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How about we just don't do space warfare? :P

No international space laws?

The most you can do is throw missiles at each other, and even missiles wouldn't be very efficient since there are no satellites orbiting Mars to guide the missiles to the target. Deploying soldiers with special climate body suits is extremely expensive, perhaps even more than the missiles.

The most our max amount of tech level allowed is equip space shuttles with missile launchers or basic laser weapons. Even that is pushing it since it would require much more engine thrust to lift the extra weight off Earth and drag a massive solar panels or batteries.

A ship with massive solar panels is very vulnerable, since enemy ships can simply throw a high explosive missile at those solar panels and boom, bye bye to the power source required needed to fuel the laser weapons.

Its actually very plausible to have a laser weapon on it; the "flying laser cannon" shoots a beam that disables missiles. It does not overkill and utterly destroy the target. It just aims at an essential part of the target and disables it (i.e. the engine of a car). The most powerful version is indeed heavy unfortunately, but a lighter and less powerful version could possibly be made. However, with this information and the information below combined, unless there are only one to two targets before the shuttle/spacecraft is sent back then it is not worth it. Missiles are the way to go! Unless the enemy has a laser, then your doomed.

Get your laser facts right! For that kind of intensity, they need special chemicals for the laser-cannon to function, not to mention requiring specialized personnel and equipment to replace the laser "fuel". There is a battery still, but the laser needs more than electricity for that kind of a beam. Thus aircraft that have the laser will need to return to homeland/high tech base for rearming the laser.

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Actually we tend to regulate ourselves on this one.

I remember at the height of the Cold War and the developing of a Nordic Space Program, all parties(Nords, Commies and Neutrals) signed a pact prohibiting space warfare so even if it was allowed I don't see it happening to many risks for the party firing too.

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With all these treks to Mars, wouldn't that make its local denizen's a bit nervous? :P

I propose a sort of.... community activity.... non-canon of course, but based on it, like CNRP[H], where martians, a la War of the Worlds (take your pic at which one) or those Harry Turtledove books in that World War series invade Bob...

I envision it to be somewhat like what happened against the 'Nords', only this time, we are fighting an imaginary enemy, not ourselves B)

People involved could RP the individual events in their nations, while contributing to the larger-scope of the conflict, like that History of CNRP thread we have going.

I think this would be a great way for people to have that much loved 'interaction' amongst others, while keeping it clean and mostly arguement free, and possibly show off our military strategy/tech RPing skills.

Any takers? Feedback pl0x

Edited by Executive Minister
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Since spaceships would already have enough shielding to block all the cosmic rays, neutron bombs will have no effect. Please don't ignore basic science.

Neutron bombs are still more powerful than conventional weapons and still emit a massive amount of heat. A bit of paint can $%&@ up a spaceship, try putting a damn bomb next to it.

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With all these treks to Mars, wouldn't that make its local denizen's a bit nervous? :P

I propose a sort of.... community activity.... non-canon of course, but based on it, like CNRP[H], where martians, a la War of the Worlds (take your pic at which one) or those Harry Turtledove books in that World War series invade Bob...

I envision it to be somewhat like what happened against the 'Nords', only this time, we are fighting an imaginary enemy, not ourselves B)

People involved could RP the individual events in their nations, while contributing to the larger-scope of the conflict, like that History of CNRP thread we have going.

I think this would be a great way for people to have that much loved 'interaction' amongst others, while keeping it clean and mostly arguement free, and possibly show off our military strategy/tech RPing skills.

Any takers? Feedback pl0x

God yes you can count me in.

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With all these treks to Mars, wouldn't that make its local denizen's a bit nervous? :P

I propose a sort of.... community activity.... non-canon of course, but based on it, like CNRP[H], where martians, a la War of the Worlds (take your pic at which one) or those Harry Turtledove books in that World War series invade Bob...

I envision it to be somewhat like what happened against the 'Nords', only this time, we are fighting an imaginary enemy, not ourselves B)

People involved could RP the individual events in their nations, while contributing to the larger-scope of the conflict, like that History of CNRP thread we have going.

I think this would be a great way for people to have that much loved 'interaction' amongst others, while keeping it clean and mostly arguement free, and possibly show off our military strategy/tech RPing skills.

Any takers? Feedback pl0x

God yes you can count me in.

Hmm...sounds like an interesting idea...count me in.

Bomb > Cosmic ray

I dunno about that...are you counting solar flares in that statement?

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Neutron bombs are still more powerful than conventional weapons and still emit a massive amount of heat. A bit of paint can $%&@ up a spaceship, try putting a damn bomb next to it.

Outside of earth's protective magnetic field, space ships need to be extremely resistant to heat and radiation. Unless you hit it directly with the bomb you're not going to do very much to it.

It would be like throwing a water balloon at a submarine while its in the ocean.

However a neutron bomb would royally screw any ship that was designed to rely on the earth's magnetic field. Satellites, space stations, basically anything that has "orbit earth" in its design plans.

Bomb > Cosmic ray

I'll quote Wikipedia for this one.

The variety of particle energies reflects the wide variety of sources. The origins of these particles range from energetic processes on the Sun all the way to as yet unknown events in the farthest reaches of the visible universe. Cosmic rays can have energies of over 1020 eV, far higher than the 1012 to 1013 eV that man-made particle accelerators can produce. (See Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays for a description of the detection of a single particle with an energy of about 50 J, the same as a well-hit tennis ball at 42 m/s [about 94 mph].) There has been interest in investigating cosmic rays of even greater energies

So, one tiny particle, had the same energy as a Tennis ball smacked by a pro player. And there would be trillions of particles in a ray :v:

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Outside of earth's protective magnetic field, space ships need to be extremely resistant to heat and radiation. Unless you hit it directly with the bomb you're not going to do very much to it.

It would be like throwing a water balloon at a submarine while its in the ocean.

However a neutron bomb would royally screw any ship that was designed to rely on the earth's magnetic field. Satellites, space stations, basically anything that has "orbit earth" in its design plans.

Also, if you're doing it for the EMP effect...forget about it. Nuclear weapons detonated in vacuum produce very, VERY little EMP effects.

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Neutron bombs are still more powerful than conventional weapons and still emit a massive amount of heat. A bit of paint can $%&@ up a spaceship, try putting a damn bomb next to it.

You specifically said in your original post that neutron bombs would be used to kill the people inside the ships by radication. My statement still stands.

Bomb > Cosmic ray

Neutrons from neutron bombs has a power of 14.3 MeV (Mega-electron volt, 10^6), which is not even close to the 100 EeV (exa-electron volt, 10^18) of cosmic rays.

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Also, if you're doing it for the EMP effect...forget about it. Nuclear weapons detonated in vacuum produce very, VERY little EMP effects.

That is not true. Any nuclear weapon detonated in vacuum or empty space would be the ultimate EMP weapon because there is no matter for transforming its energy into heat. All of its energy would be expended as electromagnetic waves of higher frequency, effectively an EMP.

This is why nukes detonated in space are the classical EMP weapons.

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That is not true. Any nuclear weapon detonated in vacuum or empty space would be the ultimate EMP weapon because there is no matter for transforming its energy into heat. All of its energy would be expended as electromagnetic waves of higher frequency, effectively an EMP.

This is why nukes detonated in space are the classical EMP weapons.

They require earth's magnetic field to actually turn it's energy into the gamma rays. There is another bomb that can generate EMP without earth's magnetic field, I will look it up later today.

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The problem with a EMP nuke in space, is you bone everything else for a HUGE area. Meaning you get your target, yourself, half the other people that happen to be around, and the moon while you're at it.

The problem with an EMP nuke in space is that NUKES IN SPACE DON'T MAKE VERY MUCH EMP.

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The problem with an EMP nuke in space is that NUKES IN SPACE DON'T MAKE VERY MUCH EMP.

I direct your attention to the following quotes.

The term electromagnetic pulse (sometimes abbreviated EMP) has the following meanings:

A burst of electromagnetic radiation from an explosion (especially a nuclear explosion) or a suddenly fluctuating magnetic field. The resulting electric and magnetic fields may couple with electrical/electronic systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges.

A broadband, high-intensity, short-duration burst of electromagnetic energy.

Electromagnetic radiation (often abbreviated E-M radiation or EMR) is a ubiquitous phenomenon that takes the form of self-propagating waves in a vacuum or in matter.

Vacuum would be space. Starfish Prime was a Space test detonation at 250 miles above the surface of the earth. All a vacuum means is there is less stuff to get in the way of that energy.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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I direct your attention to the following quotes.

Vacuum would be space. Starfish Prime was a Space test detonation at 250 miles above the surface of the earth. All a vacuum means is there is less stuff to get in the way of that energy.

I direct you to the website that I posted several pages ago. (It answers all the questions people are asking!)


These are designed to create strong electro-magnetic pulses designed to fry electronics and electrical equipment. Many e-bomb designs are not nuclear, they use a conventional high-explosive charge in an armature to generate the pulse. These tend to be short range, on the order of hundreds of meters, and they do obey the inverse square law. The defense is enclosing all electrical devices in Faraday cages. It is amusing to note that vacuum tube technology is much less vulnerable to EMP than are transistors.


A nuke going off in deep space will not generate HEMP.

I also have it on authority (my dad who works in the aerospace industry) that many spacecraft use vacuum-tube based electronics and such. though I will double check that I am remembering correctly when I get home. EMP's are effectively worthless against modern spacecraft. Just use a missile.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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You forgot the

Please be aware, however, if a nuke over Iowa generates a HEMP event, the EMP will travel through the airless vacuum of space just fine and fry any spacecraft that are too close.

Secondly, EMP can also be generated in airless space by an e-Bomb, which uses chemical explosives and an armature. No magnetic field nor atmosphere required. This is called a Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP). As with all EMPs, once generated they will travel through space and kill spacecraft.

More importantly, you forgot that Project RHO is run by Winchell Chung. What are his credentials?

Winchell D. Chung Jr.'s (aka Nyrath the nearly wise) 15 minutes of fame came back in 1975, when he did the illustration for a boardgame about robot tanks, called Ogre. He has often brooded about wasting his moment in the limelight while still in high school.

What a brilliant man. The site is dedicated to science fiction authors and game designers, written by someone who was famous for drawing some tanks on a board game thirty-four years ago.

Edited by Sargun
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Are we going to have interstellar war in CNRP now?

Deep space means you're leaving the Earth/moon area of space.

Are we going to need a map of mars and the millions of space miles in between so we can make EEZs around every rock larger than a baseball between the Earth and Mars? Or a Mars Map so we can carve up stuff on the red planet?

Edit: actually, a quick check, shows that "deep space" is anything outside the SOLAR system. Meaning the solar wind, and sun's own magnetic field itself, lends to helping EMPs.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Are we going to have interstellar war in CNRP now?

Deep space means you're leaving the Earth/moon area of space.

Are we going to need a map of mars and the millions of space miles in between so we can make EEZs around every rock larger than a baseball between the Earth and Mars? Or a Mars Map so we can carve up stuff on the red planet?


Interstellar war would be fun, even though no nation in CNRP can properly pull it off. :v:

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