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"might work" means it'll work but we're too far into a buggery session with this recession we don't feel like funding it.

More importantly, and this trumps all of your arguments no matter how much you whine, !@#$%*, scream and act like a little child:

He has it in-game.

"Might work"

might 2 (mt)

aux.v. Past tense of may


a. Used to indicate a condition or state contrary to fact: She might help if she knew the truth.

b. Used to indicate a possibility or probability that is weaker than may: We might discover a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

See 1 b.

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"might work" means it'll work but we're too far into a buggery session with this recession we don't feel like funding it.

More importantly, and this trumps all of your arguments no matter how much you whine, !@#$%*, scream and act like a little child:

He has it in-game.

I have nukes ingame and yet I am not being allowed to have stupidly high megaton warheads even though there is nothing really stopping me as I have nukes in game.

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And if I call you a !@#$% I'm not calling you a jet of water, Lynneth. Dictionary definitions don't mean a thing.

Dictionary definitions mean the proper use of a word. If you think that "might" says "it will work, it just doesn't because we're in a recession", and everybody else thinks it means [see dictionary definition], then you're wrong. Not the others.

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I have nukes ingame and yet I am not being allowed to have stupidly high megaton warheads even though there is nothing really stopping me as I have nukes in game.

Are you trying to be an idiot? You have nukes in-game and there are rules that are in place specifically so that nobody can go "LOL 200 MEGATON NUKE". So, yes, there is something stopping you.

Dictionary definitions mean the proper use of a word. If you think that "might" says "it will work, it just doesn't because we're in a recession", and everybody else thinks it means [see dictionary definition], then you're wrong. Not the others.

No, it just means that the definition is wrong. Duh.

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Are you trying to be an idiot? You have nukes in-game and there are rules that are in place specifically so that nobody can go "LOL 200 MEGATON NUKE". So, yes, there is something stopping you.

No, it just means that the definition is wrong. Duh.

I see what you did there. <3

Bedtiem. Still not recognising Marsbases without proper RP, which should imo consist of 20+ quality posts.


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Funny, I could say the same about yours... :P

I am not voicing my opinion. I'm voicing the rules that A) He has it in-game so he has it in RP, and B) No matter if you recognize it or not, it still exists.

Tell me how either of those established rules are my opinion. Make it convincing.

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I am not voicing my opinion. I'm voicing the rules that A) He has it in-game so he has it in RP, and B) No matter if you recognize it or not, it still exists.

Tell me how either of those established rules are my opinion. Make it convincing.

Hmm...for someone who claims to be an expert on sarcasm...you don't seem to be able to recognize it in others. Is your sarcasometer broken? :P



Sargun is Nugras' Prophet.

All hail! :awesome:

Sorry, that ploy only works for ERP... B)

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Rail/coil guns- Energy expensive. Unless if your spaceship is dragging a multiple tons of solar panels or batteries, its going to deplete the power supply within a few shots.

Laser weapons- Also energy expensive.

Balletic weapons- The kickbacks from the shells/bullets/rounds will push the ship off course since there is very little gravity to hold the ships in place and air to serve as brakes. You will need a recoiler/damper, which might reduce the weapons' efficiency. Another option is stick rocket thrusters all over the ships and only activate them if the ship gets pushed too off course, but that would sharply increase the cost and fuel usage.

Missiles/rockets- Most efficient space weapon I see in modern technology.

Unless if the RPer does a good job of RPing the building of a Mars colony (not 5 posts, at least 25+) while sticking to RL modern technology and a realistic time line, then I'd say Mars colonization is a no-no. Space warfare shouldn't be banned, but it should be limited to very few space ships.

A single space shuttle or rocket cost multiple billion dollars. A space ship with armoring, weapons, defense systems, radar, and extra batteries/solar panels will cost much more! It would be much cheaper to simply throw missiles into the outer space from Earth/Moon/Mars or stick with ground/naval/air forces.

Edited by HHAYD
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Only thing I have an issue with in your post...blowing up the enemy creates shrapnel...bad idea if you want your own ship to remain intact.

Nuclear weapons are the most effective. More specifically, neutron bombs. Just kill the !@#$%*es that live in the ships.

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No, you're just bad at sarcasm.

So You say... :P

Nuclear weapons are the most effective. More specifically, neutron bombs. Just kill the !@#$%*es that live in the ships.

What if they're too close for that? :P

EDIT: I like your new avatar...

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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With enough RP and some RL basis, mars bases are alright with me.

Rail/coil guns- Energy expensive. Unless if your spaceship is dragging a multiple tons of solar panels or batteries, its going to deplete the power supply within a few shots.

Laser weapons- Also energy expensive.

Balletic weapons- The kickbacks from the shells/bullets/rounds will push the ship off course since there is very little gravity to hold the ships in place and air to serve as brakes. You will need a recoiler/damper, which might reduce the weapons' efficiency. Another option is stick rocket thrusters all over the ships and only activate them if the ship gets pushed too off course, but that would sharply increase the cost and fuel usage.

Missiles/rockets- Most efficient space weapon I see in modern technology.

Unless if the RPer does a good job of RPing the building of a Mars colony (not 5 posts, at least 25+) while sticking to RL modern technology and a realistic time line, then I'd say Mars colonization is a no-no. Space warfare shouldn't be banned, but it should be limited to very few space ships.

A single space shuttle or rocket cost multiple billion dollars. A space ship with armoring, weapons, defense systems, radar, and extra batteries/solar panels will cost much more! It would be much cheaper to simply throw missiles into the outer space from Earth/Moon/Mars or stick with ground/naval/air forces.

Although the laser weapons would be far more useful in space and more damaging (because there is no air hampering it), largely why laser weapons are near useless in ranged warfare on the ground. With the amount of money being pumped into it, the laser weapon would be a good addition; extremely long range, accurate, and either it or less powerful lasers could either destroy or disable missiles, rockets, nukes, etc.

To add to your post: And the ballistic weapons could stress-damage the hull without the right dampeners.

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For space weaponry:

Why not have guns/turrets that are mounted on the ends of jutting 'arms'. Each turret is mounted at the end by a rotating ball turret. Now, with respect to recoil, why not simply have a thruster built directly into the back of each weapon in line with it, but opposite facing and that is simply attached or is a part of the weapon housing, so that when it fires, no matter at what angle, there is always an equal force pushing against it, negating the recoil. Every time a shot is fired from a weapon, its thruster is engaged simultaneously (the gun's recoil could be a part of the process itself, think of a modified Gast gun, where the movement of the guns parts for shell replacing and ejection is created using the recoil of the fired shot, but instead of using the energy for arming and firing another gun like a Gast, have it fire the thruster) that has the exact same magnitude of force, in the opposite direction, causing the net force to be zero.

Always seemed like a no brainer to me.

Edited by Executive Minister
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For space weaponry:

Why not have guns/turrets that are mounted on the ends of jutting 'arms'. Each turret is mounted at the end by a rotating ball turret. Now, with respect to recoil, why not simply have a thruster built directly into the back of each weapon in line with it, but opposite facing and that is simply attached or is a part of the weapon housing, so that when it fires, no matter at what angle, there is always an equal force pushing against it, negating the recoil. Every time a shot is fired from a weapon, its thruster is engaged simultaneously (the gun's recoil could be a part of the process itself, think of a modified Gast gun, where the movement of the guns parts for shell replacing and ejection is created using the recoil of the fired shot, but instead of using the energy for arming and firing another gun like a Gast, have it fire the thruster) that has the exact same magnitude of force, in the opposite direction, causing the net force to be zero.

Always seemed like a no brainer to me.

Until you find yourself using twice the amount of fuel if only one side of your ship is firing. Running out of fuel in space is bad, very bad.

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