, and he thus has a TE of 1.313, somewhat better than Franz, but worse than Merger.


Total Population: 101,300 Supporters minus Number of Soldiers: 17,289 (39,928) equals 84,011 times .8 equals 67,208.8

672,088 soldiers and 6,721 tanks is what Cent can field. He's sending 9*1,900 or so, which is 17,100.

TE is, due to lack of WRC, 1.260 at 2,600.67 tech.

I'm not going to estimate what country they would equal in IRL, because that's just silly. I'll say, however, that none of them is Iraq, as they all have at least year 2000-tech or better.

Now, to another point: Godmodding.

A number of points have already been addressed by Sarah earlier today in her GM position, and I'm sure the other GMs will agree on the points she made.

(Namely: Deliberately RPing Franz' soldiers; claiming he won battles against Franz when those weren't even RPd; Not waiting for a proper response until breaking through enemy lines; The sheer impossibility of conquering this much land in such a short time; And others that I probably missed)

I will address some others.

For example, Spy Ops.

The Dutch Computer Warfare Division of the Armed Forces initiated attacks on the Lübeckian defensive communication and detection systems, including attempts to disrupt satellites and to make communications among military folk impossible. The goal was to shut down all Lübeckian communications, including civilian ones, everything electronic had to go. The goal also included attempts at gaining information on the Lübeckian government, though this was of lesser priority.

Spy Operations disrupt communications, sure. Not all of them, though. Radio is unstoppable unless you can get really powerful scramblers in. Landlines are incredibly hard to disrupt, too, unless you know where they are.

That said, while the operation was successful, how exactly did Merger's men get into Lubeckian military systems? If it's a closed system, then he can't get in that easily, even with successful rolls on his side. Imo, this needs better RP.

The result would be that Franz' forces are slowed, but they would in no way be made ineffective. They'd just react more slowly.

Also, laser-comms (though those work only in line-of-sight) and even messenger pidgeons would get around the disruption of communications. Potentially, lol.

To disrupt literally everything, much more RP would be needed imo.

Also, the map.

Oh god, the map.

Merger, you are aware that you had to cross more than one river to get to the first "front" on your map? Or did you, like Martens, just drive into the river?

You need to RP such things. Sure, there's bridges. Not all are made for military vehicles, though. You also basically ignored the hundreds of islands of Denmark. You are aware that Franz could now just RP having troops there with anti-ship missiles and sink your entire navy that assists the Marines without a big effort?

It also will be insane for your troops to get from the 'mainland' to any of the bigger islands. You'll have to ferry over, unless you magically manage to get troop transports through all his coastal defenses.

Obviously there are no lubeckian soldiers on the islands because Franz didn't specifically name the exact islands with the precise numbers of all soldiers on them.

Also, obviously all of Franz' soldiers are only in the north because he has no allies in the north and so many friendly nations in the south.

Obviously, Merger can just Blitzkrieg into Denmark while ignoring all defenses that Franz has, which would be able to shoot at Merger's men despite communications disruptions et cetera.

Stealth technology.

Mergr is sending stealth planes and fighters. Good for him. Each costs 700 million to 2.5 billion. The B2 bomber costs 2 billion, roughly.

Stealth planes are also easily detected with modern systems, which Franz certainly has. One may want to read up on this by looking at

this here .pdf file.

I could probably find other inconsistencies and mistakes, too, but I'm too lazy and am going to play Rome: Total War now. :V

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Yes, but they should be distributed among the border. Merger however focused almost all of his troops on just the attacking spot. This should result in an overwhelming local superiority. Lübeck has to pull back his troops from the rest of the border with me to fight him - he is locally outnumbered by far at first in the battle section.

That being said, I agree with everything else you've said.

Martens, its that the "Pivotal battle" is already being fought. Merger missed all those OTHER battles that have to lead up to make the finally battle "pivotal". This just looks like a bad attempt not to lose without getting anything at all. He might lose a battle before he makes even a single yard of gains, but he just white washed over all of that. Maybe I should send one soldier, and RP him taking over the entirety of Europe though a few comments of "Through hard fighting the exhausted single soldier has occupied the last capital of Europe".

You Can't just skip all the other battles in a war and decide which one YOU want. That's not fighting a war. Pivotal battles can be far away from important places, and can change the courses of world history. God Moding over any other potential for battle is just poor RP and lack of warfare knowledge.

If someone pulled that stunt in an invasion of Dranagg they would shortly find the reply of "And their entire army drove into their dooms in a giant Crevasse". Something Franz should RP if he acknowledged this shenanigans. Encircling and utterly destroying Merger like the Russians did to the 6th army. After all, since not a single battle apparently even caused a major wound on Merger's side, then obviously Franz must be in tip top shape to.

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Martens, its that the "Pivotal battle" is already being fought. Merger missed all those OTHER battles that have to lead up to make the finally battle "pivotal". This just looks like a bad attempt not to lose without getting anything at all. He might lose a battle before he makes even a single yard of gains, but he just white washed over all of that. Maybe I should send one soldier, and RP him taking over the entirety of Europe though a few comments of "Through hard fighting the exhausted single soldier has occupied the last capital of Europe".

You Can't just skip all the other battles in a war and decide which one YOU want. That's not fighting a war. Pivotal battles can be far away from important places, and can change the courses of world history. God Moding over any other potential for battle is just poor RP and lack of warfare knowledge.

If someone pulled that stunt in an invasion of Dranagg they would shortly find the reply of "And their entire army drove into their dooms in a giant Crevasse". Something Franz should RP if he acknowledged this shenanigans. Encircling and utterly destroying Merger like the Russians did to the 6th army. After all, since not a single battle apparently even caused a major wound on Merger's side, then obviously Franz must be in tip top shape to.

I agree completely. In my HoI2 games, usually the battles that break the "spine" of my enemy's army is far from anywhere important. For example, in my game as Italy, it was about halfway down Africa where there wasn't a single city within a month-long march. I think the one that beat the USSR as Germany was when I broke through Kiev, forcing a good 12 divisions to surrender, but that is one of the rare exceptions.

Godmodding is just the sign of bad RPing and no real knowledge on how combat works.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Godmodding is just the sign of bad RPing and no real knowledge on how combat works.

You just reminded me of something, why not have a basic military combat thread on showing RPers who know nothing about RPing battles to how to and avoid potential god mods?

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You just reminded me of something, why not have a basic military combat thread on showing RPers who know nothing about RPing battles to how to and avoid potential god mods?

Not a bad idea, that--a non-canon demonstration war would be ideal. With tips and hints, of course...

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I'd be up for being the person who writes the "WTF GODMODDING" part.

Here is what I am thinking:

Someone writes three versions of the battles. One is realistic and not violating any rules, another one that is harder to find the violation, and the third one as a outrageously filled with rule violations.


We take examples of RPed battle posts, slap them in the "How to RP battles" thread, and to show what to do and what not to do, while highlighting rule violations.

Edited by HHAYD
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