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Meanwhile, the HRE chills in the European Peace it made through superior firepower.

Well I for one I am incredibly glad to not have made nuke wielding enemies. :D

Also quite glad I got turned down for Greece. Way to hectic, besides you all seem desperate to tear chunks out of each other.

Though I wonder, for all the missiles being chucked all over the place, is anyone actually trying to actually sending in the troops?

Edited by Karnee
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Well I for one I am incredibly glad to not have made nuke wielding enemies. :D

Also quite glad I got turned down for Greece. Way to hectic, besides you all seem desperate to tear chunks out of each other.

Though I wonder, for all the missiles being chucked all over the place, is anyone actually trying to actually sending in the troops?

As far as I can tell...no.

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As far as I can tell...no.

So...From my perspective, you are all currently exchanging the equivalent of hot words. Yes you can argue that the use of Nukes is a little more substantial, but so far when someone's country gets bombed, it is reported in the new at the most but no other action is taken except a return volley of your own missiles.

This reminds me almost of the cold war, the difference is that you have all fired at each other except that is all you do with no particular gain or losses.

Edited by Karnee
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Well I for one I am incredibly glad to not have made nuke wielding enemies. :D

Also quite glad I got turned down for Greece. Way to hectic, besides you all seem desperate to tear chunks out of each other.

Though I wonder, for all the missiles being chucked all over the place, is anyone actually trying to actually sending in the troops?

Actually that would be phase 2 when the radiation fades.

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Actually it was me.

yeah, I re-read the thread. See my edit. ;)

I think the closest we've gotten to the Cold War was probably the tensions between the Nordic Confederacy and ComIntern after the Slavorussian War.

But then again, my RP knowledge is shaky, and I haven't witnessed all of CNRP's events.

No, you're correct. That was the closest to a real Cold War.

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